Lagi tentang antena RX loop.
RX antena jenis loop ala N6RK yang saya letakan jauh dari antena TX semalam (WIB) lagi memperlihatkan kinerjanya yang baik. Saya bisa mendengar sinyal dari BU2 dan DX1 --juga RW9-- dengan jelas padahal selama ini, amat sulit memantau mereka karena tingginya tingkat derau (noise level). Semalam noise level adalah S9+
Sekarang, jaraknya dari rumah sekitar 50 meter. Terhubung dengan coax tipe RG-58, 50 Ohm sepanjang 135 meter. Tinggi base feedpoint adalah 1,5 meter DPT. (lihat Gbr 1, di bawah)
Gbr 1. Antena RX loop dari jauh. Latar belakang adalah Jalan Cinere Raya, 50 meter dari Polsek Limo. Terlihat kabel litrik PLN tegangan menengah yang deraunya telah TNO (technically nulled-out, bukan TKO, knock-out) dengan loop. Kapling tsb bukan milik saya. Tapi, dalam memanfaatkannya, saya juga tidak memiliki HGB-nya :-)
Pada 100 meter pertama, saya sisipkan sebuah RF Choke dengan coax RG-174, 50 Ohm, yang digulung sekitar 25 lilit pada toroid Amidon FT-50-J. Untuk lebih amannya, saya buat ground lead dihubungkan ke pipa logam panjang 2 meter ditanam di selokan agar pentanahannya sempurna (lihat Gbr 2 di bawah)
Gbr.2 Tidak terlalu sulit untuk membuat dan menggulung sendiri sebuah RF Choke. Yang sulit adalah menemukan material toroid yang tepat dan sesuai di Jakarta
Untuk mencapai hamshack di lantai dua rumah, ujung coax yang satu lagi harus berdiri tegak sekitar 3 meter dan masuk lewat jendela. Menjelang lubang tsb, saya buat sebuah coax choke dari feederline tsb. Panjangnya 7,5 meter digulung pada pipa pralon berdiameter 4 cm (lihat Gbr 3 di bawah)
Gbr 3. Pada gambar terlihat hardline coax Andrew yang saya gunakan sebagai feederline untuk transmisi. Juga ada beberapa utas kabel coax 50 dan 75 Ohm instalasi lama untuk antena penerima lainnya yang beberapa tahun lalu pernah saya coba buat (seperti Pennant/Flag, EWE dan Beverage) untuk 160m
Demikian sekelumit instalasi antena RX loop yang saya gunakan untuk band 80m/160m. Semoga bermanfaat.
Kronik adalah laporan kronologis tentang kegiatan/peristiwa tertentu. Simak ihwal Top Band (160m) yang sejak 1977 muncul di milis: YBNet-L s/d Orari-News. Karena geografi Indonesia, bekerja DX pada band ini tak semudah pada band-band lain. Namun, akan elok bila ada yang masih mau mencoba karena ada peluang - dan alokasi Medium Frequency dari pemerintah Indonesia tak sia-sia! Saya tunggu Anda pada band 160m. Jangan ragu untuk memberi komentar. Tnx es 73 de Jo, YC0LOW
20 Februari 2010
18 Februari 2010
SWR pada Antena RX Loop ala N6RK
Saya pernah sampaikan di milis Antennamania petunjuk singkat untuk mengukur SWR antena RX Loop N6RK. Petunjuk itu saya dapatkan dari Rick, N6RK, sendiri. Nilai perbandingan SWR saya adalah 1:1,2.
Di bawah ini korespondensi e-mail kami, sbb:
>>>Jo: I tried to measure the SWR value of the antenna with MFJ-259B. But, the needle of SWR display pointed to the extreme right when set to 1800 KHz. Please inform me on how to get good indication(s) for the antenna to perform well.
>>>Rick: You need to adjust the varactor tuning voltage to tune it to 1800 kHz first. I get a 1.1:1 SWR with my MFJ-259B.
Saya ingin juga mengingatkan bahwa bila kita sudah main antena RX, maka ada problem lain yang akan muncul, yaitu common-mode-noise yang biasanya 'numpang' di outer shield feedline coax antena RX ke transceiver sehingga tingkat derau masih terasa kuat terdengar dengan antena itu. Polarisasi antena RX juga akan terpengaruh.
Bila ini terjadi, usahakan membuat feedline RF Choke (RFC) atau memutus aliran unwanted-RF noise dengan lilitan coax 50/75 Ohm ke toroid (FT-50-J) yang disalurkan ke ground dengan batang logam pada titik terjauh dan titik terdekat dari receiver. Pada RX coax loop N6RK tidak perlu pakai preamp.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi sukarelawan noise-fighters. Siapa suruh main-main dengan jin derau (tidak terlihat tapi ada 'kan?).
73 de Jo, YC0LOW.
klik juga
http://topbanddxdiindonesia. loop-siapkah.html
http://topbanddxdiindonesia. loop-untuk-rx-ala-n6rk- desember.html
Di bawah ini korespondensi e-mail kami, sbb:
>>>Jo: I tried to measure the SWR value of the antenna with MFJ-259B. But, the needle of SWR display pointed to the extreme right when set to 1800 KHz. Please inform me on how to get good indication(s) for the antenna to perform well.
>>>Rick: You need to adjust the varactor tuning voltage to tune it to 1800 kHz first. I get a 1.1:1 SWR with my MFJ-259B.
Saya ingin juga mengingatkan bahwa bila kita sudah main antena RX, maka ada problem lain yang akan muncul, yaitu common-mode-noise yang biasanya 'numpang' di outer shield feedline coax antena RX ke transceiver sehingga tingkat derau masih terasa kuat terdengar dengan antena itu. Polarisasi antena RX juga akan terpengaruh.
Bila ini terjadi, usahakan membuat feedline RF Choke (RFC) atau memutus aliran unwanted-RF noise dengan lilitan coax 50/75 Ohm ke toroid (FT-50-J) yang disalurkan ke ground dengan batang logam pada titik terjauh dan titik terdekat dari receiver. Pada RX coax loop N6RK tidak perlu pakai preamp.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi sukarelawan noise-fighters. Siapa suruh main-main dengan jin derau (tidak terlihat tapi ada 'kan?).
73 de Jo, YC0LOW.
klik juga
16 Februari 2010
Peralatan untuk Audit Derau
Pada posting terdahulu, saya sudah menyebutkan untuk melakukan audit derau agar bisa tahu tingkat derau (noise level) di sekitar QTH. Caranya tidak sulit.
Bila radio penerima di mobil anda memiliki band MW, maka nyalakan dan cobalah setel ke mode AM dan pada frekwensi tertingginya, misal 1600 kHz.
Kelilingi kawasan tsb dengan mobil Anda secara perlahan-lahan. Baik dilakukan saat malam hari ketika semua lampu penerangan rumah-rumah dan penerangan jalan umum (PJU) dinyalakan.
Dengan mudah Anda akan menemukan titik yang deraunya paling kuat yang dihasilkan oleh instalasi kabel/trafo PLN. Penyebabnya terutama: insulator yang bocor, koneksi yang kendur, pentanahan (ground) yang berkarat/tidak sempurna, Bila sudah ditemukan, maka Anda dapat merincinya dengan berjalan kaki membawa alat MFJ-852 (lihat gambar di bawah)
Dengan cara sederhana dan MFJ-825 yang lengkap (misalnya antena yang teleskopis) maka kita bisa cepat menemukan sumber derau lainnya, seperti pagar berlistrik, dimmer lampu, neon sign, switching PSU yang ngebrom dll.
Pada alat ini, tersedia colokan untuk headphone yang bisa juga kita hubungkan ke alat perekam. Rekaman suara derau kabel listrik yang kita temukan tadi kita kirim ke PLN terdekat. Biar mereka ikut-ikutan menjadi noise-fighter yang bertanggungjawab.
Tapi, omong-omong, apakah memang ada perlindungan bagi konsumen PLN terhadap gangguan derau pada instalasi kabel/trafo mereka di pinggir jalan? Apakah ada pegawai PLN yang juga anggota Orari yang bisa memberi pencerahan?
Tnx es 73 de Jo, YC0LOW
Bila radio penerima di mobil anda memiliki band MW, maka nyalakan dan cobalah setel ke mode AM dan pada frekwensi tertingginya, misal 1600 kHz.
Kelilingi kawasan tsb dengan mobil Anda secara perlahan-lahan. Baik dilakukan saat malam hari ketika semua lampu penerangan rumah-rumah dan penerangan jalan umum (PJU) dinyalakan.
Dengan mudah Anda akan menemukan titik yang deraunya paling kuat yang dihasilkan oleh instalasi kabel/trafo PLN. Penyebabnya terutama: insulator yang bocor, koneksi yang kendur, pentanahan (ground) yang berkarat/tidak sempurna, Bila sudah ditemukan, maka Anda dapat merincinya dengan berjalan kaki membawa alat MFJ-852 (lihat gambar di bawah)
Dengan cara sederhana dan MFJ-825 yang lengkap (misalnya antena yang teleskopis) maka kita bisa cepat menemukan sumber derau lainnya, seperti pagar berlistrik, dimmer lampu, neon sign, switching PSU yang ngebrom dll.
Pada alat ini, tersedia colokan untuk headphone yang bisa juga kita hubungkan ke alat perekam. Rekaman suara derau kabel listrik yang kita temukan tadi kita kirim ke PLN terdekat. Biar mereka ikut-ikutan menjadi noise-fighter yang bertanggungjawab.
Tapi, omong-omong, apakah memang ada perlindungan bagi konsumen PLN terhadap gangguan derau pada instalasi kabel/trafo mereka di pinggir jalan? Apakah ada pegawai PLN yang juga anggota Orari yang bisa memberi pencerahan?
Tnx es 73 de Jo, YC0LOW
15 Februari 2010
Pesan-pesan Chat dengan W5IZ, K7SO dan K6XT, 14 Februari 2009 (Z)
Di bawah ini adalah pertukaran pesan-pesan pada ON4KST Chat-line, 14 Februari 2010, saat sinyal YC0LOW menembus ke Texas, New Mexico dan Colorado.
Urutan pesan di mulai dari baris terbawah.
13:50:07 K7SO Doc Amazing Jo. Good prop today.
13:49:32 YC0LOW Jo In fact it's only 100W. I left my second unit with linear amp at workplace
13:48:29 K7SO Doc Jo--many tnx QSO. Best sig I have hrd from u and my Bev works!
13:48:12 YC0LOW Jo Art, yes I am
13:47:59 K7SO Doc Art-he is 559 hr
13:47:53 YC0LOW Jo Dan, band is quieter tody. We'll try next days
13:47:48 K7SO Doc Dan, This is the first time I have hrd him. He is steady 559 now.
13:47:42 W7LR Robert same hr dan, only esp if that
13:47:33 K6XT Art Jo you still on 14?
13:46:54 W5XZ dan good work doc..only a dream here..
13:46:25 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Doc
13:45:30 K7SO Doc Good Jo. You were peaking 559
13:44:51 W7LR Robert listening Peter
13:42:48 XU7ACY Peter cq'n 1811.5
13:41:46 W5IZ Al For 100 watts FB dx Jo. 73
13:41:26 YC0LOW Jo please call Doc
13:41:11 YC0LOW Jo Doc, I have restriction from neighbour. Will look for another RX antena solutions
13:40:10 K7SO Doc I hr you ok on the Bev Jo!
13:38:54 K7SO Doc Ok, will keep lsng. My SR is 1400. Put up a short Bev. in your direction. It may help
13:37:58 YC0LOW Jo GM Doc, as usual 1814. But pse listen hard, I am with 100W to a short vertical
13:37:16 YC0LOW Jo Just checked my WAS. Texas on TB #29 was from YOU Al. TNX
13:37:14 K7SO Doc GM Jo. What freq are you on now?
13:34:57 YC0LOW Jo Likewise, I am also glad to qso. Are u in Texas, Al?
13:34:17 YC0LOW Jo sri Al, couldn't decipher the complete call. next time
13:33:50 W5IZ Al Thanks for all your fb efforts Jo. You made my Chinese New Year!!
13:32:47 W5IZ Al Jo was w5jkb, my xyl...but alas now past sr peak
13:31:59 YC0LOW Jo aha, that's the one I'd like to have
13:31:39 W5IZ Al 4 square Jo
13:31:11 W5IZ Al FB #2 was qsx 11.5 and tuned across Jo by chance...nw dan
13:31:10 YC0LOW Jo another W5 is clg me
13:30:52 YC0LOW Jo Glad to make it with you, Al. You have good rx antenna.
13:30:27 W5XZ dan al, was jo best to nw or sw ?
13:29:54 W5IZ Al Yes...thanks Jo
13:25:06 YC0LOW Jo (W5IZ) Al, were you at ur peak SR when sending me RST?
13:23:55 K5RK Larry #2 Al, who was the second Q? Big noise in that direction from here.
13:20:59 W5XZ dan just a whisper here, al..
13:20:31 K5RK Larry #2 Congrats Al !
13:20:12 YC0LOW Jo I was using only 100 W
13:19:57 YC0LOW Jo Finally Al, Tnx Q
13:17:20 YC0LOW Jo yes Al, try agn
13:16:35 W5IZ Al (YCOLOW) 14 Jo?
Robert, W7LR |
13:50:07 K7SO Doc Amazing Jo. Good prop today.
13:49:32 YC0LOW Jo In fact it's only 100W. I left my second unit with linear amp at workplace
13:48:29 K7SO Doc Jo--many tnx QSO. Best sig I have hrd from u and my Bev works!
13:48:12 YC0LOW Jo Art, yes I am
Robert W7LR dikenal memiliki vertikal sebagai antena TX |
13:47:59 K7SO Doc Art-he is 559 hr
13:47:53 YC0LOW Jo Dan, band is quieter tody. We'll try next days
13:47:48 K7SO Doc Dan, This is the first time I have hrd him. He is steady 559 now.
13:47:42 W7LR Robert same hr dan, only esp if that
13:47:33 K6XT Art Jo you still on 14?
13:46:54 W5XZ dan good work doc..only a dream here..
13:46:25 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Doc
13:45:30 K7SO Doc Good Jo. You were peaking 559
13:44:51 W7LR Robert listening Peter
13:42:48 XU7ACY Peter cq'n 1811.5
13:41:46 W5IZ Al For 100 watts FB dx Jo. 73
13:41:26 YC0LOW Jo please call Doc
13:41:11 YC0LOW Jo Doc, I have restriction from neighbour. Will look for another RX antena solutions
13:40:10 K7SO Doc I hr you ok on the Bev Jo!
13:38:54 K7SO Doc Ok, will keep lsng. My SR is 1400. Put up a short Bev. in your direction. It may help
13:37:58 YC0LOW Jo GM Doc, as usual 1814. But pse listen hard, I am with 100W to a short vertical
13:37:16 YC0LOW Jo Just checked my WAS. Texas on TB #29 was from YOU Al. TNX
13:37:14 K7SO Doc GM Jo. What freq are you on now?
13:34:57 YC0LOW Jo Likewise, I am also glad to qso. Are u in Texas, Al?
13:34:17 YC0LOW Jo sri Al, couldn't decipher the complete call. next time
13:33:50 W5IZ Al Thanks for all your fb efforts Jo. You made my Chinese New Year!!
13:32:47 W5IZ Al Jo was w5jkb, my xyl...but alas now past sr peak
13:31:59 YC0LOW Jo aha, that's the one I'd like to have
13:31:39 W5IZ Al 4 square Jo
13:31:11 W5IZ Al FB #2 was qsx 11.5 and tuned across Jo by chance...nw dan
13:31:10 YC0LOW Jo another W5 is clg me
13:30:52 YC0LOW Jo Glad to make it with you, Al. You have good rx antenna.
13:30:27 W5XZ dan al, was jo best to nw or sw ?
13:29:54 W5IZ Al Yes...thanks Jo
13:25:06 YC0LOW Jo (W5IZ) Al, were you at ur peak SR when sending me RST?
13:23:55 K5RK Larry #2 Al, who was the second Q? Big noise in that direction from here.
13:20:59 W5XZ dan just a whisper here, al..
13:20:31 K5RK Larry #2 Congrats Al !
13:20:12 YC0LOW Jo I was using only 100 W
13:19:57 YC0LOW Jo Finally Al, Tnx Q
13:17:20 YC0LOW Jo yes Al, try agn
13:16:35 W5IZ Al (YCOLOW) 14 Jo?
14 Februari 2010
Tiga Negara Bagian AS pada Topband, 14 Februari 2010
Seminggu lamanya saya jadi commuter (pelalu-lalang) antara Cinere dan Cirendeu, utamanya di saat SR (dinihari WIB) untuk menjajal antena Delta Loop 160m. Panggilan yang spesifik NA atau SA dipancarkan. Antena tsb telah mengantar sinyal saya ke sana, tapi tidak semua yang mendengar panggilan saya bisa di-copy.
Saking penasarannya, Sabtu sore (WIB) saya menginap di kantor sampai Minggu subuh, untuk terus menjajal antena tsb. Sialnya, propagasi sangat buruk.
Laporan terakhir datang dari Pres, N6SS, teman lama yang pernah lama memancar dari VQ9 (pangkalan militer AS di Diego Garcia, Samudera Hindia). Pres melaporkan via internet bahwa RST saya 579 di Arizona.
Minggu malam, cucu saya mau datang ke rumah. Jadi saya urungkan rencana main radio di kantor. Sambil menunggu, saya nyalakan Yaesu FT-1000MP yang veteran. Koneksi adalah ke vertikal T-loaded dan daya hanya 100W. Musti saya akui bahwa kinerja antena vertikal homebrewed ini lumayan FB.
Transceiver yang sudah berumur 15 tahun ini juga masih memukau, terutama kemampuan penerimaannya karena jeroannya dipenuhi dengan filter-filter CW buatan INRAD 160m, CW. Memang suaranya sedikit lebih 'kasar' dibanding mutu suara dari digital filter 32-bit pada Icom 746Pro saya
Perhatikan tinggi menara dan perbandingannya dengan mobil di bawahnya. |
Propagasi juga menolong. Tiga stasiun dari tiga negara bagian di AS, yaitu masuk log 160m. Mereka adalah: W5IZ (Texas, 16.138 km, 13:19Z), K7SO ( New Mexico, 15.323 km, 13:46Z) dan K6XT (Colorado, 15.165 km, 13:58Z).
Mereka lebih gembira dari saya karena ketiganya untuk pertama kali mendapat Indonesia di topband. Al, W5IZ menyatakan, QSO 160m kami adalah hadiah Imlek terbaik untuknya! Texas adalah negara bagian ke-29 dalam koleksi WAS 160m saya. NM dan CO sudah CFM lebih dulu.
Mereka lebih gembira dari saya karena ketiganya untuk pertama kali mendapat Indonesia di topband. Al, W5IZ menyatakan, QSO 160m kami adalah hadiah Imlek terbaik untuknya! Texas adalah negara bagian ke-29 dalam koleksi WAS 160m saya. NM dan CO sudah CFM lebih dulu.
Siapa yang sangka bahwa kondisi propagasi ke AS bisa sebaik malam ini?
Radio segera saya tinggalkan ketika cucu tiba di rumah. Kunjungannya juga merupakan hadiah Imlek buat saya.
Gong Xi Fat Choi, la yauw...
Tnx es 73 de Jo, YC0LOW
Kumpulan DX Spots 160m (sejak April 2006)
Di bawah ini adalah kumpulan DX Spots 160m yang saya dihimpun sejak April 2006. Data diambil dari DX Clusters dan ON4KST Chat. Tercatat beberapa callsigns dari YB dan YC yang pernah 'mampir' dan QRV pada topband (160m)
Karena setiap hari akan ada penambahan, maka kumpulan data spot paling mutakhir ada pada urutan awal di halaman ini. Format waktu adalah dalam UTC, tanggal/bulan/tahun (DD/MM/YY)
14:17:30 N6SS preston (YC0LOW) GM Jo, 579 in AZ
1248 yc0low 1812.0 XU7ACY strong, Peter
1242 yc0low 1814.0 VE3DO Tnx fr spotting.
12:42:11 K5KC Ken Reached 569 on peaks, Jo.
12:41:55 N6ET Bob Jo, no joy today. Back to bed here. 73 for tonight.
12:40:54 K5KC Ken rr12:40:37 YC0LOW Jo Ken, I stopped CQing since the noise is brutal here. SRI
1240 ve3do 1814.0 YC0LOW qsb nw......449 today Jo
12:30:16 N6ET Bob Now 569 in NV, Jo. Many calling you.
12:26:54 YC0LOW Jo GM Larry VVG. Iam thinking to built the support frame for antenna
12:26:26 K5KC Ken Jo - best I have ever hear you and it is still 50 min b4 SR.
12:25:22 YC0LOW Jo my noise floor is constantly at S9 +20, srii difficult to cpi
12:24:34 N6ET Bob Jo, guess you have your noise again?
12:24:29 K5RK Larry #2 Jo, much QSB, but hearing you on peaks.
12:22:32 WD5COV Dave GE Jo Yc0low agn 559 today several calling you
1220 wd5cov 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na
12:20:16 K5KC Ken Jo - Hearing you 449
12:16:27 N6ET Bob Jo, can we try again? You are 559 in NV.rper=rprt
1125 xu7acy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ Gud Sig Tonite
1252 wd5cov 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA good signal
12:48:30 N6ET Bob Jo, you're S9 +10db on peaks your last CQ!Still no go.
12:48:30 N6ET Bob Jo, you're S9 +10db on peaks your last CQ!Still no go.
12:29:59 W0FLS Dave Jo. . .starting to get traces of you here in Iowa
12:13:40 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. I am battling with the noise
here that block my receiving ability. I wonder if someone had
already experienced in using ARAV from DXE
12:11:05 N6ET Bob RR Jo, will keep trying. Your sigs just came
up to 569.
12:02:19 WD5COV Dave YC0LOW FB Jo FB Signal today. That was me
calling you.
1155 ja8isu 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA
2238 xu7acy 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
2232 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY GM Peter
2209 yc0low 1814.0 PY2BW ge cq machine is ON2206 py2bw 1814.0
YC0LOW pse agn
2201 yc0low 1814.0 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot2200 vk6gx 1814.0
1215 yc0low 1825.0 9M6YBG cqing
1151 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2256 yc0low 1818.0 IK0HBN sri,am cqing on cpi
2254 ik0hbn 1813.0 YC0LOW try a qso? I call you
2250 yc0low 1822.0 VQ9LA call corr.sri
2221 9m6ybg 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ NA
1203 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq na
11:42:40 WD5COV Dave Jo I have full size four square array
11:41:26 YC0LOW Jo Hi Dave. GM Tnx rprt. What RX antenna do u use, pse?
11:38:41 WD5COV Dave GE Jo hearing you 549 this morning
11:37:04 W5XZ dan i need u jo, but no copy so far....
11:36:39 W1QS John GM Larry How well are you hearing him?
11:32:49 YC0LOW Jo clg cq NA 1814
22:51:37 YC0LOW Jo GM Peter, Tnx
22:51:25 YC0LOW Jo (9M2AX.) GM Ross-san. Tnx
22:51:19 XU7ACY Peter YC0LOW cq on 1814.0
2250 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na/sa
22:27:09 OZ1LXJ John Jo - FB sigs agn today, abt same as yesterday. GL
22:27:00 K1QX Craig PJ5NA calling EA6
22:26:32 K1QX Craig Jo can only stay a minute. No sign of you on 1814. EA6 only signal I hear
2259 ik5mej 1812.5 YC0LOW cq cq fb now
22:21:21 OK1DXD Tomas Jo, you are here 539 on INV V 18m UP
22:21:21 OK1DXD Tomas Jo, you are here 539 on INV V 18m UP
22:17:09 YC0LOW Jo great. Single or double Pennant, pse?
22:17:00 SM0MDG Bjorn Noise level on my vertical is S7, you are 589 so fully readable also on the vertical in peaks.
2123 yc0low 1814.0 LA3XI GE Svein. Tnx rprt
2122 la3xi 1814.1 YC0LOW Gm Jo 569
2114 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA SA
21:10:44 JJ2LPV Sige YC0LOW 1814 CQ
21:10:13 JE6IGP Hide (YC0LOW) Jo-san 449
1432 jh3gcn 1814.0 YC0LOW
13:21:02 WD5COV Dave Can cpy Jo fine on 1814 clg cq but nothing on Peter Yet
1310 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY clg cq dx
2304 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY
22:37:51 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, I hear you from time to time...
2223 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX Tnx Ross-san.Not much going on
2220 9m2ax 1813.8 YC0LOW cq na/sa
2304 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX clg CQ qsx 28.GL
12:39:48 WD5COV Dave Jo still copy your cq's but like Bob said
much weaker now. Tnx for a new one. Now wish C21 wud come on
agn.12:36:01 YC0LOW Jo RR Bob. try agn next days. tnx
12:35:05 N6ET Bob Jo, You're getting weaker now. Will try again next few days.
The WD5COV locator is DM62DA (QRB 15441 km, QTF 47°).
12:19:02 WD5COV Dave You are q5 today
12:18:52 N4NN Dale Jo , weak cpy into FL.
12:15:31 WD5COV Dave calling you Jo
12:11:58 N6ET Bob Your CQs all Q5. Must have 1-way skip, Jo.Will keep trying.
1202 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA being cld by a N6
12:00:18 N6ET Bob Will keep trying Jo. Occasionally you get up to 569!
11:55:02 N6ET Bob Copyable now Jo. Am calling you.
2219 bu2aq 1814.0 YC0LOW 339/559
2204 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na/sa
1259 hl1kk 1812.4 YC0LOW cq
Cirendeu, 29/1/10, clg dx 2012Z
23:02:09 RA3AH Igor Jo u was 579 on my dipole dir to west
22:57:55 N1BUG Paul YC0LOW Jo you peaked 559 just befor SR. No
copy on you now but now hearing YB4IR
2254 ve1zz 1816.0 YB4IR up1 na clg
22:46:40 K1UO Larry (YC0LOW) Jo 339 now in NA
2229 s51v 1824.8 YB2UTX tnx
22:22:29 E74AW dado YB2UTX on 1824.8 good signal
2212 yc0low 1811.0 JA4LKB
2206 ux1ua 1824.8 YB2UTX OC021
2203 ve1zz 1816.0 YB4IR q eu 449 in na
2156 rx9caz 1816.0 YB4IR 559
2155 ja4lkb 1816.0 YB4IR CQ
23:07:44 SP4K Chris Jo her U for the very first time, good 449, CU tomorow
22:45:17 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) You have gone right down here Jo.
Maybe OK in other parts of EU. But now S4
22:41:40 YC0LOW Jo Hi John, long time no hear ur sig. I got
your call completely, But, I didn't push my luck for a duplicate
TB QSO. Gud Signal
22:40:16 G3PQA John Jo , was getting you about 559 today when calling cq., sri I missed your call before.
Thanks Ron and Rob.
22:35:27 GW3YDX Ron (YB4IR) 559 and getting stronger Imam
22:34:15 GW3YDX Ron YB4IR CQ on 1818 but not as strong as Jo
22:29:14 GM3YTS Rob Jo ur getting stronger
22:28:57 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Guess you have QRN or something
Jo. G3PQA, GM3YTS and me tried calling you!
22:26:46 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Wow - just 100W - amazing. JA4DND 599 also
22:24:33 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) 579 tonight Jo. FB sig
2223 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
22:22:20 GM3YTS Rob G3PQA Clg u Jo
22:19:57 GM3YTS Rob OK I copy u OK
22:19:16 YC0LOW Jo Rob, sri difficult copy for a qso
22:15:06 GM3YTS Rob (YC0LOW) clg u
2208 yc0low 1814.0 G3PQA
2155 yc0low 1820.0 LA3XI GE Svein
2152 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
2119 yc0low 1814.0 VE1ZZ Jack,tnx for spot & rprt.HNY
2117 ve1zz 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 329 early
21:15:45 E74AW dado VE1ZZ calling Jo
2113 yc0low 1814.0 JH2FXK Shigeru-san, tnx fr spot.GM
2109 jh2fxk 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
20:53:14 YC0LOW Jo (UT7UJ) GE Dim, nil hrd. sri maybe later
20:51:11 UT7UJ Dim YC0LOW, Jo pse lsn me on 19.7
2048 ut7uj 1819.7 YC0LOW pse lsn me
2046 yc0low 1822.5 JT1CO GM Chak,clg cq
23:23:44 YC0LOW Jo I got it several yrs ago when I made it with VE1ZZ and PY1BVY on TB, Peter
23:23:32 OK1CZ Peter I hope we can make it one day, hope you can improve your RX ant or the QRN drops some day :)
23:22:35 OK1CZ Peter Yes Jo, sometimes the tail is very pronounced, I remember very lousd W stns after my SR last Jan
23:19:10 YC0LOW Jo Today I didn't have the "tail" of SR enhancement, Peter :-(
23:17:29 OK1CZ Peter that's interesting Jo, it was a very short opening, just about 3 mins, then he went down in QSB
23:12:42 OK1CZ Peter I wkd YC1CCF at 2306Z, he peaked 559 here for a short while
23:12:01 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt John. He must be preparing his station for the 160m coming contest
23:11:56 OK1CZ Peter OK,sri
23:11:54 VK3ZL Bobby Gm Sid....
23:11:32 YC0LOW Jo Peter GE. Nil as I already passed my SR since 10 mins ago
23:11:12 OZ1LXJ John Jo - Seems like he left QRG. He worked OK1CZ, or tried to. Peaked 579.
23:10:07 OK1CZ Peter GM Jo, cqn on 16.7, can you check ?
23:07:35 OZ1LXJ John Yes - Suspiciously strong.. I were just curious, thinking it werer a pirat
23:07:03 YC0LOW Jo Correct, John. He's QRV. Do u receive him OK?
22:45:45 US4EX Oleg GM Jo. Lsn you 449 qsb
2258 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY strong
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig. Only heard part of EU callsigns. Poor condx. Tnx rprt, anyway
22:40:01 K1QX Craig Jo, a DL is callinjg CQ on 1814
22:12:04 HS0ZEE Don PY2XB Fred GM fred YC0LOW
22:09:38 PY2XB Fred Who is on 13.8 ?
2210 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX GM Ross, tnx
2209 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW jo gm cq
2241 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2216 f5ohs 1810.5 YC0LOW IS QRV ??
22:14:36 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank, tnx rprt. Using ur new Bev?
22:12:05 DL8YHR Frank yc0low cqing 10.5 449 qsb
2209 yc0low 1810.5 9M2AX GM Ross. High Noise hr
2207 9m2ax 1810.5 YC0LOW cq
2203 oz1lxj 1815.0 YB0UNC cq
2202 yc0low 1817.5 TF4M GE Thor.NIL nw :-(
2124 yc0low 1824.6 IV3PRK QSB. GE Luis
2100 yc0low 1814.0 E77DX up-dwn under noise
12:51:56 YC0LOW Jo Alex, tnx rprt. HNY
12:44:30 UA9YAB Alex YC0LOW 1814.0 579 here
2252 yc0low 1821.0 XU7ACY CLG CQ
22:33:58 YC0LOW Jo (GM3YTS) GE Rob. Tnx rprt. Abt 25 mins to my
SR. Pse try to call me if u still hear my sig.
22:04:54 GM3YTS Rob I hr YC0LOW abt 449
2201 jh2fxk 1810.6 YC0LOW cq
2239 9m2ax 1810.5 YC0LOW cq
22:34:32 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) I was calling CQ on 1815 and using 2nd VFO on you!
22:31:31 K1QX Craig GM Jo, heard a JA a minute ago. Now will listen for you!
2230 gw3ydx 1810.5 YC0LOW
2127 yc0low 1823.5 OH2BO Gud Sig Ilmo
2123 yc0low 1813.2 JA7NI
1322 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW ge Jo cq
12:46:33 VK6GX Phil Gm Dave, Jo still CQ'n on 14.0
12:44:40 W5UN Dave anyone hearing YC0LOW?
22:53:59 YC0LOW Jo Bob. Tnx rport. But I past my SR (2249Z)
22:53:13 SM2LIY Per Sri about that Jo, VE to YC is a very long path.
22:52:46 W4MYA Bob Jo, there was a VE calling you, peak maybe in next 5 or 10mins
22:50:46 YC0LOW Jo Per, no copy on NA stn, if anyone replied to my calls
22:49:08 SM2LIY Per Your CQ very weak here now Jo, but seem to be heard in NA
2238 sm2liy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
22:41:14 SM2LIY Per Copy you Jo, but signals were stronger when you worked OH2BO (not JH2..)
22:38:22 YC0LOW Jo abt 10 mins to my SR time. Try to CQ DX agn, Per
22:07:13 YC0LOW Jo I keep 'singin' in the rain:-)
22:06:29 YC0LOW Jo Got your LL, you're wight but difficult to copy ur prefix. SRI
22:06:25 UW7LL Yarik Jo i slan 1814 now. VY QSB now. i'm waiting and lsn
22:05:33 SM2LIY Per OK Jo, heard that you got "LL" before, but hard when QRN, GL
22:05:13 UW7LL Yarik ok Jo i'm waiting for better time. your signal comong up and quick deep qsb.
22:04:38 YC0LOW Jo Per, tnx rprt. It's raining here now. QRN increased
22:03:40 YC0LOW Jo OK Craig. But I am surprised he hear me again after our QSO in 1998
22:03:16 SM2LIY Per YC2LEV no copy here but JO 559
22:01:47 UW7LL Yarik YC0LOW Jo GM. when you SR???
22:01:05 K1QX Craig Gee Jo, I got excited and thot there may be a path
21:58:24 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig, no
21:57:13 K1QX Craig JO are you hearing VE1ZZ?
2147 yc0low 1814.0 VE1ZZ Jack,tnx for spot & rprt.HNY
2140 ve1zz 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 329 qsb
2136 yc0low 1814.0 VK6DX GM Phil. HNY and tks
2127 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, HNY Jo
1322 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX
1229 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW ge jo.cq
2308 yc0low 1832.0 9M2AX GM Ross. qsx 29
2022 ua0ba 1833.0 YC0LOW PSE try QSO ! TNX !
2015 yc0low 1827.0 KH2L gud signal, Ed
1956 yc0low 1818.0 YC1COZ clg dx
1317 yc0low 1811.0 8N5A tnx qso
1255 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX GE Ross. Up-1
N4XD, Ron, Jo here is what I'd
recommend: K3/100, KRX3 ( for beverage antenna), KFLAA filter
(400hz is what I use most of the time), KRX3 (2nd receiver) KFLXX filter for 2nd receiver, KIO3
2209 pa0o 1810.0 YC0LOW only for JA well 73
2208 ja4lkb 1810.5 YC0LOW CQ JA
2204 sm2liy 1810.5 YC0LOW CQ JA
2144 jh2fxk 1810.6 YC0LOW cq
2135 ja1duh 1810.4 YC0LOW CQ ing
2116 yc0low 1822.0 9M6/JH3LSS wkg DX simplex
1300 yc0low 1831.5 FK8CP Remi, at peak ur 579 but QSB
21:24:51 YC0LOW Jo SRI nil hrd. High QRN level here now
21:24:03 9M2AX ross s51v calling gm jo
2120 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq/cq ja
21:18:01 YC0LOW Jo clg JA in 1814. would love to hear from prefectures Aomori, Iwate, Kyoto and Wakayama, if any
2041 yc0low 1826.0 KH2L strong sig ever, Ed
22:15:02 YC0LOW Jo nw trying CQ agn. 30 mins to my SR
22:08:30 YC0LOW Jo Would love to hear that, Ron :-) I used to
be able to handle EU pile-up but, due to my RX ability is getting
limited, now it's different
22:06:03 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) I will have to take a recording
and send it to you!! As well as the pile-up liddery you get
stations jamming and all sort of nonsense
22:04:57 YC0LOW Jo cq gw3ydx SRI No, Ron. I can imagine
that.22:03:57 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Have you ever operated from
this side Jo. It is awful
22:02:32 YC0LOW Jo It's a difficult copy. Was deliberately QRX
for NOT causing EU QRM :-)
21:57:26 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Unfortunately your sig is slipping
away now. The EU lidfest made it impossible unless you have an
ON4UN stn.
21:52:58 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) No hope if you listen your own
freq. The technique "Call longer than anyone else" is being used
21:51:05 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Ron. Just wkd ON4UN with his
massive signal21:50:58 PA4VHF Dick well there the european zoo
starts on top of yc0low21:49:22 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Look HF Jo.
All the EU's are QRMing each other on your freq.21:48:33 PA4VHF
Dick YC0LOW you have 2 PA's, ON, GD and DL calling you!!21:48:33
JH2RMU Aki Gm Jo-san21:48:15 YC0LOW Jo EU sig are very weak.
Difficult copy. SRI
21:41:34 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. Busy with JA friends, condx
21:41:34 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. Busy with JA friends, condx
open21:39:57 MD0CCE Bob YC0LOW Jo, ur sigs Q4-Q5 tonight FB
2132 ja2swl 1814.0 YC0LOW
2115 yc0low 1823.5 DX1J sig booming2115 9m2ax 1823.3 YC0LOW jo gm
2231 9m2ax 1818.5 YC0LOW gm jo cq
2120 gm0udl 1814.0 YC0LOW Tnx for qso
2105 sm2liy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
20:52:38 YC0LOW Jo R Bjorn. I am still using the vertical with
spiderbeam pole. But, with more Random Length Radials
20:51:07 SM0MDG Bjorn Also new TX antenna here, Inverted L with
bottom 13 meter aluminium + top 6 meter glassfiber.
20:50:00 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, I have been a little active over the
xmas hildays, but in total less active this season. Listened for
you yesterday, but did not copy.
20:48:44 YC0LOW Jo Please try to reply to my call, Per. I will
try to listen
20:47:55 SM2LIY Per your about 559 here Jo
20:46:15 SM2LIY Per Jo YC0LOW pse listen into Eu, hear your CQ
quite strong
20:35:34 YC0LOW Jo GE Henrik. Tnx rprt.20:35:01 OZ1ING Henrik
JO - I hear you20:34:50 YC0LOW Jo Yes, maybe later, Dick. Just
got up from bed hihi20:34:31 PA3FQA Dick Yes he is CQing
Jo20:34:10 PA3FQA Dick Don't hear you Jo, maybe to
early20:34:07 YC0LOW Jo You meant the QRG already occupied by
him, Dick? I didn't hear him when sending QRL few minutes ago?
22:56:54 YC0LOW Jo Tnx es 73, Jeff
22:55:36 VY2ZM Jeff will do jo - no problem to send it to you
22:54:26 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) OK Jeff. At your convenience times.
I am not in haste to have itu unless we made the QSO :-)
22:53:12 YC0LOW Jo Hi Craig. Unfortunately, I am restricted to
erect reversible Beverage that I bought from you some time ago.
Hpe to QSO you. 73
22:51:20 K1QX Craig gl Jo. We keep listening for you
22:49:48 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) - well vy sri jo - ur sigs took a
dive at 2230z - and then a small bump just after yourSR tks for
the great effor
22:49:40 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff. It's SR time here. We'll try
agn next time. BTW, did u make a recording of my TB signal ? If u
did it, I'd be happy to have it via yc0low (at) TIA es
22:48:40 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Never any copy here Jo but heard a
weak tone a few times...not even sure it was CW however.
22:30:35 YC0LOW Jo I will keep cqing till my SR do us part,
22:28:20 VY2ZM Jeff if condx are normal jo, sigs will peak 3 -
5 mins AFTER ur SRI will
22:26:14 YC0LOW Jo Tks info, Jeff. I made TB qso with VE1ZZ in
April 1996. right at my SR. so it's possible, I think.
22:24:59 VY2ZM Jeff u coming up again jo - much btr sigs now
22:23:18 YC0LOW Jo TNC Jeff. How close to VE1ZZ, pse?
22:22:46 VY2ZM Jeff Prince Edward Island in Atlantic (Eastern)
22:20:22 YC0LOW Jo Jeff, tnx rprt. Whta's thename of ur qth,
22:19:39 VY2ZM Jeff still hearing u jo - not really loud enough
to call though
22:12:20 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) - jo pls keep cq now and then -
still hring u - weak though
2208 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW jo gm cq
22:03:00 VY2ZM Jeff not coming over eu or to the southeast
22:01:56 W4ZV Bill I bet he's short path or possibly skewed
over EU to you Jeff.22:01:48 VY2ZM Jeff seems likeue east
22:01:09 W4ZV Bill (VY2ZM) What direction is Jo?
22:01:09 W4ZV Bill (VY2ZM) What direction is Jo?
22:01:05 VY2ZM Jeff beats the hell outta me - not sure
22:01:00 PA3C Aart (PA2KW) ja ik had later pas door dat
BZL je oude call was :) maar je doet nog ook veel op VHF toch?
22:00:45 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo I have given up on long
path until the sunspots go a little higher...then LP should be
better than now.
22:00:44 YC0LOW Jo I don't know yet which path from,
Bill. Maybe Jeff is willing to tell
22:00:42 VY2ZM Jeff ur getting louder Jo
21:57:12 YC0LOW Jo Distance to ur QTH is longer, Bill :-))
W4ZV locator is EM95UK (QRB 16702 km,
21:54:40 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Hey Jo...did you forget I also
heard you via long path? :-))
YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff, I will make every effort to qso with you
it's the longest distance my signal has ever travelled. Thanks
for rprt. My Problem is now to hear u
21:52:32 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff, I will make every effort to
qso with you it's the longest distance my signal has ever
travelled. Thanks for rprt. My Problem is now to hear u
21:43:52 VY2ZM Jeff ok Jo - we have some time -= first time I
have copied ur sigs JO! I will keep listening
FN86VI (QRB 15445 km, QTF 348°).
21:27:22 VY2ZM Jeff jo hrd u sign with la3xi - pls call cq
again jo
21:23:22 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) jo clg u pse listen my sigs
2119 la3xi 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo lsn VY2ZM
2110 ja0dai 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
2222 9m2ax 1813.5 YC0LOW Jo.cq
22:52:30 YC0LOW Jo Ralf, nice to know that. Rgds to Irina in
22:51:02 DL9DRA Ralf finnally i got you after my wife, dl8dyl,
already worked you some years ago
22:50:17 LA3ANA Ronald Jo, here qrn, but we made it..
22:49:39 YC0LOW Jo Ralf, DL9DRA Tnx QSO. Glad to work you. He
is new on TB
22:48:53 YC0LOW Jo Ronald, I had man made noise, because is
already sunrise
22:48:14 DL9DRA Ralf jo, yb4ir was slightly louder, but didn't
copy anyone
22:47:15 LA3ANA Ronald Fine Jo, really qsb, on peaks you are
22:46:04 YC0LOW Jo Ronald LA3ANA Glad to work you. First LA in
22:41:38 LA3ANA Ronald tnx newone Jo, hny
2233 ru3dx 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 559!
