** Mar 23 Fri 11:49 ** Sumber: Joz YD1JZ
1. Your 40 meter cw signal was quite good this morning (March 22nd) around 11:30 Z into the East Coast of US near Washington DC. Only wire antennas here in very noisy suburban location but I am happy to say you guys are in my log. Thanks for the new IOTA.
-John N4QQ
** Mar 28 Wed 05:43 ** Sumber: WISNU YBØAZ JG1NCB
2. Congratulation to YB8Y success. I saw you posted several times and with different modes on DX Summit. I was glad to work you on 10 meters in the WPX and on another band before the contest. I never heard you on RTTY, although I did see RTTY posted. Well Done ORARI!!!
73, Jack-W4JS
** Mar 28 Wed 22:24 ** Sumber: Joz - YD1JZ
3. Hello, thanks for the fb IOTA DXpedition to OC-221.
It's been very good organized and I saw good operators
on all bands to handle the pile ups! Congratulations and THANK YOU! Still missed 1 QSO in the final log (made 9 contacts - tnx),
20m ssb, March 23, 1604 UTC. Found out some other around that time too. Please be so kind and check your log. Thank you in advance,
73 Mike DL5MX
** Mar 29 Thu 23:30 ** Sumber: Jo YCØLOW
4. Hi Jo: What a signal on 160. That was the second time I was able to work YB on Top Band from KS. Have heard YB on 160 only three times in 30 years. 73 N0XA Fred, Kansas
** Mar 29 Thu 23:37 ** Sumber: Jo YCØLOW
I was very delighted to make contact with the YB8Y dxped. It was a new country for me on both 160 and 80.
Congratulations for a fine DXped. It takes great expense and dedication to make all that happen.
I will continue to listen for you from your home qth as I would still be honored to work your station there.
73 for now
** Mar 29 Thu 23:47 ** Sumber: Jo YCØLOW
6. They are gone now, but was hearing them daily with up to 599 signals on top band and 80 meters, worked both YC0LOW/8 and YB8Y.
Not many calling them on top band, just a few JAs that I could hear.
So the antennas were working. At least to this QTH. Louder than any other YB that I have heard on.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
7. From the YB8Y website:
T The transmitting antenna is wire dipole hang on a coconut tree. The receiving antenna is a DHDL (TX3A's Double Half-Delta Loop). This band is lead and equipped by YC0LOW with an Elecraft K3 + Emtron DX3.
** Mar 29 Thu 23:51 ** Sumber: Jo YCØLOW
8. Hello Jo,
Many Thanks, I was sitting on 1822.5 and copied YB8Y calling CQ NA UP, I sent my call and almost fell out of my chair when you came right back. It was #250 for me on 160m. I had solid copy for over an hour. Thank you for giving North America a chance. I was not able to get over Japan, the day before.
Thank You , Dale N4NN
**Mar 30, 2012** Sumber: Jo YCØLOW.
Compliment dari Doc, K7SO. Aktivasi YB8Y diapresiasi AD5A, Direktur IREF. Simak juga saran2 lain dari Doc ttg IOTA (huruf tebal dari saya -Jo)
9. Hi Jo, I want to congratulate you and the team for your wonderful operation from YB8Y. You did a fantastic job and gave many a new IOTA and band country. I worked you on 80M but not 160. Top band condx here have been terrible. I wonder how the 9M0 operation will go and whether we will even hear them?
I just returned from the IOTA Bash in Texas. All were happy about the new island. I can tell you that Mike (AD5A, Director of IREF) was so pleased that I think you will have no trouble getting funding from IREF for future IOTA operations.
I have long been an YB hunter which started in the late 1980s by working all YB provinces. Many were on the 40M SSB net with YB8AX's help. Great fun! Since I lived on the W coast of the US, working YB was not too difficult so I have worked most of the IOTA operations but missed two: OC-157 Banda Isl. and OC-122 an early Tambelan Isl. operation by YB5NOC. However most YB islands are still vy rare to USA with 15% or less having worked them. So all would be good to repeat.
And you have 6 new unactivated YB island groups. I remember talk in the distant past about someone going to Wetar, to Gorong and to Lucipara but they never happened. I think OC-275 and OC-276 might be more difficult because of their location? Many good opportunities for you.
Please talk to AD5A at IREF when you have a plan for a new one
Meanwhile I will watch 160m for an opening but am not too hopeful. Pass on an of this info to your YB8Y group leaders etc.
best and 73, Doc K7SO
**Mar 24, 2012** Sumber: Jo, YC0LOW
Jo, Thank you so much for taking the time to try to work the East coast guys their SR today. Even though many were not able to make it through, they knew that you were being one of the GREAT 160 operators and offering them every chance to make the QSO. Well done! Congratulations for the great work and I hope you are having fun. Again thank you!
**Mar 28, 2012** Sumber: Jo, YC0LOW
1 HI Jo. Congratulations for your dedication on YB8Y operation. I understand the hard work and expenses to put a station up .
I was not able to hear you well when Dale worked you near your sunrise but I had a good copy after W4ZV stopped calling you near my sunrise, the QSB was deep and very fast., Very hard to copy with some moderated QRN from a weather system moving.
I heard my call Q5 around 11:19z and thought you got my report and I stop calling , I recorded the signal for 10 minutes more but I did call because there were others US calling. The peak was short and lasted 5 min.
I was happy to be very close to a QSO, I see that I’m not in the log, and it means I have more to work to do and lots of things improve on my station.
My question for you is how much did you copy from my signal?
I would like to know because I may need to work on some improvement on the TX side, I know that I need to find another 2 or 3 dB signal noise on my RX system. But I have some concerns the I have some problem with my vertical radial system, after 12 years the radials may be damaged, it is buried 6 inches and I may need to dig to find out if they are already there. It looks like it is not performing as it used to do
I hope I can work you next season, It is very nice to know you are a very dedicated top band operator and one day we will nail a good QSO.
Regards - Jose Carlos, N4IS