2221 oz1lxj 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
2107 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2105 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq gm jo
2207 yc0low 1823.0 UR0MC clg dx
2148 yb5aqb 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ - GM band quiet
2103 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW gm jo cq
2125 yb5aqb 1813.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ, GM
2108 oz1lxj 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2200 oz1lxj 1818.3 YC0LOW CQing
21:58:41 OZ1LXJ John (YC0LOW) Jo - HNY and thanks first Zone 28
in 2010. Your peaking stronger now. GL
21:52:08 M0GID Geoff (YC0LOW) Jo GM es HNY - cannot believe how
strong your sigs
2148 yb5aqb 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ GM
1154 yb5aqb 1814.1 YC0LOW CQ - GE Jo
2236 yc0low 1813.8 YB5AQB Nice to hr ur sig, anyway, Bob
2232 yb5aqb 1813.8 YC0LOW COndx to EU poor Jo - no copy
2226 yc0low 1813.8 YB5AQB GM Bob. CQ DX until SR
2145 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW cq
2216 yb5aqb 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo here now CQ
2154 yc0low 1814.0 YB5AQB Bob,GM,tnx. MX & HNY to u
2149 yb5aqb 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo CQn GM es HNY
2131 yc0low 1814.0 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot
2130 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2117 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2237 yc0low 1831.5 RX9FM
2130 yc0low 1813.3 YB5AQB GM Bob. CQing
2110 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
21:01:27 JE6IGP Hide Jo-san ur579
2054 ja2swl 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ
2222 yc0low 1812.5 YB5AQB GM Bob, strong
2207 yc0low 1815.0 HS0ZEE
2205 yc0low 1821.4 4S7NE
19:05:49 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Henrik.
19:04:52 OZ1ING Henrik but static tonight
9:04:41 OZ1ING Henrik Jo - hearing you
1848 yc0low 1823.6 OZ1CTK readable, Boye
1646 yc0low 1814.0 UA9NN Tks QSO. Gud sig,heavy QSB
1645 ua9nn 1814.0 YC0LOW fb sig tks qso
1630 sm2cew 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
2210 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2208 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2239 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein. CQ
2229 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross-san. Tnx fr spotting
2227 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2247 yc0low 1821.5 LA3XI GE Svein. Tnx spot.
2242 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq gm Jo nice 579
22:53:32 YC0LOW Jo My mail has been re-sent. Pse reply at ur
convenient time. I am not in haste, JC. I hope I could fully use
it in next season at the latest.TIA
22:51:17 N4IS JC good news
22:48:56 MU0FAL Colin Yes Jose i hope so,running out of
close E Dx ;-0
22:48:13 YC0LOW Jo That's the reason, JC. I will
try to homemade ur type of rx. I think, I have room for that
22:48:56 MU0FAL Colin Yes Jose i hope so,running out of close E
Dx ;-0
22:48:13 YC0LOW Jo That's the reason, JC. I will try to
homemade ur type of rx. I think, I have room for that
22:47:46 N4IS JC Colin the mountains also can help , we never
know, I hope
we can experience a nice Es season this year
22:46:35 N4IS JC Jo I'll be happy to help you with RX antennas,
by the way Daniel
told me he heard you again on 160m using the WF, he is very happy
with it and will buid a bigger one
22:44:59 MU0FAL Colin Same
here JC mostly eu skip, OA would be a new 1 for me,thik the
mountains will be a problem
22:43:44 YC0LOW Jo OK, JC. I will re-send it. It's abt my
question to ur RX antenna
22:43:35 N4IS JC not sure Colin Es season just starting here in
22:42:46 MU0FAL Colin JC Ge is OA4TT Big gunon 6m?
22:42:11 N4IS JC Jo,no I didn't , can you send it again to my
work >>
cadasilv@cisco.com22:40:02 YC0LOW Jo Hi Carlos. GE. Tnx info.
Did u rx my email, JC?
22:39:19 9M2AX ross GM JC tks info. my
s/r 2303z. looking for Him>
22:38:27 N4IS JC Hi Ross , Jo, GM,,,
OA4TT is on 6m
22:37:49 YC0LOW Jo I saw Jack isn't on the chat,
22:35:01 9M2AX ross GM jo a u looking for OA4TT?
2237 yc0low 1822.5 9M2AX GM Ross-san. Tnx fr spotting
2234 9m2ax 1822.5 YC0LOW cq gm jo
2259 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI Hrd ur sig during last 2 days
2253 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW Gm Jo nice sign glad to hr u agn
2251 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein, TKS`qso
1832.0 YC0LOW ok jo mny tks for try; other d
1823.0 PY2DO Tnx for try, Dan
2238 py2do 1832.0 YC0LOW weak,weak, weak... no cpy
2241 yc0low 1823.0 PY2DO Nil hrd. Let me CALL DX
2237 yc0low 1823.0 PY2DO GE Dan. I will listen on QRG
2231 py2do 1823.0 YC0LOW ge jo, try ???
2235 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein. RST 449 QSB
1130 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq GE jo
2241 oe1weu 1820.0 YC0LOW can you lsn here jo ?
2237 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spo
2233 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
perbaikan kawat radiator. kembali spt semula
2240 py2hgb 1821.0 PY2DO cq cq cq op.dan
2236 py2do 1821.5 YC0LOW Ok Jo, tnx fer try... other da
2239 yc0low 1821.5 PY2DO Dan, SRI nil hrd.Tnx for tryin
2234 yc0low 1821.5 PY2DO OK, I will lsn
2227 py2do 1821.5 YC0LOW try ???
2230 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Poor condx. Tnx
2225 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2222 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Tks fer spot
2207 vk6hd 1818.1 YC0LOW GM Jo,CQ,only sig on band
2228 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Tks fer spot
2222 vk6hd 1818.2 YC0LOW GM Jo
2229 py2do 1818.4 YC0LOW weak
2228 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2221 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2212 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
perbaikan antena. resonance pada 1980KHz. ganti shorter hairpin
2216 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2231 yc0low 1818.3 RA6AMA Yes. U R in my log. Tnx
2226 ra6ama 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo, im in Log on 160m?
2220 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot
2217 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
18:08:49 YC0LOW Jo tnx John. I may now go to bed again. But
adrenalin is raised and felt fresh hi
18:07:09 OZ1LXJ John Congrats Jo YC0LOW
1810 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW WKD as new-1 on 25.2
1754 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW Deep QSB but audible
1156 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW Lost ur sig nw :-((
1121 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW 1st time hrd on TB wkg JA
1120 yc0low 1829.5 9M2AX GE Ross. Clg CQ
2216 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Hpe u r OK. Tnx
2215 vk6hd 1818.0 YC0LOW CQ,GM Jo
2239 yc0low 1818.3 YO7CLB SRI no hear u. Need YO on TB
2234 yo7lcb 1818.3 YC0LOW i am calling you
2232 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2230 ru4su 1855.0 UA4SKW
2229 vk6gx 1818.3 SV1PL clg YC0LOW
2228 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2138 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2134 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2129 yc0low 1820.3 UA4UDF Tnx QSO, Roslan
2222 yc0low 1832.0 OE1WEU Wolfgang, not a peep. SRI
2126 yc0low 1818.3 HA5JI No problem. TNX rprt
2123 ha5ji 1818.3 YC0LOW sorry wrong QRG B4
2121 ha5ji 1830.0 YC0LOW 459 hr
2104 jh4adv 1818.3 YC0LOW
2058 yc0low 1817.0 JH2FXK GM Shige-san. nice sig
1222 yc0low 1824.5 VK6GX GE Phil.Tstorms has just passe
1218 vk6gx 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2251 yo7lcb 1818.3 YC0LOW i am calling you
2214 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2214 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW Gm Jo
25/3/09, antenna diperbaiki, dg kawat multi vertikal
1204 9m2ax 1824.5 YC0LOW cq ge jo
1305 yc0low 1826.5 VK6GX GE Phil. VY weak tonite
2133 yc0low 1824.5 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2128 vk6gx 1824.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2149 hrd YC2YTH clg cq 1813
2206 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx.
2203 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW Jo.cq
2119 yc0low 1800.0 LA3XI Svein,hrd JW weak. nw gone.tnx
2110 la3xi 1820.8 JW/OZ1LXJ up 1
1232 yc0low 1815.8 HS0ZEE clg cq
1227 ja1duh 1815.8 HS0ZEE CQ
1222 rx0ae 1822.0 XU7ACY cq cq dx good sig
1221 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2219 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2210 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
22:07:34 JE6IGP Hide 18.3 YC0LOW gd sigs
2243 yc0low 1828.0 YC2EUZ clg cq
22:41:35 YC2EUZ Dadang hehehe...yes..tks
22:40:41 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, be careful. you've got the topband
disease by looking always to weak signals :-))
22:39:25 YC2EUZ Dadang now i listening 1.840...small sigs there
22:37:36 YC0LOW Jo Congrats, Dadang! VR2 is not often on the
air, nice to have him
22:36:12 YC2EUZ Dadang ok i just make 1 contact with vr2
2235 sm2liy 1818.2 YC0LOW CQ
22:34:27 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, it must be very difficult for you to
copy. Mine is S9 at the peak. Tks rprt. I am cqing nw on 1818.3
22:34:18 SP5WA Bogdan...simplex, misprint sri
22:34:07 YC2EUZ Dadang i can hear you loud n clear like xu7acy
too before
22:32:16 YC2EUZ Dadang OM Jo s9 to 20db fullscale
22:30:45 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, YC2EUZ, what's your noise level,
22:27:53 YC2EUZ Dadang GM OM Jo, but noise still to weak
22:27:08 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The YC2EUZ locator is OI52CQ
(QRB 392 km, QTF
106°).22:26:52 YC0LOW Jo (YC2EUZ) GM Dadang. Ur signal is
strong today.
22:07:44 YC0LOW Jo (9M2AX) GM Ross-san. Condx were poor today
from this QTH
2208 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW Jo.cq
2203 hrd YC2EUZ clg cq on 1828. gud sig
1232 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq
1139 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW ge Jo cq
22:21:30 UA3AIF Andrew Yes Jo, Lets try next time
22:20:20 YC0LOW Jo (UA3AIF) Andrew, maybe next time. Tnx try.
2212 yc0low 1814.0 VQ9LA clg cq up-2
22:13:52 UA3AIF Andrew Jo I cpy , but I cant undestend what.HI
22:08:32 YC0LOW Jo (UA3AIF) GE Andrew. Condx isn't good
here.But, will QSY and RX on 1815.
22:04:51 UA3AIF Andrew (YC0LOW) GM Jo Lets try 1815, if you are
2203 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq
2155 hrd YC2EUZ on 1822 clg cq, rst 599
2150 yc0low 1819.5 4S7NE clg cq
1201 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW cq jo
11:37:54 YC0LOW Jo GE Ross-san. Hw r u?
11:37:05 9M2AX ross ge jo yc0low
1131 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
22:29:16 E74AW dado 73, gm
22:29:06 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, dado. I also couldn't hear EU's,
here. Will QRT soon. 73 es CUL
22:28:31 E74AW dado we have snow here, and full moon...
22:28:00 E74AW dado no good cond t here, nil not on 4 sq, not
on bev
22:26:42 YC0LOW Jo clg cq nw on 19.6 before my SR 2245Z
22:24:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, will qsy and try to call CQ in there
22:23:28 E74AW dado Yo, 19.6 is very clear on my side, for
22:24:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, will qsy and try to call CQ in there
22:23:28 E74AW dado Yo, 19.6 is very clear on my side, for
22:22:34 E74AW dado ok Yo, thanks, I will send my as soon as
will be printed
22:22:33 MD0CCE Bob (VU2BGS) Yes Kumar, I am hearing
E74AW dado they have very good signal, not hard to copy
22:21:58YC0LOW Jo OK, if it's so, so I could include a card for
him too. Tnx.
22:21:54 VU2BGS
kumar any one hr me on 1831.5 pse22:21:53 9H1SP Paul Dado don't
know freq
, see if someone is copy them22:21:51 E74AW dado Paul, see no
sign of
ZD8UW on any band, they must be over???22:21:34 VU2BGS kumar GM
GE to
all22:21:19 9H1SP Paul Hi Kumar GM22:21:13 E74AW dado We are
in same qth
Yo22:20:52 WT3Q Sam w1aw clicks up to 1922:20:51 YC0LOW Jo
Dado, I will
send my card to you this Saturday. How far are you from Braco's
VU2BGS kumar GE paul i am on 1831.522:20:36 E74AW dado freq
VU2BGS kumar RR Alexy i am on 1831.5 clg cq now22:20:21 9H1SP
Paul anyone
is copy ZD8UW on 80 mtr please ?22:20:11 E74AW dado thats on my
muist not be all over eu...22:20:00 YC0LOW Jo Ross, 9M2AX, tnx
fer spot.
7322:19:57 E74AW dado ge Yo22:19:51 E74AW dado from 17.3 to
18.8 ugly
freq, qrm , plus 2022:19:32 YC0LOW Jo Tks info, Dado. GE to
UR5EDU Alexey rgr Kumar , hope to met You on TOP band22:18:50
9M2AX ross
gm dado22:18:28 E74AW dado gm Ross22:18:04 9M2AX ross
7322:17:43 E74AW
dado Yo, on 18.1 here qrm 30 over s9
2216 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2117 yc0low 1817.0 DU1ZV wkg JAs
20:52:57 YC0LOW Jo OK, CUL Ros. Tnx20:52:26 4Z5LA Ros
4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW Jo ok tnx wl try soon
20:52:09 YC0LOW Jo Ros, nil here. sri. :-(( Maybe a bit later
before my
SR20:50:08 4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW Jo ok qsy 20
20:48:31 YC0LOW Jo hera=hear20:48:17 YC0LOW Jo GE Ros, okay
let us try,
but noise level is very high at my qth although I could still
hera the RU9
on 20. QSY there and listening for you20:45:47 4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW
Jo Gm can
ca we try on 1832 ?
22:46:55 YC0LOW Jo Wow, congrats to u, Bogdan!
22:46:18 SP5WA Bogdan Jo, it was my new one, TNX
2243 yc0low 1824.5 XW1B clg cq
22:45:04 YC0LOW Jo Hi Bogdan. u r welcome. Gud DX
22:40:18 SP5WA Bogdan YC0LOW, Hi Jo, TNX for a nice spot
2232 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY
2213 yc1rat 1821.0 YC0LOW Gm, jo nw cqing
2112 yc0low 1810.6 YC1RAT
2112 yc0low 1817.0 DU1ZV
2111 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE
2228 yc0low 1800.0 EA8AK GE Fer. HNY to u. Tks
2223 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW GE Jo HNY
2209 hrd yb1kkk, 1826
2203 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2200 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
2205 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2204 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
2057 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq. strong as always
13:59:03 PY5XH Joe Bye, Jo 73
13:56:20 YC0LOW Jo OK, Joe. In the mean time, Gud DX. It's time
to bed for
me to get up early before my SR. HNY es 73 to you and all Gud DX
13:55:52 W7LR Robert Gm Tree, HNY.
13:55:36 FK8CP Rémi QSX 1812/1814. No dup please
13:54:43 N6TR Tree GM / HNY all - trying a few CQs on 1832 -
but will
likely QSY to 40M soon
13:54:16 PY5XH Joe Thank you, JO. i waiting for better condx.
13:52:04 YC0LOW Jo So, I hope the condx for YC to PY will be
available agn
13:51:08 YC0LOW Jo (PY5XH) Joe, Hope to make it with you. I got
QSO with
PY1BVY on TB in April 1997 at my SR 2243z.
13:49:24 YC0LOW Jo (K5KC) SRI, Ken. I was away from the
13:30:45 PY5XH Joe Jo and ross, with luck and dedication, this
year i
managed to make contact with you. HNY.
13:27:39 K5KC Ken (YC0LOW) Jo, want to try on 160? My SR 1338.
13:24:55 YC0LOW Jo Tnx es HNY, Dave
13:24:28 W0FLS Dave rr Jo. . thanks and HNY to you!
13:24:10 YC0LOW Jo Dave, W0FLS, the XU7 seemed to stop calling
cq. hear
noone on 22
13:23:42 BD7JSQ Paul 73 Jo, have a nice holiday
13:21:45 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo, thank you any way! :-)ja2xyo
13:20:32 YC0LOW Jo Paul, are you cqing? if you are, I don't
hear anything
13:18:46 YC0LOW Jo 23.5 is okay , here. pse call
13:18:19 9M2AX ross GM George2
13:18:13 BD7JSQ Paul calling you on 23.5, if bad freq please
tell me
13:15:59 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, Yes, I am watching the chat, nw
13:17:42 YC0LOW Jo Yes, HNY to you, too. What freq, pse?
13:17:28 UA9YAB Alex WB5JID Bob HNY cpi me?
13:16:39 BD7JSQ Paul FB Jo, HNY to you! can we try?
13:15:59 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, Yes, I am watching the chat, nw
13:14:42 BD7JSQ Paul (YC0LOW) GE Jo, are you there?
1307 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2246 yc0low 1819.0 DL5ANT strong , 15 mins after my SR
2225 yc0low 1819.5 UA9KAA strong
2225 i2tao 1800.0 YC0LOW could you try for me 1825.5 ?
2222 yc0low 1828.0 VQ9LA GM Larry, HNY. Vy Strong
22:11:14 YC0LOW Jo (UT7UW,) Yuri, SRI for delay. I hear
nothing, nw. Maybe
another time. CUL
2209 yc0low 1815.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
22:01:57 UT7UW Yuri Hi Jo. Pse QSO on 16022:01:53 SP6HEQ
Wieslaw TU Jo
for QSO. Happy New Year!
22:00:24 YC0LOW Jo Wies SP6HEQ, Tnx QSO like what we had in
1998! HNY
21:57:04 YC0LOW Jo (RL3FT) GE Yuri, Tnx rprt. Hrd you earlier
sig21:57:02 GW3YDX Ron Hello Mitsu. I have just moved. DF9OQ is
too near
me with a dirty signal.21:55:38 RL3FT Yury Jo ur 57n but qrm on
frq...21:55:29 AH2L Ed 73 es GM Neil, hrd u well enuff for QSO,
will email
u21:55:27 I2PJA TONY Jo YC0LOW,Tnx but No copy now, see you
2153 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX HNY Ross. I Couldn't hr the YO2152 9m2ax
YC0LOW cq hny jo
21:50:59 SP6HEQ Wieslaw GE Jo. You was 559, but TONY not copy
2149 yc0low 1833.5 XW1B clg cq
21:41:26 I2PJA TONY ok Jo 18.3 please call me!! i'm qrv
21:39:06 YC0LOW Jo (I2PJA) GE Tony, I am trying to make cq call
on 18.3.
But condx seemed to be poor here
21:32:22 I2PJA TONY GE to all, Jo YC0LOW any sked now on TB,
2127 yc0low 1831.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Clg CQ. Strong
2057 yc0low 1819.9 RL3FT Yuri, clg CQ near 4S7NE
2051 yc0low 1819.5 4S7NE clg cq
1149 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2222 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY up2/3, clg cq. strong
2221 yc0low 1820.3 OM3PC HNY Rudy. Hrd u well clg
31/12/08 (connect to Direct in MFJ)
2249 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE call correction. sri
2248 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZE
22:41:33 YC0LOW Jo Tnx , Wolfgang. CUL
22:41:10 YC0LOW Jo There will be not much going on until my SR
at 2242.
Will QRT. HNY to all. Gud DX.
22:41:00 OE1WEU Wolfgang ok, we will try another time again -
HNY 2009,
good health Jo
22:40:37 9H1SP Paul HNY all 73ssss ,22:39:58 YC0LOW Jo
Wolfgang, it's
not me to call u. I hear nothing on 14. SRI
22:38:59 OE1WEU Wolfgang heard you in qrn - didnt get ur rpt
22:36:21 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU.) Nil hrd, Wolfgang. SRI
22:36:21 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU.) Nil hrd, Wolfgang. SRI
22:32:59 OE1WEU Wolfgang hi yc0low jo, can we try ??? Where
are you at
the moment ? I am 1814 CQ
22:27:10 YC0LOW Jo (BA4ALC) Jack. Tnx QSO u r my 1st contact in
2009. HNY
22:25:47 BA4ALC Jack yc0low, thanks for your patient
2221 yc0low 1818.3 BA4ALC did u get my rprt?
2220 ba4alc 1818.3 YC0LOW (1st in 2009)
22:06:41 YC0LOW Jo Nirl=Nil
22:06:28 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU) Wolfgang, mni SRI. I overslept for
the sked.
nw condx is down. Nirl hrd, here. CU soon. HNY to u and all.
21:03:40 OE1WEU Wolfgang yc0low are u on fer sked jo ??
13:07:21 JN4MMO Andy K. 1818.5 YC0LOW
13:04:46 UA4CC Ark YC0LOW now on 19
21:45:40 DJ6YX Tom Jo, cant hear you on 14, sri, cu later
21:43:26 DJ6YX Tom r Jo, will lsn for your cq
21:43:17 9H1XT John How is prop to Ja today??
21:43:06 9H1XT John Hi Aki....tnx qsl will reply as
soon as I get
21:42:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx. I will make cq call on 14.
21:42:09 E74AW dado Jo, 14 is now clear for you in eu
21:42:02 JH4IFF Mitsu 9H1XT John , I missed you on top
band. Hope
to work you some day. HNY!
21:41:59 DJ6YX Tom ok, will give a few calls, Jo
21:41:38 YC0LOW Jo Tom, yes, I am still rxing on 14
21:41:02 YC0LOW Jo Dado, It's gud to have Braco, QRX.
Yours signal
is more QSB than Braco's
21:40:56 E74AW dado a bit qrm from HB9 st calling cq,
gone now
21:40:43 IK5MEJ STEFANO JO: Are you calling on tb ?
What qrg ??
21:40:40 DJ6YX Tom Jo YC0LOW, still on 14 ?
21:40:38 JH2RMU Aki Ge 9H1XT, John, I send you QSL
21:40:34 E74AW dado your signal is ok tonight Jo
21:39:41 E74AW dado ok thanks, good one now, hny
21:38:57 E77DX Braco rr mitsu good signal on top band
21:38:56 ZS1REC Raoul Braco, you have a good signal
21:38:53 KL1V Kent sounds like feeding frenzy on the
21:38:45 YC0LOW Jo (E74AW) Tnx QSO, Dado
21:37:57 JH4IFF Mitsu E77DX Braco , TNX QSO. 579 here.
21:36:17 9H1XT John Istra what a pile up
21:35:42 9H1SP Paul John I'm on 19.6 for 4S but not
21:35:40 YC0LOW Jo Dado, pse do so
21:35:21 YC0LOW Jo HNY, Mike. It should reach you
within the next
week, if the mail isn't too busy with x-mas dan new year cards
21:35:10 E74AW dado ok, calling you on 14 ok?
21:34:34 9H1XT John I think I can just hear him on 022
21:34:18 E74AW dado ok, will call you in few minuts,
let know qrg
21:34:16 G3WPH Mike Jo - many thanks, I look forward to
it - HNY
21:33:32 YC0LOW Jo Dado, I am now listening to Braco's
which is building up on 14
21:32:54 YC0LOW Jo (G3WPH.) yes, Mike. Tnx. I have
replied abt
three days ago, direct.
21:32:37 E74AW dado will call you in 5 minuts, ok?
21:32:24 9H1SP Paul no John nothing
21:32:18 E74AW dado ok sec
21:32:14 G3WPH Mike (YC0LOW) - GM Jo, have you received
my direct
21:32:05 9H1XT John 9h1sp Paul....Hi ca you hear the
you worked him??
21:32:00 YC0LOW Jo GE Dado, pse advise the QRG
21:31:46 E74AW dado your signal is ok here
21:31:35 E74AW dado YC0LOW, JO, will we try now, ?
21:30:41 JH4IFF Mitsu E77DX Braco , FB signal. Will
call you.
21:30:26 YC0LOW Jo Braco, you've gud signal now
21:30:16 GM3YTS Rob clg him 8 up
21:29:30 9H1SP Paul (G3ROO) Ian tnx picci
21:29:29 GM3YTS Rob yes I am just hearing him
2223 yc0low 1823.5 XU7ACY clg cq
2152 vk6gx 1821.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo, HNY
1247: hrd yc2www, 1829.5, clg cq
1249: hrd yc2yth, 1822, clg xu7acy
11:56:54 YC0LOW Jo simplex, Bill
11:56:33 W4ZV Bill XU7 getting better. Is he QSX up 1 or
11:54:55 YC0LOW Jo XU7 is 5nn here, the XW1 less signal
strength 559
11:53:57 W4ZV Bill TU info Jo. I think he has a much better QTH
near the
sea. How much stronger there?
11:52:48 YC0LOW Jo Bill, XU7 has stronger signal than XW1, here
11:52:06 9M2AX ross OK,GL.
11:51:36 W4ZV Bill TU Ross. I caught just a few characters so
condx are
coming up.
11:50:57 9M2AX ross GM Bill Yes, he is threre.
11:50:12 W4ZV Bill Aki san is XU7ACY still on 22.5?
11:20:13 K0CKD Dennis yc0low 459 in SC wkg JA7NI
1114 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq. vy strong
1111 yc0low 1824.5 JA7NI clg cq. Strong
22:01:03 YC0LOW Jo (UR8MA) GE Serge. MNI tnx for info. Now, I
can read it!
Merry X-mas to you and all here
21:58:10 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW Jo Just look http_link . Look at
left bottom
side - will see Autotranslate into:" Autotranslate into:".Choose
and all be in English.
21:48:10 YC0LOW Jo Could someone help me, pse. I need to read
the DL2KQ's
antenna article in English because I found it on his website in
Russian. Any
other URL for the English version, pse? Thanks
20:59:15 YC0LOW Jo SRI to Dick and Serge. Noise level here is
S9+. Will
QRX for a while
20:57:44 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW Jo .GM! Pile-up on you. Loud
today, but don't answer
20:57:32 PA3FQA Dick Jo you were 549 here, called
you a few times, maybe next time
20:56:08 YC0LOW Jo GE Dick FQA, sig from EU is weak. Tnx rprt
20:52:58 PA3FQA Dick Jo several stations calling you
2044 yc0low 1818.3 JH2FXK Shige-san. tnx for spotting
2035 jh2fxk 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2215 yc0low 1819.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
2203 yc0low 1823.0 XU7ACY
2135 yc0low 1817.9 BA7IO
2130 yc0low 1822.0 VR2PX
22:11:46 OZ1AXG Flam Ok, Jo. We will try another day !
22:10:43 YC0LOW Jo Seemed to be nothing more is heard, Flam.
increases. CUL
22:09:25 OZ1AXG Flam Ill move up to 18.7 Jo
22:09:01 OZ1AXG Flam and im on 18.6 :=(
22:08:49 OZ1AXG Flam Theres a small JA pile up on 18.5
22:08:21 YC0LOW Jo Ur sig was rapidly down/vanished. We'll try
some other
time, Flam
22:08:49 OZ1AXG Flam Theres a small JA pile up on 18.5
22:08:21 YC0LOW Jo Ur sig was rapidly down/vanished. We'll try
some other
time, Flam
22:08:04 OZ1AXG Flam ok, yep darn QSB ... ill give it a call
22:08:00 JH2RMU Aki JA4CUU caling now 18.2
22:07:17 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Flam. Cannot cpi your rst
22:07:12 OZ1AXG Flam Jo, QSB but heard u in there a little
lower in freq
than 18.6
22:06:05 YC0LOW Jo I lost ur signal, Flam :-((
22:04:20 OZ1AXG Flam he he ok !
22:03:55 OZ1AXG Flam YC0LOW Jo; could you lsn on 1818.6 for me
22:03:53 YC0LOW Jo Flam, I am calling you
2157 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2155 yc0low 1823.6 OZ1LXJ GE John. clg cq
2130 yc0low 1816.5 UA9MA
2129 yc0low 1818.0 RA3AGF
22:03:23 YC0LOW Jo 4s7ne is on 20, clg cq
22:02:09 YC0LOW Jo Nil heard on 26.6, Oleg. SRI. I am back to
Flam on
20.822:01:23 K1ZM Jeff fb aki - cu tomorow good day22:01:02
Jeff TNX Try not sigs today.22:00:55 OZ1AXG Flam I hear
JA7QVI TAC Serge ur sigs good 599 hr22:00:10 K1ZM Jeff GN GEOFF
US4EX Oleg Jo, pls lsn me 1826.621:59:50 OZ1AXG Flam 1820.8 i
have QRM on
both sides :=(21:59:46 JH2RMU Aki Cu Geoff Gn 73!21:59:09
YC0LOW Jo Sri,
Flam. pse try agn. I was on 21.2
21:59:09 YC0LOW Jo Sri, Flam. pse try agn. I was on
21.221:59:02 M0GID
Geoff Gentlemen: I must bid you all GN es 7321:58:15 OZ1AXG
Flam Jo, can u
hear me on 20.8 ??
21:56:28 UR8MA Serge Jo,TNX21:56:25 SERVER message (YC0LOW)
locator is KN98LD (QRB 8934 km, QTF 321°).21:56:24 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx Q
Serge!21:56:12 YC0LOW Jo GE Flam, Tks. Just wkd the UR8 on his
freq. It's
better for me to listen. Condx were poor.21:55:50 K1ZM Jeff
tomorrow21:55:37 K1ZM Jeff fb tac - thanks21:55:32 IZ0GKZ
massimo hi
all, i'm cqing at 1838 usb jt65a 2nd21:55:00 JA7QVI TAC Jeff GE
will try
tmw. today no good.. CU21:54:26 K3SX Sid (VK3ZL) Hello
OZ1AXG Flam You can use my freq: 1820.8 if you want ...clg cq
OZ1AXG Flam YC0LOW Jo : theres a SM with 59+50 on 18.221:53:07
rr21:52:35 K1ZM Jeff ok tks kaz - nmaybe tomorrow -
YC0LOW Jo OK, I will listem to that freq. Tks info.21:52:02
Jeff no signals SR 2200z wx is snow and dark21:51:52 UR8MA
Serge Jo,
SM50BFJ on 818.3 599+. Pse lsn me 1821.2
21:50:07 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Serge (UR8MA) Pse try to hear 1818.3. I
am clg cq
there. But I doubt, condx is poor21:46:29 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW,Jo
Are you
here ?
2132 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX Tks Ross. Condx is vy poor hr
2125 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
22:14:03 YC0LOW Jo Egon, we'll try agn. tnx.
22:12:54 PY2BW egon JO gm vy sri I hve no great noise hr today
22:10:59 YC0LOW Jo (PY2BW) GE Egon, no condx today. i couldn't
even hear
signal from EU.
1309 9m2ax 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
13:18:03 K5KC Ken CUL Jo. 73
13:17:44 K5KC Ken Larry #2, last night fog was so bad I could
not see my
beams. this morning, clear with beautiful stars.
13:17:41 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Ken. CUL es 73
13:17:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Larry #2. Must QRT to pick up my
daughter. 73 CUL
13:16:42 K5RK Larry #2 Sun is up here now.... at least I think
it is....
too much fog today. 73 all and good DX
13:15:51 K5RK Larry #2 Agree, Jo. Cndx poor today. Maybe some
other day we
can try!
13:15:47 K5KC Ken Jo, think you are right. It is as if somebody
cut my
wires at this end. Thanks for trying!
13:14:44 YC0LOW Jo Larry and Ken, seemed to be no condx for us
to qso.
13:08:51 K5KC Ken GM Larry #2. I agree - thought there might be
earlier, but very quiet now. Still lnsing for Jo.
13:07:44 K5RK Larry #2 RR Jo. Nothing here so far.
13:06:43 YC0LOW Jo Ken (K5KC) and Larry #2 (K5RK). I am clg cq
on 1821.5,
13:06:12 K5RK Larry #2 GM Ken. Band sounds very dead here.
3:08:51 K5KC Ken GM Larry #2. I agree - thought there might be
earlier, but very quiet now. Still lnsing for Jo.
13:07:44 K5RK Larry #2 RR Jo. Nothing here so far.
13:06:43 YC0LOW Jo Ken (K5KC) and Larry #2 (K5RK). I am clg cq
on 1821.5,
13:06:12 K5RK Larry #2 GM Ken. Band sounds very dead here.
13:03:54 K5KC Ken (YC0LOW) Jo, I'll be listening too. Will try
to work you
after Larry #2. My SR not until 1333
12:43:38 K5RK Larry #2 OK TU Jo!
12:42:08 YC0LOW Jo (K5RK) Yes, I will be QRV on 1818.3
12:40:26 K5RK Larry #2 (YC0LOW) Jo, will you still be on
topband around
1310z (my sunrise)? Would like to listen for you then.
1203 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW jo ge cq
1137 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GE Phil. Tnx fer spotting
1134 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
22:50:09 YC0LOW Jo I leave you all for morning tai chi. Gud DX.
22:49:31 PY2BW egon Jo yes sir tu
22:49:02 YC0LOW Jo Egon, usually I used 18.3 to 24.5 But, we
coordinate it via this chat line
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GM Paul BD7JSQ. CU soon
22:47:56 PY2BW egon JO thanks i wl do so, QRG?
22:49:02 YC0LOW Jo Egon, usually I used 18.3 to 24.5 But, we
coordinate it via this chat line
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GM Paul BD7JSQ. CU soon
22:47:56 PY2BW egon JO thanks i wl do so, QRG?
22:47:40 GM3YTS Rob sri VE1ZZ
22:47:32 BD7JSQ Paul Hello Jo, will also looking for you about
that time
22:46:27 YC0LOW Jo (PY2BW) Egon, GE. Look for me during weekend
2200Z onward, pse
22:43:49 PY2BW egon YC0LOW Jo ge/gm when you think we can
establish a QSO?
22:39:53 YC0LOW Jo (SV8JE) Chris, tnx for calling. Yes, vy glad
to hear ur
sig agn. Season's Greetings
22:37:11 SV8JE Chris dr JO nice hear u after 8year at
08/04/2001 mary
christams HNY
22:13:14 E74AW dado Im not sure, hi, bye
22:12:15 YC0LOW Jo My pleasure, Dado. CU soon.
22:11:36 E74AW dado Jo thanks for lesson,
22:11:31 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Peter. Condx earlier allowed my sig
toSV-land. It's pretty rare for me to get two SV stns in one run.
22:08:36 E74AW dado dont understand , never mind, no qso
22:08:24 E74AW dado hi
22:07:58 YC0LOW Jo If it's easy, it's not Topband, Dado, hi...
22:07:39 E74AW dado didnt ask for report this way but how you
copy me, but
never mind, hi
22:07:18 E74AW dado hi,
22:06:25 YC0LOW Jo Dado, I copy you OK and give u my rprt right
away. But,
seemed you don't get it right. We'll do it agn soon. Our path is
not a
difficult one. CUL
22:05:22 YC0LOW Jo Peter, I think we'll try agn tmw
22:05:02 E74AW dado how you copy me Jo, thats Im ask, ther is
no qso
22:04:23 E74AW dado no problem, just ask what was my rprt, ok
22:04:11 OK1CZ Peter Jo, SRI I missed it, will try again ur
22:03:49 YC0LOW Jo (E74AW) Dado, we'll exchange the rst in next
QSO. Okay?
22:03:01 SM2LIY Per OK Jo, me and a OH stn vcalling, but maybe
to low
signals right now, have heard you stronger before
22:02:08 YC0LOW Jo (SM2LIY) Per, sorry for not hearing your
22:02:03 E74AW dado and then start eu qrm as usual, hi
22:01:51 E74AW dado nil cpy you now JO, what was my rprt, ? i
here you
copy my 449 for you
22:01:51 SM2LIY Per Jo you have s5 signal here
22:00:51 YC0LOW Jo (OK1CZ) GE Peter. Band was gud to EU an hour
ago. Nil
hrd from EU, nw
21:56:58 SM2LIY Per YC0LOW stronger that "dododo" but dont hear
21:56:40 OK1CZ Peter Jo, GM, hope to hear you tonite
21:54:50 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Yuri. Condx were going down. CU nest
time. Tnx for
21:54:12 UT7UW Yuri Jo sorry no copy you. another time
2121 la3xi 1824.5 YC0LOW cq qsx up nice sign
2109 oh5ts 1824.5 YC0LOW tnx!
2108 ua3lar 1825.4 YC0LOW copy to me?
2049 sm3gsk 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ CQ 569
2033 yc0low 1823.0 HA3NU Busy with JAs. wkg ja3cjo
2025 ua4fco/qrp 1828.0 YC0LOW pse cln me
2020 yc0low 1828.9 UA4FCO SRI, nil hrd here
2017 ua4fco 1828.9 YC0LOW I`v qso pse lsn me cln to y
2012 yc0low 1819.5 JA7OEM clg cq
2005 yc0low 1816.5 UA3TCJ Andrei clg cq. Strong
1942 yc0low 1815.5 AH2L freq correction.sri
1939 yc0low 1818.5 AH2L called by 9m2ax
22:10:24 DJ6YX Tom hear u again Jo
22:05:20 DJ6YX Tom cq`ing ... sri you can`t hear me, Jo
22:03:21 DJ6YX Tom ge Jo, in and out here
21:57:57 YC0LOW Jo Peter OK1CZ, GE. clg cq on 24.5 now
21:56:48 OK1CZ Peter Jo YC0LOW are you still QRV?
22:00:58 OZ1LXJ John 1821.5 YC0LOW and BD7JSQ taking turns
2148 9m2ax 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo.cq
20:36:30 OZ1LXJ John (dx 1818.3 yc0low cq
2132 yc0low 1821.5 ES5Q OK. Juhan, tnx fer spotting
2130 es5q 1821.6 YC0LOW sri fat fingers
2125 es5q 1821.6 YL0LOW
2105 vk6gx 1821.5 SM6DOI Clg YC0LOW
2101 vk6gx 1821.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2057 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW
21:09:22 BD7JSQ Paul Jo, heard you 339 but you didn't return my
21:13:33 BD7JSQ Paul Yes Jo, thank you for trying. will look
for you on
the band
21:11:31 YC0LOW Jo Sorry, Paul, JSQ. We'll do a good TB qso
very soon, I
21:09:22 BD7JSQ Paul Jo, heard you 339 but you didn't return my
21:04:54 JH2RMU Aki Now QRV on 80m and get 9A6M 3507.
21:02:55 JE6IGP Hide rr Aki-san. it's cloudy hr.
21:00:43 JH2RMU Aki No, hr rain, some QRM.
21:00:07 YC0LOW Jo Yes, dado,please call me up-1
21:00:05 JE6IGP Hide Aki-san gm ! hw condex ?
20:59:29 E74AW dado call you 1up
20:59:19 E74AW dado YC0LOW Jo, Im copy you calling CQ?
20:58:52 JH2RMU Aki Gm JA1JRK Rio-san, JE6IGP hide-san2
0:58:37 YC0LOW Jo Did you hear my call, Paul?
20:56:33 YC0LOW Jo Paul, JSQ, Let me trry to call you, now on
18.3, qsx
20:55:47 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo. thank you. you were solid 579 a few
20:55:22 G3ROO Ian Paul 559 Jo nil now
20:55:06 9H1SP Paul
20:55:02 YC0LOW Jo Paul, I hear nothing. SRI. To my experience,
at this
time, we should do sked around our SS
20:54:52 9H1SP Paul 73s Dado GL
20:54:28 E74AW dado 73 paul
20:54:04 SM0MDG Bjorn The bouys/beacons or whatever they are
peaks 599
here on every 800 hz between 1810-1830 tonight
20:53:17 9H1SP Paul 73s all qrt, gn nice sunday ;-)
20:52:53 YC0LOW Jo I am RXing on 18.3, Paul
20:52:41 G3ROO Ian callin me Paul?
20:52:14 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo, calling you!
20:52:14 G3ROO Ian GE John...again
20:51:59 G3ROO Ian GE Paul... I heard you calling Jo but you
were on his
freq and he was split 1 UP
20:51:38 G3MYI john ok
20:51:22 G3ROO Ian Yes Jo, that is the delight of 160m
...neverknowing where
you will get to!
20:51:05 BD7JSQ Paul GE John, try to work Jo now. will call CQ
20:50:57 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks for the reports Kin-san!
20:50:39 YC0LOW Jo (BD7JSQ) GM Paul. Please try to call, if you
may. I am
rxing on 18.3
20:49:52 YC0LOW Jo Ian, last week I catched G3SYM, very easy,
with only
100 Watts. We'll never know
20:49:39 G3MYI john what freq are u on PAUL
20:49:35 BD7JSQ Paul Hi Flam
20:49:19 JH7PFD Kin Bjorn san GE You were 559 with JA7QVI
20:49:09 BD7JSQ Paul (YC0LOW) GM Jo, are you still up 1? called
20:49:04 OZ1AXG Flam GM Paul
20:48:38 BD7JSQ Paul gm/ge all
20:48:26 YC0LOW Jo Congrats, Bjorn! Glad to hear that
20:48:21 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks QSO Tac-san!
20:48:17 G3ROO Ian I'm cq'n on 17.5
20:48:01 S59A Drago BA7IO CQing on 1812
20:47:50 SM0MDG Bjorn The antenna is working well :)
20:47:49 G3ROO Ian One fine day Jo we will QSO!
20:47:31 JA7QVI TAC Bjorn mny tks qso today. ur 449 to 559 hr
20:47:27 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Ian. Noise is a real killer here, all
year long.
Must be in patience to overcome it.
20:47:20 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, you where 449-559 here at best...
deep QSB. Many
EU callers.
20:45:49 G3ROO Ian OK Jo... with the number os stations calling
you and
younot hearing I guessed that you had noise
20:45:28 OZ1AXG Flam same here nil...
20:44:49 YC0LOW Jo Ian, must stay for a while. Noise level is
going up, hi
20:44:05 G3ROO Ian Jo do not know if it's QSB or you have gone
but nil hrd
for a few mins now
20:43:40 JA7QVI TAC RR 13.2
20:42:43 SM0MDG Bjorn Can we do 1813.2? Bouy/beacon on 13
20:41:58 SM0MDG Bjorn OK
20:41:36 JA7QVI TAC Bjorn yes 1813?
20:40:45 SM0MDG Bjorn Tac-san, yes - give me a clear qrg...
20:40:37 G3ROO Ian bd7jsq 559 tonight20:39:12 JA7QVI TAC
(SM0MDG) Bjorn
can we try ok?
20:38:50 RV9FQ Serge Kevin pse qso on 80
20:35:41 VK3IO Ron OZ1CKT did you copy me calling you?
20:34:18 YC0LOW Jo qsx up 1
20:32:18 G3ROO Ian JO can you please go split 1 up coz it's bad
20:31:00 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Tac-san!
20:30:53 JA7QVI TAC Jo WoW many tks!!2
0:30:22 JH7PFD Kin Cong TAC san
20:30:03 JH7PFD Kin Jo san GM I will call you
20:29:43 G3ROO Ian Jo you're getting stronger!
20:28:42 OZ1AXG Flam i can herar you Jo... pse lsn for me :=)
20:28:01 YC0LOW Jo GM Tac-san, just wkd JA4CUU. But couldn't
hear you, SRI
20:27:24 SM0MDG Bjorn Tac, U are good copy here :)
20:26:45 E74AW dado ok, will tyr later
20:26:14 JA7QVI TAC Jo i call you. how cpy me?
20:23:29 YC0LOW Jo SRI Dado, not hearing you but noise
20:22:42 G3ROO Ian OK Jo I will go back to 17.5... many calling
20:22:33 E74AW dado YC0LOW copy me?
20:22:15 YC0LOW Jo OK, Ian. I hear faint signal but can't
20:21:28 G3ROO Ian Jo You're just on noise
20:21:20 E74AW dado he is not lisning at all
20:20:49 E74AW dado Ian, unbelivable, hi
20:20:45 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bjorn. I will add more and more. Tnx
for advice
20:19:35 9H1SP Paul Ian, ED is AH2L in Guam
20:19:10 SM0MDG Bjorn Thats good news and if possible keep adding
20:19:06 9H1SP Paul hihihihi ED is the name not the country
20:18:07 YC0LOW Jo GEBjorn, I am fine. Radials have been added
into 15
20:17:39 G3ROO Ian Cannothear ross... I'm coming to 18.3 now
20:17:23 E74AW dado JO, i will
call you20:16:57 YC0LOW Jo Ian, I am on 18.3. You're being
called by 9M2AX
20:16:52 G3ROO Ian Thanks Ron!!!
20:16:49 E74AW dado yes AH2L is Ed in Guam, KH2
20:16:36 SM0MDG Bjorn GM Jo, how are things?
20:16:16 G3ROO Ian Jo! Can we try a qso please... I neeed YC!!!
I'll call
on 17.5???
20:16:15 E74AW dado Ian, you say that ED is in spain or what, ?
20:16:06 VK3IO Ron Ian AH2 is island of Guam, in pacific, near
20:15:18 YC0LOW Jo (SM0MDG) GE Bjorn
2018 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
2018 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
1721 ua4cr 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ
1200 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
2214 bd7jsq 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2158 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
19:04:10 PA0O Jaap yc0low jo gn heard your cq good
18:45:07 DL8QS Heiko roger Jo, ..tnx fer info
18:45:03 YC0LOW Jo Heiko, I have BC harmonics on 20. Vy
difficult copy and
long to take your full call
18:43:22 YC0LOW Jo Heiko, pse direct, OK on QRZ.COM. Not via
18:42:38 DL8QS Heiko Jo is qsl via N2AU ? wll direct
18:42:17 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Heiko. You're in the log
18:42:06 S59A Drago I hear onlyJA4DND
18:41:26 UT7UJ Dim tnx QSO, Ron. 73!
18:41:17 DL8QS Heiko Hi copy ..tnx 449
18:38:21 YC0LOW Jo (DL8QS) Heiko, did u get my rprt foru?
18:37:42 S59A Drago aha I see, I hear some weak sig now
18:37:11 UA4CRSlav Drago See my last message
18:36:36 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The DL8QSlocator is JO43KH
(QRB 11100
km, QTF 323°).
18:36:17 SERVER message The chat is linked to many CLX/WEB DX
clusters.Take a look into the MENU.
18:36:17 SERVER message Welcome US3QQ Serge onthis LOW BAND
chat.We hope you will enjoy your stay here and visit us again.
18:35:57 S59ADrago whom is DL8QS calling all the time? I hear
nothing on
18:31:19VK3ZL Bobby Gm all....QRN low this morning....QRG 1826.5.
18:26:02 ZS1RECRaoul 73 Remi, no signal tonight
18:24:32 UA4CR Slav YC0LOW CQ 21.5
1840 dl8qs 1821.5 YC0LOW tnx qso
18:24:32 UA4CR Slav YC0LOW CQ 21.5
1202 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
22:42:27 YC0LOW Jo 73 for now. cloudy morning, here. Gud DX.
22:41:18UA9MA Gena You are welcome Jo !!
22:40:50 YC0LOW Jo Gena, I am glad to be a
NEW one for u on TB. I do QSL 100%
22:40:31 UA9MA Gena 7452 km between our station
22:38:49 UA9MA Gena Pse qsl JO ! New one for me
22:38:16 YC0LOW Jo Gena, tnx info. Mine is OI33JP. 73 and CUAGN
22:37:41 UA9MA Gena (yc0low) mo64ur jo
22:34:59 K1GUN JD saw Bob Ackly at the dentist this morning
mentiond you
had bought an ICOM 7800 congrats
22:32:18 K1QX Craig just like
talking to navy guys. t-a-l-k s-l-o-w
22:31:51 K1QX Craig rgr
JD22:31:50 YC0LOW Jo (UA9MA) Gena, what's ur QTH locator, pse
22:31:04YC0LOW Jo Tnx QSO, Gena. SRI abt QRM from my neighbour
signal. We
had 10mqso long time ago
22:30:45 K1GUN JD send
22:30:22 K1GUN JD if you hear him,sent slowly
22:29:44 UA9MA Gena (YC0LOW) Nice signal JO
2231 ua9ma 1822.5 YC0LOW cqing
2230 yc0low 1822.5 UA9MA tnx qso, Gena
2223 g3sym 1818.8 YC0LOW correcton finger trouble
2217 yc0low 1818.8 G3SYM vy QSB but in the log
2214 g3sym 1879.0 YC0LOW tks for qso
2203 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW hpe cuagn frNEWJNE
2202 yc0low 1818.3 UA6MF SRI Ivan, no RX ant, yet
2156 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW never copy :-((
2155 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2051 vk6hd 1825.1 YC0LOW GM Jo
1147 9m2ax 1819.5 YC0LOW cq
1145 9m2ax 1821.8 YC2EUZ cq
1120 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW jo ge
2158 yc0low 1800.0 UA0MF Not nw, Mike. sri
2155 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, are you copy EU now ? YB
2110 ly5w 1817.7 YC0LOW TRY HERE
2110 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW NIL here {- YB
2109 yc0low 1818.3 UA6MF yes I am
2105 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW are you on freq ?
2059 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
2059 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
22:40:31 YC0LOW Jo (PA0O) Jaap, we'll meet some day. if you
could send me
the recording, I'd be grateful
22:39:51 YC0LOW Jo (OZ1LXJ) AGN Tnx John.
22:39:51 N3BNA Dale calling on 1817, but no rx antenna..wasted
soldering cold solder joints in the field
22:39:41 KV4FZ Herb Well Phil your working DX and thats what
22:39:05 PA0O Jaap Jo i have never heard you before and i
recorded you
qso/cq here
22:38:40 YC0LOW Jo (PA0O,) Japp TNX for spotting and GL. cu tmw
22:38:10 PA0O Jaap anotherr dx i can not work...
22:38:09 GJ4CBQ Phil OK Herb? Got my rpt. Guess ur ears better
than mine.
No Rx ant hr.
22:38:05 OZ1CTK Boye CQ 3511 EU-029
22:37:54OZ1LXJ John (YC0LOW) Jo - I were wondering, condx arent
the best
today, but ur sigs fb, honest 579 on peaks. That didnt happen
often in the
22:37:47 PA0O Jaap i was to late i was in kitchen drinkingwine
22:36:55 W4ZV Bill OK condx today but fun to listen for
you with
your new antenna. 73!
22:36:46 WT3Q Sam any luck since your last msg
22:36:16 EY8MM Nodir Sure Bob! I will be on 80 SB.
22:35:54 YC0LOW Jo 2227Z, Just passed my SR time, Bill. Will
get back TMW
for sure. I am so happy the antenna works! 73 to yiou and all!
22:35:29 N3BNA Dale yo
22:35:12 MD0CCE Bob (EY8MM) CU in the contest Nodir!
22:34:43 WT3Q Sam (N3BNA) yo
22:34:40 W4ZV Bill What's your SR Jo?
22:34:36 PA0O Jaap gd copy here Jo 559 569
22:34:12 W4ZV Bill I think PA0O made a mistake and spotted 34.0
but he's
calling on 18.3
22:34:12 EY8MM Nodir TNX Bob!!!
22:33:58 DL8YHR Frank 3x split qrg
22:33:55 KV4FZ Herb Got the 569
22:33:42 BD7JSQ Paul GM Nodir EY8MM, Tnx FB qso and a new one
on TB!
22:33:39 YC0LOW Jo No Bill,still on 18.3 my first day with new
system in the antenna
22:33:33 MD0CCE Bob Sunrise here now and EU sigs gone; off to
bkfst - tnx
for theQs
22:33:18 K1QX Craig cloudy and cool 32. heavy rain ystdy
22:33:14 YC0LOW Jo (OZ1LXJ) GE John, Tnx for QSO. It gave me
confidence to
my newly erected TX antenna command is invalid or incomplete. Try
2231 pa0o 1834.0 YC0LOW gd copy here
2227 ru3eg 1818.3 YC0LOW stil hee TNX
2215 ru3eg 1818.4 YC0LOW cq cq
2104 yc0low 1800.0 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2100 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq jo
1845 ua6lv 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
1118 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
2226 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq gm jo
1216 9m2ax 1816.9 YC0LOW cq weak
1210 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
1131 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
2219 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2204 yc0low 1821.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2202 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ gm jo
1121 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2214 yc0low 1826.5 9M2AX in QSO with VK6ABL.GM Ross2214 yc0low
1826.5 VK6ABL
GM Phil, weak today
2205 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
11 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2207 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo S9
2212 yc0low 1826.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Strong today
2204 yc0low 1824.5 VK6HD GM Mike. Nice to work u
2158 vk6hd 1824.0 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
1304 yc0low 1824.5 VK6ABL Phil, GE. RST 579
1202 jh2fxk 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
11:58:20 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Al. Band is not open to USA, yet. SRI
11:57:15 W5IZ Al Listening hard for you Jo
11:55:41 YC0LOW Jo I'm makin' noise on 21.5
1241 yc0low 1821.5 7K1PTT Tnx for spotting. GE.QSY 21.5
1240 7k1ptt 1824.0 YC0LOW
1217 vk3zl 1814.0 YCOLOW calling cq.
2224 yc0low 1815.0 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2222 vk6abl 1815.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1237 vk6abl 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2226 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW OK JO i am PA
2225 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI tnx,Gena.Am using 100W
2219 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW NO76db
2217 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI Gena,what's ur QTH Loc.,pse?
2211 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW QSL JO UR signal 559 QSB ORM
2208 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI Gena, ur sig peaked 599.tnx qso
2158 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI calling dx
1248 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo, N6TR/7 on freq
2244 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2240 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1159 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2233 9m2ax 1819.4 YC0LOW cqing
1249 yc0low 1824.5 VK6ABL GE Phil. Tnx for spotting
1248 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW clg N6TR/7 Ge Jo
2219 yc0low 1821.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2214 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ gm jo
2208 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
1149 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GE Phil. Tnx for spotting
1146 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW Ge Jo
1154 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GE, Phil. Band is dead :-(
1147 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2257 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1222 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
1205 yf1oo 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo, cq cq
1202 yf1oo 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo, cq cq YB
2239 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq jo
2252 yc0low 1825.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2250 9m2ax 1825.3 YC0LOW GM JO cq
1127 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
1126 9m2ax 1823.8 YC0LOW cq.
11:20:19 9M2AX ross GE Jo, tks rprt..ur sig was also 559 not
11:13:00 9M2AX ross GM YC0LOW calling CQ on 1823.7
2300 yc0low 1800.0 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx rprt
2258 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo, not much about
07 Juni 2008
1359 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2225 9m2ax 1817.2 YC0LOW cq jo
1931 i4eat 1813.5 YC0LOW 559 clg A61Q
1926 yc0low 1813.4 A61Q cld u many times
1928 dl4cf 1813.3 YC0LOW Jo, A61Q is right on top of you
1923 9m2ax 1813.3 YC0LOW 499= vy strong
21:42:23 RA3CQ Igor Congtaulation! I know what u feel wrkg new
21:41:22 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Igor. #107 for me on topband
21:40:27 RA3CQ Igor Good QSO
21:39:58 RA3CQ Igor U are really loud Jo.
21:39:43 RA3CQ Igor bk
21:39:22 RA3CQ Igor Ok
21:38:45 RA3CQ Igor He is calling u
Jo.21:38:06 YC0LOW Jo Thanks. But not now. His signal is now
buried by the
SP etc
21:37:31 RA3CQ Igor He's asking JA now.
21:37:12 RA3CQ Igor I can help if you need.
21:36:44 YC0LOW Jo No, Igor, I could listen 4O's signal between
21:35:46 RA3CQ Igor Jo are u calling 4O?
21:35:35 YC0LOW Jo (RA3CQ.) GE Igor. Tnx rprt. Just lucky.
21:34:48 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) You r vy good tonight Jo. Almost
21:34:30 YC0LOW Jo (YT1VP) GE Vlada.Tnx QSO. Chasing the
4O/YT1HA now. 73
21:33:54 YT1VP Vlada YC0LOW, Ed mni TNX for #, now many station
from EU
call U... GL
21:28:53 YT1VP Vlada YC0LOW, Ed pse check 1812.0 call cq. TNX
2133 ua1anp 1819.0 YC0LOW
2126 iz3eyz 1819.1 YC0LOW wkg ja
2117 og2m 1819.0 YC0LOW c q
1509 ja7gyp 3502.0 YC0LOW tnx Jo
14:55:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Robert. I wish it was on TB, hi
14:54:04 W7LR Robert Jo 579 fb on 80
14:53:27 YC0LOW Jo Hi hi...
14:53:01 K6XT Art Too any dits Jo, HI!
14:49:46 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Art. I hear more stns calling with
14:49:44 W7LR Robert many JA loud this morning
14:48:44 K6XT Art Past SR here, Jo is actually louder now.
14:32:45 YC0LOW Jo The same here with QSB, Ski. Tnx qso
14:30:53 K8FC Ski Tnx Jo for qso, much QSB here this am.
14:24:37 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Art.
14:22:44 K6XT Art Jo thanks for the QSO, ur gud copy today!
1450 k6xt 3502.0 YC0LOW Louder now than 30 min ago
1416 k6xt 3502.1 YC0LOW CQ
22:21:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andy
22:21:08 EU7SA Andy Jo, your signal here 559
22:50:11 PA7MM Bert ok nice, lsn to yc0low now, copy him quite
2243 ua1pac 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LP NA&SA :(
2243 ua1pac/ 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LPNA&SA :(
2243 ua1pac/1 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LP NA&SA :(
2239 ua1pac 1817.3 YC0LOW Please Split QRG... Mni EU...
2239 ua1pac/ 1817.3YC0LOW Please Split QRG... Mni EU...
2239 ua1pac/1 1817.3 YC0LOW Please Split QRG...
22:38:49 YC0LOW Jo RR Paul, LA6YEA. No wonder
22:38:10 LA6YEA Paul yupp...and vertical
22:37:32 YC0LOW Jo I could hear you well above others. KW,
22:36:53 LA6YEA Paul Nice sig Jo.
22:34:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, difficult to hear them here. SRI :-((
22:33:29 SM7GIB Mats Jo, I will call a little down.
22:33:15 LA6YEA Paul Jo you got big EU pile ....
22:32:15 YC0LOW Jo Mats, SM7GIB, sri, i have heavy noise, here
22:26:59 SM7GIB Mats Jo, I am trying to get to You
22:21:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andy
22:21:08 EU7SA Andy Jo, your signal here 559
22:21:07 W8UVZ George John (ZJ) are u here?
22:19:28 G3ZES ALAN I have rain static just starting, been very
quite up
to now
22:18:33 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Alan. But, static crashes and fast qsb
here :-((
22:17:25 G3ZES ALAN Good today Jo
2216 ua6lv 1817.3 YC0LOW cq LP to NA with good sig
2214 g3zes 1817.5 YC0LOW
2212 ra3dox 1817.5 YC0LOW CLG CQ.fb sig.
2117 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW I talked w OK1DRQ, it's OK...
2113 yc0low 1800.0 OM6KW Pse fwd that to OK1DRQ.TNX
2111 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo MNI TNX 73
2110 yc0low 1800.0 OM6KW Rado,replacmnt crd already sen
2106 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo U sentme OK1DRQ QSL...
1452 rw3qo 3500.9 YC0LOW sorry, correct freq
1450 ut3md 3501.0 YC0LOW
1444 k6na 3501.0 YC0LOW
1402 9m2ax 3501.0 YC0LOW cq vy strong.
1211 yc0low 1819.3 N6SS/MM Pres, bon voyage! TU fer spot
1207 n6ss 1819.5 YC0LOW CQ N6SS/mm nr JA6
22:49:46 YC0LOW Jo Craig, Yes, sure you and Gary KD9SV did help
me so much
22:49:46 9M2AX ross Rgr I will call Cq on 31.5 .but any qrm for
22:49:38 W4ZV Bill Jo if you heard a faint trace of me that is
about as
well as I was hearing maybe Bev working OK now.
22:49:01 YC0LOW Jo We'll try agn and agn to make the impossible
possible. Ross, pse use the freq if you wish. tnx
22:48:48 K1QX Craig Jo, i hope we are helping u
22:48:30 W4ZV Bill (9M2AX) Ross are you CQ-ing today? Might
have some
condx to south based on hearing a little of Jo.
22:47:48 W4ZV Bill Will keep trying! If condx are right
anything is
possible! 73!
22:47:13 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, GE.
22:47:08 W4ZV Bill Jo we may have to give up until next season
when we have more common darkness. No traces from you for about
10 mins now.
22:46:52 YC0LOW Jo Bill, W4ZV I think time is up for today. Tnx
tmw. 73
22:46:34 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, I have been listening. Nothing here
22:45:03 RL3FT Yury Tnx Jo
22:44:26 YC0LOW Jo Yury, UA3AGW Always have FB signal.
yesterday. Like local signal, here
22:44:04 W4ZV Bill It's just extremely difficult path and condx
are not
good enough today. But keep trying a few more minutes!
22:43:40 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig. Tnx emails
22:43:23 RL3FT Yury Jo how was UA3AGW? He guest at our club)
22:42:56 YC0LOW Jo SRI Bill et al. Couldn't respond to calls.
disappointment of me :-((
22:42:48 K1QX Craig nada in nh Jo
22:41:48 W4ZV Bill I think peak is gone but keep trying a
more...sometimes a sunrise peak.
22:41:03 G3ZES ALAN Peaked here at 10:33
22:40:55 W4ZV Bill You are also very weak and I would not know
it was you
except for exact QRG. Spectran trace very light.
22:40:32 G3ZES ALAN OH5FT was calling most times Jo
22:40:04 W4ZV Bill Only 16 mins of common darkness is probably
not enough
but let's keep trying 10 more minutes. You seem weaker now.
22:39:56 YC0LOW Jo Heard very weak signal, Bill. Could not
22:39:12 W4ZV Bill I've called a few times Jo but you are
really too weak
to copy yet.
22:39:08 YC0LOW Jo GE Yury. Tnx rprt
22:38:57 9M2AX ross GM Jo,OH called u.
22:38:27 RL3FT Yury Jo fb here
22:37:40 YC0LOW Jo GM Ross.
22:36:16 9M2AX ross GM Bill Nw Jo freq lsning
22:35:15 W4ZV Bill (9M2AX) Ross you may also want to try
beaming South
after Jo and I finish at 2250z.
22:34:02 W4ZV Bill If we get
a peak I expect it to be 2240 to 2245. Not strong enough to call
but I do
hear you for sure!
22:33:38 YC0LOW Jo I will keep calling CQ until my SR, Bill.
22:32:43 W4ZV Bill actually 2233z today...Jakarta SR 2249 and I
do hear a
little of you now!
22:28:35 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...just at sunset here so don't give up
22:27:54 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GE Bill. I am cqing on 1818.3 since
10 minutes
ago. No response from anywhere, yet. Band died again
22:26:55 9M2AX ross ok tks craig.
22:26:26 K1QX Craig ross nada on 3510
22:26:15 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Are you QRV today Jo?
21:02:09 YC0LOW Jo Ge Ludek. Sigs are weak and fast QSB :-((
21:00:20 OK2ZC Ludek Jo good sign call many EUs
2058 rl3ft 1818.2 YC0LOW srtong coming from high angle
20:59:35 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank, Tnx rprt. Band is very QSB here
20:57:58 DL8YHR Frank are 559 here
20:57:31 YC0LOW Jo GM Hidehiro-san. But, It's difficult to rx
20:56:57 AH2L Ed (uy5zz) Vlad when did u send 2nd card
20:56:38 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo GM good signal !
2050 g3zes 1818.1 YC0LOW
2049 ja3fyc 1818.2 YC0LOW cq
22:54:25 YC0LOW Jo Alan, he lives near to me. But, now he's
assigned to
work in Batam, where Bob, YB5AQB also resides there. 73
22:52:51 G3ZES ALAN Ok Jo my logger just says Indonesia, thanks
22:52:37 N1BUG Paul Hi John, small storm here... 6 inches so
far, may get
a couple more inches before it is over.
22:52:15 W4ZV Bill 73 Jo! thanks for trying!
22:51:37 YC0LOW Jo GE Paul. Tnx rprt. I go QRT. Nice morning
here. TNX to
all es CUL 73.
22:51:11 VE1ZJ john Hi Paul hw much snow today?
22:51:08 ZP6CW Doug Hearing G4ZCG, CU1CB (before) while still
light out,
this is a first,
perhaps band is going to be good tonight.
22:50:43 YC0LOW Jo Alan, may be he didn't hear me either. He is
QRV in
Batam Islan, 3000-4000 kms from my
22:49:58 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, nothing heard today.
22:49:55 W4ZV Bill I have Jakarta SR as 2248 so I guess no
condx today Jo.
22:49:23 G3ZES ALAN Him on 19.4 Jo just wondered why he so
close to you
22:49:21 YC0LOW Jo rady=ready
22:49:12 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill W4ZV. My South Bev is rady agin.
What I'm waiting for is only good condx :-))
22:47:59 YC0LOW Jo GE Alan. I
couldn't hear YD0 on my freq
22:47:53 W4ZV Bill Heard a few traces of
something Jo but not identifiable.
22:46:52 G3ZES ALAN Is YD0 Qrm on your
freq Jo
22:43:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Roland. I am expecting to be heard
NA until my SR.
22:43:13 RL3FT Yury may be later, last peak in our site is
about 23.30 0.30 z
22:42:47 SM0BRF Roland OK Jo you are 569
YC0LOW Jo SRI Roland, EU sigs are weak. maybe tmw
22:41:37 SM0BRF Roland
pse listten eu Jo
22:41:23 N2NL Dave I think the bad cdx are all my fault.
Take a few days off work to DX and the bands are QRN+stinko
22:41:14 YC0LOW
Jo Yes, my SR is about in 10 more minutes
22:40:39 W4ZV Bill Don't give up
until your sunrise Jo.
22:40:16 VE1ZJ john OK Yury TU condx not gud . rpt
OKfor 100 w
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Bill W4ZV tnx rprt. Maybe tmw agn
W4ZV Bill nothing at all so far Jo.
22:38:54 SM0MDG Bjorn Nothing Jo,
running the station remote for the moment. U R 559 here...
another SM0 also
22:38:53 KV4FZ Herb John (KP2A) and I weregoing to fly over to
but Maarti beat us to the punch.
22:38:43 RL3FT Yury John you was 200Hz
down in my site) tnx 449
22:37:45 W4ZV Bill FJ I meant.
22:37:37 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx rprt, Bjorn. What happened to your linear amp?
22:37:34 W4ZV Bill Yes
FV/AH8DX there in late Feb and early March so no worries!
22:37:01 VE1ZJ
john Was run 100 w Morten
22:36:44 SM0MDG Bjorn Good copy Jo, but I can
just call with 100 watt right now.
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt
22:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo, 449 today. CU 73
1818.4 YC0LOW Don't sweat! CU another day!
1818.3 DL4CF SRI not cpi u well earlier
2253 dl4cf 1818.4 YC0LOW Tnx for info. GL!
2246 yc0low 1818.3 DL4CF Trying LP to NA and SA
2246 dl4cf 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ LP to what?
22:43:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Roland. I am expecting to be heard
in NA until
my SR.
22:43:13 RL3FT Yury may be later, last peak in our site is
23.30 0.30 z
22:42:47 SM0BRF Roland OK Jo you are 569
22:42:15 YC0LOW Jo
SRI Roland, EU sigs are weak. maybe tmw
22:41:37 SM0BRF Roland pse listten
eu Jo
22:41:23 N2NL Dave I think the bad cdx are all my fault. Take a
days off work to DX and the bands are QRN+stinko
22:41:14 YC0LOW Jo Yes, my
SR is about in 10 more minutes
22:40:39 W4ZV Bill Don't give up until your
sunrise Jo.
22:40:16 VE1ZJ john OK Yury TU condx not gud . rpt OK for 100w
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Bill W4ZV tnx rprt. Maybe tmw agn
22:39:10 W4ZV Bill nothing at all so far Jo.
22:38:54 SM0MDG Bjorn Nothing Jo, running the
station remote for the moment. U R 559 here... another SM0 also
22:38:53 KV4FZ Herb John (KP2A) and I weregoing to fly over to
but Maarti beat us to the punch.
22:38:43 RL3FT Yury John you was 200Hz
down in my site) tnx 449
22:37:45 W4ZV Bill FJ I meant.
22:37:37 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx rprt, Bjorn. What happened to your linear amp?
22:37:34 W4ZV Bill Yes
FV/AH8DX there in late Feb and early March so no worries!
22:37:01 VE1ZJ
john Was run 100 w Morten
22:36:44 SM0MDG Bjorn Good copy Jo, but I can
just call with 100 watt right now.
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt
7322:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo, 449 today. CU 73
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt 73
22:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo,449 today. CU 73
2235 yc0low 1818.3 LA3MHA GE Morten. Tnx fer spot
2234 la3mha 1818.3 YC0LOW gm Jo
2230 oh5ts 1818.3 YC0LOW cq LP not EU
2205 g3zes 1818.4 YC0LOW
22:52:37 K3SX Sid 73 Jo.
22:52:31 N1BUG Paul And once again the SE Asia path
comes to life
when geomagnetic activity is up a bit. Interesting.
22:52:03 YC0LOW Jo Bye to all. Gud DX es 73.
22:51:38 N1BUG Paul Hopefully Bill, but it has been
hanging around
for several days now!
22:51:29 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...have a nice day...there's
22:51:26 AA4H Carl tnx Ray, guess it is not bothering a
lot of US
as 100's calling last night and I never hrd a peep fro them
22:50:52 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill W4ZV. I hope to be able to
sked with
W1 stns. CUL es tnx. Lost my appetite for breakfast because of my
problem in
my S bev :-))
22:50:46 W4ZV Bill Hopefully dissipated by tomorrow
22:50:04 N1BUG Paul Jo would have been solid 559 today
if we did
not have storm QRN
22:49:47 NR1R RAY carl e mail the pilots and they will
tell them
usually most expedition know abt birdies every 10 khz
22:49:46 W4ZV Bill OK John...he sure was weak here.
22:49:17 W1FV John Bill, GQ said he was running 100W to
a low G5RV
22:49:17 N1BUG Paul RR Jo, today was the best I heard
you so far.
See you tomorrow!
22:49:02 W4ZV Bill Jo you should be trying for W1 much
earlier...maybe 2215z.
22:48:30 W1FV John Wait, it's a KP4 calling on 20.8...
22:48:27 YC0LOW Jo SRI Paul, I had a phone call, just
know. CUAGN
tmw. tks
22:47:56 AA4H Carl I've got a HB filter but not taking
it out, if
he stays on 1830 guess I'll miss J5 yet again
22:47:47 W4ZV Bill John did Bill ever tell you what he
was running
in Stew Perry?
22:47:29 KA3QLF Scott J5, too
22:47:28 N1BUG Paul Jo you were getting stronger just
before you
stopped. Maybe stopped a bit too early.
22:47:25 KA3QLF Scott J% building nicely
22:47:08 W4ZV Bill Jakarta SR 2249 today.
22:46:49 W4ZV Bill I think you guys up north have a
better chance
for Jo than me now...only 19 mins common darkness which is too
22:46:37 W1FV John Also SE
22:46:04 N1BUG Paul It was SE here
22:45:51 YC0LOW Jo GE John, W1FV. tnx rprt. Stop clg,
22:45:37 N1BUG Paul Noisy here too but not as bad I'm
sure. Jo was
449 in QRN.
22:45:13 W4ZV Bill What direction John and Paul?
22:45:08 K3SX Sid Jo no cpi today sri
22:44:48 W4ZV Bill can see how poorly I hear
with tll teh
lightning off our coast!
22:44:33 W1FV John Jo, I was copying you here
22:44:22 NR1R RAY if i swap the ice filter as a input
it is there
22:44:20 W4ZV Bill Stopped
22:44:15 N1BUG Paul It is a KP4 Bill... not hearing Jo
any more
22:43:40 NR1R RAY depending on which preamp matrix i
use the bc
birdie is there with the kd9sv 160m as a input it filters it out
22:43:30 W4ZV Bill Paul you cppy station CQ on 20.8?
Not Jo but
SSE from here. PY?
22:43:02 YC0LOW Jo FM=FB, sri
22:42:48 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt. Bill, my South Bev was
ysdy. But, I don't know why its noise level is the same high as
tx antena.
the swr is FM 1:1.5. Must recheck.
22:42:30 AA4H Carl great on 300 Ray, I'm at 100 and
still adding
22:41:28 AA4H Carl not as good as I would like BC spur
on 1830
taking out J5 last 2 nights
22:40:35 AA1K Jon ge/gm....any sign of 4S7NE tonite?
22:39:30 W4ZV Bill Nil so far Jo but Paul is calling
22:39:29 NR1R RAY hows it gg carl long time no hear
22:38:31 NR1R RAY aprox 300
22:38:08 AA4H Carl Ray how many individual radials does
14,000 ft represent?
22:37:51 K3SX Sid Tnx Jo. I am lsn
22:37:21 YC0LOW Jo 1820.8 Sid
22:37:07 K3SX Sid ES5QX is 579 here!
22:36:13 K3SX Sid Jo ur QRG now?
22:36:01 K3SX Sid Oh FB.
22:35:46 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, paul. Need spot from u, if
22:35:36 KA3QLF Scott hehe
22:35:34 W4ZV Bill Go ahead and QSO Jo...still
listening but nil
so far.
22:35:33 KA3QLF Scott the J5c
22:35:30 NR1R RAY es5qx
22:35:17 K3SX Sid Hi ray. Who did U wk 1st call?
22:35:08 N1BUG Paul Jo I think I hear you. Lot of QRM
on very busy
band today.
22:35:01 YC0LOW Jo stn OH is clg me, Bill
22:34:58 NR1R RAY hi sid
22:33:08 N3OX Dan if I can send
22:32:09 YC0LOW Jo clg nw
22:31:47 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...listening.
22:31:45 KA3QLF Scott NR1R first call
22:31:26 YC0LOW Jo QSYed to 400 Hz up, Bill
22:31:21 N3OX Dan lemme try him scott
22:30:48 KA3QLF Scott need QRO fr tB now :-)
22:30:31 KA3QLF Scott es5qx 18.8 not hearing me on
either antenna
22:30:29 W4ZV Bill Think he just moved from 22.3
22:29:48 YC0LOW Jo Oops, sri. didn't hear his signal,
22:29:47 W4ZV Bill ...but no traces of you here so far
22:28:56 W4ZV Bill G3RTY now CQon 20.4
22:27:53 W4ZV Bill We have some lightning crashes SSE
but should
be able to hear you between if condx.
22:27:11 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) Bill, calling LP nw on 20.4
22:25:50 YC0LOW Jo Bill, W4ZV, in few minutes. looking
for clear
freq here
22:25:08 N3OX Dan they'll both hear well at different
times I
22:24:53 W4ZV Bill Jo are you still CQ?
22:24:41 KA3QLF Scott I intend to Bill...I have a wierd
the vee will hear etter in the long run
22:24:29 NR1R RAY scott at s/s and s/r the v will play
mostly high angle at those times
22:24:18 K4CIA Bill If convenient, leave both up
Scott...its all
about choices..u will see..
22:24:12 N3OX Dan That's probably a good sign ;-)
22:23:38 KA3QLF Scott having s9 plus crashes on"L" but
only s-7 o
22:23:03 N3OX Dan I hear incoming angle at greyline can
be weird
22:22:44 N3OX Dan When the DXes come in you can try
22:22:43 KA3QLF Scott but the "V" heard SP3BQ earlier
better, but
may just have been noise level factor
22:22:17 KA3QLF Scott TY Bill
22:22:05 N3OX Dan interesting
22:21:57 KA3QLF Scott ok the"L" actually recieved you
better by 2
"S" units...
22:21:53 K4CIA Bill Scott: inv L was 5-10 db btr than
vee here in
22:21:52 N3OX Dan Scott, the vee has 1-2 S-units on L
right now
22:15:55 KA3QLF Scott roger 1812...will send
22:15:39 KA3QLF Scott my buddy pue a meter on it and
had 8
22:15:25 N3OX Dan 1812?
22:15:12 N3OX Dan sure Scott
22:15:06 N3OX Dan Scott, 60 feet vertical inv L should
be about 17
22:14:47 KA3QLF Scott Dan..have time for a comparison?
22:14:46 G3ZES ALAN LY4CW on 1835
22:13:05 DL8YHR Frank nothing here Gill
22:12:50 JH4IFF Mitsu Also I am. Have a nice day.
22:12:08 JH2RMU Aki JH2FXK,JA3EMU,JA5DQH,,,, Calling, I
wait good
condx TNX CU 73!
22:11:57 KA3QLF Scott yep..still a little broad...hope
it plays
well tonight
22:11:37 JH4IFF Mitsu rrr TNX info. Maybe condition is
22:10:53 JH2RMU Aki No
22:10:21 JH4IFF Mitsu JH2RMU Aki-san, how is RXing of
J5C now?
22:10:20 DK2PH Jo 4F2KWT pse call, I will listen for
You on 26
22:10:20 N3OX Dan "swr flat from 1770 to 1849" need
more ;-)
22:10:03 4F2KWT Gil Ok Frank. I call CQ now.
22:09:26 DL8YHR Frank Ge Gill..will also be their pse
22:08:44 4F2KWT Gil Neil, wanna try 26 now?
22:08:23 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Andy, SP6AEG. Dream well. 73
22:07:31 SP6AEG Andy GN all, I go to bed, see you
another time Jo
22:07:26 KA3QLF Scott length of radials vary from 60'
to 20'
22:07:20 YC0LOW Jo GE Bill. Tnx
22:06:49 KA3QLF Scott I placed about 300' radials out
there, with
a ground rod down 8 feet...swr flat from 1770 to 1849
22:06:20 YC0LOW Jo QRX, pse. I have difficulty in RX
due to fast
QSB. Tnx
22:06:17 W4ZV Bill Will be listening at sunset Jo
(~2229z today )
22:05:34 RA3CQ Igor No Jo. Simply high.My dipoles are
50-60 mh.
22:05:00 KA3QLF Scott SP3 on 29...abt twice as loud on
old vee
than "L" but that is to be expected I am guessing
22:05:00 RA3CQ Igor OK, understood. I am thinking about
Inv L but
not higher than 16 m
22:04:42 YC0LOW Jo Igor, you have good rx antenna.
22:04:28 N3OX Dan FB Scott
22:04:02 DL8YHR Frank 579 Jo..never such loud here..fb
22:04:01 RA3CQ Igor Lucky? Almost every evening? You
are kidding.
It is something regular.
22:03:49 KA3QLF Scott the vertical portion is much
higher than
expected...just nder 60'
22:03:41 YC0LOW Jo Vertical portion height is 23 meters
22:03:22 NR1R RAY dont waste ur money look at zero five
22:03:15 RA3CQ Igor What is the heigh of vertical part?
22:03:15 KA3QLF Scott it's up Dan...comparing recieve
22:03:10 YC0LOW Jo Igor, Did nothing to my tx ant. Just
22:03:10 JH4IFF Mitsu JE6IGP hidehiro-san, GM. Are you
22:02:46 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Dan
22:02:34 N3OX Dan You do inverted L?
22:02:29 N3OX Dan hi Scott
22:02:27 NR1R RAY junk morten
22:02:09 RA3CQ Igor Evening Scott
22:02:06 EU7SA Andy Jo FB sig, but deep QSB
22:01:52 KA3QLF Scott evening everyone
22:01:42 RA3CQ Igor Jo, you are loud today. What did
you do with
your antenna? :)
22:00:58 N3OX Dan I guess there's no chance for me to
hear you Jo
on a K=3 A=15 day
22:00:46 LA3MHA Morten gm/ge, any experience with
22:00:42 JH4IFF Mitsu Aki-san, JA5DQH is calling J5C
very long
time. Maybe not my day.
22:00:32 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo loud !
22:00:17 DL8YHR Frank cq...will call
22:00:16 9H1SP Paul j5 still on 1830, ??? no copy at
the moment
22:00:13 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are fb sigs Jo
22:00:04 SP5ENA Mirek Jo (LOW) no copy here, 25 km from
SP5EWY but
in City (almost) center
21:59:07 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Frank
21:57:31 DL8YHR Frank jo..good copy today
21:57:10 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Kazu-san. Good sleep.
21:56:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Rys
21:56:34 SP5EWY Rys really strong Jo
21:56:27 SM7DLK Goran Dan 1819
21:56:22 JJ0MEF kazu rr will back to bed now,cu
tonight,73 all
21:56:18 YC0LOW Jo 1819, dan
21:55:56 N3OX Dan what QRG Jo?
21:55:40 JH4IFF Mitsu Maybe my problem. QRN is bad
21:55:09 SM7DLK Goran Jo, Tnx very much #214
21:54:44 EU7SA Andy I am calling you Jo
21:54:02 JH4IFF Mitsu Not good now. Maybe all JAs. Pile
up became
very small.
21:52:49 JJ0MEF kazu Mitsu how is J5C now?
21:51:39 YC0LOW Jo go ahead, Goran
21:50:57 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK I call on 19
21:50:35 YC0LOW Jo do u want to try, Goran. Would be
glad to do
it, now
Refresh: 20
22:05:00 KA3QLF Scott SP3 on 29...abt twice as loud on
old vee
than "L" but that is to be expected I am guessing
22:05:00 RA3CQ Igor OK, understood. I am thinking about
Inv L but
not higher than 16 m
22:04:42 YC0LOW Jo Igor, you have good rx antenna.
22:04:28 N3OX Dan FB Scott
22:04:02 DL8YHR Frank 579 Jo..never such loud here..fb
22:04:01 RA3CQ Igor Lucky? Almost every evening? You
are kidding.
It is something regular.
22:03:49 KA3QLF Scott the vertical portion is much
higher than
expected...just nder 60'
22:03:41 YC0LOW Jo Vertical portion height is 23 meters
22:03:22 NR1R RAY dont waste ur money look at zero five
22:03:15 RA3CQ Igor What is the heigh of vertical part?
22:03:15 KA3QLF Scott it's up Dan...comparing recieve
22:03:10 YC0LOW Jo Igor, Did nothing to my tx ant. Just
22:03:10 JH4IFF Mitsu JE6IGP hidehiro-san, GM. Are you
22:02:46 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Dan
22:02:34 N3OX Dan You do inverted L?
22:02:29 N3OX Dan hi Scott
22:02:27 NR1R RAY junk morten
22:02:09 RA3CQ Igor Evening Scott
22:02:06 EU7SA Andy Jo FB sig, but deep QSB
22:01:52 KA3QLF Scott evening everyone
22:01:42 RA3CQ Igor Jo, you are loud today. What did
you do with
your antenna? :)
22:00:58 N3OX Dan I guess there's no chance for me to
hear you Jo
on a K=3 A=15 day
22:00:46 LA3MHA Morten gm/ge, any experience with
22:00:42 JH4IFF Mitsu Aki-san, JA5DQH is calling J5C
very long
time. Maybe not my day.
22:00:32 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo loud !
22:00:17 DL8YHR Frank cq...will call
22:00:16 9H1SP Paul j5 still on 1830, ??? no copy at
the moment
22:00:13 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are fb sigs Jo
22:00:04 SP5ENA Mirek Jo (LOW) no copy here, 25 km from
SP5EWY but
in City (almost) center
21:59:07 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Frank
21:57:31 DL8YHR Frank jo..good copy today
21:57:10 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Kazu-san. Good sleep.
21:56:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Rys
21:56:34 SP5EWY Rys really strong Jo
21:56:27 SM7DLK Goran Dan 1819
21:56:22 JJ0MEF kazu rr will back to bed now,cu
tonight,73 all
21:56:18 YC0LOW Jo 1819, dan
21:55:56 N3OX Dan what QRG Jo?
21:55:40 JH4IFF Mitsu Maybe my problem. QRN is bad
21:55:09 SM7DLK Goran Jo, Tnx very much #214
21:54:44 EU7SA Andy I am calling you Jo
21:54:02 JH4IFF Mitsu Not good now. Maybe all JAs. Pile
up became
very small.
21:52:49 JJ0MEF kazu Mitsu how is J5C now?
21:51:39 YC0LOW Jo go ahead, Goran
21:50:57 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK I call on 19
21:50:35 YC0LOW Jo do u want to try, Goran. Would be
glad to do
it, now
21:49:49 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK another day...
21:49:46 JH4IFF Mitsu TNX Steve.
21:49:27 VK6VZ Steve GL Mitsu!
21:49:12 YC0LOW Jo Goran, I tried to lsn for J5C on 30
21:49:09 VK6VZ Steve GM/GE to all. QRT now.
21:49:00 JH4IFF Mitsu Steve, yes I agree. After SR will
be good
for me.
21:48:35 SM7DLK Goran Jo, still QRV?
21:48:03 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Jo. Have nice morning.
21:47:44 VK6VZ Steve Mitsu - they peaked right on
sunrise here and
were good for over 15 minutes after. Can still just here them
21:47:24 YC0LOW Jo SRI all. I was away from the
2129 sp3bq 1819.3 YC0LOW 579 with deep QSB
2103 sp3bq 1816.0 YC0LOW correct freq, sri
21:01:18 YB5AQB Bob he has good ears Jo
21:00:47 YC0LOW Jo tnx Alan.
GE21:00:23 ES6DO Neil UFB Bob, good signal , congrats ur 96
G3ZES ALAN T77C still on 16
2102 sp3bq 1916.0 YC0LOW T77C is still on this freq
2058 yc0low 1816.0 T77C r u still QRV on TB? need u
2152 ja6bjv 1818.0 YC0LOW cq
1818.0 AL7R nw I am here clg cq
1236 al7r 1818.0 YC0LOW Please move to 1818 tks
1224 yb5aqb 1819.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n, 599+
11:47:25 YC0LOW Jo ST=SR
11:47:12 YC0LOW Jo GE Ross-san. Tnx rprt. Heard u well this
morning 30
minutes after my ST
11:46:19 9M2AX ross GE Jo 599+10db Nothing hrd. gl
11:46:11 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Mac. I could do it because tmw is
11:45:14 JO7KMB Mac Jo, Are U gonna QRV TB tomorrow morning
11:44:27 W0FLS Dave gm George, Ed, John, Bill, Ross, Mac, all
11:44:10 YC0LOW Jo Hello Mac. Tnx rprt. It was a good opening
to EU in the
beginning 2008
11:43:39 VE1ZJ john Hi George Bill Ross
11:43:34 K3JJG Ed Hi George11:43:20 K3JJG Ed GM
Bill...welcome back!
11:43:06 JO7KMB Mac Hi Jo, I heard U this morning on TB, QSO
with some
EUs. It was 599 but now
1819.3 NIL. SRI.
20:44:50 YC0LOW Jo I gave you best RST four times, Franta :-))
20:43:50 OK2BUZ Franta sri Jo, I dont hear you, other stns
caaling you on
20:41:45 OK2BUZ Franta no try pls agn
20:41:05 YC0LOW Jo Did you get my rprt, Franta?
20:40:49 G3XGC Geoff Anyway Jo you still there 559, but 579 on
20:40:06 YC0LOW Jo Yes, nil heard from you, Geoff. SRI
20:39:30 G3XGC Geoff You not hrg me Jo thanks for try
20:38:35 OK2BUZ Franta Jo, I am calling on 24.2
20:37:26 G3XGC Geoff rr
20:37:17 G3XGC Geoff Too much QRM from LIDS on 18.3
20:36:52 YC0LOW Jo Geoff, pse call
20:36:17 G3XGC Geoff nw on 20.6
20:35:32 YC0LOW Jo Nil heard, Hidehiro-san. SRI
20:35:17 SM2LIY Per Someone QRMing on 18.2
20:35:01 AH2L Ed GA Gary, no the frame is still under
construction, tnx
for asking..
20:34:35 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo nw call u
20:34:28 YC0LOW Jo EU signals are going weaker now
20:32:48 KD9SV Gary Hi Ed, get ur loop up yet?
20:32:48 I2TAO Ore Gm. ED Tnx fer qso on top band !
20:30:16 AH2L Ed GM/GE all..not yet just lsning
20:29:53 SM2LIY Per Mess on YC0LOW QRG now
20:29:35 UA4CC Ark Jo super sigs!
20:29:05 SM2LIY Per PSe no simplex Jo
20:26:14 RA4LW Vlad real S8 right now
20:25:01 RA4LW Vlad Jo. tnx qso with ru4hp, gud contact!
20:21:48 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Hidehiro-san on 1818.3
20:20:55 JE6IGP hidehiro (YC0LOW) are u on nw ?
20:17:39 G3XGC Geoff Jo nw clg 21
20:15:50 RA4LW Vlad Да Игорь спасибо за инфу
20:15:06 SM2LIY Per Hes 599+10 here
20:15:00 RA3CQ Igor Да, Володя. Он 1818,2
20:14:45 RA3CQ Igor The antenna is bad, Jo.
20:14:30 RA4LW Vlad Hey Jo, are u still cqn right now?
20:14:23 RA3CQ Igor Thanks Per., Jo is VY strong today.
20:14:13 YC0LOW Jo Got you, Igor! It is, not so strong with 2
KW :-))
20:13:43 RA3CQ Igor Was it e real 559?
20:13:12 RA3CQ Igor TKS Jo
20:12:42 RA4LW Vlad Hi Jo!!!
20:12:38 SM2LIY Per RA3CQ
20:12:34 SM2LIY Per RA3CDQ nw
20:11:15 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo GM !
20:10:29 RA3CQ Igor Jo please try to listen 2 up
20:09:54 SM2LIY Per YC0LOW booming signal this evening
20:09:09 G3XGC Geoff Hi Jo clg on 20
20:05:07 YC0LOW Jo SRI Igor, but I don't hear you, yet
20:03:21 RA4SD Alexey Wow, YC0LOW never heard so loud
599..+5dB! Congrads,
Jo! Super pile up!
20:03:19 SP5DRH Jacek Igor You are running QRP on TOP BAND
20:01:58 DJ9VA Victor Jo I call you on 1820 only 200W
20:00:44 RA3CQ Igor I'm almost ready to give up Jo. I can not
get through
th pile with 2 kW
20:00:04 DJ6YX Tom rr Jo, now ok again, calling you up1
19:58:20 YC0LOW Jo Tom, I am qsx up-1
19:58:17 RA3CQ Igor Yes, I called Jo few times on his freq when
answered RU4UR
19:57:11 G3ZES ALAN Igor you are on Jo s freq
19:56:52 DJ6YX Tom Jo, simplex now ? split was much better`re loud
19:56:22 SP6HEQ Wieslaw I`ve to log out. GL all
19:48:33 DJ6YX Tom ge
19:48:00 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are first time vy strong. But
pile-up over 15
dB non stop. See you !
19:46:56 RA4SD Alexey Tnx Jo!!! 1st call QSO up 1.23
19:46:11 RA3CQ Igor I was just under UA3AKO
19:45:13 YC0LOW Jo Don't hear you, yet Igor. Many big sigs.
SRI. keep
trying, pse
19:43:08 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:42 RA3CQ Igor I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:41 OK2BUZ Franta Hi Jo, I have s9 permanent local qrm
from 1816 to
20. Pls lsn for me on 15
19:36:14 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) GE Jo.
19:30:00 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Sorry for call on your QRG. Just I`m
not press
19:29:03 UA4HBW Vic big pile up Jo
19:27:50 SP6HEQ Wieslaw TU for QSO Jo. You are realy 57 on my S
19:27:21 DJ9VA Victor GE ALL!
19:25:43 UA4HBW Vic Jo vy fb sigs today!
19:25:36 YC0LOW Jo TNX rprt, Jacek
19:22:19 SP5DRH Jacek Jo 589 here very strong!
1937 sp5drh 1818.2 YC0LOW rozmawiamy z nim na czacie
1937 ha8ih 1818.4 YC0LOW up clg EU
19:37:42 RA3CQ Igor I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:41 OK2BUZ Franta Hi Jo, I have s9 permanent local qrm
from 1816 to
20. Pls lsn for me on 15
19:36:14 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) GE Jo.
19:30:00 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Sorry for call on your QRG. Just I`m
not press
19:29:03 UA4HBW Vic big pile up Jo
19:27:50 SP6HEQ Wieslaw TU for QSO Jo. You are realy 57 on my S
19:27:21 DJ9VA Victor GE ALL!
19:25:43 UA4HBW Vic Jo vy fb sigs today!
19:25:36 YC0LOW Jo TNX rprt, Jacek
19:22:19 SP5DRH Jacek Jo 589 here very strong!
19:21:05 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Thank you too Copy You all time, but
from time to
time QSB
1710 ua0sww 1817.0 YC0LOW TNX for QSL !!!
NO QSO/QSL? note frm Jo
2221 yc0low 1819.3 SP3BQ ant hr is FB. pse QRO
2212 sp3bq 1819.3 YC0LOW improve your antenna !!!
2145 ja3fyc 1819.3 YC0LOW cq
22:40:49 K1GUN JD Jo here in xmit antenna then just
had bev's
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Paul. CUL
22:39:55 G3ZES ALAN Gm Jo
22:39:42 YC0LOW Jo Where were you when u heard me, JD?
22:39:25 N1BUG Paul 73 Jo, look for you tomorrow.
22:39:02 K1GUN JD its funny JO when i first moved to this qth i
heard you
direct path in 1997 have not heard you again..
22:37:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Jeff, If you're on tmw, I'd like to have
sked with you. TIA
22:36:52 K1ZM Jeff gm jo tks for trying 73
22:36:14 YC0LOW Jo Too long to wait for another one. 73 CUL
22:36:00 W4ZV Bill Looks like NIL here Jo but will look for
Ross if he is
22:35:53 YC0LOW Jo Alan, I must stop calling. Many tnx to all
for these LP
tries. My last NA LP 160m QSO was with Jack, VE1ZZ back in March
1997. And with Ron, PY1BVY in same month&year.
22:33:48 G3ZES ALAN Gone now Jo ?
22:32:59 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...let's hope those condx repeat a few
more times.
22:32:13 YC0LOW Jo Bill, :-)) Don't bother about ur previous
it's already processed and sounds FB, now
22:31:06 W4ZV Bill No trace here yet Jo...and I am better
prepared with my
recorder this time!
22:29:06 YC0LOW Jo Alan, tnx rprt. I am running QRO 600-700
Watts for this
LP tries. Usually, my amp is off
22:28:14 G3ZES ALAN Been Q5 for 15 mins Jo, very unusal
22:23:28 W4ZV Bill DX Atlas says 2244 for Jakarta.
22:23:09 G3ZES ALAN Back now
22:22:57 K1ZM Jeff i hrd an ei call jo just now
22:22:34 G3ZES ALAN Jo stopped CQ
22:22:27 EA6BF-1 Josep DX4WIN sezs 2245z..!
22:22:21 YC0LOW Jo I am using DX4WIN latest version, JD. It says
so 2245z
22:22:11 K1ZM Jeff please keep trying jo - listening now on 19.7
22:22:05 K1GUN JD i'm listening 1819.7
22:22:03 W4ZV Bill JD...try Jakarta.
22:18:31 N1BUG Paul I have very good path to 9V1 on 80m also
22:18:09 N1BUG Paul Jo I just hear a trace now, too weak to copy
22:17:53 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc is 579 here on 3506 - se path
22:18:31 N1BUG Paul I have very good path to 9V1 on 80m also
22:18:09 N1BUG Paul Jo I just hear a trace now, too weak to copy
22:17:53 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc is 579 here on 3506 - se path
22:21:07 K1GUN JD WOW dx atlas sezs 2206z
22:17:23 YC0LOW Jo Not, yet, JD/ My SR 2245Z
22:16:53 K1GUN JD Jo are you past your SR??
22:16:42 YC0LOW Jo No condx today :-(( Heard nothing from EU,
22:15:06 K1ZM Jeff i ma listening jo - so far nothing yet
22:14:47 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Alan
22:14:14 G3ZES ALAN 559 Jo
22:12:11 K1ZM Jeff ok 1819.7 fb
22:11:47 YC0LOW Jo Jeff. I qsy to 1819.7 I have QRM on 19.3.
22:10:57 K1ZM Jeff jo i am coming to 160mnow
22:09:53 YC0LOW Jo OK, Wieslaw. Try agn tmw. Tnx es 73
22:09:06 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Thank you Jo now I`ve to log off may be
tomorrow... 73 to all
22:07:14 YC0LOW Jo Craig :-))
22:06:56 YC0LOW Jo Wieslaw, I got part ofur call, like "Q"
22:06:42 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Now you CQ NA so I stby
22:06:11K1QX Craig that's what we Army guys do for you Navy guys
22:05:34 SP6HEQ Wieslaw I called you , but no reply
22:05:24 K1GUN JD your rite craig thanks for pulling me up by
22:05:18 SP6HEQ Wieslaw 55 now Jo
22:04:43 K1QX Craig yes sp6 calling you Jo on 19.3
22:04:43 K1QX Craig yes sp6 calling you Jo on 19.3
22:03:35 K1GUN JD Jo maybe the HP^ is calling you..
22:03:34 YC0LOW Jo Gun=JD sri
22:03:30 K1QX Craig that's an SP calling Jo JD
22:03:03 K1QX Craig 19.3 JD
22:02:38 YC0LOW Jo GE Gun. using 1819.3. But will QSY
if it's
occupied by HP6. Tnx rprt
22:02:29 JE6IGP hidehiro QRNNN JO
22:01:37 YC0LOW Jo Heard u weak Hidehiro-san
22:01:13 K1GUN JD HP6 on 1819.3
22:00:33 JE6IGP hidehiro JO nw call u
22:00:20 K1GUN JD GE/GM World JO wat qrg are you using this
1:58:34 YC0LOW Jo GE Wieslaw. Tnx rprt
21:58:01 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Jo you wery weak , but readable from
tme to time
21:54:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Paul. Band is also noisy here :-((
21:53:23 N1BUG Paul GM Jo. Band is a little noisy today but I
will listen
for you.
21:49:19 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Aki-san
21:48:40 JH2RMU Aki YC0LOW Jo. Goodcopy hr 579.
2148 ja3fyc 1819.3 YC0LOW 579 JO
22:49:15 YC0LOW Jo RR Jeff. I will be calling NA before 2215z.
22:49:00 W4ZV Bill I'll send it to you may need to
turn up the
22:48:28 W4ZV Bill Jeff I heard Jo well enough yesterday to
make a
recording but it's poor because I was not prepared.
22:40:32 K1ZM Jeff 155 degrees
22:40:22 K1ZM Jeff i have two 2000 footers
toward Jo - one is at about 135 degrees and one at about 155
W4ZV Bill Which path are you hearing Jo on now?
22:38:54 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc on 80m was se path bill - he is quite
loud here
22:37:41 W4ZV Bill Copied
Jo via SSE LP past 2 days Jeff but might be via NE (to EU) for
22:37:41 W4ZV Bill Copied Jo via SSE LP past 2 days Jeff but
might be via
NE (to EU) for you.
22:35:28 K1ZM Jeff ok - will keep listening for you jo
22:34:50 YC0LOW Jo 2245Z
22:34:32 K1ZM Jeff when is your sunrise jo?
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt, Jeff
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt, Jeff
22:33:27 K1ZM Jeff jo i am hearin ur sigs here in NY but vy vy
weak 239 at
22:32:29 W4ZV Bill Now is when you peaked yesterday Jo but NIL
22:31:33 YC0LOW Jo Tks, Bill. Will continue clg NA on 20.3
22:31:29 K1ZM Jeff np4a is gone now
22:31:01 W4ZV Bill 20.3 is OK Jo
22:30:45 UA4HBW Vic cq on 33, any cpy?
22:30:44 W4ZV Bill NIL yet Jo and was hearing you at
this time yesterday.
22:30:40 YC0LOW Jo GE jeff. HNY. Tks rprt. I will find
another freq.
22:29:29 K1ZM Jeff he's BA A A C K!!
22:28:57 W4ZV Bill
...but now finished Jeff
22:28:32 K1ZM Jeff jo np4a is on 20.3 over
22:28:22 G3ZES ALAN NP4A on 20.2
22:28:06 AA1K Jon OK Jo will keep
checking....been looking for 4S7NE but no sign
22:27:29 YC0LOW Jo GE Jon.
As usual, am clg NA with 2x2 cq. Interval 30 seconds
22:26:52 G3ZES ALAN
RN3CC cq on 20
22:26:34 UA4HBW Vic w8lrl fb sigs
22:26:21 AA1K Jon just a
trace of something there at times Jo, LP
22:25:32 LA5HE Ragnar Aki-san
Somebody said on the air that MJ had problems with 160m antenna
22:24:02W4ZV Bill OK listening
Jo.22:23:33 W4ZV Bill We have the same rolling waves of
galactic noise
from SSE that I heard yesterday...hope that means good condx.
22:23:22 YC0LOW Jo Now Calling on 20.3. Interference on 19.3
22:23:17 K1ZM Jeff ross 9v1yc strong here - where are u now??
22:22:31 W4ZV Bill My sunset is now Jo...listening on 19.3 if
that is your
22:22:16 YC0LOW Jo Noise is high at the moment, Bill
22:21:31 YC0LOW Jo GE Bill. not yet calling, Bill.
22:19:18 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo are you QRV?
11:48:47 YC0LOW Jo No condx. We'll try agn tmw morning (my
local time). I
can hear very weak, but audible. Sorry, I didn't cpi your
response., this
morning. CUL es 73. Tnx
11:39:18 YC0LOW Jo Band noise is less than usual. but sometimes
up when
11:38:51 AA1K Jon gm/ge ...cq 1820.6
11:38:01 W4ZV Bill No problem...I know sunset in SE Asia is
always a
problem for storms! How is your QRN?
11:36:58 YC0LOW Jo Bill, rain is pouring here. If it worsen, I
unplugging cables :-((
11:33:57 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...let's first see if I can hear you
11:33:23 YC0LOW Jo No SSE Bev. Just SSW 220degrees
11:32:12 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...listening now. Do you have SSE Bev
or just the
SSW one?
11:30:55 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GM Bill. Trying to CQ for NA on 19.3,
11:30:03 K4CIA Bill GM Ray/Ed..stayed up til ZD7
11:28:21 NR1R RAY gm ed gm bill
11:25:18 K3JJG Ed GM/GE All
11:22:48 K4CIA Bill GM/GE all
11:15:47 VA3EF George² gm
11:02:38 DJ3TF Wolfgang
10:48:20 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) GM Jo...if you are around at 1140z
let's try
22:55:59 W4ZV Bill Jo we are on the edge of this path with only
~20 mins
of common darkness. You miight have better lick with Jon or
someone who has
earlier sunset. 73 & CU tmw.
22:52:29 YC0LOW Jo Yes, you're right about the peak Bill. Just
as you
mentioned to me before.
22:52:23 W4ZV Bill Also Jo the pitch is very low ~300 Hz. I
think I moved
the RX for a slightly higher pitch near the end hoping it would
22:51:09 W4ZV Bill Looks like the peak is as I expected...about
half way
between my SS at 2222z today and your SR.
22:50:11 W4ZV Bill This is atually a noisy day in that
direction so your
signal would be better on a quiet day.
22:49:34 W4ZV Bill This was as well as I heard you back in
December when I
had rig problems calling.
22:48:59 W4ZV Bill Jo the last half of the recording is blank
which was
when I was calling. 600' Beverage to SSE (150 deg()/
22:47:50 YC0LOW Jo Thanks, Bill. No problem. One question: what
RX antenna
do you use to receive my sig, pse, Bill?
22:46:49 W4ZV Bill The recording is not very good because I was
prepared. You may have to turn the volume way up. On the way to
you now!
22:45:00 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Scotty. Yes, Jon. Past SR here
now. Bon
22:44:00 WK3N Scotty just bits n pieces here jo.
23:00:15 AA1K Jon Jo I was hrg u on 1000-ft. Beverage at 162
degrees, 3 ft
22:43:58 AA1K Jon rrr u past SR Jo? gotta run to dinner now,
back in a few
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo (AA1K) TNX for spotting, Jon
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo (AA1K) TNX for spotting, Jon
22:43:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, paul, let's try agn tmw. hoping to work
you -and
others in the USA- this season
22:41:37 N1BUG Paul Jo, 339 to 449 here. Seemed to be a peak
2240 aa1k 1819.2 YC0LOW weak, SSE path
22:40:53 YC0LOW Jo OK Bill. I stopped clg. 5 minutes to my SR
peak. Tnx in
advance if you would send me the recordings
22:39:43 W4ZV Bill Jo I think no use to call now...can you play
if I send it? Think I got a very short clip of your
22:38:38 W4ZV Bill still hear you Jo but 449 > 339 now.
22:36:56 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Jon
22:36:41 AA1K Jon rrr weak Jo but copying OK at times
22:36:38 W4ZV Bill Think I got a recording but will have to
22:36:22 W4ZV Bill Peaked 559 at 2233z but going back down
22:34:42 YC0LOW Jo Bill, Paul, TNX rprts. My south Bev picks up
more/increasing noise. don't know where it comes from
22:33:31 N1BUG Paul Jo building here also. EU contest QRM now
but keep
22:32:16 W4ZV Bill 449 and building...listen hard
22:29:06 W4ZV Bill More noise than yesterday but think your
signal is
22:28:33 N1BUG Paul Jo mostly unreadable but sometimes a few
letters, once
your complete call and CQ.
22:27:07 W4ZV Bill Starting to "see' a little of your signa on
22:23:30 N1BUG Paul Jo, it is you! I copied your call in QSB.
singals will come up at your SR.
22:21:51 YC0LOW Jo Paul N1BUG, it's 2x2 call with 30 seconds
22:20:46 YC0LOW Jo 1819.3, Bill. Tnx info, Paul
22:20:18 N1BUG Paul Jo I am starting to hear something on 19.3.
Not sure
if it is you yet.
22:20:02 W4ZV Bill What QRG today Jo?22:16:43 YC0LOW Jo Paul
will keep calling CQ NA. Just in case. Tnx info
22:16:43 YC0LOW Jo Paul N1BUG, I will keep calling CQ NA. Just
in case.
Tnx info
22:15:01 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, listening for you. My QSOs with 9V
and 9M2 were
on days such as this with geomagnetic disturbance...
22:13:01 KD9SV Gary Jo, I dont think it would make any
level very high tonight
22:12:22 YC0LOW Jo GE Gary, tnx. pse advise clear freq
22:11:13 KD9SV Gary Jo, there is a carrier on your freq
21:21:33 YC0LOW Jo Mni tnx info, Bill. I will announce here
when I start
"calling cq NA"
21:19:06 W4ZV Bill FB Jo...sometimes the Aurora can actually
enhanced condx if the signal does not need ot cross the Au zone.
My sunset
2219 so will be listening then...expect peak ~2230z.
21:16:06 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GE Bill, Yes I will.
21:14:21 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo will you stay for your sunrise
23:03:20 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...I will try to listen for you
23:02:43 YC0LOW Jo OK, the problem here is, during my SS, noise
is always
high. Maybe D-layer is still dominant. I will be CQing at my SS
today. Let's
see. Tnx. CU TMW es 73.
22:55:21 YC0LOW Jo Bill, just curious, how about the
opportunity to get a
hook-up at around my SS?
22:47:55 W4ZV Bill Ross you were North path with me but maybe
South is
possible before your SR today.
22:47:23 W4ZV Bill FB Jo...that should be enough in better
22:46:31 YC0LOW Jo I am using 600Watts Bill
22:44:56 W4ZV Bill Jo you were using lower power amp right? Not
just 100W?
22:44:09 K1QX Craig Jo get the flame thrower out!
22:44:03 W4ZV Bill :-) Ross you might try your South
antenna...if Jo came
via South you might also.
22:43:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt. Maybe I should use amp 1.5 K
output, hi. I
already stopped calling, Bill. TNX anyway.
22:41:58 W4ZV Bill You were about 229 here but I did get parts
of your
call for sure.
22:41:25 YC0LOW Jo I heard the RX9 partial sig calling me on
South Bev.
We'll try agn tmw, Bill
22:39:23 W4ZV Bill Jo I think peak was about 2230z...but very
better condx but encouraging! Do you htink you heard anything?
22:36:43 W4ZV Bill think signal going down now Jo but it was
22:35:30 W4ZV Bill Definitely you Jo but very weak.
22:32:05 W4ZV Bill Not 100% sure it's you yet but keep calling.
22:30:29 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Maybe a chance today Jo...beginning
to hear
you I think.
2222 ua1pac 1819.3 YC0LOW
2222 ua1pac/ 1819.3 YC0LOW
2222 ua1pac/1 1819.3 YC0LOW
2149 ja5auc 1819.3 YC0LOW
20:56:32 YC0LOW Jo Noise is up , here. Will QRX. Hear nothing
nw. Will be
clg agn.
20:55:05 YC0LOW Jo Running QRO, Wolf. Usually, my amp is
20:55:00 OE3GCU Gun rr wolf but I need bigger amp :-)20:54:11
wolf never hrd JO so long and loud
2049 ja5dqh 1818.4 YC0LOW CQ DX
20:46:15 YC0LOW Jo Gun, several times I could hear your prefix.
complete call because of fast QSB, here SRI. Do u want me to call
20:45:31 OE3GCU Gun Jo could copy your CQ 559 but now nil
OE3GCU Gun (YC0LOW) pse listen for me
20:34:20 G3ZES ALAN Good copy Jo Hny
?20:31:51 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Jacek
20:31:27 YC0LOW Jo Wolf, Tnx QSO
20:31:06 YC0LOW Jo Hiro- san, SRI I can't hear u
20:27:43 SP5DRH Jacek
Jo YC0LOW 559 here with QSB
20:26:29 JE6IGP hidehiro OK ur 539 !
1307 ja6jps 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
12:56:54 9M2AX ross YC0LOW Jo cq 18.16
2244 i4avg 1819.0 YC0LOW iam QRV
2235 xw1b 1819.3 YC0LOW
2212 la6yea 1819.2 YC0LOW cq
1217 9v1pc 1814.5 YC0LOW
1223 ja6jps 1814.0 YC0LOW
12:22:05 W4ZV Bill OK FB Jo!
12:21:59 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Ed
12:21:46 YC0LOW Jo No, Bill. Running 400W
12:21:14 W4ZV Bill Jo are you normally 100W?
12:21:10 AH2L Ed Jo, ur steady 579 hr
12:19:46 YC0LOW Jo I am making some cq calls for NA on 1814
22/12/07, 150w
11:56:45 JN4MMO Andy K. YC0LOW 1814.2 CQ NA
21/12/07, 300w
2225 yc0low 1828.3 TA2RC Need u on TB.
2223 ta2rc 1828.4 YC0LOW
2214 ra4lw 1828.3 YC0LOW cq NA
22:36:56 YC0LOW Jo TNX RPRT, Paul. CUL es 73. Gg QRT for
checking my Bev
22:36:07 LA3MHA Morten I also have high qrn on tx ant today,
but vy low
qrn on my Beverage...
22:35:39 N1BUG Paul Seemed to peak about
2229z, RST 339. Jo I will be here to listen again tomorrow.
22:35:21 LA3MHA Morten oh yes Jo, I am always happy for qsl's.
22:34:59 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten, The problem is here. noise level
is too
high. Unusual
22:34:12 LA3MHA Morten GM Jo, band is open, u are 559 qsb 579
right nw.
22:33:31 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Marko.
22:33:11 OH3XR Marko 579 Jo, good sigs
22:32:51 N1BUG Paul SE Bill
22:32:46 YC0LOW Jo (N1BUG) TNX rprt Paul. We'll try agn tmw
22:32:28 W4ZV Bill Which direction there Paul?
22:32:15 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. Tnx rprt. Try agn tmw
22:31:56 N1BUG Paul Jo I am hearing you for sure. It is a bit
too weak for
a QSO but definitely you.
22:31:28 W4ZV Bill Nil here Jo.
22:30:19 YC0LOW Jo GE Paul. I am still clg there
22:29:31 N1BUG Paul GE/GE all. Jo I'm hearing something on
28.3... not sure
if it is you
22:25:55 YC0LOW Jo Clg nw on 28.3 for NA for 5 minutes before
22:23:32 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) OK Jo...have RX set on 28.3...just
in case I
should hear you!
2107 ua4cr 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo your sign is FB here now
2104 ja3cjo 1824.5 YC0LOW
2102 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW corr.
2102 ja3fyc 1823.5 YC0LOW cq JO
2118 ea3je 1830.0 YC0LOW TNX cq fair signal
21:04:23 S59A Drago LOW 449 to 559 here
2102 oz1lxj 1828.5 YC0LOW CQ
1349 jh3prr 1821.4 YC0LOW no taker de JH3PRR/Kobe city/H
1347 ru4an 1821.4 YC0LOW cq 559
1347 yc0low 1821.5 JH3PRR Tnx QSO.What Prefectr?
1346 jh3prr 1821.4 YC0LOW
22:35:07 YC0LOW Jo OK, now, I have new EWE. But not enough, I
guess. Will
build one Bev soon before this season ends
22:34:05 W4ZV Bill Long path normally 210 deg before sunrise
and 150 deg
after sunset.
22:33:06 W4ZV Bill Yes, your signal from 150 deg my side and
probably 210
from your side. That's why you need RX antenna to South.
22:32:16 YC0LOW Jo Bill you mentioned that u hrd me from south
rx antenna?
22:31:03 W4ZV Bill Jo via long path is even longer, but we
don't know that
exact length...I wish I know how the signal went.
22:31:03 YC0LOW Jo Andy, someday we'll be able to qso on
topband. I did
QSO E4 few yrs ago, but on 15 meters
22:29:21 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill. I remember. Got rprt from you was
a thrill
by itself. It's almost 17000 kms on TB
22:28:58 SP6AEG Andy Jo, what will be first E4 or you ?
22:27:31 SP6AEG Andy Jo, I still waiting for you to my 195
entities. hihi
22:27:21 W4ZV Bill If we are patient Jo. I hope you can hear me
next time.
Remember I heard you several years ago also.
22:27:02 K4RX Terry I have copied UA0SC several times...and of
course he
called me that morning that I could not hear him...
22:26:37 YC0LOW Jo Yeah :-((. I wonder if we could get the same
gud condx
agn, Bill?
22:25:58 W4ZV Bill It would probably be easier via LP from
Florida but
don't think that path is good in low sunspots.
22:25:16 K4RX Terry That would be quite the qso for me Bill
22:25:11 W4ZV Bill Nothing at all today Jo.
2210 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
11:42:52 9M2AX ross YC0LOW Jo CQ 21.5 499
1308 ve3do 1822.5 YC0LOW weak to 339 W5UN cqing
1305 jn4vxd 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ
2215 la3mha 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ, gm Jo, :-)
2203 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ - Gm Jo
1603 yf1oo 1821.2 YC0LOW cq cq dx
26/11/07 with 746
1423 ua9yab 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
bambu diperbaiki
20/11/07 (with 746Pro)
22:14:35 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - 569 here
22:46:32 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Craig. QRT nw. CUL es 73
22:46:27 K1QX Craig Roger. Talk to you later. I have to go cook
22:46:07 OZ1LXJ John C91KDJ that is ofcourse
22:45:51 YC0LOW Jo Having read info on website about new
product, I will
send you and Gary email to ask few things
22:45:43 K1QX Craig 559 in nh Boye
22:45:38 OZ1LXJ John C9KDJ Cqing
22:45:24 OZ1LXJ John 1822 nw
22:45:15 K1QX Craig from the website
22:45:12 OZ1CTK Boye CQ on 1834
22:44:51 K1QX Craig Bill, I hope to start mine in the next few
22:44:49 YC0LOW Jo What info, Craig? I do have his email addr
22:44:20 K1QX Craig I see you must :-)
22:43:53 K1QX Craig Jo do you have Gary's info?
22:43:26 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. tnx for company & try. Must QRT
now. CUAGN
TMW. 73 to u and all
22:41:52 YC0LOW Jo Bill, pse let me know if you already install
it. I am
thinking to order it from Craig, K1QX Radioware
22:40:54 YC0LOW Jo I'd like to have one to optimize space in my
22:40:45 W4ZV Bill Yes exactly Jo! I have one but have not
installed yet.
22:40:19 YC0LOW Jo Yes, very possible. I read a new product of
Gary, KD9SV
for that type
22:40:16 W4ZV Bill If you were only running 100W I probably
have about 11
dB power gain plus 5 dB antenna gain, so you might hear me on TX
antenna if
22:40:08 N4IS JC Bill thanks, we never know, when I worked
9V1XQ back in
1994, I heard him with my shunt feed tower and I was using 400w,
It was Jan
22:39:15 W4ZV Bill Jo it is possible to build reversible
Beverages (can
switch directions).
22:39:00 YC0LOW Jo My old Beverage must be restored befor the
22:38:35 W4ZV Bill Carlos should normally be 150 deg. My Bev is
140 deg.
22:38:29 YC0LOW Jo What I need now is good Beverage for RX, but
can only
build that to EU and North directions due to limited space.
22:38:02 W4ZV Bill Amazing for only 100W Jo. Hope we have condx
tomorrow or another day.
22:37:59 N4IS JC Bill last question 120 or 150 degree?
22:36:46 W4ZV Bill Batam SR today is 2247. I think the path
will improve
as my SS gets a little earlier and we have more darkness. If I
had a
recorder on this computer would send a file...very Q5.
22:35:58 YC0LOW Jo Bill I guess so. Anyway, agn tnx for try,
Bill. I am
glad my signal 'flew' to ur QTH. It was 100 W, Bill
22:35:45 N4IS JC thanks Bill. so I do have a chance from
22:34:56 W4ZV Bill No Carlos...low angle RX Bev and TX vert
22:34:29 W4ZV Bill He was in Batam when his SR later
than yours.
22:34:11 DL8YHR Frank you peaked 559 arround 22:20
22:34:11 N4IS JC Bill did you work YB wit the inverted V?
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Bill, when you worked Bob, is he in Jakarta
or in
Batam? Just curious.
22:33:25 YC0LOW Jo I believe so, Frank. Signal from EU wasn't
than it has to be.
22:33:17 W4ZV Bill I worked YB5AQB on this path last year 13
Nov at 2237
but his SR is later.
22:32:20 DL8YHR Frank Tomorrow same time..will be here..we will
make it
one day22:32:07 DL8YHR Frank Jo
22:31:49 W4ZV Bill Do you have RX antenna for SSW direction 210
22:31:17 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. Let's see this tmw. Pitty, I
didn't have u
for a long path TB QSO. MNI TNX, Bill
22:31:08 W4ZV Bill Signal was much better than yesterday...may
get better
as we get more common darkness on the path. My SS 2212z today ur
SR 2225z
22:29:53 W4ZV Bill I have stopped calling now.
22:29:41 W4ZV Bill I hear a DL8 calling also...think peak was
2225 and
past now. Heard as early as 2215.
22:28:47 YC0LOW Jo I could hear faint signal but not sure if
it's you,
22:27:06 YC0LOW Jo Go ahead, Bill.
22:26:33 W4ZV Bill I will call 28.2 to avoid EU callers.
22:26:29 DL8YHR Frank 559 Jo
22:26:14 N4IS JC listening 120 degree here too
22:25:51 YC0LOW Jo Can't hear u, Bill :-((
22:25:45 N4IS JC gm ge all
22:24:31 W4ZV Bill listen SSW Jo
22:21:08 YC0LOW Jo Pse call me Bill. EU pse QRX
22:20:47 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Bill. Still hearing EU stns calling
22:20:25 W4ZV Bill 559 FB!
22:20:06 DL8YHR Frank Jo..loud now..will call
22:18:22 W4ZV Bill Jo I hear you...pls listen SSW via Long
22:16:52 DK8YY Rich LXJ .. John .. still nice listening to your
stream ..
22:15:51 YC0LOW Jo Frank, 2226Z
22:15:12 DL8YHR Frank starting to hear you Jo..when is your
22:14:58 YC0LOW Jo Paul, LA6YEA, tnx also
22:13:47 EU7SA Andy OK Jo, sorry
22:12:59 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Andy. My 80m tx antenna not well.
22:12:12 LA6YEA Paul tks Jo
22:08:54 EU7SA Andy Hi Jo, maybe we could try on 80?
22:06:44 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank and John, Band is too quiet hr.
Hear nothing
at all.
22:04:40 DL8YHR Frank Tnx Info John..
22:02:58 OZ1LXJ John Frank - Jo is Cqing nw on 28.3
21:58:09 DL8YHR Frank YB1KKK Ge..QRV 160M?
21:57:45 DL8YHR Frank yc0low qrv???
2221 oh3lx 1828.2 YC0LOW Tnx 559/559 solid QSO
2221 w4zv 1828.3 YC0LOW 559 via LP SSE
2205 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
22:02:58 OZ1LXJ John Frank - Jo is Cqing nw on 28.3
21:58:09 DL8YHR FrankYB1KKK Ge..QRV 160M?
21:57:45 DL8YHR Frank yc0low qrv???
22:36:54 YC0LOW Jo Must QRT, nw. 73 es CUL. Gud DX to all
22:35:14 YC0LOW Jo I was thinking of our sked before pulling
out cables to
avoid storms. I myself had extra sleep. CUAGN next weekend at ur
SR time,
22:34:08 K7FL Dennis Morten - still 2.5 hours to SS - too early
22:33:41 K7FL Dennis Jo - I looked for you but saw you werent
logged on -
I enjoyed the extra sleep :-)
22:33:24 LA3MHA Morten 1828.3 Dennis
22:32:36 LA3MHA Morten I don't copu NA.
22:32:26 LA3MHA Morten tnx Bill, but I use Beverage 30 degres
right nw.
22:31:48 W4ZV Bill Morten you are 449 here.
22:31:39 YC0LOW Jo GE Dennis. couldn't be QRV last night (MY
LT) there was
heavy rain and t-sorms, SRI
22:31:27 LA3MHA Morten GM Dennis!
22:30:59 K7FL Dennis Hi Morten & Jo
22:30:06 YC0LOW Jo u got it, Morten!
22:29:34 K7FL Dennis Tree - who RU calling???
22:29:18 LA3MHA Morten I think I heard 449, but a UA4 st begin
call me?
22:28:39 YC0LOW Jo Hi hi. I gave u RST three times but didn't
get reply.
22:28:09 LA3MHA Morten They calling over you.. :-(
22:27:36 LA3MHA Morten qrn from EU, they dont hear you so they
answer me.
22:25:51 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill. We'll try agn.
22:25:27 YC0LOW Jo Morten, did u get my rprt. ur sig is qsb, nw
22:25:21 W4ZV Bill Think a very short peak between my SS 2213z
and your SR
22:25:00 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx for try, Bill. Look fwd to wkg u on
22:24:32 YC0LOW Jo Nil, Bill :-(( sri
22:24:24 W4ZV Bill Well I don't hear you now...maybe peak 10
ago...will try another day or later in season.
22:23:10 YC0LOW Jo agn pse, Bill. QRMed
22:22:50 W4ZV Bill hear anything?
22:22:49 YC0LOW Jo Pse do so Bill. I hpe the EU can qrx
22:21:57 W4ZV Bill I will call to see if you can hear me. On
28.30 and
listen SSW if possible.
22:19:37 W4ZV Bill Still not sure it is you but pls CQ and sign
several times.
22:15:31 YC0LOW Jo Hi Bill. To be exact on 28.3, nw
22:14:54 W4ZV Bill Jo are you on 28.4 now? Hearing weak signal
via LP (SSE
from here would be SSW for you).
22:12:09 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Frank. I have interference on 18. Heard
22:11:58 LA3MHA Morten cu soon Jo, have a good day, 73.
22:10:06 DL8YHR Frank jo..pse rx 1818
22:09:22 LA3MHA Morten Frank, Jo still cq on 28.35, work hem
22:09:18 YC0LOW Jo I am 20 minutes befor SR. maybe later is
better, Morten
22:08:01 LA3MHA Morten Hi hi, I can hear your cq, qrz and ??? ,
but you
don't hear me, tnx we try later 73 Jo.
22:05:59 DL8YHR Frank cqing 1818..pse rx
22:02:19 YC0LOW Jo I am hearing someone to call but too weak to
22:01:14 LA3MHA Morten I still hear you cq Jo :-)
22:01:01 LA3MHA Morten Tnx Jo, You don't hear me, I will try
another day.
CU 73
21:59:15 YC0LOW Jo ok, Morten. tnx for try. cuagn soon
21:57:54 LA3MHA Morten qsb Jo!!
21:57:24 LA3MHA Morten I can hear your cq weak Jo, but you not
me...tnx try another day.
21:55:54 YC0LOW Jo OK, Sergey. CUL tmw. Tnx
21:55:26 UT3UA Sergey Nil here Jo, will cu next day. Thanks Jo.
21:54:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Morten. Pse call if you could hear me.
wasn't good today, here
21:51:57 LA3MHA Morten Jo, can u listen 1 minute for me also??
21:48:16 YC0LOW Jo Hi Segey, sri I was away. Yes, I'm clg on
21:39:18 UT3UA Sergey Jo YC0LOW, are u still on 28,5 ?
2157 es5q 1828.4 YC0LOW
1509 ua4hbw 1823.5 YC0LOW cq
15:04:00 K7FL Dennis Jo - quick peak to 469!
1457 ra0alm 1823.5 YC0LOW CQ
1441 w7iuv 1823.0 YC0LOW CQ, too weak for me....
1238 ja6jps 1823.5 YC0LOW
1225 ja3fyc 1823.5 YC0LOW cq JO
2129 oh2rf 1828.3 YC0LOW cq cq
2227 9m2ax 1828.0 YC0LOW cq
2042 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW GM Jo
2230 ea8pp 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ..FB-579..UP 1..
2155 ea8pp 1828.3 YC0LOW PSE..JO CAN U EAR ME..
2240 ha1rw 1800.0 YC0LOW where did u qsy, pse?
2237 sp2lnw 1828.3 YC0LOW I hpe U right rcvd...
2234 ok2zu 1828.4 YC0LOW qsx 28.3
2226 om6kw 1828.3 YC0LOW Jo TNX for QSO
2207 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ
1458 9v1bh 1824.5 YC0LOW
2204 ra4lw 1828.2 YC0LOW cqn
2109 ua4cr 1825.0 YC0LOW Hard QRM here ....
2102 vk6abl 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2103 vk6hd 1827.5 YC0LOW cq, GM Jo
2146 vk6abl 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2201 BA7IO 1828.4 YC0LOW
2201 BA7IO 1828.4 YC0LOW
2212 UA4CC 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, 569 hr today
2212 UA4CC 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, 569 hr today
03/11/07 1303 9m2ax 1821.2 YC0LOW cq
2203 ua3bs 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ CQ
147 ua4cr 1828.3 YC0LOW Thanks for QSO ! **KAPAN?
2139 sv3rf 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ
2111 9m2ax 1828.1 YC0LOW cq,vy strong .
2110 ja3fyc 1821.5 YC0LOW cq Jo
2213 s52qm 1800.0 YC0LOW pse try to lsn me ur vy weak
2152 pa0cln 1828.7 YC0LOW cq
2128 yc0low 1828.3 OZ1LXJ GE John. Tnx for spotting
2126 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2147 vk6abl 1828.4 OH6MW clg YC0LOW
2138 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2113 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW corr freq
2111 vk6abl 1822.2 YC0LOW Gm Jo, lone CW signal
2206 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2115 jh4adv 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2108 oe3weu 1824.0 YC0LOW any copy on oe1weu ?
2102 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2213 rx9fm 1828.3 YC0LOW tks fb qso
2150 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2237 ra6ama 1820.2 YC0LOW No copy :-((
2231 yc0low 1828.3 RA6AMA I'm, nw, cqing on this QRG
2229 ra6ama 1820.2 YC0LOW PSE CQ on freq
2153 vr2my 1828.2 YC0LOW
2206 ua3bs 1828.3 US4EX YC0LOW calling ...
2156 us4ex 1828.4 YC0LOW Jo, PSE lsn me
2153 sm3dtr 1828.4 YC0LOW cq
1215 9m2ax 3502.9 YC0LOW cq
22:02:15 RX3AGD Dima bye bye Jo..have a goooood DXing
22:01:57 RX3AGD Dima GN/GM/GE/GA to ALL's!!!
22:01:54 YC0LOW Jo Have a nice sleep, Dima. CUAGN soon
on topband.
22:01:10 RX3AGD Dima nice joke Jo...
22:01:00 RX3AGD Dima ok i have a go now..need a little
to sleep
before work.....yes Jo ..ofcourse i will to do it ..but in the
will be 'happy masochist' ...:o)
21:59:52 YC0LOW Jo Yes, I know how hard it is. But,
once you got
the bite of topband, you'll be a 'happy masochist' :-)
21:58:50 RX3AGD Dima if do it from roof to tree....just
21:58:07 RX3AGD Dima and making antenna from building
to the tree
..very hard...becourse ...need many many kilometers wires....
21:57:39 YC0LOW Jo U should try the top band. More fun,
21:57:10 RX3AGD Dima here not so many places on the
21:56:48 RX3AGD Dima i haven't antenna on 160 meters
in future...
21:56:12 RX3AGD Dima :o)
21:56:10 RX3AGD Dima LOL
21:55:55 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx for info. I mostly active on
160m band.
Yes, I am using 100Watt for our 80m QSO. It means 93 kms per 1
21:54:56 RX3AGD Dima ohh..sorri 9328 km...
21:54:41 RX3AGD Dima 9314 km between us Jo...:o)
21:52:55 RX3AGD Dima KO85ur
21:52:45 RX3AGD Dima iam using it just for WAS and
awards)...only..also i sending QSL's via buro ....and can upload
my log in for fun..:o)
21:52:31 YC0LOW Jo I will try it. Dima, pse your Grid
Square. I am
in OI33jp
21:51:19 RX3AGD Dima ahhh...but i think you need to try
better with DXCC...:o)
21:50:38 YC0LOW Jo Wow, 1KW! No, I don't use LoTW, yet
21:50:12 RX3AGD Dima Jo do you using LoTW?
21:49:30 RX3AGD Dima here is just INV V dipole not so
meters above the roof at 16-storeyed cetral part of
city...and 1KW pwr..
21:49:08 YC0LOW Jo My pleasure, Dima. CUAGN
21:48:06 RX3AGD Dima ok...i will send it via
soon...Thanks so much Jo!!!
21:47:33 YC0LOW Jo QSL via YB Buro or direct (in the
Which ever u like.
21:47:03 RX3AGD Dima buro or direct?
21:46:50 RX3AGD Dima yes Jo thnx too!! send QSL
for you?
21:46:28 RX3AGD Dima nise=noise...
21:46:24 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Dima
21:46:13 RX3AGD Dima and i have Moscow
21:46:09 YC0LOW Jo It's 559
21:45:59 RX3AGD Dima but very QSB Jo....
21:45:52 RX3AGD Dima i get my 559....tks too..
21:44:12 YC0LOW Jo I copy my rprt 449 frm u, Dima. tks
21:44:08 RX3AGD Dima i was heard some 559 ...or
599...not sure
yet.. very qsb now
21:42:28 YC0LOW Jo yes I copy u okay. did u get my rst
21:41:55 RX3AGD Dima Jo any copy there?
21:39:39 RX3AGD Dima iam trying to call you now
21:39:31 RX3AGD Dima yes
21:39:19 YC0LOW Jo OK. Are u already in there?
21:38:12 RX3AGD Dima s ok?
21:38:07 RX3AGD Dima YC0LOW Jo ok...3503,9
21:37:18 YC0LOW Jo what freq, Dima?
21:35:43 RX3AGD Dima Jo GM there!! can we try making
QSO on 80 CW?
1404 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2127 g4vgo 1821.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
1201 yc0low 1824.3 JA3KZR Tnx fr QSO.
1200 ja3kzr 1824.4 YC0LOW
2208 yc0low 1833.0 VK6ABL GM, Phil. Tnx for spotting
2205 vk6abl 1833.0 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1134 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW GE Jo
1051 vk6hd 1828.2 YC0LOW cq
2226 yc0low 1833.0 I4AVG Yes i'm clg dx in here
2214 i4avg 1800.0 YC0LOW are you still on?
2222 vk6abl 1833.0 IZ1BII Correct freq
2221 vk6abl 1832.0 IZ1BII clg YC0LOW
2157 vk6hd 1827.0 YC0LOW GM JO
21:35:46 SM7BIC Len 3B7 s9 hr. Going qrt cu guys
21:35:16 SM0MDG Bjorn No good one Jo, hear U in there but cant
read you...
21:34:59 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx info. I will QRX for a few minutes.
Be back
soon before my SR. Tnx
21:34:10 SM7BIC Len nil fm OJ0 so far but they will come on
cluster when
qrv hr
21:33:41 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bjorn.
21:33:10 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo I do cpi sporadically but no good
21:32:59 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt. Can't hear him. Yesterday, I wkd
SM7CCM and
21:32:14 SM7BIC Len wl look for oj0
21:31:57 SM7BIC Len Bjorn is copying u
21:31:29 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx fer trying. Will try later or tmw.
now, Len
21:31:24 SM7BIC Len nil, so far, when sunrise?
21:30:28 YC0LOW Jo Do u hear any signal, Len?
21:30:04 SM7BIC Len nada Jo, qrn is s5 so sigs weaker than that
21:26:22 YC0LOW Jo ok, it's unoccupied, QSY there
21:25:51 YC0LOW Jo let me check, Len
21:25:31 SM7BIC Len Jo how abt 25.4?? got TV birdie on athr qrg
21:24:12 SM0MDG Bjorn Those russians, they are slow starters :)
21:23:25 SM7BIC Len gve me 3 mins to warm up
21:22:44 SM7BIC Len ok will lsn
21:22:31 YC0LOW Jo GE Len. I'm making noise in 28.3
245 g4pwa 1828.3 YC0LOW tnx qso jo, good sigs hr
2241 yc0low 1828.3 G4PWA Tnx qso
2217 dl1efd 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2158 sm3ccm 1828.2 YC0LOW Good signal
2157 yc0low 1828.3 SM3CCM Gud sig, Lars. Tnx QSO
2222 vk6abl 1826.5 UA3EKG clg YC0LOW
2219 yc0low 1826.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx fer spotting
2218 vk6abl 1826.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2224 g4vgo 1833.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n 599 in E. 9M2
2221 yc0low 1825.7 9M2/G4VGO GM Bob. 5NN+ today
2219 vk6abl 1825.7 9M2/G4VGO CQ Gm Bob
1205 yd0nwo 1827.0 YC0LOW cq, GE Jo. 1204 yc0low 1826.5
Phil, tnx fer spotting
1203 vk6abl 1826.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
perbaiki posisi UNUN dan tambahkan panjang kawat vertikal 80 cm
2234 g4vgo 1833.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ 599+ in eastern 9M2
14/9/07 (dari FT260-41 ganti UNUN FT150AK)
2157 vk6abl 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2015 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW gm jo cq 599= strong
223 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq peak 599
1302 vk6abl 1823.1 YC0LOW
22:39:20 YC0LOW Jo OK. Will continue clg DX until my SR 2249
22:37:14 9M2AX ross rgr,Jo EU`s sig were weak qrn is high also
22:35:00 YC0LOW Jo GM Ross. Tnx rprt. But QRN is high :-(
22:33:41 9M2AX ross GM,Jo.YC0LOW 599+
2031 jn3aou 1817.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 ra4lw 1817.4 YC0LOW 559 qsb here
22:38:31 RA4LW Vlad 559hr Jo on 17,5
2232 g4vgo 1830.8 YD0NWO GM - QRN not bad today
22:30:23 9M2/G4VGO Bob GM Neil - CQ'n 30.8 now
2231 yd0nwo 1830.0 9M2/G4VGO Bob, GM , vy loud
2230 yc0low 1817.5 UA1PAC GE Alex. Difficult to cpi.SRI
2226 ua1pac 1817.5 YC0LOW Jo! Please ur CQ agn. Cpi you
2218 ua3ako 1817.5 YC0LOW Sorry, Jo very strong QRN too
2219 vk6abl 1831.0 G0JHC CQ S3 Neil
2216 yc0low 1817.5 UA3AKO GE Vic, I'm clg cq dx nw
2210 ua3ako 1817.5 YC0LOW GM Jo, PSE call CQ
2210 yc0low 1817.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. QRN is terrible hr
2209 vk6abl 1830.8 9M2/G4VGO CQ Gm Bob
2207 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1227 yc0low 1817.5 N7UA Sri Bob, Noise is High
1220 n7ua 1817.5 YC0LOW
1201 yc0low 1817.5 9V1PC TNX QSO, PETE 1159 9v1pc 1817.5
2037 jh2fxk 1817.4 YC0LOW cq
2228 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW cq dx-499=
21:10:33 G0JHC Neil © tks Jo, will call until 22z on 1827
on/off then have
to QRT, hrd one other weak reply.
The G0JHC locator is IO83OR (QRB 11858 km, QTF 324°).
21:06:23 YC0LOW Jo You're getting stronger, Neil
21:05:53 YC0LOW Jo Tks also for 449. Couldn't hear you on my
west Bev. Gud
on my tx ant (inverted-L) hi.. Will reply soon as I receive it.
21:04:40 G0JHC Neil © some more CQs through your SR next hr.
Will QSL
direct tks new one
21:03:44 G0JHC Neil © tks for 55N better cpi on 160m dipole at
30ft Jo,
vert too much noise, no cpi on ewe, worth putting up the dipole
this week hi
21:02:29 YC0LOW Jo Neil, lost ur signal. Anyway tnx qso es rprt
20:58:52 G0JHC Neil © pse call agn qrm
2210 yc0low 1818.5 VK6ABL GM Phil.
2209 vk6abl 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2234 yc0low 1817.5 VK6ABL GM Phil.
2232 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2023 zs6wn 1817.5 YC0LOW Jo CQn
20:24:39 YC0LOW Jo we finally made it anyway, Karel
20:24:00 ZS6WN Karel Tnx Jo, copyyou OK most of the time but
for the deep
20:23:38 ZS1REC Raoul Thanks for trying Jo, it was marginal now
picking up!closer to ur SR
20:23:33 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Karel
20:20:52 ZS1REC Raoul Tnx Karel, was tough!
20:20:09 ZS6WN Karel RR Jo
20:20:04 ZS6WN Karel good show guys, congrats!
20:19:31 YC0LOW Jo Karel, could u make call, pse?
20:18:56 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Raoul
20:14:18 ZS6WN Karel Jo's calling you back Raoul
20:14:00 ZS6WN Karel No problem Raoul // Jo I have you in my
log almost a
year ago
20:11:12 YC0LOW Jo pse do so, Raoul
20:10:41 ZS1REC Raoul Jo I will give call ok Karel?
20:06:05 ZS6WN Karel signal swing from NIL to s7 in abt a
20:05:20 YC0LOW Jo difficult to copy
20:05:09 ZS6WN Karel pkd s7 nw
20:04:28 YC0LOW Jo 2253Z
20:03:57 ZS6WN Karel whats your sr Jo?
20:03:00 ZS6WN Karel copy you 559 at times Jo
20:02:28 YC0LOW Jo band is full of static noise here. maybe
20:01:55 ZS1REC Raoul I hear you too Jo, but weak on the limit
20:01:36 ZS6WN Karel plenty QSB Jo
0:02:28 YC0LOW Jo band is full of static noise here. maybe
20:01:55 ZS1REC Raoul I hear you too Jo, but weak on the limit
20:01:36 ZS6WN Karel plenty QSB Jo
20:00:32 ZS6WN Karel clng you Jo
20:00:00 YC0LOW Jo yes I am cqing on it, Karel
19:59:59 ZS6WN Karel Its Jo but sig between s0 and s5
19:58:40 ZS6WN Karel Jo?
19:58:33 ZS6WN Karel YC0??? on 17.5
19:57:42 ZS6WN Karel and on 17.5
01/9/07 (setelah ganti bambu tiang antena) dan UNUN
2231 ua4hbw 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
237 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW S7 Jo with deep QSB 1231 yc0low
1821.4 VK6ABL
Phil, GE. test new ant. 1227 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
1227 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2228 ra4lw 1817.5 YC0LOW 569hr
2218 vk6hd 1817.5 YC0LOW cq, 599, GM
28/8/07 (setelah ganti 1/4 WL inverted-L)
20:28:36 ZS1REC Raoul ok got the answr, crossed messages!
20:28:27 YC0LOW Jo yes, I' will
20:27:55 ZS1REC Raoul Are you going to be on at ur SR, Jo?
20:27:55 YC0LOW Jo I too would like to go to bed for a while,
Raoul. Get up
agn before my sunrise. tnx chat and rprt. GL with the amp
20:26:52 ZS1REC Raoul Now I must fix the amp or go to bed.
20:26:29 ZS1REC Raoul ok, thanks for the test .you were solid
copy some
20:25:15 YC0LOW Jo sorry Raoul, band is noisy, even if in my RX
20:21:58 ZS1REC Raoul my negative bias on tubes in amp is gone,
maybe I
can fix it tonight.I can hear good enough for a qso, looks like
you do not
hear me.
20:16:12 ZS1REC Raoul You getting stronger!
20:15:05 YC0LOW Jo yes. Hopefully until next Monday, when my
amp is
completely repaired
20:14:08 ZS1REC Raoul sri too weak now.Are you running
20:11:38 YC0LOW Jo OK, Raoul. Still calling cq there
20:11:36 ZS1REC Raoul you are there, in the noise
20:11:11 ZS1REC Raoul plse call again Jo? I think your
20:10:50 ZS1REC Raoul Ok, I will repair the amp before ur SR, I
20:08:53 YC0LOW Jo GM Aki-san. tnx rprt. Hpe things are well
20:08:18 YC0LOW Jo okay, Andy. tnx rprt. maybe better at around
my time. CUL
20:08:08 JH2RMU Aki Gm all, YC0LOW Jo, 449 1821
20:07:17 SP6AEG Andy Sorry Jo, do not copy on my K9AY to 40 dgr
20:05:41 YC0LOW Jo Andy, do you hear any signal on 21, pse?
20:04:02 YC0LOW Jo sorry to hear that, Raoul. I have mine also
still in
20:03:19 ZS1REC Raoul believe it or not , my amplifier just
died!And I
hear sigs on 21!
20:01:44 YC0LOW Jo ok, I'll move to 1821. and give general dx
20:00:21 SP6AEG Andy Jo, I would like work with you on TB for
my DXCC,
still waiting for you
20:00:08 ZS1REC Raoul ok, 1821 is open now?
19:59:25 YC0LOW Jo please advise me the freq, Raoul. We could
try now
19:57:58 YC0LOW Jo I worked him couple of times on 80m in 2006.
still need
him on topband. woudn't mind a topband qso with you, too!
19:56:16 ZS1REC Raoul Ok Jo, have you wrked 3B8? I still need a
qso with
you as well!
19:55:06 YC0LOW Jo Hi Raoul, GE band is vry noisy. Could hear
3b8 but very
19:53:48 ZS1REC Raoul Hi Jo, how is the band ur side?
20:08:08 JH2RMU Aki Gm all, YC0LOW Jo, 449 1821
25 yc0low 3503.1 VK6HD GM Mike. No DX today.tnx
2220 vk6hd 3502.8 YC0LOW freq correction
2219 vk6hd 3503.1 YC0LOW cq,GM Jo
1139 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW 499
1148 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW ge jo.
1144 yc0low 1831.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Vy strong today
2300 yc0low 1817.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Nw bnd is dead.73
2259 9m2ax 1817.4 YC0LOW gm jo cq.
22:50:08 YC0LOW Jo Victor, u r 8400 km away frm me. I used 100
W. It's 84
kms for every 1W. tnx
22:45:21 UA4HBW Victor lo53kk Jo, yes I got Ross now, strong
sigs here
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo Now you got Ross, called you, Victor
22:42:20 YC0LOW Jo Victor, UA4HBW, what's your QTH Locator,
22:41:26 UA4HBW Victor only you are on the band Jo
22:40:17 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Victor. Tnx for calling me.
2239 yc0low 1817.5 UA4HBW Victor, tnx fer QSO. GE
2237 yc0low 1800.0 VK6HD tnx spot, Mike. GM
2234 ua4hbw 1817.5 YC0LOW tnx qso Jo
2233 vk6hd 1817.3 YC0LOW cq GM Jo
2047 9m2ax 1820.4 YC0LOW cq
2249 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW gm Jo
2234 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI GE Svein. Gud sig
22:58:33 YV1DIG Paul ok Jo, I'll try to be at home for your SR,
22:58:03 YC0LOW Jo well, okay Paul. I must qrt nw. tnx rprt and
chat. i'll
be on topband agn tmw at my SR. hpe we'll make it soon. 73 de Jo
22:56:31 YV1DIG Paul not with zeroes, just with 1 & 5's
22:55:24 YC0LOW Jo Paul, i haven't tried 6 mt. did u make it
with station
frm zero call area from my country?
22:52:21 YV1DIG Paul on 6 mtrs i made quite a few from your
country, but
in the low bands is another story even if the challenge is quite
22:47:49 YC0LOW Jo TNX Bjorn.
22:47:28 YC0LOW Jo as u know, from YC-land, SA is vy difficult
to get on
topband, hi..
22:47:02 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks for QSO Jo, you are OK CPI here
22:46:29 YV1DIG Paul oops grat=great
22:46:19 YV1DIG Paul YB is a grat one for me too, same distance
SP or LP
22:45:55 YC0LOW Jo yes, I can only copy EU sigs with difficulty
22:45:24 YC0LOW Jo bould=would
22:45:19 YV1DIG Paul if the prop improves I'll try calling agn
22:45:11 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt. YV bould be a new one for me.
maybe soon,
22:44:04 YV1DIG Paul you are not strong but 70% of the tx in...
still low
QRN here and few minutes before SS
22:42:21 YC0LOW Jo sri, nil here, Paul
22:40:48 YV1DIG Paul RR
22:40:19 YC0LOW Jo pse call nw Paul
22:39:22 YC0LOW Jo wkg sm nw
22:38:12 YV1DIG Paul hear you signal, I'll call you
22:34:15 YV1DIG Paul was not me Jo, we should have a chance in
the next 30
22:26:23 YC0LOW Jo i am calling cq nw. someone is clg me
22:21:09 YV1DIG Paul Jo GM, I'm listening your freq
2213 oz1lxj 1820.7 YC0LOW
2223 oz1lxj 1821.2 YC0LOW
2207 yc0low 1821.2 LA3XI TNX 579, Svein
2201 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW gm Jo nice sign
2246 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2157 yc0low 1821.5 YC0LOW TNX dx spots
2154 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq 579 gm Jo
2150 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2259 yc0low 1821.5 S58N call corr. SRI
2258 yc0low 1821.5 S58H tnx qso es rprt
2256 s58n 1821.6 YC0LOW JO NICE SIG BAND IS OPEN
2255 s58n 1821.5 YC0LOW NW 579
2254 yc0low 1821.5 SH8N Big signal. Tnx qso
2248 yc0low 1821.5 S57L ur sig is OK
2246 s57l 1821.5 YC0LOW vy tnx for effort! gl
2243 s57l 1821.5 YC0LOW good sigs, i am too weak
2228 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW gm Jo nice sign 579
2224 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2207 la3xi 1817.5 YC0LOW cq nice sign in la
2249 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW gm Jo surprice 599 big sign
2249 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI Glad to work u.TNX 5nn
2246 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI Svein,GE. gud sig in summer
2253 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1406 ua0sc 1821.5 YC0LOW
1409 ua0sww 1821.5 YC0LOW 569 but deaf
2217 vk6hd 3501.8 YC0LOW cq
2211 la3xi 1821.4 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
2207 ei6iz 1821.4 YC0LOW
22:16:06 EI6IZ Brendan VK BOOMING in here
22:09:12 YC0LOW Jo Glad we make it! QRN is so high in
my qth. S9!
22:09:00 EI6IZ Brendan decent coipy here on the bev
22:08:48 EI6IZ Brendan yep
22:08:21 EI6IZ Brendan Jo thnx fer now one
22:08:09 YC0LOW Jo did u get my rprt, Brendan?
22:03:27 YC0LOW Jo tnx info Brendan
22:02:39 EI6IZ Brendan yc0low you are nice sig here
2201 9m2ax 1821.4 EI6IZ calling yc0,479 gd sig
2144 9m2ax 1821.3 YC0LOW cq weak jo gm
211 vk6hd 1821.6 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2106 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
Inverted-L diperbaiki, working FB
21:32:55 OZ1LXJ John Ah - Think its YC0LOW
21:29:16 OZ1LXJ John Who is CQing on 1817.5 ? I just cant
figure out the
2206 sm1oii 3503.0 YC0LOW
2106 jh4iff 1816.5 YC0LOW Looking for FUKUI. PSE call hi
2104 jh4iff 1816.5 YC0LOW CQing
20:59:42 JH4IFF Mitsu YC0LOW Jo , good copy on 16.5
2038 ja1hgy 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ
2158 vk6hd 1819.0 YC0LOW CQ,GM Jo
2221 vk6du 3502.0 YC0LOW cq cq
2123 ja3fyc 3503.0 YC0LOW cq
2122 ja3fyc 3500.0 YC0LOW Gm JO gud hr
2121 yc0low 3500.0 JA3FYC GM Mas-san.TNX spot
2119 ja3fyc 3513.0 YC0LOW 589 clg ja
2101 ja4fkx 3502.0 YC0LOW CQn
2144 ja9aa 3503.3 YC0LOW with ok2rz
2200 la3xi 1814.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
21:59:10 DL8LAS Andy nil here qrn and qsb
21:58:35 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - pse my rst, Eu jammed
21:57:16 G3ZES ALAN Andy
21:56:00 YC0LOW Jo Sorry to hear that. Tnx rprt, Arunas. I hear
only noise
and static crashes
21:54:48 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - little chaos on your freq. 559 here.
21:53:34 PA5A Johan rgr. u are hearable hear;
21:53:03 YC0LOW Jo Sorry, no, Johan
21:51:22 PA5A Johan any cpi Jo?
21:51:13 G3ZES ALAN Strongest you have been this year Jo
21:48:25 YC0LOW Jo flooded Jakarta
21:48:12 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, I will send you email, today, Alan.
It's still
raining in flooded
21:47:12 G3ZES ALAN On JO few calling now
21:46:26 YC0LOW Jo Tnx report, Alan! What's your email address,
21:45:36 G3ZES ALAN Good today Jo
21:44:12 YC0LOW Jo OK, Serge. My pleasure. It was difficult in
21:43:18 UR5MID Serge Jo,tnx qso
21:42:11 G3ZES ALAN Yup2
1:40:49 G3ZES ALAN you got the 5 right UR5
21:39:53 YC0LOW Jo hi noise and crashes. coudn't identify, Alan
21:37:23 G3ZES ALAN stations calling you Jo
21:35:30 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Andy. On 1814.5 clg cq
21:34:25 DL8LAS Andy YC0LOW are you qrv?
2143 ur5mid 1814.5 YC0LOW
22:32:56 YC0LOW Jo No, Josep. Nothing is heard, here, today on
22:31:52 EA6BF Josep GM Jo, copy any EU..?
22:29:10 UA4CC Arkady Jo, copi only UA6MF! hi
2230 ua6mf 1823.5 YC0LOW here also...:-( TU&73!
2229 yc0low 1823.5 UA6MF No signs of life, hi
22:26:49 YC0LOW Jo Arkady, I am on 23.5. Try to do sked with
UA6MF. Condx
is bad
22:24:41 UA4CC Arkady Jo are u on band? Freq?
2223 ua6mf 1823.5 YC0LOW try here
2223 yc0low 1800.0 UA6MF Ivan,condx not gud.QRG?
2220 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW pse sked on top
2144 g3zes 1827.5 YC0LOW
2212 gm4fam 1814.5 YC0LOW clg u!
2204 la3xi 1814.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 599
2202 uy1hy 1814.5 YC0LOW pse lsn up1 big p/up
2159 ra3aj 1814.5 YC0LOW simplex
2159 rz1awt 1814.5 YC0LOW gd sig
2152 oh1ma 1814.5 YC0LOW
2139 ra3aj 1813.5 YC0LOW QRT?
2203 la6fja 1814.6 YC0LOW QRM II0BH took the QRG
2202 ua4rz 1814.9 II0BH
2142 ra4lw 1814.6 YC0LOW Jo still cqn
2131 ua4rz 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2122 ra4lw 1814.5 YC0LOW 559hr
2100 vk6hd 1814.3 YC0LOW
2156 sp6heq 1814.0 YC0LOW take att. for SP6 & OK2
2127 dl5wg 1814.6 YC0LOW cq cq
0:52:04 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Danny. Heard ur QSO with VU7.
20:50:44 ON7NQ Danny very faintly here too Jo...not worth
20:49:01 YC0LOW Jo GE all. Signals are very weak, today. Heard
faint calls
but couldn't identify. Tnx reports
20:46:08 F5VKM Mike YC0LOW - No copy here either Jo :(
20:43:49 UU2JQ Rustam YC0LOW Jo, no copy here
2041 g3zes 1814.5 YC0LOW
20:21:31 OZ1LXJ John 1814.5 yc0low
21:02:06 G3ZES ALAN Jo in noise here today
20:58:08 OZ1LXJ John yc0low 1817.5
20:32:32 YC0LOW Jo Wolf tnx also for 569. all sigs are about
the same
20:31:31 DF2PY wolf Thanks for 559 Jo ! Big EU pile !
20:14:22 G3ZES ALAN 559 Jo
2012 g3zes 1814.5 YC0LOW
2126 jg3hbo 1813.5 YC0LOW tnx559 cu
2114 ru4an 1813.5 YC0LOW cq up1
2053 ja3tja 1813.5 YC0LOW QSX 1814.5
2033 yo2ldc 1813.0 YC0LOW 559 in deep QSB
2030 ja3fyc 1813.0 YC0LOW cq up1,Jo 569
2104 sv1aoz 1813.5 YC0LOW UP
2042 ra3dox 1813.5 YC0LOW CQ CQ.
2108 i4ewh 1813.5 YC0LOW strong - pse split!
2106 ja3fyc 1813.5 YC0LOW
2103 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2043 ik4wma 1813.5 YC0LOW fine sig here Jo
2031 ja3fyc 1813.5 YC0LOW 589
20:58:09 F5VKM Mike YC0LOW - Jo - I hear you with QRM/QSB !! -
Happy New
Year !!
20:50:52 S50U Dan Jo YC0LOW are real 599 here ...
2059 i4ewh 1818.5 YC0LOW calling "f"
2057 i4ikw 1818.5 YC0LOW pse lsn eu ur 449...
2049 ja3fyc 1818.5 YC0LOW cq cq
2131 ik4wma 1818.5 YC0LOW gud cpy time to time
2130 ja1hgy 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ agn
2051 ik4wma 1818.4 YC0LOW Jo PSE lsn for Europe
2026 ja3fyc 1818.5 YC0LOW
21:02:37 UA6LV Vlad Jo good signal here - lsn EU
2124 ur0mc 1824.5 YC0LOW loud,but no cpy me
2056 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW
Tiang jauh miring krn angin
2125 ja4ahv 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ JO HNY
2117 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW cq cq
2114 jq3due 1824.6 YC0LOW CQ
2057 ja1hgy 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2153 vk6abl 1824.5 OM3CGN clg YC0LOW
21:59:31 YC0LOW Jo I give up. SRI. EU sigs are getting
lsn for a while until my SR. tnx
21:57:11 F5VKM Mike From 90deg here too John ...
21:55:58 YC0LOW Jo sorry folks, still high qrn in here
21:55:35 OZ1LXJ John TNX Marko
21:55:14 OZ1LXJ John Yes - strongest in 90°, hmm, might
have bad
termination. But f/B seems ok on others eastern DX sigs.
21:53:32 OH3XR Marko from 90 deg
21:52:33 OZ1LXJ John Anybody in Eu noticed if Jo also
arrives from
300° ? Do I have faulty Bev ?
21:51:58 F5VKM Mike Good idea ROb !
21:51:39 F5VKM Mike I heard an SM5 calling CQ over Jo
.... but no
one else John ???
21:51:29 GM3YTS Rob Jo maybe it's better if u listen up
21:50:52 YC0LOW Jo lever=level
21:50:40 YC0LOW Jo I have high QRN lever. My Bev seemed
out of
order due to heavy rain last nite, local time. I will lsn
21:49:57 G3PQA John GE Mike, its the stn clg cq on top
of Jo
21:49:23 F5VKM Mike GE John ... what freq is the jammer
on John
21:48:35 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Rob
21:48:32 G3PQA John GE Rob (and all), I wish we had an
amateur DF
net to find location of these jammers. Jammer weak on NE bev so
guess he is
from south EU somewhere.
21:48:24 SM5BFJ Leif Jo, SM5Z is calling ....
21:48:15 JH4IFF Mitsu Of course I know it. He was on
1818 about 30
minutes ago.
21:48:03 GM3YTS Rob Ur 569 here JO
21:47:52 F5VKM Mike Jo - Ok, no problems .... I have
plenty of
time ! HNY !!
21:47:21 YC0LOW Jo Sorry to hear you didn't hear my
rprt, I
perhaps next time soon, Mike VKM
21:47:18 K1GUN JD wats wrong wid NP4A sig.. sounds like
a 1920
xmitter chirpy chirpy...
21:47:16 OH3XR Marko yb5aqb/1 19,5 working g4
21:46:27 F5VKM Mike Faroe Islands Mitsu ....
21:45:39 F5VKM Mike Sorry Jo, I called but then lost
you in
therest of the EU pile up, I've not called again since as I
cannot get in to
hear you due to the EU QRM at the moment :(
21:45:17 JH4IFF Mitsu Where is OY3QN? Please let me
21:44:47 YC0LOW Jo Oh, alright, Mike. I heard you call
me and I
gave you my RST. I thought you had given me the rprt too. It was
deep QSB
21:44:12 F5VKM Mike And an SM5 calling CQ DX over the
top of you
now Jo :(
21:43:16 K1GUN JD Theres a PA0 calling now Jo..
21:41:43 F5VKM Mike Jo -LOW - I've not worked you ????
else maybe ???? I heard F5C?? calling you ???
21:41:39 OH3XR Marko good sigs Jo
21:40:37 K1GUN JD RR
21:40:08 YC0LOW Jo 1824.5 JD, GE
21:39:36 K1GUN JD Yo Jo wats ur qrg??
21:38:05 YC0LOW Jo Mike, you're already in my log for
exchange. Tnx rprt es qso
21:21:07 F5VKM Mike Jo - LOW - 539 now with QSB/QRM and EU
pileup :)
2108 f5vkm 1824.5 YC0LOW 559 QSB/QRM
2106 oh3xr 1824.5 YC0LOW
2111 yc0low 1800.0 VK6HD HNY, Mike. TNX
2111 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW 569
2110 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW cq, HNY Jo
2151 oz2tf 1824.4 YC0LOW
2134 oz1lxj 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
2201 pa5a 1824.6 YC0LOW still on? small peak hr
2152 la3xi 1824.4 YC0LOW nice sign hny Jo
2150 ja6olz 1824.5 YC0LOW tnx qso
2134 ra6ax 1824.4 YC0LOW cq
2118 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW 589 cq no takers
2115 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW
2113 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
tersambar petir, antena rubuh, Desember 2006
20:02:59 YC0LOW Jo what QRG, Miro?
20:02:54 OM5RW Miro Igor on what freq is Jo?
20:01:15 OM5RW Miro Jo can we try somewhere?
19:59:42 UT7QF Igor Jo pse lsn many station calling
you!I`m also!
19:56:46 YC0LOW Jo GE Igor. Sorry, nil here
19:56:15 UT7QF Igor Jo copy me ?
2142 i4ewh 3520.0 YC0LOW pse try 160 at ur sunrise
2150 yc0low 3520.0 US4EX tnx QSO Oleg
2145 yc0low 3520.0 US4EX do u hear my call?
2140 us4ex 3520.0 YC0LOW PSE lsn me
antara 15/11 - 20/11 ke Bali, IBEX
2106 ja0rug 3509.8 YC0LOW cq
1455 vk6du 3505.5 YC0LOW cq cq
1448 ve7bv 3505.5 YC0LOW 579 but not hearing wc
1446 n7ua 3505.5 YC0LOW cq
1440 k6ta 3505.3 YC0LOW CQ
12:00:53 9M2AX ross ONLY .sig from YC0LOW .20.9 599 and
hrd vk3zl
339 qso with DU9.
2101 ra3cq 1824.0 YC0LOW Don't go away!
2059 yc0low 1824.0 UA4AAY wrk 80m nw.Hi QRN on TB
2057 on4axu 1824.0 UA4AAY CQ DX :(
2056 ua6aay 1824.0 YC0LOW PSE LSTN ME
2055 jh1gnu 3502.7 YC0LOW Jo
2151 yb0dpo 1822.5 YC0LOW GM (Selamat Pagi) OM Jo
2150 yb5aqb 1822.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX - GL!
2147 vk6abl 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ DX
2148 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW GM Jo - Band not good
21:57:48 ES5QX Juhan ge Jo. 449 hr
2148 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 339
21:46:37 UT7QF Igor GM Jo! Good ears your signal on
1923 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW cq cq
1231 vq9la 1821.0 YC0LOW 559 B4 SS
11:25:24 JN4MMO Andy GE/GM All. YC0LOW 1821.1 CQ
2115 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq YB
2206 la6yea 1820.9 YC0LOW nice signal on
2039 yc0low 1822.0 JH2FXK Shigeru-san, tnx fer qso
2038 jh2fxk 1822.0 YC0LOW
1843 oh2m 1822.6 YC0LOW 559
2028 9v1pc 1822.5 YC0LOW
1935 f9lx 1821.0 YC0LOW
1914 yc0low 1821.0 UA3TCJ tnx qso & spot, Andrei
1906 ua3tcj 1820.9 YC0LOW CQ
1139 9v1pc 1821.0 YC0LOW
High lat. AU warning
22:17:21 DF9OX Andre r... so stby on 22.8
22:16:33 YC0LOW Jo Yes, he is. but unheard now. Maybe
he is QRX
for a while.
22:14:47 DF9OX Andre Jo, traces.... is Bob also on?
22:13:36 DF9OX Andre In fact, for topband lengths of
the others
are not optimal. On 80m better. I am really waiting for switching
22:13:19 YC0LOW Jo Svein LA3XI always hear me better on
TB than my
YB/YC colleagues. Great ears.
22:11:33 DF9OX Andre no, I am not LA3XI
22:11:12 YC0LOW Jo Alright. It's great, Andre. You
should be able
to hear almost every body transmits in the planet Topband, hi
22:10:36 DF9OX Andre its the B1
22:10:08 DF9OX Andre Jo, on the "from above" picture
right, North
is up.
22:09:04 YC0LOW Jo So, direction to me is going to the
right side
of picture?
22:08:33 DF9OX Andre mmm, no peaks today. u are
consisting with
traces, but no 559 like yesterday here, til now
22:07:08 DF9OX Andre (its terminated on the fly. there
is a 470Ohm
resistor screwed open against ground. no box, nothing...)
22:07:01 YC0LOW Jo OK, understood. Single direction.
22:06:07 DF9OX Andre terminated, so only one direction,
22:05:13 YC0LOW Jo What do u mean with
'Uni-directional', Andre?
22:05:08 DF9OX Andre Hope switching and feeding all
will be ok in
a week
22:03:55 DF9OX Andre Yes
22:03:25 YC0LOW Jo Yes, its length is 270m, am I right?
22:01:23 DF9OX Andre tnx Jo. But only bev wrking is
90deg. to u in
22:00:39 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, constant traces, but max
339 til now
22:00:06 YC0LOW Jo Andre, it's very impressive Beverage
21:53:33 DF9OX Andre weak traces now.... lsn hr with
90deg bev:
21:49:40 DF9OX Andre Tnx! Jo
21:48:57 YC0LOW Jo qsy to 22.8
21:45:55 DF9OX Andre sp3 on 22.3... pse 22.8 Jo
21:45:04 DF9OX Andre r
21:43:57 YC0LOW Jo sorry folks, out of shack for a
while. nw,
cq-ing on 22.5. GE
21:31:14 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, but not a trace today hr
now. Ru on
21:23:44 UA4HBW Victor hello Jo, cpy u 449
21:46:42 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andre. Read it happily.
21:46:28 DF9OX Andre mom, phone agn...
21:45:58 DF9OX Andre Jo, hrd u 559 earlier!
21:45:25 YC0LOW Jo GE Andre, just come back to shack
21:44:27 YB5AQB Bob don't think so Andre, not hrg him
now (usually
21:42:10 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, are u still on 22.5?
21:40:25 DF9OX Andre think so, will be on hr next 55min
21:38:58 YB5AQB Bob saw a trace but path not stabel
yet, still
early Andre
21:37:54 DF9OX Andre Bob: hrd u, called u, but GOne
agn. But
parked, I am a GO-fan... :-)...
21:34:23 DF9OX Andre btw. on 270m beverage 90deg
21:33:40 DF9OX Andre and audible nw, but 229
21:32:50 DF9OX Andre There u are Bob! smart on
21:32:42 YB5AQB Bob Will be here and CQ until SR 22:36Z
on 27.6
21:31:58 DF9OX Andre Bob, nada nw from Jo. maybe off.
Parked nw on
21:30:09 SM5DQC Osten Bob Also no copy here!
21:30:04 DF9OX Andre Bob, back. still traces from Jo
21:28:52 G3WPH Mike Bob - no copy here
21:26:13 YB5AQB Bob OK now on 27.6 CQ
21:25:27 G3WPH Mike Bob UK8DAN CQin on 28.42 nw
21:25:11 DF9OX Andre gr, phone,... mom
21:24:50 DF9OX Andre Jo 559!
21:23:09 YB5AQB Bob I will CQ 28.5 now
21:22:26 DF9OX Andre and hear him, 339
21:21:46 DF9OX Andre nice! I see him! first time the
last weeks!
21:21:11 G3WPH Mike John - still around?
21:20:58 DF9OX Andre Tnx Osten.... Bob QSY to 22.5 nw
21:19:59 YB5AQB Bob Jo CQ'n 22.5 Andre u hr him?
2214 la3xi 1824.5 ZS1REC cq yc0low nice sign
2136 vk6vz 1822.6 YC0LOW cq dx
20:50:35 SM5DQC Osten Len YC0LOW was at 2244 UTC but it
was 27th
20:49:52 SM7BIC Len Yes, but Bob has bn very strong
here. Having
SM7TE 1 km away calling the 5R8 hi
20:48:11 SM5DQC Osten Len I have worked AQB and LOW,
usually LOW
much stronger
20:47:03 SM7BIC Len OK, trying to stay up
20:46:12 YB5AQB Bob will be back in about an hour, lsn
for Jo til
then Len, BBL to try, it's early
2042 la3xi 1822.5 YC0LOW cq dx 589 gm Jo
2157 vk6vz 1822.5 YC0LOW jo - cq dx
2109 sm2cew 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2038 ja3fyc 1821.5 YC0LOW cq cq
20:37:50 YC0LOW Jo Mni tnx rprt, Kazu-san. GM to you!
20:37:39 JH2RMU Aki Where do you hear 80 Or
20:35:58 JJ0MEF kazu GM Jo 559-569 nw,
11:22:43 JJ0MEF kazu Jo did u copied? nw 339 weaker
1117 jh2fxk 1821.8 YC0LOW cq
11:13:08 JJ0MEF kazu Jo you are 559 nw
2205 yc1kkk 1824.5 YC0LOW cq dx GM Jo, previously at
2201 la3xi 1824.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
1409 k6oy 3504.0 YC0LOW CQ
1223 ru0ai 1822.0 YC0LOW
1208 ja7ni 1822.0 YC0LOW cq
2242 la3xi 1822.5 YC0LOW fine sign gm Jo
2023 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW cq cq
2149 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW clg cq dx GM Jo
2149 yc0low 1821.0 LA3XI TNX rprt, Svein. GE
2148 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW still nice sign Jo
2024 ja1hgy 1821.0 YC0LOW TNX QSO
2012 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW gm jo fine 579
2008 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
2013 vk6hd 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ, gm Jo
2033 ja0rug 3503.8 YC0LOW
1244 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
1154 vk6abl 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2200 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2055 ja6bjv 1821.0 YC0LOW
1219 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW GE Jo cqdx qsb in Bandung
2154 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2129 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW Jo on the morning shift CQ
2027 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW
22:25:54 UA4HBW Victor Jo u are 449 and Bob u are 339,
bad condx
21:36:53 ES5QX Juhan Solid 559 now
21:36:45 YC0LOW Jo Yes, it's still noisy hr. noise S9.
Perhaps, a
bit later.
21:35:45 ES5QX Juhan Seems too weak for a QSO
21:34:14 YC0LOW Jo GE Juhan.Tnx rprt and spotting.
21:32:35 PA3FQA Dick The band is very noisy here Doug,
don't hear
21:31:57 ES5QX Juhan Hi Jo, nice copy here now!
2117 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 239
18:00:10 YC0LOW Jo some other day, David. CUL 73 es TNX
17:58:23 ZL1GQ David ok tnx jo
17:57:02 YC0LOW Jo Nil here. Sri
17:55:35 ZL1GQ David I am clg you .
17:53:00 YC0LOW Jo GM David.Tnx rprt . Band is so noisy
17:44:42 ZL1GQ David I hr you jo but vy weak in ZL
2124 ok7xx 1821.0 YC0LOW Johan qsb
2108 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX-GM from Batam
1115 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GE
2207 yc0low 1821.0 LA3XI tnx QSO, Svein. GE
2200 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gn Jo 579
2201 yb5aqb 1832.0 VE1ZZ
2200 vk6hd 1832.0 VE1ZZ
2159 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
1119 9m2ax 1820.7 YC0LOW cq dx
2255 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo is clg cq dx, GM.
2132 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n, GM
1142 vk3zl 1821.0 YC0LOW calling cq.
12:09:15 YC0LOW Jo Pitty I cannot beat the noise, here,
12:08:16 W5IZ Al Jo you are 449 here now, WOW!
12:04:27 W5IZ Al K5BG GM Bob, hows DX?
12:02:21 9M2AX ross Jo,nw calling u..
12:00:55 YC0LOW Jo I heard weak signal but cannot
identify it,Ross
11:58:43 9M2AX ross Jo, al is calling u.
11:45:44 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Al. I'll making noise
there until
11:44:20 W5IZ Al See ur trace, Jo...perhaps sigs will
build since
9M and VK loud here
11:43:32 VK3ZL Bob My Pleasure Jo..
11:43:15 YC0LOW Jo tnx for spotting, Bob
11:41:33 YC0LOW Jo I am still calling CQ on it, now
11:40:59 W5IZ Al Jo, I will QSX 1821 through sunrise in
25 min
11:40:44 YC0LOW Jo No, Al. I believe we'll make it,
some day
11:39:30 W5IZ Al Breaks my heart Jo...have 4W but YB
11:39:16 YC0LOW Jo Will QSY calling CQ on 1821
11:39:00 YC0LOW Jo nil, noise level is S7, Al
11:38:41 VK3ZL Bob So were you but last call you have
11:38:24 W5IZ Al Anything Jo?
11:38:14 YC0LOW Jo Nothing is heard, Al. Sorry
11:37:58 W5IZ Al Bob, you were LOUD!!
11:37:33 VK3ZL Bob Hi Al nice signal here
11:37:18 W5IZ Al Calling now
11:37:03 YC0LOW Jo listening now
11:36:27 YC0LOW Jo OK, Al, will listen for u
11:35:26 W5IZ Al YC0LOW I call CQ 1824.5 Jo
11:30:57 9M2AX ross yc0low still calling cq on
1.820.8,pse try.
11:28:51 W5IZ Al For some reason YC/YB blck hole from
11:26:50 9M2AX ross ur sig was same as yc0low strong.
gm 73.
11:25:44 W5IZ Al Thanks Ross, great sigs on quiet band
2240 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo cq dx, GM
2158 vk6hd 1820.8 YC0LOW cq dx,band quiet, QRN down
22:51:47 VQ9LA Larry YC0LOW only thing heard on VQ9 so
2214 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 569
2238 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW GM Jo 579
2231 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
22:24:13 CT1EEB Jose I can tell theres a signal in 27.3
but Jo is
a bit more readable in 21
22:23:30 YB5AQB Bob Can't hear LA3XI here either, not
good today
22:22:50 YB5AQB Bob Hi JJose, he is normally stronger
than me to
EU, still on 27.3 clg CQ til SR here
22:21:54 CT1EEB Jose Well Bob I can barely hear Jo
YC0LOW in 1821
22:08:29 YB5AQB Bob TX5 not hrd, EA8 and EY7 not heard,
a really
great morning!
21:49:07 YB5AQB Bob 27.3 CQ'n til SR at 22:50Z
2213 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx 569
2128 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW CQ'n - GM Jo
2126 py2ro 1818.5 YC0LOW could we try? 73
2117 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 339 QRN PEAKS S5
2101 ja6bjv 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2029 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
20:00:39 ZS6WN Karel Vy weak Mitsu. Also Jo on 21 vy
1955 ua9yab 1821.0 YC0LOW cqing
1113 ve3do 1825.8 YC0LOW weak sr hr was 1048
1106 vk6hd 1825.8 YC0LOW cq dx
2221 vk6hd 1833.0 YC0LOW GM Jo
1059 vk3zl 1828.5 YC0LOW calling cq
2248 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx still 579
23:03:56 SM5DQC Osten gm jo bcnu!
23:03:36 YC0LOW Jo Tnx for qso and rprt to all. CU TMW.73
23:02:01 SM5DQC Osten Jo Here it's 01.01 Monday morning, hi
23:01:29 YC0LOW Jo now SR hr
23:01:11 SM5DQC Osten john Jo fading out totally here
23:01:08 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Jon ZJ, hope to make it
with u. will
be my genuine LP
23:00:12 VE1ZJ john YC0LOW I hrd u on 1821 (The VE1ZJ
locator is
FN96VE (QRB 15414 km, QTF 346°)).
22:59:53 SM5DQC Osten john must be close to SR at
YC0LOW, weaker
here now, was 579 last CQ
22:57:54 SM5DQC Osten John Yes, he is
22:57:27 VE1ZJ john he 339 hr Osten was 449 QSB now. Is
LOW on
22:56:29 SM5DQC Osten John YC0LOW wkng G3YRO
22:56:26 VE1ZJ john I hear him 339 ie LOW
22:55:57 G3PQA John yes
22:54:47 VE1ZJ john G3PQA is low wkg G3YRO?
22:50:57 VE1ZJ john Mike 589 on 80
22:49:34 SM5DQC Osten YC0LOW CQing 1821 but no answers
22:48:21 SM5DQC Osten Jo Your CQ now was up to 579
22:48:05 G3PQA John Tks John ZJ, Jo LOW excellent
signal. Bob AQB
559, yes Steve, condx good ,away from Auroral zone anyway.
22:47:36 YC0LOW Jo tnx Osten, glad to make it. almost
peak of my
22:46:42 SM5DQC Osten Jo You are getting stronger now
22:44:19 SM5DQC Osten Jo Thanks QSO!! SM6CLU calling
you now
22:43:32 VK6VZ Steve John - ur were louder on 160 than
on 80!!!!
22:40:22 G3PQA John fb Steve! YC1KKK on 25.5 clg CQ
22:40:18 SM5DQC Osten Jo Will call you when GI3
22:37:33 YC0LOW Jo ok, Osten. sure we'll make it soon.
Nw on 21
22:36:55 SM5DQC Osten Jo Wkd VK6ABL -he answered my CQ
22:36:01 SM5DQC Osten Jo Wks VK6ABL - will try with you
22:30:12 YC0LOW Jo vy weak, Osten
22:29:42 YC0LOW Jo yes, i think so. we used the same
freq for
calling, earlier
22:29:20 SM5DQC Osten Jo I'm calling CQ now on 1823
22:29:02 SM5DQC Osten Jo Someone was on 1821.5 giving
me 449,
probably PY2DO..
22:28:07 YC0LOW Jo no, Osten. we'll try agn
22:27:21 SM5DQC Osten No, but I think we wkd at
22:26:44 YC0LOW Jo now listening on 22. is it u?
22:25:50 SM5DQC Osten Jo On 1821.5 at 2153z
22:25:09 SM5DQC Osten Jo Did you copy me OK earlier?
22:24:54 YC0LOW Jo cq/sm5dqc yes, Osten
22:24:00 SM5DQC Osten Steve You are very strong here!!!
22:23:03 SM5DQC Osten Jo Are you here?
21:55:39 SM5DQC Osten sorry... can't type
21:55:24 SM5DQC Osten Should be Jo - dorry...
21:54:49 SM5DQC Osten Jon Tnx - I hop you got my
callsign OK, very
heavy QRN here!
21:22:16 YB5AQB Bob CQ 31.5 from now until SR in Batam
2258 ve1zj 1821.0 YC0LOW 449 at 2253Z qsb nw
2251 g3pqa 1816.0 YB5AQB Hi Bob, 559 a few mins ago
2247 sm5dqc 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2237 yb0dpo 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQing
2144 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2140 yb5aqb 1821.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
2127 yc0low 1824.0 YC1KKK clg cq
2215 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW GM Jo
2205 yb5aqb 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
2242 la3xi 1826.5 YC0LOW cq dx gm jo 559
2240 yb5aqb 1822.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n
2205 vk6hd 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
2211 yb5aqb 1825.7 YC0LOW CQ'n GM Jo
2210 yb0dpo 1824.3 YC0LOW Cq ,,, GM Jo :)
2207 vk6hd 1824.3 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2242 ua3tcj 1825.3 YC0LOW
2234 oh3xr 1825.6 YC0LOW cq
2147 yc1kkk 1825.5 YC0LOW cq dx 599 gm Jo
2135 zs6wn 1825.5 YC0LOW now here
2136 yc0low 1825.5 YC0LOW moved hr, nw. sri
2129 zs6wn 1824.5 YC0LOW cq same qrg zs1rec
16 Agustus 2006
2221 vk6hd 1825.1 YC0LOW cq dx
2205 yb5aqb 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ - GM Jo
13 Agustus 2006
2247 vk6vz 1824.5 YCOLOW cq dx
22:46:59 VK6VZ Steve Hi Jo - 579 on 1824.5 - will put you on
the cluster
2228 vk6hd 1824.4 YC0LOW cq, GM Jo
2211 yb5aqb 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
2143 yc0low 1824.5 VK6LC Tnx QSO, Keith
12 Agustus 2006
2211 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq gm 599
2105 vk3zl 1824.5 YC1LOW calling cq
11 Agustus 2006
2218 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
10 Agustus 2006
2229 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW
9 Agustus 2006
2223 oh2rf 1824.5 YC0LOW 449
2209 vk6hd 1824.1 YC0LOW cq
8 Agustus 2006
perbaikan tiang bambu. naik menjadi 23.9m
7 Agustus 2006
2220 yb5aqb 1830.0 YC0LOW CQ'n - GM Jo
2211 yc0low 1824.5 YB5AQB Bob clg cq
1137 yb0dpo 1824.5 YC0LOW CQing
1129 yb5aqb 1824.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n
3 Agustus 2006
1222 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2 Agustus 2006
2236 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2135 vk3zl 1824.5 YC0LOW clng cq
29 Juli 2006
2245 oh3sr 1824.5 YC0LOW
2239 vk6hd 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ SA es DX
23 Juli 2006
2236 yc0low 1820.5 YB1AME clg cq
2212 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW still nice sign cq
2121 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq sa es dx fine jo 579
22 Juli 2006
2124 yb5aqb 1832.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ SA
1117 jh2fxk 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
19 Juli 2006
2208 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq dx 579
17 Juli 2006
22:39:31 YC0LOW Jo tnx info. couldn't cpi others well. maybe next month will be btr
22:38:05 G3ZES ALAN Best ive heard you, few calling
22:37:18 YC0LOW Jo Hi Alan, tnx for spotting. I have high noise hr. GE
22:34:44 G3ZES ALAN Gm / Ge All. Good copy Jo
2220 g3zes 1826.0 YC0LOW
16 Juli 2006
1125 jh2fxk 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
15Juli 2006
2205 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW oh yes rcvd it at mi Bru
2148 yc0low 1800.0 EA8AK GE Fer. do u get my card?
2140 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW GM Johan, nothing heard to
2131 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice sign jo 579
2129 ua3tcj 1825.9 YC0LOW gud sigs but no copy EU
2108 sm5crv 1825.9 YC0LOW CQ
10 Juli 2006
2206 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq nice signal
5Juli 2006
2223 ua4hbw 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
24 Juni 2006
2253 vk6hd 1826.2 YC0LOW cq
2157 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq sa es dx 579
23 Juni 2006
2211 la3xi 1819.3 YB0ZEE clg la3xi sorry no tx
2210 la3xi 1819.3 YBOZEE 559 cq
2204 yc0low 1819.3 YB0ZEE calling dx
2159 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice 579
17 Juni 2006
2229 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO 2249Z
2228 py2ro 1826.1 YC0LOW pse ur SR???
2228 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO hpe to make it someday.73
2226 py2ro 1826.0 YC0LOW never mind Ill catch u, 73
2224 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO difficult cpi, hr. next time
2223 py2ro 1831.6 SM5EDX 73 John, nice signal!
2215 py2ro 1826.0 YC0LOW booming keep trying
2210 py2nq 1826.0 PY2RO calling YC0LOW
2155 la3xi 1826.1 PY2RO cq 579 nice sign
2136 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOWcq sa es dx 599
11Juni 2006
1854 yc0low 1824.0 UA6LV VI9 isn't there :-(
1852 ua6lv 1824.0 YC0LOW FB sgnl also ! Where is VI9
1851 yc0low 1824.0 UA6LV tnx beautiful sig!
1845 ua6lv 1824.0 YC0LOW CQ building here
1821 vk3io 1824.0 YC0LOW cq dx
10 Juni 2006
2251 yc0low 1826.0 LA3XI mni tnx rprts, Svein
2246 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW comming up 599
2233 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice 569
3 Juni 2006
2247 py3sb 1828.0 YC0LOW sri
2227 vk6hd 1828.0 YC0LOW cq
2221 yc0low 1828.0 YC0LOW clg s. america/dx
2 Juni 2006
2215 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice signal
1 Juni 2006
2218 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice signal
31 Mei 2006
2235 vk6hd 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
28 Mei 2006
11:36:21 VK3ZL Bob sorry Jo....
11:36:05 VK3ZL Bob You are 459 here Bob
25 Mei 2006
2103 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx info, Svein.
2055 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq dx nice signal Jo
2048 rn4acq 1813.0 YC0LOW .strong QRM in EU
2044 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America/DX
24 Mei 2006
2130 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI Tnx rprt, Svein! GE
2127 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW nice signals cq dx
2123 py1bvy 1833.0 YC0LOW at 21.03utc better 549. Vy
2111 yc0low 1813.0 PY1BVY Hello, Ron!
2056 py1bvy 1813.0 YC0LOW I coping u Johan
2048 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America/DX
21 mei 2006
2247 ua4hbw 1822.0 VK6VZ
2247 yc0low 1813.0 RW3XX tnx Fanil, got ur rprt OK,559
2245 ea3aky 1824.0 CN2WW
2245 rw3xx 1813.0 YC0LOW tnx, but QRM in EU
2243 yc0low 1813.0 CX3CE r u clg in there?
2239 ua4hbw 1813.0 YC0LOW good sigs!
2240 vk6vz 1823.0 LA3XI Svein - big signal!!
2237 cx3ce 1813.0 YC0LOW hr vy noise pse go 1826 tnx
2235 rv1cc 1813.0 YC0LOW Jo , tks fer new one!!! Will
2222 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx, svein. peaking 599
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America & DX
2143 zp6cw 1825.0 PY5XH cq cq
2137 dj9va 1854.7 UA1CDZ
2126 yc0low 1821.0 YB1AME clg cq
22:49:11 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The UA4HBW locator is LO53KK (QRB 8445 km, QTF 329°).
22:43:49 UA4HBW Victor ok Jo, now u are louder abt 579
22:43:01 YC0LOW Jo Likewise , Vic! TNX sorry for QSB.
22:39:45 UA4HBW Victor Hello Jo! tnx for qso!
2222 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx, svein. peaking 5
2126 yb1ame on 1821
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America &DX
2219 Yb1ame qsy ke 1820
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America & DX
2236 vk6hd 1824.2 YB1AME cq
2235 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2237 vk6hd 1813.1 YC0LOW cq
29/4/06 -> good antena performance!
1354 ja3fyc 1814.0 YC0LOW 579
1351 yc0low 1814.0 RA0ALM call corr
1349 ra0alm 1814.0 YC0LOW sri call ntx qso Vic de ra0alm
1348 yc0low 1814.0 RA0LM tnx topband qso, Vic
1347 ra0alm 1814.0 YB0LOW 549 cq
1337 yb5aqb 1814.0 YB0LOW Jo CQ'n
27/4/06, back on the air!
2228 vk6hd 1814.2 YC0LOW cq
24/4/06 s/d 26/4/06 antena rubuh kena angin
2203 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2225 yc0low 1819.5 YB1A yb1a
2222 vk6hd 1827.1 LA3XI tnx Svein
2221 ua3agw 1813.5 YC0LOW yes condx is poor, Mike is onl
2218 yc0low 1800.0 UA3AGW nothing hrd on 15,back to 13.5
2215 ua3agw 1800.0 YC0LOW pse try 1815.0
2214 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW GM Jo
2213 yc0low 1832.0 VK6HD gm mike
2212 vk6hd 1832.0 G3ZES GM Alan
2222 g3zes 1832.0 VK6HD Gm Mike
2209 vk6hd 1821.4 OH9RJ cq dx
2203 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
19 Apr 2006 (UTC)
2206 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 oz1lxj 1814.5 YC0LOW Still CQing
2251 ik4wma 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2258 g3pqa 1814.0 YC0LOW Poor condx.. Ross only 449
2214 vk6vz 1850.1 YC0KCI 59 CQing ssb - big sig
22:12:40 VK6VZ Steve G'day all - - have a listen for YC0MFS and YC0KCI on 1850.1 SSB - big signals here!
2238 yc0low 1850.0 YC0MFS
2239 ua9yab 1814.0 YC0LOW
22:53:23 ES5QX Juhan Jo YC0LOW, GM. You were good 459 here. RU contest splatter made copy impossible at times.
09/04/2006 Low Band Chat:
23:06:52 CT1EEB Jose U are not as strong as Jo, but I can hear you OK Bob
23:06:08 CT1EEB Jose Ok Bob Iam calling you now
23:05:06 YB5AQB Bob Jose I am 1818.4 lsn up 1 now, SR two min ago
23:04:42 CT1EEB Jose So I will be looking for you tomorrow again.
23:04:25 CT1EEB Jose CU agn tomorrow Jo, I will be happy to work Java in 160m., I have worked Sumatra before...
23:03:32 YC0LOW Jo CUAN TMW Jose, and all. Thanks for the thrills! 73
23:03:31 CT1EEB Jose 300 Watt is Ok for all bands, but for 160m. I find it difficult to work with less than a Killowat, Hi !
23:02:59 K3JJG Ed GE/GM All
23:02:58 CT1EEB Jose Iam using a 3CX1500A7 here Jo, but Iam stillrepiring the Linear amp.
23:02:04 YC0LOW Jo Jose, it'll be fine . I am using 100W for the last 2 months for a try. I have the working linear with paur of 3-500Z
23:00:21 CT1EEB Jose I have 300 watt now, next week I will have my 1.5 Kwatt back, Hi !
22:59:56 CT1EEB Jose I hear you strong Jo, but the Erupoeans keep calling
22:59:24 YC0LOW Jo My SR is over, now, Jose. Try agn tmw
22:55:48 YC0LOW Jo nil, Jose. only whispers
22:51:19 YC0LOW Jo okay, wil lsn
22:50:50 CT1EEB Jose try to listen for me Jo
22:49:26 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Jose
22:48:19 CT1EEB Jose JO YC0LOW u have a good signal in CT1 today!
22:44:31 YB5AQB Bob OZ popped up, otherwise just alphabet soup
22:44:17 ES5QX Juhan YC0LOW, where you?
22:43:49 YC0LOW Jo cq on 1814
22:41:02 ES5QX Juhan A mess it is. You strong, mni clg
22:36:33 YB5AQB Bob hrg only a mess, no calls resolved Juhan, QSB also faster now
22:35:49 VK6VZ Steve Hi Bob condix really strange - Oz1LXJ 599 further down the band!
22:35:42 ES5QX Juhan YB5AQB 589 with pileup
22:34:58 YB5AQB Bob not hrg u either Steve ;-)
22:33:55 VK6VZ Steve GM all. CQing on 1832
22:33:32 YB5AQB Bob not hrg Mike 'HD at all
22:26:28 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The ES5QX locator is KO38JJ (QRB 10032 km, QTF 329°).
22:25:01 YB5AQB Bob if more than one calling no chance with these conditions
22:19:57 YB5AQB Bob burble burble burble, DJ3, burble burble, QSB a mess
22:14:24 YB5AQB Bob hi noise here, S4 on RX S6/7 on TX but sigs peaking 449 once and a while
22:13:29 YC0LOW Jo ok, Bob. Make ur day. Band is okay, noise floor is S7 here,
22:12:32 YB5AQB Bob he up and down here Jo, finally got his call and 449
22:12:01 YC0LOW Jo i hrd him (TCJ) well, Bob.
22:09:37 YB5AQB Bob TCJ in and out, 449 on peaks, nobody else hrd
09/04/2006, K9USA dx cluster
2247 es5q 1814.0 YC0LOW
2245 oz1lxj 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
2241 yc0low 1818.3 OZ1LXJ in qso w/ YB5AQB, vy strong
12/04/2006, K9USA dx cluster
2242 la6yea 1817.5 YB1A Tks new one 160m
2240 ve1zz 1817.5 YB1A 449
2229 ea8ak 1814.5 YB0A tnx AYUNG, my qsl mgr W3HNK,
2228 yc0low 1817.5 YB1A
2228 g4ptj 1826.0 R45G
2226 ea8ak 1814.5 YC0LOW clg cq cq 579
2219 es5q 1826.1 R45G
2217 yc0low 1814.5 EA8AK tnx qso, Fernando
2216 vk6hd 1818.4 9H1ZA CQ SA es DX
2214 vk6hd 1818.4 9H1ZA 459 thru QRN, GM Vlad
2202 g4ptj 1818.5 9H1ZA cq
2200 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
19 Apr 2006 (UTC)
2206 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 oz1lxj 1814.5 YC0LOW Still CQing
2251 ik4wma 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
Sertifikat juara 160m CW, LP, #1 di Indonesia dan #1 di Oceania, 2007 |
Karena setiap hari akan ada penambahan, maka kumpulan data spot paling mutakhir ada pada urutan awal di halaman ini. Format waktu adalah dalam UTC, tanggal/bulan/tahun (DD/MM/YY)
14:17:30 N6SS preston (YC0LOW) GM Jo, 579 in AZ
1248 yc0low 1812.0 XU7ACY strong, Peter
1242 yc0low 1814.0 VE3DO Tnx fr spotting.
12:42:11 K5KC Ken Reached 569 on peaks, Jo.
12:41:55 N6ET Bob Jo, no joy today. Back to bed here. 73 for tonight.
12:40:54 K5KC Ken rr12:40:37 YC0LOW Jo Ken, I stopped CQing since the noise is brutal here. SRI
1240 ve3do 1814.0 YC0LOW qsb nw......449 today Jo
12:30:16 N6ET Bob Now 569 in NV, Jo. Many calling you.
12:26:54 YC0LOW Jo GM Larry VVG. Iam thinking to built the support frame for antenna
12:26:26 K5KC Ken Jo - best I have ever hear you and it is still 50 min b4 SR.
12:25:22 YC0LOW Jo my noise floor is constantly at S9 +20, srii difficult to cpi
12:24:34 N6ET Bob Jo, guess you have your noise again?
12:24:29 K5RK Larry #2 Jo, much QSB, but hearing you on peaks.
12:22:32 WD5COV Dave GE Jo Yc0low agn 559 today several calling you
1220 wd5cov 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na
12:20:16 K5KC Ken Jo - Hearing you 449
12:16:27 N6ET Bob Jo, can we try again? You are 559 in NV.rper=rprt
1125 xu7acy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ Gud Sig Tonite
1252 wd5cov 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA good signal
12:48:30 N6ET Bob Jo, you're S9 +10db on peaks your last CQ!Still no go.
12:48:30 N6ET Bob Jo, you're S9 +10db on peaks your last CQ!Still no go.
12:29:59 W0FLS Dave Jo. . .starting to get traces of you here in Iowa
12:13:40 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. I am battling with the noise
here that block my receiving ability. I wonder if someone had
already experienced in using ARAV from DXE
12:11:05 N6ET Bob RR Jo, will keep trying. Your sigs just came
up to 569.
12:02:19 WD5COV Dave YC0LOW FB Jo FB Signal today. That was me
calling you.
1155 ja8isu 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA
2238 xu7acy 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
2232 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY GM Peter
2209 yc0low 1814.0 PY2BW ge cq machine is ON2206 py2bw 1814.0
YC0LOW pse agn
2201 yc0low 1814.0 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot2200 vk6gx 1814.0
1215 yc0low 1825.0 9M6YBG cqing
1151 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2256 yc0low 1818.0 IK0HBN sri,am cqing on cpi
2254 ik0hbn 1813.0 YC0LOW try a qso? I call you
2250 yc0low 1822.0 VQ9LA call corr.sri
2221 9m6ybg 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ NA
1203 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq na
11:42:40 WD5COV Dave Jo I have full size four square array
11:41:26 YC0LOW Jo Hi Dave. GM Tnx rprt. What RX antenna do u use, pse?
11:38:41 WD5COV Dave GE Jo hearing you 549 this morning
11:37:04 W5XZ dan i need u jo, but no copy so far....
11:36:39 W1QS John GM Larry How well are you hearing him?
11:32:49 YC0LOW Jo clg cq NA 1814
22:51:37 YC0LOW Jo GM Peter, Tnx
22:51:25 YC0LOW Jo (9M2AX.) GM Ross-san. Tnx
22:51:19 XU7ACY Peter YC0LOW cq on 1814.0
2250 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na/sa
22:27:09 OZ1LXJ John Jo - FB sigs agn today, abt same as yesterday. GL
22:27:00 K1QX Craig PJ5NA calling EA6
22:26:32 K1QX Craig Jo can only stay a minute. No sign of you on 1814. EA6 only signal I hear
2259 ik5mej 1812.5 YC0LOW cq cq fb now
22:21:21 OK1DXD Tomas Jo, you are here 539 on INV V 18m UP
22:21:21 OK1DXD Tomas Jo, you are here 539 on INV V 18m UP
22:17:09 YC0LOW Jo great. Single or double Pennant, pse?
22:17:00 SM0MDG Bjorn Noise level on my vertical is S7, you are 589 so fully readable also on the vertical in peaks.
2123 yc0low 1814.0 LA3XI GE Svein. Tnx rprt
2122 la3xi 1814.1 YC0LOW Gm Jo 569
2114 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA SA
21:10:44 JJ2LPV Sige YC0LOW 1814 CQ
21:10:13 JE6IGP Hide (YC0LOW) Jo-san 449
1432 jh3gcn 1814.0 YC0LOW
13:21:02 WD5COV Dave Can cpy Jo fine on 1814 clg cq but nothing on Peter Yet
1310 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY clg cq dx
2304 yc0low 1811.0 XU7ACY
22:37:51 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, I hear you from time to time...
2223 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX Tnx Ross-san.Not much going on
2220 9m2ax 1813.8 YC0LOW cq na/sa
2304 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX clg CQ qsx 28.GL
12:39:48 WD5COV Dave Jo still copy your cq's but like Bob said
much weaker now. Tnx for a new one. Now wish C21 wud come on
agn.12:36:01 YC0LOW Jo RR Bob. try agn next days. tnx
12:35:05 N6ET Bob Jo, You're getting weaker now. Will try again next few days.
The WD5COV locator is DM62DA (QRB 15441 km, QTF 47°).
12:19:02 WD5COV Dave You are q5 today
12:18:52 N4NN Dale Jo , weak cpy into FL.
12:15:31 WD5COV Dave calling you Jo
12:11:58 N6ET Bob Your CQs all Q5. Must have 1-way skip, Jo.Will keep trying.
1202 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq NA being cld by a N6
12:00:18 N6ET Bob Will keep trying Jo. Occasionally you get up to 569!
11:55:02 N6ET Bob Copyable now Jo. Am calling you.
2219 bu2aq 1814.0 YC0LOW 339/559
2204 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq na/sa
1259 hl1kk 1812.4 YC0LOW cq
Cirendeu, 29/1/10, clg dx 2012Z
23:02:09 RA3AH Igor Jo u was 579 on my dipole dir to west
22:57:55 N1BUG Paul YC0LOW Jo you peaked 559 just befor SR. No
copy on you now but now hearing YB4IR
2254 ve1zz 1816.0 YB4IR up1 na clg
22:46:40 K1UO Larry (YC0LOW) Jo 339 now in NA
2229 s51v 1824.8 YB2UTX tnx
22:22:29 E74AW dado YB2UTX on 1824.8 good signal
2212 yc0low 1811.0 JA4LKB
2206 ux1ua 1824.8 YB2UTX OC021
2203 ve1zz 1816.0 YB4IR q eu 449 in na
2156 rx9caz 1816.0 YB4IR 559
2155 ja4lkb 1816.0 YB4IR CQ
23:07:44 SP4K Chris Jo her U for the very first time, good 449, CU tomorow
22:45:17 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) You have gone right down here Jo.
Maybe OK in other parts of EU. But now S4
22:41:40 YC0LOW Jo Hi John, long time no hear ur sig. I got
your call completely, But, I didn't push my luck for a duplicate
TB QSO. Gud Signal
22:40:16 G3PQA John Jo , was getting you about 559 today when calling cq., sri I missed your call before.
Thanks Ron and Rob.
22:35:27 GW3YDX Ron (YB4IR) 559 and getting stronger Imam
22:34:15 GW3YDX Ron YB4IR CQ on 1818 but not as strong as Jo
22:29:14 GM3YTS Rob Jo ur getting stronger
22:28:57 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Guess you have QRN or something
Jo. G3PQA, GM3YTS and me tried calling you!
22:26:46 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Wow - just 100W - amazing. JA4DND 599 also
22:24:33 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) 579 tonight Jo. FB sig
2223 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
22:22:20 GM3YTS Rob G3PQA Clg u Jo
22:19:57 GM3YTS Rob OK I copy u OK
22:19:16 YC0LOW Jo Rob, sri difficult copy for a qso
22:15:06 GM3YTS Rob (YC0LOW) clg u
2208 yc0low 1814.0 G3PQA
2155 yc0low 1820.0 LA3XI GE Svein
2152 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
2119 yc0low 1814.0 VE1ZZ Jack,tnx for spot & rprt.HNY
2117 ve1zz 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 329 early
21:15:45 E74AW dado VE1ZZ calling Jo
2113 yc0low 1814.0 JH2FXK Shigeru-san, tnx fr spot.GM
2109 jh2fxk 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
20:53:14 YC0LOW Jo (UT7UJ) GE Dim, nil hrd. sri maybe later
20:51:11 UT7UJ Dim YC0LOW, Jo pse lsn me on 19.7
2048 ut7uj 1819.7 YC0LOW pse lsn me
2046 yc0low 1822.5 JT1CO GM Chak,clg cq
23:23:44 YC0LOW Jo I got it several yrs ago when I made it with VE1ZZ and PY1BVY on TB, Peter
23:23:32 OK1CZ Peter I hope we can make it one day, hope you can improve your RX ant or the QRN drops some day :)
23:22:35 OK1CZ Peter Yes Jo, sometimes the tail is very pronounced, I remember very lousd W stns after my SR last Jan
23:19:10 YC0LOW Jo Today I didn't have the "tail" of SR enhancement, Peter :-(
23:17:29 OK1CZ Peter that's interesting Jo, it was a very short opening, just about 3 mins, then he went down in QSB
23:12:42 OK1CZ Peter I wkd YC1CCF at 2306Z, he peaked 559 here for a short while
23:12:01 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt John. He must be preparing his station for the 160m coming contest
23:11:56 OK1CZ Peter OK,sri
23:11:54 VK3ZL Bobby Gm Sid....
23:11:32 YC0LOW Jo Peter GE. Nil as I already passed my SR since 10 mins ago
23:11:12 OZ1LXJ John Jo - Seems like he left QRG. He worked OK1CZ, or tried to. Peaked 579.
23:10:07 OK1CZ Peter GM Jo, cqn on 16.7, can you check ?
23:07:35 OZ1LXJ John Yes - Suspiciously strong.. I were just curious, thinking it werer a pirat
23:07:03 YC0LOW Jo Correct, John. He's QRV. Do u receive him OK?
22:45:45 US4EX Oleg GM Jo. Lsn you 449 qsb
2258 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY strong
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig. Only heard part of EU callsigns. Poor condx. Tnx rprt, anyway
22:40:01 K1QX Craig Jo, a DL is callinjg CQ on 1814
22:12:04 HS0ZEE Don PY2XB Fred GM fred YC0LOW
22:09:38 PY2XB Fred Who is on 13.8 ?
2210 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX GM Ross, tnx
2209 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW jo gm cq
2241 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2216 f5ohs 1810.5 YC0LOW IS QRV ??
22:14:36 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank, tnx rprt. Using ur new Bev?
22:12:05 DL8YHR Frank yc0low cqing 10.5 449 qsb
2209 yc0low 1810.5 9M2AX GM Ross. High Noise hr
2207 9m2ax 1810.5 YC0LOW cq
2203 oz1lxj 1815.0 YB0UNC cq
2202 yc0low 1817.5 TF4M GE Thor.NIL nw :-(
2124 yc0low 1824.6 IV3PRK QSB. GE Luis
2100 yc0low 1814.0 E77DX up-dwn under noise
12:51:56 YC0LOW Jo Alex, tnx rprt. HNY
12:44:30 UA9YAB Alex YC0LOW 1814.0 579 here
2252 yc0low 1821.0 XU7ACY CLG CQ
22:33:58 YC0LOW Jo (GM3YTS) GE Rob. Tnx rprt. Abt 25 mins to my
SR. Pse try to call me if u still hear my sig.
22:04:54 GM3YTS Rob I hr YC0LOW abt 449
2201 jh2fxk 1810.6 YC0LOW cq
2239 9m2ax 1810.5 YC0LOW cq
22:34:32 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) I was calling CQ on 1815 and using 2nd VFO on you!
22:31:31 K1QX Craig GM Jo, heard a JA a minute ago. Now will listen for you!
2230 gw3ydx 1810.5 YC0LOW
2127 yc0low 1823.5 OH2BO Gud Sig Ilmo
2123 yc0low 1813.2 JA7NI
1322 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW ge Jo cq
12:46:33 VK6GX Phil Gm Dave, Jo still CQ'n on 14.0
12:44:40 W5UN Dave anyone hearing YC0LOW?
22:53:59 YC0LOW Jo Bob. Tnx rport. But I past my SR (2249Z)
22:53:13 SM2LIY Per Sri about that Jo, VE to YC is a very long path.
22:52:46 W4MYA Bob Jo, there was a VE calling you, peak maybe in next 5 or 10mins
22:50:46 YC0LOW Jo Per, no copy on NA stn, if anyone replied to my calls
22:49:08 SM2LIY Per Your CQ very weak here now Jo, but seem to be heard in NA
2238 sm2liy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
22:41:14 SM2LIY Per Copy you Jo, but signals were stronger when you worked OH2BO (not JH2..)
22:38:22 YC0LOW Jo abt 10 mins to my SR time. Try to CQ DX agn, Per
22:07:13 YC0LOW Jo I keep 'singin' in the rain:-)
22:06:29 YC0LOW Jo Got your LL, you're wight but difficult to copy ur prefix. SRI
22:06:25 UW7LL Yarik Jo i slan 1814 now. VY QSB now. i'm waiting and lsn
22:05:33 SM2LIY Per OK Jo, heard that you got "LL" before, but hard when QRN, GL
22:05:13 UW7LL Yarik ok Jo i'm waiting for better time. your signal comong up and quick deep qsb.
22:04:38 YC0LOW Jo Per, tnx rprt. It's raining here now. QRN increased
22:03:40 YC0LOW Jo OK Craig. But I am surprised he hear me again after our QSO in 1998
22:03:16 SM2LIY Per YC2LEV no copy here but JO 559
22:01:47 UW7LL Yarik YC0LOW Jo GM. when you SR???
22:01:05 K1QX Craig Gee Jo, I got excited and thot there may be a path
21:58:24 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig, no
21:57:13 K1QX Craig JO are you hearing VE1ZZ?
2147 yc0low 1814.0 VE1ZZ Jack,tnx for spot & rprt.HNY
2140 ve1zz 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 329 qsb
2136 yc0low 1814.0 VK6DX GM Phil. HNY and tks
2127 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, HNY Jo
1322 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX
1229 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW ge jo.cq
2308 yc0low 1832.0 9M2AX GM Ross. qsx 29
2022 ua0ba 1833.0 YC0LOW PSE try QSO ! TNX !
2015 yc0low 1827.0 KH2L gud signal, Ed
1956 yc0low 1818.0 YC1COZ clg dx
1317 yc0low 1811.0 8N5A tnx qso
1255 yc0low 1832.5 9M2AX GE Ross. Up-1
N4XD, Ron, Jo here is what I'd
recommend: K3/100, KRX3 ( for beverage antenna), KFLAA filter
(400hz is what I use most of the time), KRX3 (2nd receiver) KFLXX filter for 2nd receiver, KIO3
2209 pa0o 1810.0 YC0LOW only for JA well 73
2208 ja4lkb 1810.5 YC0LOW CQ JA
2204 sm2liy 1810.5 YC0LOW CQ JA
2144 jh2fxk 1810.6 YC0LOW cq
2135 ja1duh 1810.4 YC0LOW CQ ing
2116 yc0low 1822.0 9M6/JH3LSS wkg DX simplex
1300 yc0low 1831.5 FK8CP Remi, at peak ur 579 but QSB
21:24:51 YC0LOW Jo SRI nil hrd. High QRN level here now
21:24:03 9M2AX ross s51v calling gm jo
2120 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq/cq ja
21:18:01 YC0LOW Jo clg JA in 1814. would love to hear from prefectures Aomori, Iwate, Kyoto and Wakayama, if any
2041 yc0low 1826.0 KH2L strong sig ever, Ed
22:15:02 YC0LOW Jo nw trying CQ agn. 30 mins to my SR
22:08:30 YC0LOW Jo Would love to hear that, Ron :-) I used to
be able to handle EU pile-up but, due to my RX ability is getting
limited, now it's different
22:06:03 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) I will have to take a recording
and send it to you!! As well as the pile-up liddery you get
stations jamming and all sort of nonsense
22:04:57 YC0LOW Jo cq gw3ydx SRI No, Ron. I can imagine
that.22:03:57 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Have you ever operated from
this side Jo. It is awful
22:02:32 YC0LOW Jo It's a difficult copy. Was deliberately QRX
for NOT causing EU QRM :-)
21:57:26 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Unfortunately your sig is slipping
away now. The EU lidfest made it impossible unless you have an
ON4UN stn.
21:52:58 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) No hope if you listen your own
freq. The technique "Call longer than anyone else" is being used
21:51:05 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Ron. Just wkd ON4UN with his
massive signal21:50:58 PA4VHF Dick well there the european zoo
starts on top of yc0low21:49:22 GW3YDX Ron (YC0LOW) Look HF Jo.
All the EU's are QRMing each other on your freq.21:48:33 PA4VHF
Dick YC0LOW you have 2 PA's, ON, GD and DL calling you!!21:48:33
JH2RMU Aki Gm Jo-san21:48:15 YC0LOW Jo EU sig are very weak.
Difficult copy. SRI
21:41:34 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. Busy with JA friends, condx
21:41:34 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bob. Busy with JA friends, condx
open21:39:57 MD0CCE Bob YC0LOW Jo, ur sigs Q4-Q5 tonight FB
2132 ja2swl 1814.0 YC0LOW
2115 yc0low 1823.5 DX1J sig booming2115 9m2ax 1823.3 YC0LOW jo gm
2231 9m2ax 1818.5 YC0LOW gm jo cq
2120 gm0udl 1814.0 YC0LOW Tnx for qso
2105 sm2liy 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
20:52:38 YC0LOW Jo R Bjorn. I am still using the vertical with
spiderbeam pole. But, with more Random Length Radials
20:51:07 SM0MDG Bjorn Also new TX antenna here, Inverted L with
bottom 13 meter aluminium + top 6 meter glassfiber.
20:50:00 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, I have been a little active over the
xmas hildays, but in total less active this season. Listened for
you yesterday, but did not copy.
20:48:44 YC0LOW Jo Please try to reply to my call, Per. I will
try to listen
20:47:55 SM2LIY Per your about 559 here Jo
20:46:15 SM2LIY Per Jo YC0LOW pse listen into Eu, hear your CQ
quite strong
20:35:34 YC0LOW Jo GE Henrik. Tnx rprt.20:35:01 OZ1ING Henrik
JO - I hear you20:34:50 YC0LOW Jo Yes, maybe later, Dick. Just
got up from bed hihi20:34:31 PA3FQA Dick Yes he is CQing
Jo20:34:10 PA3FQA Dick Don't hear you Jo, maybe to
early20:34:07 YC0LOW Jo You meant the QRG already occupied by
him, Dick? I didn't hear him when sending QRL few minutes ago?
22:56:54 YC0LOW Jo Tnx es 73, Jeff
22:55:36 VY2ZM Jeff will do jo - no problem to send it to you
22:54:26 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) OK Jeff. At your convenience times.
I am not in haste to have itu unless we made the QSO :-)
22:53:12 YC0LOW Jo Hi Craig. Unfortunately, I am restricted to
erect reversible Beverage that I bought from you some time ago.
Hpe to QSO you. 73
22:51:20 K1QX Craig gl Jo. We keep listening for you
22:49:48 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) - well vy sri jo - ur sigs took a
dive at 2230z - and then a small bump just after yourSR tks for
the great effor
22:49:40 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff. It's SR time here. We'll try
agn next time. BTW, did u make a recording of my TB signal ? If u
did it, I'd be happy to have it via yc0low (at) TIA es
22:48:40 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Never any copy here Jo but heard a
weak tone a few times...not even sure it was CW however.
22:30:35 YC0LOW Jo I will keep cqing till my SR do us part,
22:28:20 VY2ZM Jeff if condx are normal jo, sigs will peak 3 -
5 mins AFTER ur SRI will
22:26:14 YC0LOW Jo Tks info, Jeff. I made TB qso with VE1ZZ in
April 1996. right at my SR. so it's possible, I think.
22:24:59 VY2ZM Jeff u coming up again jo - much btr sigs now
22:23:18 YC0LOW Jo TNC Jeff. How close to VE1ZZ, pse?
22:22:46 VY2ZM Jeff Prince Edward Island in Atlantic (Eastern)
22:20:22 YC0LOW Jo Jeff, tnx rprt. Whta's thename of ur qth,
22:19:39 VY2ZM Jeff still hearing u jo - not really loud enough
to call though
22:12:20 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) - jo pls keep cq now and then -
still hring u - weak though
2208 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW jo gm cq
22:03:00 VY2ZM Jeff not coming over eu or to the southeast
22:01:56 W4ZV Bill I bet he's short path or possibly skewed
over EU to you Jeff.22:01:48 VY2ZM Jeff seems likeue east
22:01:09 W4ZV Bill (VY2ZM) What direction is Jo?
22:01:09 W4ZV Bill (VY2ZM) What direction is Jo?
22:01:05 VY2ZM Jeff beats the hell outta me - not sure
22:01:00 PA3C Aart (PA2KW) ja ik had later pas door dat
BZL je oude call was :) maar je doet nog ook veel op VHF toch?
22:00:45 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo I have given up on long
path until the sunspots go a little higher...then LP should be
better than now.
22:00:44 YC0LOW Jo I don't know yet which path from,
Bill. Maybe Jeff is willing to tell
22:00:42 VY2ZM Jeff ur getting louder Jo
21:57:12 YC0LOW Jo Distance to ur QTH is longer, Bill :-))
W4ZV locator is EM95UK (QRB 16702 km,
21:54:40 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Hey Jo...did you forget I also
heard you via long path? :-))
YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff, I will make every effort to qso with you
it's the longest distance my signal has ever travelled. Thanks
for rprt. My Problem is now to hear u
21:52:32 YC0LOW Jo (VY2ZM) Jeff, I will make every effort to
qso with you it's the longest distance my signal has ever
travelled. Thanks for rprt. My Problem is now to hear u
21:43:52 VY2ZM Jeff ok Jo - we have some time -= first time I
have copied ur sigs JO! I will keep listening
FN86VI (QRB 15445 km, QTF 348°).
21:27:22 VY2ZM Jeff jo hrd u sign with la3xi - pls call cq
again jo
21:23:22 VY2ZM Jeff (YC0LOW) jo clg u pse listen my sigs
2119 la3xi 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo lsn VY2ZM
2110 ja0dai 1813.9 YC0LOW cq
2222 9m2ax 1813.5 YC0LOW Jo.cq
22:52:30 YC0LOW Jo Ralf, nice to know that. Rgds to Irina in
22:51:02 DL9DRA Ralf finnally i got you after my wife, dl8dyl,
already worked you some years ago
22:50:17 LA3ANA Ronald Jo, here qrn, but we made it..
22:49:39 YC0LOW Jo Ralf, DL9DRA Tnx QSO. Glad to work you. He
is new on TB
22:48:53 YC0LOW Jo Ronald, I had man made noise, because is
already sunrise
22:48:14 DL9DRA Ralf jo, yb4ir was slightly louder, but didn't
copy anyone
22:47:15 LA3ANA Ronald Fine Jo, really qsb, on peaks you are
22:46:04 YC0LOW Jo Ronald LA3ANA Glad to work you. First LA in
22:41:38 LA3ANA Ronald tnx newone Jo, hny
2233 ru3dx 1814.0 YC0LOW cq 559!
2221 oz1lxj 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
2107 yc0low 1814.0 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2105 9m2ax 1814.0 YC0LOW cq gm jo
2207 yc0low 1823.0 UR0MC clg dx
2148 yb5aqb 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ - GM band quiet
2103 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW gm jo cq
2125 yb5aqb 1813.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ, GM
2108 oz1lxj 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2200 oz1lxj 1818.3 YC0LOW CQing
21:58:41 OZ1LXJ John (YC0LOW) Jo - HNY and thanks first Zone 28
in 2010. Your peaking stronger now. GL
21:52:08 M0GID Geoff (YC0LOW) Jo GM es HNY - cannot believe how
strong your sigs
2148 yb5aqb 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ GM
1154 yb5aqb 1814.1 YC0LOW CQ - GE Jo
2236 yc0low 1813.8 YB5AQB Nice to hr ur sig, anyway, Bob
2232 yb5aqb 1813.8 YC0LOW COndx to EU poor Jo - no copy
2226 yc0low 1813.8 YB5AQB GM Bob. CQ DX until SR
2145 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW cq
2216 yb5aqb 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo here now CQ
2154 yc0low 1814.0 YB5AQB Bob,GM,tnx. MX & HNY to u
2149 yb5aqb 1814.0 YC0LOW Jo CQn GM es HNY
2131 yc0low 1814.0 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot
2130 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2117 vk6gx 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2237 yc0low 1831.5 RX9FM
2130 yc0low 1813.3 YB5AQB GM Bob. CQing
2110 je1ctm 1814.0 YC0LOW cq
21:01:27 JE6IGP Hide Jo-san ur579
2054 ja2swl 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ
2222 yc0low 1812.5 YB5AQB GM Bob, strong
2207 yc0low 1815.0 HS0ZEE
2205 yc0low 1821.4 4S7NE
19:05:49 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Henrik.
19:04:52 OZ1ING Henrik but static tonight
9:04:41 OZ1ING Henrik Jo - hearing you
1848 yc0low 1823.6 OZ1CTK readable, Boye
1646 yc0low 1814.0 UA9NN Tks QSO. Gud sig,heavy QSB
1645 ua9nn 1814.0 YC0LOW fb sig tks qso
1630 sm2cew 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
2210 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2208 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2239 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein. CQ
2229 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross-san. Tnx fr spotting
2227 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2247 yc0low 1821.5 LA3XI GE Svein. Tnx spot.
2242 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq gm Jo nice 579
22:53:32 YC0LOW Jo My mail has been re-sent. Pse reply at ur
convenient time. I am not in haste, JC. I hope I could fully use
it in next season at the latest.TIA
22:51:17 N4IS JC good news
22:48:56 MU0FAL Colin Yes Jose i hope so,running out of
close E Dx ;-0
22:48:13 YC0LOW Jo That's the reason, JC. I will
try to homemade ur type of rx. I think, I have room for that
22:48:56 MU0FAL Colin Yes Jose i hope so,running out of close E
Dx ;-0
22:48:13 YC0LOW Jo That's the reason, JC. I will try to
homemade ur type of rx. I think, I have room for that
22:47:46 N4IS JC Colin the mountains also can help , we never
know, I hope
we can experience a nice Es season this year
22:46:35 N4IS JC Jo I'll be happy to help you with RX antennas,
by the way Daniel
told me he heard you again on 160m using the WF, he is very happy
with it and will buid a bigger one
22:44:59 MU0FAL Colin Same
here JC mostly eu skip, OA would be a new 1 for me,thik the
mountains will be a problem
22:43:44 YC0LOW Jo OK, JC. I will re-send it. It's abt my
question to ur RX antenna
22:43:35 N4IS JC not sure Colin Es season just starting here in
22:42:46 MU0FAL Colin JC Ge is OA4TT Big gunon 6m?
22:42:11 N4IS JC Jo,no I didn't , can you send it again to my
work >>
cadasilv@cisco.com22:40:02 YC0LOW Jo Hi Carlos. GE. Tnx info.
Did u rx my email, JC?
22:39:19 9M2AX ross GM JC tks info. my
s/r 2303z. looking for Him>
22:38:27 N4IS JC Hi Ross , Jo, GM,,,
OA4TT is on 6m
22:37:49 YC0LOW Jo I saw Jack isn't on the chat,
22:35:01 9M2AX ross GM jo a u looking for OA4TT?
2237 yc0low 1822.5 9M2AX GM Ross-san. Tnx fr spotting
2234 9m2ax 1822.5 YC0LOW cq gm jo
2259 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI Hrd ur sig during last 2 days
2253 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW Gm Jo nice sign glad to hr u agn
2251 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein, TKS`qso
1832.0 YC0LOW ok jo mny tks for try; other d
1823.0 PY2DO Tnx for try, Dan
2238 py2do 1832.0 YC0LOW weak,weak, weak... no cpy
2241 yc0low 1823.0 PY2DO Nil hrd. Let me CALL DX
2237 yc0low 1823.0 PY2DO GE Dan. I will listen on QRG
2231 py2do 1823.0 YC0LOW ge jo, try ???
2235 yc0low 1832.0 LA3XI GE Svein. RST 449 QSB
1130 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq GE jo
2241 oe1weu 1820.0 YC0LOW can you lsn here jo ?
2237 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spo
2233 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
perbaikan kawat radiator. kembali spt semula
2240 py2hgb 1821.0 PY2DO cq cq cq op.dan
2236 py2do 1821.5 YC0LOW Ok Jo, tnx fer try... other da
2239 yc0low 1821.5 PY2DO Dan, SRI nil hrd.Tnx for tryin
2234 yc0low 1821.5 PY2DO OK, I will lsn
2227 py2do 1821.5 YC0LOW try ???
2230 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Poor condx. Tnx
2225 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2222 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Tks fer spot
2207 vk6hd 1818.1 YC0LOW GM Jo,CQ,only sig on band
2228 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Tks fer spot
2222 vk6hd 1818.2 YC0LOW GM Jo
2229 py2do 1818.4 YC0LOW weak
2228 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2221 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2212 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
perbaikan antena. resonance pada 1980KHz. ganti shorter hairpin
2216 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2231 yc0low 1818.3 RA6AMA Yes. U R in my log. Tnx
2226 ra6ama 1818.3 YC0LOW Jo, im in Log on 160m?
2220 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx fr spot
2217 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
18:08:49 YC0LOW Jo tnx John. I may now go to bed again. But
adrenalin is raised and felt fresh hi
18:07:09 OZ1LXJ John Congrats Jo YC0LOW
1810 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW WKD as new-1 on 25.2
1754 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW Deep QSB but audible
1156 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW Lost ur sig nw :-((
1121 yc0low 1823.5 VK9GMW 1st time hrd on TB wkg JA
1120 yc0low 1829.5 9M2AX GE Ross. Clg CQ
2216 yc0low 1818.3 VK6HD GM Mike.Hpe u r OK. Tnx
2215 vk6hd 1818.0 YC0LOW CQ,GM Jo
2239 yc0low 1818.3 YO7CLB SRI no hear u. Need YO on TB
2234 yo7lcb 1818.3 YC0LOW i am calling you
2232 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2230 ru4su 1855.0 UA4SKW
2229 vk6gx 1818.3 SV1PL clg YC0LOW
2228 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2138 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2134 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2129 yc0low 1820.3 UA4UDF Tnx QSO, Roslan
2222 yc0low 1832.0 OE1WEU Wolfgang, not a peep. SRI
2126 yc0low 1818.3 HA5JI No problem. TNX rprt
2123 ha5ji 1818.3 YC0LOW sorry wrong QRG B4
2121 ha5ji 1830.0 YC0LOW 459 hr
2104 jh4adv 1818.3 YC0LOW
2058 yc0low 1817.0 JH2FXK GM Shige-san. nice sig
1222 yc0low 1824.5 VK6GX GE Phil.Tstorms has just passe
1218 vk6gx 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2251 yo7lcb 1818.3 YC0LOW i am calling you
2214 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2214 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW Gm Jo
25/3/09, antenna diperbaiki, dg kawat multi vertikal
1204 9m2ax 1824.5 YC0LOW cq ge jo
1305 yc0low 1826.5 VK6GX GE Phil. VY weak tonite
2133 yc0low 1824.5 VK6GX GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2128 vk6gx 1824.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2149 hrd YC2YTH clg cq 1813
2206 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx.
2203 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW Jo.cq
2119 yc0low 1800.0 LA3XI Svein,hrd JW weak. nw gone.tnx
2110 la3xi 1820.8 JW/OZ1LXJ up 1
1232 yc0low 1815.8 HS0ZEE clg cq
1227 ja1duh 1815.8 HS0ZEE CQ
1222 rx0ae 1822.0 XU7ACY cq cq dx good sig
1221 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2219 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2210 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
22:07:34 JE6IGP Hide 18.3 YC0LOW gd sigs
2243 yc0low 1828.0 YC2EUZ clg cq
22:41:35 YC2EUZ Dadang hehehe...yes..tks
22:40:41 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, be careful. you've got the topband
disease by looking always to weak signals :-))
22:39:25 YC2EUZ Dadang now i listening 1.840...small sigs there
22:37:36 YC0LOW Jo Congrats, Dadang! VR2 is not often on the
air, nice to have him
22:36:12 YC2EUZ Dadang ok i just make 1 contact with vr2
2235 sm2liy 1818.2 YC0LOW CQ
22:34:27 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, it must be very difficult for you to
copy. Mine is S9 at the peak. Tks rprt. I am cqing nw on 1818.3
22:34:18 SP5WA Bogdan...simplex, misprint sri
22:34:07 YC2EUZ Dadang i can hear you loud n clear like xu7acy
too before
22:32:16 YC2EUZ Dadang OM Jo s9 to 20db fullscale
22:30:45 YC0LOW Jo Dadang, YC2EUZ, what's your noise level,
22:27:53 YC2EUZ Dadang GM OM Jo, but noise still to weak
22:27:08 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The YC2EUZ locator is OI52CQ
(QRB 392 km, QTF
106°).22:26:52 YC0LOW Jo (YC2EUZ) GM Dadang. Ur signal is
strong today.
22:07:44 YC0LOW Jo (9M2AX) GM Ross-san. Condx were poor today
from this QTH
2208 9m2ax 1818.2 YC0LOW Jo.cq
2203 hrd YC2EUZ clg cq on 1828. gud sig
1232 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq
1139 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW ge Jo cq
22:21:30 UA3AIF Andrew Yes Jo, Lets try next time
22:20:20 YC0LOW Jo (UA3AIF) Andrew, maybe next time. Tnx try.
2212 yc0low 1814.0 VQ9LA clg cq up-2
22:13:52 UA3AIF Andrew Jo I cpy , but I cant undestend what.HI
22:08:32 YC0LOW Jo (UA3AIF) GE Andrew. Condx isn't good
here.But, will QSY and RX on 1815.
22:04:51 UA3AIF Andrew (YC0LOW) GM Jo Lets try 1815, if you are
2203 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq
2155 hrd YC2EUZ on 1822 clg cq, rst 599
2150 yc0low 1819.5 4S7NE clg cq
1201 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW cq jo
11:37:54 YC0LOW Jo GE Ross-san. Hw r u?
11:37:05 9M2AX ross ge jo yc0low
1131 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
22:29:16 E74AW dado 73, gm
22:29:06 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, dado. I also couldn't hear EU's,
here. Will QRT soon. 73 es CUL
22:28:31 E74AW dado we have snow here, and full moon...
22:28:00 E74AW dado no good cond t here, nil not on 4 sq, not
on bev
22:26:42 YC0LOW Jo clg cq nw on 19.6 before my SR 2245Z
22:24:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, will qsy and try to call CQ in there
22:23:28 E74AW dado Yo, 19.6 is very clear on my side, for
22:24:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, will qsy and try to call CQ in there
22:23:28 E74AW dado Yo, 19.6 is very clear on my side, for
22:22:34 E74AW dado ok Yo, thanks, I will send my as soon as
will be printed
22:22:33 MD0CCE Bob (VU2BGS) Yes Kumar, I am hearing
E74AW dado they have very good signal, not hard to copy
22:21:58YC0LOW Jo OK, if it's so, so I could include a card for
him too. Tnx.
22:21:54 VU2BGS
kumar any one hr me on 1831.5 pse22:21:53 9H1SP Paul Dado don't
know freq
, see if someone is copy them22:21:51 E74AW dado Paul, see no
sign of
ZD8UW on any band, they must be over???22:21:34 VU2BGS kumar GM
GE to
all22:21:19 9H1SP Paul Hi Kumar GM22:21:13 E74AW dado We are
in same qth
Yo22:20:52 WT3Q Sam w1aw clicks up to 1922:20:51 YC0LOW Jo
Dado, I will
send my card to you this Saturday. How far are you from Braco's
VU2BGS kumar GE paul i am on 1831.522:20:36 E74AW dado freq
VU2BGS kumar RR Alexy i am on 1831.5 clg cq now22:20:21 9H1SP
Paul anyone
is copy ZD8UW on 80 mtr please ?22:20:11 E74AW dado thats on my
muist not be all over eu...22:20:00 YC0LOW Jo Ross, 9M2AX, tnx
fer spot.
7322:19:57 E74AW dado ge Yo22:19:51 E74AW dado from 17.3 to
18.8 ugly
freq, qrm , plus 2022:19:32 YC0LOW Jo Tks info, Dado. GE to
UR5EDU Alexey rgr Kumar , hope to met You on TOP band22:18:50
9M2AX ross
gm dado22:18:28 E74AW dado gm Ross22:18:04 9M2AX ross
7322:17:43 E74AW
dado Yo, on 18.1 here qrm 30 over s9
2216 9m2ax 1818.1 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
2117 yc0low 1817.0 DU1ZV wkg JAs
20:52:57 YC0LOW Jo OK, CUL Ros. Tnx20:52:26 4Z5LA Ros
4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW Jo ok tnx wl try soon
20:52:09 YC0LOW Jo Ros, nil here. sri. :-(( Maybe a bit later
before my
SR20:50:08 4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW Jo ok qsy 20
20:48:31 YC0LOW Jo hera=hear20:48:17 YC0LOW Jo GE Ros, okay
let us try,
but noise level is very high at my qth although I could still
hera the RU9
on 20. QSY there and listening for you20:45:47 4Z5LA Ros YC0LOW
Jo Gm can
ca we try on 1832 ?
22:46:55 YC0LOW Jo Wow, congrats to u, Bogdan!
22:46:18 SP5WA Bogdan Jo, it was my new one, TNX
2243 yc0low 1824.5 XW1B clg cq
22:45:04 YC0LOW Jo Hi Bogdan. u r welcome. Gud DX
22:40:18 SP5WA Bogdan YC0LOW, Hi Jo, TNX for a nice spot
2232 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY
2213 yc1rat 1821.0 YC0LOW Gm, jo nw cqing
2112 yc0low 1810.6 YC1RAT
2112 yc0low 1817.0 DU1ZV
2111 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE
2228 yc0low 1800.0 EA8AK GE Fer. HNY to u. Tks
2223 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW GE Jo HNY
2209 hrd yb1kkk, 1826
2203 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2200 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
2205 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2204 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
2057 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq. strong as always
13:59:03 PY5XH Joe Bye, Jo 73
13:56:20 YC0LOW Jo OK, Joe. In the mean time, Gud DX. It's time
to bed for
me to get up early before my SR. HNY es 73 to you and all Gud DX
13:55:52 W7LR Robert Gm Tree, HNY.
13:55:36 FK8CP Rémi QSX 1812/1814. No dup please
13:54:43 N6TR Tree GM / HNY all - trying a few CQs on 1832 -
but will
likely QSY to 40M soon
13:54:16 PY5XH Joe Thank you, JO. i waiting for better condx.
13:52:04 YC0LOW Jo So, I hope the condx for YC to PY will be
available agn
13:51:08 YC0LOW Jo (PY5XH) Joe, Hope to make it with you. I got
QSO with
PY1BVY on TB in April 1997 at my SR 2243z.
13:49:24 YC0LOW Jo (K5KC) SRI, Ken. I was away from the
13:30:45 PY5XH Joe Jo and ross, with luck and dedication, this
year i
managed to make contact with you. HNY.
13:27:39 K5KC Ken (YC0LOW) Jo, want to try on 160? My SR 1338.
13:24:55 YC0LOW Jo Tnx es HNY, Dave
13:24:28 W0FLS Dave rr Jo. . thanks and HNY to you!
13:24:10 YC0LOW Jo Dave, W0FLS, the XU7 seemed to stop calling
cq. hear
noone on 22
13:23:42 BD7JSQ Paul 73 Jo, have a nice holiday
13:21:45 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo, thank you any way! :-)ja2xyo
13:20:32 YC0LOW Jo Paul, are you cqing? if you are, I don't
hear anything
13:18:46 YC0LOW Jo 23.5 is okay , here. pse call
13:18:19 9M2AX ross GM George2
13:18:13 BD7JSQ Paul calling you on 23.5, if bad freq please
tell me
13:15:59 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, Yes, I am watching the chat, nw
13:17:42 YC0LOW Jo Yes, HNY to you, too. What freq, pse?
13:17:28 UA9YAB Alex WB5JID Bob HNY cpi me?
13:16:39 BD7JSQ Paul FB Jo, HNY to you! can we try?
13:15:59 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, Yes, I am watching the chat, nw
13:14:42 BD7JSQ Paul (YC0LOW) GE Jo, are you there?
1307 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2246 yc0low 1819.0 DL5ANT strong , 15 mins after my SR
2225 yc0low 1819.5 UA9KAA strong
2225 i2tao 1800.0 YC0LOW could you try for me 1825.5 ?
2222 yc0low 1828.0 VQ9LA GM Larry, HNY. Vy Strong
22:11:14 YC0LOW Jo (UT7UW,) Yuri, SRI for delay. I hear
nothing, nw. Maybe
another time. CUL
2209 yc0low 1815.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
22:01:57 UT7UW Yuri Hi Jo. Pse QSO on 16022:01:53 SP6HEQ
Wieslaw TU Jo
for QSO. Happy New Year!
22:00:24 YC0LOW Jo Wies SP6HEQ, Tnx QSO like what we had in
1998! HNY
21:57:04 YC0LOW Jo (RL3FT) GE Yuri, Tnx rprt. Hrd you earlier
sig21:57:02 GW3YDX Ron Hello Mitsu. I have just moved. DF9OQ is
too near
me with a dirty signal.21:55:38 RL3FT Yury Jo ur 57n but qrm on
frq...21:55:29 AH2L Ed 73 es GM Neil, hrd u well enuff for QSO,
will email
u21:55:27 I2PJA TONY Jo YC0LOW,Tnx but No copy now, see you
2153 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX HNY Ross. I Couldn't hr the YO2152 9m2ax
YC0LOW cq hny jo
21:50:59 SP6HEQ Wieslaw GE Jo. You was 559, but TONY not copy
2149 yc0low 1833.5 XW1B clg cq
21:41:26 I2PJA TONY ok Jo 18.3 please call me!! i'm qrv
21:39:06 YC0LOW Jo (I2PJA) GE Tony, I am trying to make cq call
on 18.3.
But condx seemed to be poor here
21:32:22 I2PJA TONY GE to all, Jo YC0LOW any sked now on TB,
2127 yc0low 1831.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Clg CQ. Strong
2057 yc0low 1819.9 RL3FT Yuri, clg CQ near 4S7NE
2051 yc0low 1819.5 4S7NE clg cq
1149 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2222 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY up2/3, clg cq. strong
2221 yc0low 1820.3 OM3PC HNY Rudy. Hrd u well clg
31/12/08 (connect to Direct in MFJ)
2249 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZEE call correction. sri
2248 yc0low 1816.0 HS0ZE
22:41:33 YC0LOW Jo Tnx , Wolfgang. CUL
22:41:10 YC0LOW Jo There will be not much going on until my SR
at 2242.
Will QRT. HNY to all. Gud DX.
22:41:00 OE1WEU Wolfgang ok, we will try another time again -
HNY 2009,
good health Jo
22:40:37 9H1SP Paul HNY all 73ssss ,22:39:58 YC0LOW Jo
Wolfgang, it's
not me to call u. I hear nothing on 14. SRI
22:38:59 OE1WEU Wolfgang heard you in qrn - didnt get ur rpt
22:36:21 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU.) Nil hrd, Wolfgang. SRI
22:36:21 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU.) Nil hrd, Wolfgang. SRI
22:32:59 OE1WEU Wolfgang hi yc0low jo, can we try ??? Where
are you at
the moment ? I am 1814 CQ
22:27:10 YC0LOW Jo (BA4ALC) Jack. Tnx QSO u r my 1st contact in
2009. HNY
22:25:47 BA4ALC Jack yc0low, thanks for your patient
2221 yc0low 1818.3 BA4ALC did u get my rprt?
2220 ba4alc 1818.3 YC0LOW (1st in 2009)
22:06:41 YC0LOW Jo Nirl=Nil
22:06:28 YC0LOW Jo (OE1WEU) Wolfgang, mni SRI. I overslept for
the sked.
nw condx is down. Nirl hrd, here. CU soon. HNY to u and all.
21:03:40 OE1WEU Wolfgang yc0low are u on fer sked jo ??
13:07:21 JN4MMO Andy K. 1818.5 YC0LOW
13:04:46 UA4CC Ark YC0LOW now on 19
21:45:40 DJ6YX Tom Jo, cant hear you on 14, sri, cu later
21:43:26 DJ6YX Tom r Jo, will lsn for your cq
21:43:17 9H1XT John How is prop to Ja today??
21:43:06 9H1XT John Hi Aki....tnx qsl will reply as
soon as I get
21:42:30 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx. I will make cq call on 14.
21:42:09 E74AW dado Jo, 14 is now clear for you in eu
21:42:02 JH4IFF Mitsu 9H1XT John , I missed you on top
band. Hope
to work you some day. HNY!
21:41:59 DJ6YX Tom ok, will give a few calls, Jo
21:41:38 YC0LOW Jo Tom, yes, I am still rxing on 14
21:41:02 YC0LOW Jo Dado, It's gud to have Braco, QRX.
Yours signal
is more QSB than Braco's
21:40:56 E74AW dado a bit qrm from HB9 st calling cq,
gone now
21:40:43 IK5MEJ STEFANO JO: Are you calling on tb ?
What qrg ??
21:40:40 DJ6YX Tom Jo YC0LOW, still on 14 ?
21:40:38 JH2RMU Aki Ge 9H1XT, John, I send you QSL
21:40:34 E74AW dado your signal is ok tonight Jo
21:39:41 E74AW dado ok thanks, good one now, hny
21:38:57 E77DX Braco rr mitsu good signal on top band
21:38:56 ZS1REC Raoul Braco, you have a good signal
21:38:53 KL1V Kent sounds like feeding frenzy on the
21:38:45 YC0LOW Jo (E74AW) Tnx QSO, Dado
21:37:57 JH4IFF Mitsu E77DX Braco , TNX QSO. 579 here.
21:36:17 9H1XT John Istra what a pile up
21:35:42 9H1SP Paul John I'm on 19.6 for 4S but not
21:35:40 YC0LOW Jo Dado, pse do so
21:35:21 YC0LOW Jo HNY, Mike. It should reach you
within the next
week, if the mail isn't too busy with x-mas dan new year cards
21:35:10 E74AW dado ok, calling you on 14 ok?
21:34:34 9H1XT John I think I can just hear him on 022
21:34:18 E74AW dado ok, will call you in few minuts,
let know qrg
21:34:16 G3WPH Mike Jo - many thanks, I look forward to
it - HNY
21:33:32 YC0LOW Jo Dado, I am now listening to Braco's
which is building up on 14
21:32:54 YC0LOW Jo (G3WPH.) yes, Mike. Tnx. I have
replied abt
three days ago, direct.
21:32:37 E74AW dado will call you in 5 minuts, ok?
21:32:24 9H1SP Paul no John nothing
21:32:18 E74AW dado ok sec
21:32:14 G3WPH Mike (YC0LOW) - GM Jo, have you received
my direct
21:32:05 9H1XT John 9h1sp Paul....Hi ca you hear the
you worked him??
21:32:00 YC0LOW Jo GE Dado, pse advise the QRG
21:31:46 E74AW dado your signal is ok here
21:31:35 E74AW dado YC0LOW, JO, will we try now, ?
21:30:41 JH4IFF Mitsu E77DX Braco , FB signal. Will
call you.
21:30:26 YC0LOW Jo Braco, you've gud signal now
21:30:16 GM3YTS Rob clg him 8 up
21:29:30 9H1SP Paul (G3ROO) Ian tnx picci
21:29:29 GM3YTS Rob yes I am just hearing him
2223 yc0low 1823.5 XU7ACY clg cq
2152 vk6gx 1821.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo, HNY
1247: hrd yc2www, 1829.5, clg cq
1249: hrd yc2yth, 1822, clg xu7acy
11:56:54 YC0LOW Jo simplex, Bill
11:56:33 W4ZV Bill XU7 getting better. Is he QSX up 1 or
11:54:55 YC0LOW Jo XU7 is 5nn here, the XW1 less signal
strength 559
11:53:57 W4ZV Bill TU info Jo. I think he has a much better QTH
near the
sea. How much stronger there?
11:52:48 YC0LOW Jo Bill, XU7 has stronger signal than XW1, here
11:52:06 9M2AX ross OK,GL.
11:51:36 W4ZV Bill TU Ross. I caught just a few characters so
condx are
coming up.
11:50:57 9M2AX ross GM Bill Yes, he is threre.
11:50:12 W4ZV Bill Aki san is XU7ACY still on 22.5?
11:20:13 K0CKD Dennis yc0low 459 in SC wkg JA7NI
1114 yc0low 1822.5 XU7ACY clg cq. vy strong
1111 yc0low 1824.5 JA7NI clg cq. Strong
22:01:03 YC0LOW Jo (UR8MA) GE Serge. MNI tnx for info. Now, I
can read it!
Merry X-mas to you and all here
21:58:10 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW Jo Just look http_link . Look at
left bottom
side - will see Autotranslate into:" Autotranslate into:".Choose
and all be in English.
21:48:10 YC0LOW Jo Could someone help me, pse. I need to read
the DL2KQ's
antenna article in English because I found it on his website in
Russian. Any
other URL for the English version, pse? Thanks
20:59:15 YC0LOW Jo SRI to Dick and Serge. Noise level here is
S9+. Will
QRX for a while
20:57:44 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW Jo .GM! Pile-up on you. Loud
today, but don't answer
20:57:32 PA3FQA Dick Jo you were 549 here, called
you a few times, maybe next time
20:56:08 YC0LOW Jo GE Dick FQA, sig from EU is weak. Tnx rprt
20:52:58 PA3FQA Dick Jo several stations calling you
2044 yc0low 1818.3 JH2FXK Shige-san. tnx for spotting
2035 jh2fxk 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2215 yc0low 1819.0 HS0ZEE clg cq
2203 yc0low 1823.0 XU7ACY
2135 yc0low 1817.9 BA7IO
2130 yc0low 1822.0 VR2PX
22:11:46 OZ1AXG Flam Ok, Jo. We will try another day !
22:10:43 YC0LOW Jo Seemed to be nothing more is heard, Flam.
increases. CUL
22:09:25 OZ1AXG Flam Ill move up to 18.7 Jo
22:09:01 OZ1AXG Flam and im on 18.6 :=(
22:08:49 OZ1AXG Flam Theres a small JA pile up on 18.5
22:08:21 YC0LOW Jo Ur sig was rapidly down/vanished. We'll try
some other
time, Flam
22:08:49 OZ1AXG Flam Theres a small JA pile up on 18.5
22:08:21 YC0LOW Jo Ur sig was rapidly down/vanished. We'll try
some other
time, Flam
22:08:04 OZ1AXG Flam ok, yep darn QSB ... ill give it a call
22:08:00 JH2RMU Aki JA4CUU caling now 18.2
22:07:17 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Flam. Cannot cpi your rst
22:07:12 OZ1AXG Flam Jo, QSB but heard u in there a little
lower in freq
than 18.6
22:06:05 YC0LOW Jo I lost ur signal, Flam :-((
22:04:20 OZ1AXG Flam he he ok !
22:03:55 OZ1AXG Flam YC0LOW Jo; could you lsn on 1818.6 for me
22:03:53 YC0LOW Jo Flam, I am calling you
2157 yc0low 1822.0 XU7ACY clg cq
2155 yc0low 1823.6 OZ1LXJ GE John. clg cq
2130 yc0low 1816.5 UA9MA
2129 yc0low 1818.0 RA3AGF
22:03:23 YC0LOW Jo 4s7ne is on 20, clg cq
22:02:09 YC0LOW Jo Nil heard on 26.6, Oleg. SRI. I am back to
Flam on
20.822:01:23 K1ZM Jeff fb aki - cu tomorow good day22:01:02
Jeff TNX Try not sigs today.22:00:55 OZ1AXG Flam I hear
JA7QVI TAC Serge ur sigs good 599 hr22:00:10 K1ZM Jeff GN GEOFF
US4EX Oleg Jo, pls lsn me 1826.621:59:50 OZ1AXG Flam 1820.8 i
have QRM on
both sides :=(21:59:46 JH2RMU Aki Cu Geoff Gn 73!21:59:09
YC0LOW Jo Sri,
Flam. pse try agn. I was on 21.2
21:59:09 YC0LOW Jo Sri, Flam. pse try agn. I was on
21.221:59:02 M0GID
Geoff Gentlemen: I must bid you all GN es 7321:58:15 OZ1AXG
Flam Jo, can u
hear me on 20.8 ??
21:56:28 UR8MA Serge Jo,TNX21:56:25 SERVER message (YC0LOW)
locator is KN98LD (QRB 8934 km, QTF 321°).21:56:24 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx Q
Serge!21:56:12 YC0LOW Jo GE Flam, Tks. Just wkd the UR8 on his
freq. It's
better for me to listen. Condx were poor.21:55:50 K1ZM Jeff
tomorrow21:55:37 K1ZM Jeff fb tac - thanks21:55:32 IZ0GKZ
massimo hi
all, i'm cqing at 1838 usb jt65a 2nd21:55:00 JA7QVI TAC Jeff GE
will try
tmw. today no good.. CU21:54:26 K3SX Sid (VK3ZL) Hello
OZ1AXG Flam You can use my freq: 1820.8 if you want ...clg cq
OZ1AXG Flam YC0LOW Jo : theres a SM with 59+50 on 18.221:53:07
rr21:52:35 K1ZM Jeff ok tks kaz - nmaybe tomorrow -
YC0LOW Jo OK, I will listem to that freq. Tks info.21:52:02
Jeff no signals SR 2200z wx is snow and dark21:51:52 UR8MA
Serge Jo,
SM50BFJ on 818.3 599+. Pse lsn me 1821.2
21:50:07 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Serge (UR8MA) Pse try to hear 1818.3. I
am clg cq
there. But I doubt, condx is poor21:46:29 UR8MA Serge YC0LOW,Jo
Are you
here ?
2132 yc0low 1818.3 9M2AX Tks Ross. Condx is vy poor hr
2125 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW gm jo CQ
22:14:03 YC0LOW Jo Egon, we'll try agn. tnx.
22:12:54 PY2BW egon JO gm vy sri I hve no great noise hr today
22:10:59 YC0LOW Jo (PY2BW) GE Egon, no condx today. i couldn't
even hear
signal from EU.
1309 9m2ax 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
13:18:03 K5KC Ken CUL Jo. 73
13:17:44 K5KC Ken Larry #2, last night fog was so bad I could
not see my
beams. this morning, clear with beautiful stars.
13:17:41 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Ken. CUL es 73
13:17:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Larry #2. Must QRT to pick up my
daughter. 73 CUL
13:16:42 K5RK Larry #2 Sun is up here now.... at least I think
it is....
too much fog today. 73 all and good DX
13:15:51 K5RK Larry #2 Agree, Jo. Cndx poor today. Maybe some
other day we
can try!
13:15:47 K5KC Ken Jo, think you are right. It is as if somebody
cut my
wires at this end. Thanks for trying!
13:14:44 YC0LOW Jo Larry and Ken, seemed to be no condx for us
to qso.
13:08:51 K5KC Ken GM Larry #2. I agree - thought there might be
earlier, but very quiet now. Still lnsing for Jo.
13:07:44 K5RK Larry #2 RR Jo. Nothing here so far.
13:06:43 YC0LOW Jo Ken (K5KC) and Larry #2 (K5RK). I am clg cq
on 1821.5,
13:06:12 K5RK Larry #2 GM Ken. Band sounds very dead here.
3:08:51 K5KC Ken GM Larry #2. I agree - thought there might be
earlier, but very quiet now. Still lnsing for Jo.
13:07:44 K5RK Larry #2 RR Jo. Nothing here so far.
13:06:43 YC0LOW Jo Ken (K5KC) and Larry #2 (K5RK). I am clg cq
on 1821.5,
13:06:12 K5RK Larry #2 GM Ken. Band sounds very dead here.
13:03:54 K5KC Ken (YC0LOW) Jo, I'll be listening too. Will try
to work you
after Larry #2. My SR not until 1333
12:43:38 K5RK Larry #2 OK TU Jo!
12:42:08 YC0LOW Jo (K5RK) Yes, I will be QRV on 1818.3
12:40:26 K5RK Larry #2 (YC0LOW) Jo, will you still be on
topband around
1310z (my sunrise)? Would like to listen for you then.
1203 9m2ax 1818.0 YC0LOW jo ge cq
1137 yc0low 1818.3 VK6GX GE Phil. Tnx fer spotting
1134 vk6gx 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
22:50:09 YC0LOW Jo I leave you all for morning tai chi. Gud DX.
22:49:31 PY2BW egon Jo yes sir tu
22:49:02 YC0LOW Jo Egon, usually I used 18.3 to 24.5 But, we
coordinate it via this chat line
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GM Paul BD7JSQ. CU soon
22:47:56 PY2BW egon JO thanks i wl do so, QRG?
22:49:02 YC0LOW Jo Egon, usually I used 18.3 to 24.5 But, we
coordinate it via this chat line
22:48:16 YC0LOW Jo GM Paul BD7JSQ. CU soon
22:47:56 PY2BW egon JO thanks i wl do so, QRG?
22:47:40 GM3YTS Rob sri VE1ZZ
22:47:32 BD7JSQ Paul Hello Jo, will also looking for you about
that time
22:46:27 YC0LOW Jo (PY2BW) Egon, GE. Look for me during weekend
2200Z onward, pse
22:43:49 PY2BW egon YC0LOW Jo ge/gm when you think we can
establish a QSO?
22:39:53 YC0LOW Jo (SV8JE) Chris, tnx for calling. Yes, vy glad
to hear ur
sig agn. Season's Greetings
22:37:11 SV8JE Chris dr JO nice hear u after 8year at
08/04/2001 mary
christams HNY
22:13:14 E74AW dado Im not sure, hi, bye
22:12:15 YC0LOW Jo My pleasure, Dado. CU soon.
22:11:36 E74AW dado Jo thanks for lesson,
22:11:31 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Peter. Condx earlier allowed my sig
toSV-land. It's pretty rare for me to get two SV stns in one run.
22:08:36 E74AW dado dont understand , never mind, no qso
22:08:24 E74AW dado hi
22:07:58 YC0LOW Jo If it's easy, it's not Topband, Dado, hi...
22:07:39 E74AW dado didnt ask for report this way but how you
copy me, but
never mind, hi
22:07:18 E74AW dado hi,
22:06:25 YC0LOW Jo Dado, I copy you OK and give u my rprt right
away. But,
seemed you don't get it right. We'll do it agn soon. Our path is
not a
difficult one. CUL
22:05:22 YC0LOW Jo Peter, I think we'll try agn tmw
22:05:02 E74AW dado how you copy me Jo, thats Im ask, ther is
no qso
22:04:23 E74AW dado no problem, just ask what was my rprt, ok
22:04:11 OK1CZ Peter Jo, SRI I missed it, will try again ur
22:03:49 YC0LOW Jo (E74AW) Dado, we'll exchange the rst in next
QSO. Okay?
22:03:01 SM2LIY Per OK Jo, me and a OH stn vcalling, but maybe
to low
signals right now, have heard you stronger before
22:02:08 YC0LOW Jo (SM2LIY) Per, sorry for not hearing your
22:02:03 E74AW dado and then start eu qrm as usual, hi
22:01:51 E74AW dado nil cpy you now JO, what was my rprt, ? i
here you
copy my 449 for you
22:01:51 SM2LIY Per Jo you have s5 signal here
22:00:51 YC0LOW Jo (OK1CZ) GE Peter. Band was gud to EU an hour
ago. Nil
hrd from EU, nw
21:56:58 SM2LIY Per YC0LOW stronger that "dododo" but dont hear
21:56:40 OK1CZ Peter Jo, GM, hope to hear you tonite
21:54:50 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Yuri. Condx were going down. CU nest
time. Tnx for
21:54:12 UT7UW Yuri Jo sorry no copy you. another time
2121 la3xi 1824.5 YC0LOW cq qsx up nice sign
2109 oh5ts 1824.5 YC0LOW tnx!
2108 ua3lar 1825.4 YC0LOW copy to me?
2049 sm3gsk 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ CQ 569
2033 yc0low 1823.0 HA3NU Busy with JAs. wkg ja3cjo
2025 ua4fco/qrp 1828.0 YC0LOW pse cln me
2020 yc0low 1828.9 UA4FCO SRI, nil hrd here
2017 ua4fco 1828.9 YC0LOW I`v qso pse lsn me cln to y
2012 yc0low 1819.5 JA7OEM clg cq
2005 yc0low 1816.5 UA3TCJ Andrei clg cq. Strong
1942 yc0low 1815.5 AH2L freq correction.sri
1939 yc0low 1818.5 AH2L called by 9m2ax
22:10:24 DJ6YX Tom hear u again Jo
22:05:20 DJ6YX Tom cq`ing ... sri you can`t hear me, Jo
22:03:21 DJ6YX Tom ge Jo, in and out here
21:57:57 YC0LOW Jo Peter OK1CZ, GE. clg cq on 24.5 now
21:56:48 OK1CZ Peter Jo YC0LOW are you still QRV?
22:00:58 OZ1LXJ John 1821.5 YC0LOW and BD7JSQ taking turns
2148 9m2ax 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo.cq
20:36:30 OZ1LXJ John (dx 1818.3 yc0low cq
2132 yc0low 1821.5 ES5Q OK. Juhan, tnx fer spotting
2130 es5q 1821.6 YC0LOW sri fat fingers
2125 es5q 1821.6 YL0LOW
2105 vk6gx 1821.5 SM6DOI Clg YC0LOW
2101 vk6gx 1821.5 YC0LOW Gm Jo
2057 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW
21:09:22 BD7JSQ Paul Jo, heard you 339 but you didn't return my
21:13:33 BD7JSQ Paul Yes Jo, thank you for trying. will look
for you on
the band
21:11:31 YC0LOW Jo Sorry, Paul, JSQ. We'll do a good TB qso
very soon, I
21:09:22 BD7JSQ Paul Jo, heard you 339 but you didn't return my
21:04:54 JH2RMU Aki Now QRV on 80m and get 9A6M 3507.
21:02:55 JE6IGP Hide rr Aki-san. it's cloudy hr.
21:00:43 JH2RMU Aki No, hr rain, some QRM.
21:00:07 YC0LOW Jo Yes, dado,please call me up-1
21:00:05 JE6IGP Hide Aki-san gm ! hw condex ?
20:59:29 E74AW dado call you 1up
20:59:19 E74AW dado YC0LOW Jo, Im copy you calling CQ?
20:58:52 JH2RMU Aki Gm JA1JRK Rio-san, JE6IGP hide-san2
0:58:37 YC0LOW Jo Did you hear my call, Paul?
20:56:33 YC0LOW Jo Paul, JSQ, Let me trry to call you, now on
18.3, qsx
20:55:47 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo. thank you. you were solid 579 a few
20:55:22 G3ROO Ian Paul 559 Jo nil now
20:55:06 9H1SP Paul
20:55:02 YC0LOW Jo Paul, I hear nothing. SRI. To my experience,
at this
time, we should do sked around our SS
20:54:52 9H1SP Paul 73s Dado GL
20:54:28 E74AW dado 73 paul
20:54:04 SM0MDG Bjorn The bouys/beacons or whatever they are
peaks 599
here on every 800 hz between 1810-1830 tonight
20:53:17 9H1SP Paul 73s all qrt, gn nice sunday ;-)
20:52:53 YC0LOW Jo I am RXing on 18.3, Paul
20:52:41 G3ROO Ian callin me Paul?
20:52:14 BD7JSQ Paul RR Jo, calling you!
20:52:14 G3ROO Ian GE John...again
20:51:59 G3ROO Ian GE Paul... I heard you calling Jo but you
were on his
freq and he was split 1 UP
20:51:38 G3MYI john ok
20:51:22 G3ROO Ian Yes Jo, that is the delight of 160m
...neverknowing where
you will get to!
20:51:05 BD7JSQ Paul GE John, try to work Jo now. will call CQ
20:50:57 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks for the reports Kin-san!
20:50:39 YC0LOW Jo (BD7JSQ) GM Paul. Please try to call, if you
may. I am
rxing on 18.3
20:49:52 YC0LOW Jo Ian, last week I catched G3SYM, very easy,
with only
100 Watts. We'll never know
20:49:39 G3MYI john what freq are u on PAUL
20:49:35 BD7JSQ Paul Hi Flam
20:49:19 JH7PFD Kin Bjorn san GE You were 559 with JA7QVI
20:49:09 BD7JSQ Paul (YC0LOW) GM Jo, are you still up 1? called
20:49:04 OZ1AXG Flam GM Paul
20:48:38 BD7JSQ Paul gm/ge all
20:48:26 YC0LOW Jo Congrats, Bjorn! Glad to hear that
20:48:21 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks QSO Tac-san!
20:48:17 G3ROO Ian I'm cq'n on 17.5
20:48:01 S59A Drago BA7IO CQing on 1812
20:47:50 SM0MDG Bjorn The antenna is working well :)
20:47:49 G3ROO Ian One fine day Jo we will QSO!
20:47:31 JA7QVI TAC Bjorn mny tks qso today. ur 449 to 559 hr
20:47:27 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Ian. Noise is a real killer here, all
year long.
Must be in patience to overcome it.
20:47:20 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo, you where 449-559 here at best...
deep QSB. Many
EU callers.
20:45:49 G3ROO Ian OK Jo... with the number os stations calling
you and
younot hearing I guessed that you had noise
20:45:28 OZ1AXG Flam same here nil...
20:44:49 YC0LOW Jo Ian, must stay for a while. Noise level is
going up, hi
20:44:05 G3ROO Ian Jo do not know if it's QSB or you have gone
but nil hrd
for a few mins now
20:43:40 JA7QVI TAC RR 13.2
20:42:43 SM0MDG Bjorn Can we do 1813.2? Bouy/beacon on 13
20:41:58 SM0MDG Bjorn OK
20:41:36 JA7QVI TAC Bjorn yes 1813?
20:40:45 SM0MDG Bjorn Tac-san, yes - give me a clear qrg...
20:40:37 G3ROO Ian bd7jsq 559 tonight20:39:12 JA7QVI TAC
(SM0MDG) Bjorn
can we try ok?
20:38:50 RV9FQ Serge Kevin pse qso on 80
20:35:41 VK3IO Ron OZ1CKT did you copy me calling you?
20:34:18 YC0LOW Jo qsx up 1
20:32:18 G3ROO Ian JO can you please go split 1 up coz it's bad
20:31:00 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Tac-san!
20:30:53 JA7QVI TAC Jo WoW many tks!!2
0:30:22 JH7PFD Kin Cong TAC san
20:30:03 JH7PFD Kin Jo san GM I will call you
20:29:43 G3ROO Ian Jo you're getting stronger!
20:28:42 OZ1AXG Flam i can herar you Jo... pse lsn for me
20:28:01 YC0LOW Jo GM Tac-san, just wkd JA4CUU. But couldn't
hear you, SRI
20:27:24 SM0MDG Bjorn Tac, U are good copy here :)
20:26:45 E74AW dado ok, will tyr later
20:26:14 JA7QVI TAC Jo i call you. how cpy me?
20:23:29 YC0LOW Jo SRI Dado, not hearing you but noise
20:22:42 G3ROO Ian OK Jo I will go back to 17.5... many calling
20:22:33 E74AW dado YC0LOW copy me?
20:22:15 YC0LOW Jo OK, Ian. I hear faint signal but can't
20:21:28 G3ROO Ian Jo You're just on noise
20:21:20 E74AW dado he is not lisning at all
20:20:49 E74AW dado Ian, unbelivable, hi
20:20:45 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bjorn. I will add more and more. Tnx
for advice
20:19:35 9H1SP Paul Ian, ED is AH2L in Guam
20:19:10 SM0MDG Bjorn Thats good news and if possible keep adding
20:19:06 9H1SP Paul hihihihi ED is the name not the country
20:18:07 YC0LOW Jo GEBjorn, I am fine. Radials have been added
into 15
20:17:39 G3ROO Ian Cannothear ross... I'm coming to 18.3 now
20:17:23 E74AW dado JO, i will
call you20:16:57 YC0LOW Jo Ian, I am on 18.3. You're being
called by 9M2AX
20:16:52 G3ROO Ian Thanks Ron!!!
20:16:49 E74AW dado yes AH2L is Ed in Guam, KH2
20:16:36 SM0MDG Bjorn GM Jo, how are things?
20:16:16 G3ROO Ian Jo! Can we try a qso please... I neeed YC!!!
I'll call
on 17.5???
20:16:15 E74AW dado Ian, you say that ED is in spain or what, ?
20:16:06 VK3IO Ron Ian AH2 is island of Guam, in pacific, near
20:15:18 YC0LOW Jo (SM0MDG) GE Bjorn
2018 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
2018 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq gm Jo
1721 ua4cr 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ
1200 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
2214 bd7jsq 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2158 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
19:04:10 PA0O Jaap yc0low jo gn heard your cq good
18:45:07 DL8QS Heiko roger Jo, ..tnx fer info
18:45:03 YC0LOW Jo Heiko, I have BC harmonics on 20. Vy
difficult copy and
long to take your full call
18:43:22 YC0LOW Jo Heiko, pse direct, OK on QRZ.COM. Not via
18:42:38 DL8QS Heiko Jo is qsl via N2AU ? wll direct
18:42:17 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Heiko. You're in the log
18:42:06 S59A Drago I hear onlyJA4DND
18:41:26 UT7UJ Dim tnx QSO, Ron. 73!
18:41:17 DL8QS Heiko Hi copy ..tnx 449
18:38:21 YC0LOW Jo (DL8QS) Heiko, did u get my rprt foru?
18:37:42 S59A Drago aha I see, I hear some weak sig now
18:37:11 UA4CRSlav Drago See my last message
18:36:36 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The DL8QSlocator is JO43KH
(QRB 11100
km, QTF 323°).
18:36:17 SERVER message The chat is linked to many CLX/WEB DX
clusters.Take a look into the MENU.
18:36:17 SERVER message Welcome US3QQ Serge onthis LOW BAND
chat.We hope you will enjoy your stay here and visit us again.
18:35:57 S59ADrago whom is DL8QS calling all the time? I hear
nothing on
18:31:19VK3ZL Bobby Gm all....QRN low this morning....QRG 1826.5.
18:26:02 ZS1RECRaoul 73 Remi, no signal tonight
18:24:32 UA4CR Slav YC0LOW CQ 21.5
1840 dl8qs 1821.5 YC0LOW tnx qso
18:24:32 UA4CR Slav YC0LOW CQ 21.5
1202 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
22:42:27 YC0LOW Jo 73 for now. cloudy morning, here. Gud DX.
22:41:18UA9MA Gena You are welcome Jo !!
22:40:50 YC0LOW Jo Gena, I am glad to be a
NEW one for u on TB. I do QSL 100%
22:40:31 UA9MA Gena 7452 km between our station
22:38:49 UA9MA Gena Pse qsl JO ! New one for me
22:38:16 YC0LOW Jo Gena, tnx info. Mine is OI33JP. 73 and CUAGN
22:37:41 UA9MA Gena (yc0low) mo64ur jo
22:34:59 K1GUN JD saw Bob Ackly at the dentist this morning
mentiond you
had bought an ICOM 7800 congrats
22:32:18 K1QX Craig just like
talking to navy guys. t-a-l-k s-l-o-w
22:31:51 K1QX Craig rgr
JD22:31:50 YC0LOW Jo (UA9MA) Gena, what's ur QTH locator, pse
22:31:04YC0LOW Jo Tnx QSO, Gena. SRI abt QRM from my neighbour
signal. We
had 10mqso long time ago
22:30:45 K1GUN JD send
22:30:22 K1GUN JD if you hear him,sent slowly
22:29:44 UA9MA Gena (YC0LOW) Nice signal JO
2231 ua9ma 1822.5 YC0LOW cqing
2230 yc0low 1822.5 UA9MA tnx qso, Gena
2223 g3sym 1818.8 YC0LOW correcton finger trouble
2217 yc0low 1818.8 G3SYM vy QSB but in the log
2214 g3sym 1879.0 YC0LOW tks for qso
2203 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW hpe cuagn frNEWJNE
2202 yc0low 1818.3 UA6MF SRI Ivan, no RX ant, yet
2156 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW never copy :-((
2155 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
2051 vk6hd 1825.1 YC0LOW GM Jo
1147 9m2ax 1819.5 YC0LOW cq
1145 9m2ax 1821.8 YC2EUZ cq
1120 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW jo ge
2158 yc0low 1800.0 UA0MF Not nw, Mike. sri
2155 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, are you copy EU now ? YB
2110 ly5w 1817.7 YC0LOW TRY HERE
2110 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW NIL here {- YB
2109 yc0low 1818.3 UA6MF yes I am
2105 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW are you on freq ?
2059 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
2059 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq jo
22:40:31 YC0LOW Jo (PA0O) Jaap, we'll meet some day. if you
could send me
the recording, I'd be grateful
22:39:51 YC0LOW Jo (OZ1LXJ) AGN Tnx John.
22:39:51 N3BNA Dale calling on 1817, but no rx antenna..wasted
soldering cold solder joints in the field
22:39:41 KV4FZ Herb Well Phil your working DX and thats what
22:39:05 PA0O Jaap Jo i have never heard you before and i
recorded you
qso/cq here
22:38:40 YC0LOW Jo (PA0O,) Japp TNX for spotting and GL. cu tmw
22:38:10 PA0O Jaap anotherr dx i can not work...
22:38:09 GJ4CBQ Phil OK Herb? Got my rpt. Guess ur ears better
than mine.
No Rx ant hr.
22:38:05 OZ1CTK Boye CQ 3511 EU-029
22:37:54OZ1LXJ John (YC0LOW) Jo - I were wondering, condx arent
the best
today, but ur sigs fb, honest 579 on peaks. That didnt happen
often in the
22:37:47 PA0O Jaap i was to late i was in kitchen drinkingwine
22:36:55 W4ZV Bill OK condx today but fun to listen for
you with
your new antenna. 73!
22:36:46 WT3Q Sam any luck since your last msg
22:36:16 EY8MM Nodir Sure Bob! I will be on 80 SB.
22:35:54 YC0LOW Jo 2227Z, Just passed my SR time, Bill. Will
get back TMW
for sure. I am so happy the antenna works! 73 to yiou and all!
22:35:29 N3BNA Dale yo
22:35:12 MD0CCE Bob (EY8MM) CU in the contest Nodir!
22:34:43 WT3Q Sam (N3BNA) yo
22:34:40 W4ZV Bill What's your SR Jo?
22:34:36 PA0O Jaap gd copy here Jo 559 569
22:34:12 W4ZV Bill I think PA0O made a mistake and spotted 34.0
but he's
calling on 18.3
22:34:12 EY8MM Nodir TNX Bob!!!
22:33:58 DL8YHR Frank 3x split qrg
22:33:55 KV4FZ Herb Got the 569
22:33:42 BD7JSQ Paul GM Nodir EY8MM, Tnx FB qso and a new one
on TB!
22:33:39 YC0LOW Jo No Bill,still on 18.3 my first day with new
system in the antenna
22:33:33 MD0CCE Bob Sunrise here now and EU sigs gone; off to
bkfst - tnx
for theQs
22:33:18 K1QX Craig cloudy and cool 32. heavy rain ystdy
22:33:14 YC0LOW Jo (OZ1LXJ) GE John, Tnx for QSO. It gave me
confidence to
my newly erected TX antenna command is invalid or incomplete. Try
2231 pa0o 1834.0 YC0LOW gd copy here
2227 ru3eg 1818.3 YC0LOW stil hee TNX
2215 ru3eg 1818.4 YC0LOW cq cq
2104 yc0low 1800.0 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fr spotting
2100 9m2ax 1813.9 YC0LOW cq jo
1845 ua6lv 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
1118 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
2226 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq gm jo
1216 9m2ax 1816.9 YC0LOW cq weak
1210 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
1131 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
2219 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2204 yc0low 1821.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2202 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ gm jo
1121 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2214 yc0low 1826.5 9M2AX in QSO with VK6ABL.GM Ross2214 yc0low
1826.5 VK6ABL
GM Phil, weak today
2205 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
11 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2207 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo S9
2212 yc0low 1826.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Strong today
2204 yc0low 1824.5 VK6HD GM Mike. Nice to work u
2158 vk6hd 1824.0 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
1304 yc0low 1824.5 VK6ABL Phil, GE. RST 579
1202 jh2fxk 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
11:58:20 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Al. Band is not open to USA, yet. SRI
11:57:15 W5IZ Al Listening hard for you Jo
11:55:41 YC0LOW Jo I'm makin' noise on 21.5
1241 yc0low 1821.5 7K1PTT Tnx for spotting. GE.QSY 21.5
1240 7k1ptt 1824.0 YC0LOW
1217 vk3zl 1814.0 YCOLOW calling cq.
2224 yc0low 1815.0 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx for spotting
2222 vk6abl 1815.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1237 vk6abl 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2226 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW OK JO i am PA
2225 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI tnx,Gena.Am using 100W
2219 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW NO76db
2217 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI Gena,what's ur QTH Loc.,pse?
2211 ru0ai 1824.0 YC0LOW QSL JO UR signal 559 QSB ORM
2208 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI Gena, ur sig peaked 599.tnx qso
2158 yc0low 1824.0 RU0AI calling dx
1248 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo, N6TR/7 on freq
2244 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2240 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1159 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2233 9m2ax 1819.4 YC0LOW cqing
1249 yc0low 1824.5 VK6ABL GE Phil. Tnx for spotting
1248 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW clg N6TR/7 Ge Jo
2219 yc0low 1821.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2214 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ gm jo
2208 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq weak
1149 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GE Phil. Tnx for spotting
1146 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW Ge Jo
1154 yc0low 1821.5 VK6ABL GE, Phil. Band is dead :-(
1147 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2257 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1222 jh2fxk 1821.5 YC0LOW cq
1205 yf1oo 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo, cq cq
1202 yf1oo 1821.5 YC0LOW Jo, cq cq YB
2239 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq jo
2252 yc0low 1825.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Tnx fer spotting
2250 9m2ax 1825.3 YC0LOW GM JO cq
1127 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
1126 9m2ax 1823.8 YC0LOW cq.
11:20:19 9M2AX ross GE Jo, tks rprt..ur sig was also 559 not
11:13:00 9M2AX ross GM YC0LOW calling CQ on 1823.7
2300 yc0low 1800.0 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx rprt
2258 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo, not much about
07 Juni 2008
1359 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
2225 9m2ax 1817.2 YC0LOW cq jo
1931 i4eat 1813.5 YC0LOW 559 clg A61Q
1926 yc0low 1813.4 A61Q cld u many times
1928 dl4cf 1813.3 YC0LOW Jo, A61Q is right on top of you
1923 9m2ax 1813.3 YC0LOW 499= vy strong
21:42:23 RA3CQ Igor Congtaulation! I know what u feel wrkg new
21:41:22 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Igor. #107 for me on topband
21:40:27 RA3CQ Igor Good QSO
21:39:58 RA3CQ Igor U are really loud Jo.
21:39:43 RA3CQ Igor bk
21:39:22 RA3CQ Igor Ok
21:38:45 RA3CQ Igor He is calling u
Jo.21:38:06 YC0LOW Jo Thanks. But not now. His signal is now
buried by the
SP etc
21:37:31 RA3CQ Igor He's asking JA now.
21:37:12 RA3CQ Igor I can help if you need.
21:36:44 YC0LOW Jo No, Igor, I could listen 4O's signal between
21:35:46 RA3CQ Igor Jo are u calling 4O?
21:35:35 YC0LOW Jo (RA3CQ.) GE Igor. Tnx rprt. Just lucky.
21:34:48 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) You r vy good tonight Jo. Almost
21:34:30 YC0LOW Jo (YT1VP) GE Vlada.Tnx QSO. Chasing the
4O/YT1HA now. 73
21:33:54 YT1VP Vlada YC0LOW, Ed mni TNX for #, now many station
from EU
call U... GL
21:28:53 YT1VP Vlada YC0LOW, Ed pse check 1812.0 call cq. TNX
2133 ua1anp 1819.0 YC0LOW
2126 iz3eyz 1819.1 YC0LOW wkg ja
2117 og2m 1819.0 YC0LOW c q
1509 ja7gyp 3502.0 YC0LOW tnx Jo
14:55:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Robert. I wish it was on TB, hi
14:54:04 W7LR Robert Jo 579 fb on 80
14:53:27 YC0LOW Jo Hi hi...
14:53:01 K6XT Art Too any dits Jo, HI!
14:49:46 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Art. I hear more stns calling with
14:49:44 W7LR Robert many JA loud this morning
14:48:44 K6XT Art Past SR here, Jo is actually louder now.
14:32:45 YC0LOW Jo The same here with QSB, Ski. Tnx qso
14:30:53 K8FC Ski Tnx Jo for qso, much QSB here this am.
14:24:37 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Art.
14:22:44 K6XT Art Jo thanks for the QSO, ur gud copy today!
1450 k6xt 3502.0 YC0LOW Louder now than 30 min ago
1416 k6xt 3502.1 YC0LOW CQ
22:21:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andy
22:21:08 EU7SA Andy Jo, your signal here 559
22:50:11 PA7MM Bert ok nice, lsn to yc0low now, copy him quite
2243 ua1pac 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LP NA&SA :(
2243 ua1pac/ 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LPNA&SA :(
2243 ua1pac/1 1817.3 YC0LOW CQ LP NA&SA :(
2239 ua1pac 1817.3 YC0LOW Please Split QRG... Mni EU...
2239 ua1pac/ 1817.3YC0LOW Please Split QRG... Mni EU...
2239 ua1pac/1 1817.3 YC0LOW Please Split QRG...
22:38:49 YC0LOW Jo RR Paul, LA6YEA. No wonder
22:38:10 LA6YEA Paul yupp...and vertical
22:37:32 YC0LOW Jo I could hear you well above others. KW,
22:36:53 LA6YEA Paul Nice sig Jo.
22:34:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, difficult to hear them here. SRI :-((
22:33:29 SM7GIB Mats Jo, I will call a little down.
22:33:15 LA6YEA Paul Jo you got big EU pile ....
22:32:15 YC0LOW Jo Mats, SM7GIB, sri, i have heavy noise, here
22:26:59 SM7GIB Mats Jo, I am trying to get to You
22:21:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andy
22:21:08 EU7SA Andy Jo, your signal here 559
22:21:07 W8UVZ George John (ZJ) are u here?
22:19:28 G3ZES ALAN I have rain static just starting, been very
quite up
to now
22:18:33 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Alan. But, static crashes and fast qsb
here :-((
22:17:25 G3ZES ALAN Good today Jo
2216 ua6lv 1817.3 YC0LOW cq LP to NA with good sig
2214 g3zes 1817.5 YC0LOW
2212 ra3dox 1817.5 YC0LOW CLG CQ.fb sig.
2117 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW I talked w OK1DRQ, it's OK...
2113 yc0low 1800.0 OM6KW Pse fwd that to OK1DRQ.TNX
2111 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo MNI TNX 73
2110 yc0low 1800.0 OM6KW Rado,replacmnt crd already sen
2106 om6kw 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo U sentme OK1DRQ QSL...
1452 rw3qo 3500.9 YC0LOW sorry, correct freq
1450 ut3md 3501.0 YC0LOW
1444 k6na 3501.0 YC0LOW
1402 9m2ax 3501.0 YC0LOW cq vy strong.
1211 yc0low 1819.3 N6SS/MM Pres, bon voyage! TU fer spot
1207 n6ss 1819.5 YC0LOW CQ N6SS/mm nr JA6
22:49:46 YC0LOW Jo Craig, Yes, sure you and Gary KD9SV did help
me so much
22:49:46 9M2AX ross Rgr I will call Cq on 31.5 .but any qrm for
22:49:38 W4ZV Bill Jo if you heard a faint trace of me that is
about as
well as I was hearing maybe Bev working OK now.
22:49:01 YC0LOW Jo We'll try agn and agn to make the impossible
possible. Ross, pse use the freq if you wish. tnx
22:48:48 K1QX Craig Jo, i hope we are helping u
22:48:30 W4ZV Bill (9M2AX) Ross are you CQ-ing today? Might
have some
condx to south based on hearing a little of Jo.
22:47:48 W4ZV Bill Will keep trying! If condx are right
anything is
possible! 73!
22:47:13 YC0LOW Jo Hi Paul, GE.
22:47:08 W4ZV Bill Jo we may have to give up until next season
when we have more common darkness. No traces from you for about
10 mins now.
22:46:52 YC0LOW Jo Bill, W4ZV I think time is up for today. Tnx
tmw. 73
22:46:34 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, I have been listening. Nothing here
22:45:03 RL3FT Yury Tnx Jo
22:44:26 YC0LOW Jo Yury, UA3AGW Always have FB signal.
yesterday. Like local signal, here
22:44:04 W4ZV Bill It's just extremely difficult path and condx
are not
good enough today. But keep trying a few more minutes!
22:43:40 YC0LOW Jo GE Craig. Tnx emails
22:43:23 RL3FT Yury Jo how was UA3AGW? He guest at our club)
22:42:56 YC0LOW Jo SRI Bill et al. Couldn't respond to calls.
disappointment of me :-((
22:42:48 K1QX Craig nada in nh Jo
22:41:48 W4ZV Bill I think peak is gone but keep trying a
more...sometimes a sunrise peak.
22:41:03 G3ZES ALAN Peaked here at 10:33
22:40:55 W4ZV Bill You are also very weak and I would not know
it was you
except for exact QRG. Spectran trace very light.
22:40:32 G3ZES ALAN OH5FT was calling most times Jo
22:40:04 W4ZV Bill Only 16 mins of common darkness is probably
not enough
but let's keep trying 10 more minutes. You seem weaker now.
22:39:56 YC0LOW Jo Heard very weak signal, Bill. Could not
22:39:12 W4ZV Bill I've called a few times Jo but you are
really too weak
to copy yet.
22:39:08 YC0LOW Jo GE Yury. Tnx rprt
22:38:57 9M2AX ross GM Jo,OH called u.
22:38:27 RL3FT Yury Jo fb here
22:37:40 YC0LOW Jo GM Ross.
22:36:16 9M2AX ross GM Bill Nw Jo freq lsning
22:35:15 W4ZV Bill (9M2AX) Ross you may also want to try
beaming South
after Jo and I finish at 2250z.
22:34:02 W4ZV Bill If we get
a peak I expect it to be 2240 to 2245. Not strong enough to call
but I do
hear you for sure!
22:33:38 YC0LOW Jo I will keep calling CQ until my SR, Bill.
22:32:43 W4ZV Bill actually 2233z today...Jakarta SR 2249 and I
do hear a
little of you now!
22:28:35 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...just at sunset here so don't give up
22:27:54 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GE Bill. I am cqing on 1818.3 since
10 minutes
ago. No response from anywhere, yet. Band died again
22:26:55 9M2AX ross ok tks craig.
22:26:26 K1QX Craig ross nada on 3510
22:26:15 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Are you QRV today Jo?
21:02:09 YC0LOW Jo Ge Ludek. Sigs are weak and fast QSB :-((
21:00:20 OK2ZC Ludek Jo good sign call many EUs
2058 rl3ft 1818.2 YC0LOW srtong coming from high angle
20:59:35 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank, Tnx rprt. Band is very QSB here
20:57:58 DL8YHR Frank are 559 here
20:57:31 YC0LOW Jo GM Hidehiro-san. But, It's difficult to rx
20:56:57 AH2L Ed (uy5zz) Vlad when did u send 2nd card
20:56:38 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo GM good signal !
2050 g3zes 1818.1 YC0LOW
2049 ja3fyc 1818.2 YC0LOW cq
22:54:25 YC0LOW Jo Alan, he lives near to me. But, now he's
assigned to
work in Batam, where Bob, YB5AQB also resides there. 73
22:52:51 G3ZES ALAN Ok Jo my logger just says Indonesia, thanks
22:52:37 N1BUG Paul Hi John, small storm here... 6 inches so
far, may get
a couple more inches before it is over.
22:52:15 W4ZV Bill 73 Jo! thanks for trying!
22:51:37 YC0LOW Jo GE Paul. Tnx rprt. I go QRT. Nice morning
here. TNX to
all es CUL 73.
22:51:11 VE1ZJ john Hi Paul hw much snow today?
22:51:08 ZP6CW Doug Hearing G4ZCG, CU1CB (before) while still
light out,
this is a first,
perhaps band is going to be good tonight.
22:50:43 YC0LOW Jo Alan, may be he didn't hear me either. He is
QRV in
Batam Islan, 3000-4000 kms from my
22:49:58 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, nothing heard today.
22:49:55 W4ZV Bill I have Jakarta SR as 2248 so I guess no
condx today Jo.
22:49:23 G3ZES ALAN Him on 19.4 Jo just wondered why he so
close to you
22:49:21 YC0LOW Jo rady=ready
22:49:12 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill W4ZV. My South Bev is rady agin.
What I'm waiting for is only good condx :-))
22:47:59 YC0LOW Jo GE Alan. I
couldn't hear YD0 on my freq
22:47:53 W4ZV Bill Heard a few traces of
something Jo but not identifiable.
22:46:52 G3ZES ALAN Is YD0 Qrm on your
freq Jo
22:43:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Roland. I am expecting to be heard
NA until my SR.
22:43:13 RL3FT Yury may be later, last peak in our site is
about 23.30 0.30 z
22:42:47 SM0BRF Roland OK Jo you are 569
YC0LOW Jo SRI Roland, EU sigs are weak. maybe tmw
22:41:37 SM0BRF Roland
pse listten eu Jo
22:41:23 N2NL Dave I think the bad cdx are all my fault.
Take a few days off work to DX and the bands are QRN+stinko
22:41:14 YC0LOW
Jo Yes, my SR is about in 10 more minutes
22:40:39 W4ZV Bill Don't give up
until your sunrise Jo.
22:40:16 VE1ZJ john OK Yury TU condx not gud . rpt
OKfor 100 w
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Bill W4ZV tnx rprt. Maybe tmw agn
W4ZV Bill nothing at all so far Jo.
22:38:54 SM0MDG Bjorn Nothing Jo,
running the station remote for the moment. U R 559 here...
another SM0 also
22:38:53 KV4FZ Herb John (KP2A) and I weregoing to fly over to
but Maarti beat us to the punch.
22:38:43 RL3FT Yury John you was 200Hz
down in my site) tnx 449
22:37:45 W4ZV Bill FJ I meant.
22:37:37 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx rprt, Bjorn. What happened to your linear amp?
22:37:34 W4ZV Bill Yes
FV/AH8DX there in late Feb and early March so no worries!
22:37:01 VE1ZJ
john Was run 100 w Morten
22:36:44 SM0MDG Bjorn Good copy Jo, but I can
just call with 100 watt right now.
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt
22:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo, 449 today. CU 73
1818.4 YC0LOW Don't sweat! CU another day!
1818.3 DL4CF SRI not cpi u well earlier
2253 dl4cf 1818.4 YC0LOW Tnx for info. GL!
2246 yc0low 1818.3 DL4CF Trying LP to NA and SA
2246 dl4cf 1818.3 YC0LOW CQ LP to what?
22:43:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Roland. I am expecting to be heard
in NA until
my SR.
22:43:13 RL3FT Yury may be later, last peak in our site is
23.30 0.30 z
22:42:47 SM0BRF Roland OK Jo you are 569
22:42:15 YC0LOW Jo
SRI Roland, EU sigs are weak. maybe tmw
22:41:37 SM0BRF Roland pse listten
eu Jo
22:41:23 N2NL Dave I think the bad cdx are all my fault. Take a
days off work to DX and the bands are QRN+stinko
22:41:14 YC0LOW Jo Yes, my
SR is about in 10 more minutes
22:40:39 W4ZV Bill Don't give up until your
sunrise Jo.
22:40:16 VE1ZJ john OK Yury TU condx not gud . rpt OK for 100w
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Bill W4ZV tnx rprt. Maybe tmw agn
22:39:10 W4ZV Bill nothing at all so far Jo.
22:38:54 SM0MDG Bjorn Nothing Jo, running the
station remote for the moment. U R 559 here... another SM0 also
22:38:53 KV4FZ Herb John (KP2A) and I weregoing to fly over to
but Maarti beat us to the punch.
22:38:43 RL3FT Yury John you was 200Hz
down in my site) tnx 449
22:37:45 W4ZV Bill FJ I meant.
22:37:37 YC0LOW Jo
Tnx rprt, Bjorn. What happened to your linear amp?
22:37:34 W4ZV Bill Yes
FV/AH8DX there in late Feb and early March so no worries!
22:37:01 VE1ZJ
john Was run 100 w Morten
22:36:44 SM0MDG Bjorn Good copy Jo, but I can
just call with 100 watt right now.
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt
7322:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo, 449 today. CU 73
22:36:26 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten. Tnx rprt 73
22:35:44 LA3MHA Morten gm Jo,449 today. CU 73
2235 yc0low 1818.3 LA3MHA GE Morten. Tnx fer spot
2234 la3mha 1818.3 YC0LOW gm Jo
2230 oh5ts 1818.3 YC0LOW cq LP not EU
2205 g3zes 1818.4 YC0LOW
22:52:37 K3SX Sid 73 Jo.
22:52:31 N1BUG Paul And once again the SE Asia path
comes to life
when geomagnetic activity is up a bit. Interesting.
22:52:03 YC0LOW Jo Bye to all. Gud DX es 73.
22:51:38 N1BUG Paul Hopefully Bill, but it has been
hanging around
for several days now!
22:51:29 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...have a nice day...there's
22:51:26 AA4H Carl tnx Ray, guess it is not bothering a
lot of US
as 100's calling last night and I never hrd a peep fro them
22:50:52 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill W4ZV. I hope to be able to
sked with
W1 stns. CUL es tnx. Lost my appetite for breakfast because of my
problem in
my S bev :-))
22:50:46 W4ZV Bill Hopefully dissipated by tomorrow
22:50:04 N1BUG Paul Jo would have been solid 559 today
if we did
not have storm QRN
22:49:47 NR1R RAY carl e mail the pilots and they will
tell them
usually most expedition know abt birdies every 10 khz
22:49:46 W4ZV Bill OK John...he sure was weak here.
22:49:17 W1FV John Bill, GQ said he was running 100W to
a low G5RV
22:49:17 N1BUG Paul RR Jo, today was the best I heard
you so far.
See you tomorrow!
22:49:02 W4ZV Bill Jo you should be trying for W1 much
earlier...maybe 2215z.
22:48:30 W1FV John Wait, it's a KP4 calling on 20.8...
22:48:27 YC0LOW Jo SRI Paul, I had a phone call, just
know. CUAGN
tmw. tks
22:47:56 AA4H Carl I've got a HB filter but not taking
it out, if
he stays on 1830 guess I'll miss J5 yet again
22:47:47 W4ZV Bill John did Bill ever tell you what he
was running
in Stew Perry?
22:47:29 KA3QLF Scott J5, too
22:47:28 N1BUG Paul Jo you were getting stronger just
before you
stopped. Maybe stopped a bit too early.
22:47:25 KA3QLF Scott J% building nicely
22:47:08 W4ZV Bill Jakarta SR 2249 today.
22:46:49 W4ZV Bill I think you guys up north have a
better chance
for Jo than me now...only 19 mins common darkness which is too
22:46:37 W1FV John Also SE
22:46:04 N1BUG Paul It was SE here
22:45:51 YC0LOW Jo GE John, W1FV. tnx rprt. Stop clg,
22:45:37 N1BUG Paul Noisy here too but not as bad I'm
sure. Jo was
449 in QRN.
22:45:13 W4ZV Bill What direction John and Paul?
22:45:08 K3SX Sid Jo no cpi today sri
22:44:48 W4ZV Bill can see how poorly I hear
with tll teh
lightning off our coast!
22:44:33 W1FV John Jo, I was copying you here
22:44:22 NR1R RAY if i swap the ice filter as a input
it is there
22:44:20 W4ZV Bill Stopped
22:44:15 N1BUG Paul It is a KP4 Bill... not hearing Jo
any more
22:43:40 NR1R RAY depending on which preamp matrix i
use the bc
birdie is there with the kd9sv 160m as a input it filters it out
22:43:30 W4ZV Bill Paul you cppy station CQ on 20.8?
Not Jo but
SSE from here. PY?
22:43:02 YC0LOW Jo FM=FB, sri
22:42:48 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt. Bill, my South Bev was
ysdy. But, I don't know why its noise level is the same high as
tx antena.
the swr is FM 1:1.5. Must recheck.
22:42:30 AA4H Carl great on 300 Ray, I'm at 100 and
still adding
22:41:28 AA4H Carl not as good as I would like BC spur
on 1830
taking out J5 last 2 nights
22:40:35 AA1K Jon ge/gm....any sign of 4S7NE tonite?
22:39:30 W4ZV Bill Nil so far Jo but Paul is calling
22:39:29 NR1R RAY hows it gg carl long time no hear
22:38:31 NR1R RAY aprox 300
22:38:08 AA4H Carl Ray how many individual radials does
14,000 ft represent?
22:37:51 K3SX Sid Tnx Jo. I am lsn
22:37:21 YC0LOW Jo 1820.8 Sid
22:37:07 K3SX Sid ES5QX is 579 here!
22:36:13 K3SX Sid Jo ur QRG now?
22:36:01 K3SX Sid Oh FB.
22:35:46 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, paul. Need spot from u, if
22:35:36 KA3QLF Scott hehe
22:35:34 W4ZV Bill Go ahead and QSO Jo...still
listening but nil
so far.
22:35:33 KA3QLF Scott the J5c
22:35:30 NR1R RAY es5qx
22:35:17 K3SX Sid Hi ray. Who did U wk 1st call?
22:35:08 N1BUG Paul Jo I think I hear you. Lot of QRM
on very busy
band today.
22:35:01 YC0LOW Jo stn OH is clg me, Bill
22:34:58 NR1R RAY hi sid
22:33:08 N3OX Dan if I can send
22:32:09 YC0LOW Jo clg nw
22:31:47 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...listening.
22:31:45 KA3QLF Scott NR1R first call
22:31:26 YC0LOW Jo QSYed to 400 Hz up, Bill
22:31:21 N3OX Dan lemme try him scott
22:30:48 KA3QLF Scott need QRO fr tB now :-)
22:30:31 KA3QLF Scott es5qx 18.8 not hearing me on
either antenna
22:30:29 W4ZV Bill Think he just moved from 22.3
22:29:48 YC0LOW Jo Oops, sri. didn't hear his signal,
22:29:47 W4ZV Bill ...but no traces of you here so far
22:28:56 W4ZV Bill G3RTY now CQon 20.4
22:27:53 W4ZV Bill We have some lightning crashes SSE
but should
be able to hear you between if condx.
22:27:11 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) Bill, calling LP nw on 20.4
22:25:50 YC0LOW Jo Bill, W4ZV, in few minutes. looking
for clear
freq here
22:25:08 N3OX Dan they'll both hear well at different
times I
22:24:53 W4ZV Bill Jo are you still CQ?
22:24:41 KA3QLF Scott I intend to Bill...I have a wierd
the vee will hear etter in the long run
22:24:29 NR1R RAY scott at s/s and s/r the v will play
mostly high angle at those times
22:24:18 K4CIA Bill If convenient, leave both up
Scott...its all
about choices..u will see..
22:24:12 N3OX Dan That's probably a good sign ;-)
22:23:38 KA3QLF Scott having s9 plus crashes on"L" but
only s-7 o
22:23:03 N3OX Dan I hear incoming angle at greyline can
be weird
22:22:44 N3OX Dan When the DXes come in you can try
22:22:43 KA3QLF Scott but the "V" heard SP3BQ earlier
better, but
may just have been noise level factor
22:22:17 KA3QLF Scott TY Bill
22:22:05 N3OX Dan interesting
22:21:57 KA3QLF Scott ok the"L" actually recieved you
better by 2
"S" units...
22:21:53 K4CIA Bill Scott: inv L was 5-10 db btr than
vee here in
22:21:52 N3OX Dan Scott, the vee has 1-2 S-units on L
right now
22:15:55 KA3QLF Scott roger 1812...will send
22:15:39 KA3QLF Scott my buddy pue a meter on it and
had 8
22:15:25 N3OX Dan 1812?
22:15:12 N3OX Dan sure Scott
22:15:06 N3OX Dan Scott, 60 feet vertical inv L should
be about 17
22:14:47 KA3QLF Scott Dan..have time for a comparison?
22:14:46 G3ZES ALAN LY4CW on 1835
22:13:05 DL8YHR Frank nothing here Gill
22:12:50 JH4IFF Mitsu Also I am. Have a nice day.
22:12:08 JH2RMU Aki JH2FXK,JA3EMU,JA5DQH,,,, Calling, I
wait good
condx TNX CU 73!
22:11:57 KA3QLF Scott yep..still a little broad...hope
it plays
well tonight
22:11:37 JH4IFF Mitsu rrr TNX info. Maybe condition is
22:10:53 JH2RMU Aki No
22:10:21 JH4IFF Mitsu JH2RMU Aki-san, how is RXing of
J5C now?
22:10:20 DK2PH Jo 4F2KWT pse call, I will listen for
You on 26
22:10:20 N3OX Dan "swr flat from 1770 to 1849" need
more ;-)
22:10:03 4F2KWT Gil Ok Frank. I call CQ now.
22:09:26 DL8YHR Frank Ge Gill..will also be their pse
22:08:44 4F2KWT Gil Neil, wanna try 26 now?
22:08:23 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Andy, SP6AEG. Dream well. 73
22:07:31 SP6AEG Andy GN all, I go to bed, see you
another time Jo
22:07:26 KA3QLF Scott length of radials vary from 60'
to 20'
22:07:20 YC0LOW Jo GE Bill. Tnx
22:06:49 KA3QLF Scott I placed about 300' radials out
there, with
a ground rod down 8 feet...swr flat from 1770 to 1849
22:06:20 YC0LOW Jo QRX, pse. I have difficulty in RX
due to fast
QSB. Tnx
22:06:17 W4ZV Bill Will be listening at sunset Jo
(~2229z today )
22:05:34 RA3CQ Igor No Jo. Simply high.My dipoles are
50-60 mh.
22:05:00 KA3QLF Scott SP3 on 29...abt twice as loud on
old vee
than "L" but that is to be expected I am guessing
22:05:00 RA3CQ Igor OK, understood. I am thinking about
Inv L but
not higher than 16 m
22:04:42 YC0LOW Jo Igor, you have good rx antenna.
22:04:28 N3OX Dan FB Scott
22:04:02 DL8YHR Frank 579 Jo..never such loud here..fb
22:04:01 RA3CQ Igor Lucky? Almost every evening? You
are kidding.
It is something regular.
22:03:49 KA3QLF Scott the vertical portion is much
higher than
expected...just nder 60'
22:03:41 YC0LOW Jo Vertical portion height is 23 meters
22:03:22 NR1R RAY dont waste ur money look at zero five
22:03:15 RA3CQ Igor What is the heigh of vertical part?
22:03:15 KA3QLF Scott it's up Dan...comparing recieve
22:03:10 YC0LOW Jo Igor, Did nothing to my tx ant. Just
22:03:10 JH4IFF Mitsu JE6IGP hidehiro-san, GM. Are you
22:02:46 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Dan
22:02:34 N3OX Dan You do inverted L?
22:02:29 N3OX Dan hi Scott
22:02:27 NR1R RAY junk morten
22:02:09 RA3CQ Igor Evening Scott
22:02:06 EU7SA Andy Jo FB sig, but deep QSB
22:01:52 KA3QLF Scott evening everyone
22:01:42 RA3CQ Igor Jo, you are loud today. What did
you do with
your antenna? :)
22:00:58 N3OX Dan I guess there's no chance for me to
hear you Jo
on a K=3 A=15 day
22:00:46 LA3MHA Morten gm/ge, any experience with
22:00:42 JH4IFF Mitsu Aki-san, JA5DQH is calling J5C
very long
time. Maybe not my day.
22:00:32 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo loud !
22:00:17 DL8YHR Frank cq...will call
22:00:16 9H1SP Paul j5 still on 1830, ??? no copy at
the moment
22:00:13 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are fb sigs Jo
22:00:04 SP5ENA Mirek Jo (LOW) no copy here, 25 km from
SP5EWY but
in City (almost) center
21:59:07 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Frank
21:57:31 DL8YHR Frank jo..good copy today
21:57:10 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Kazu-san. Good sleep.
21:56:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Rys
21:56:34 SP5EWY Rys really strong Jo
21:56:27 SM7DLK Goran Dan 1819
21:56:22 JJ0MEF kazu rr will back to bed now,cu
tonight,73 all
21:56:18 YC0LOW Jo 1819, dan
21:55:56 N3OX Dan what QRG Jo?
21:55:40 JH4IFF Mitsu Maybe my problem. QRN is bad
21:55:09 SM7DLK Goran Jo, Tnx very much #214
21:54:44 EU7SA Andy I am calling you Jo
21:54:02 JH4IFF Mitsu Not good now. Maybe all JAs. Pile
up became
very small.
21:52:49 JJ0MEF kazu Mitsu how is J5C now?
21:51:39 YC0LOW Jo go ahead, Goran
21:50:57 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK I call on 19
21:50:35 YC0LOW Jo do u want to try, Goran. Would be
glad to do
it, now
Refresh: 20
22:05:00 KA3QLF Scott SP3 on 29...abt twice as loud on
old vee
than "L" but that is to be expected I am guessing
22:05:00 RA3CQ Igor OK, understood. I am thinking about
Inv L but
not higher than 16 m
22:04:42 YC0LOW Jo Igor, you have good rx antenna.
22:04:28 N3OX Dan FB Scott
22:04:02 DL8YHR Frank 579 Jo..never such loud here..fb
22:04:01 RA3CQ Igor Lucky? Almost every evening? You
are kidding.
It is something regular.
22:03:49 KA3QLF Scott the vertical portion is much
higher than
expected...just nder 60'
22:03:41 YC0LOW Jo Vertical portion height is 23 meters
22:03:22 NR1R RAY dont waste ur money look at zero five
22:03:15 RA3CQ Igor What is the heigh of vertical part?
22:03:15 KA3QLF Scott it's up Dan...comparing recieve
22:03:10 YC0LOW Jo Igor, Did nothing to my tx ant. Just
22:03:10 JH4IFF Mitsu JE6IGP hidehiro-san, GM. Are you
22:02:46 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Dan
22:02:34 N3OX Dan You do inverted L?
22:02:29 N3OX Dan hi Scott
22:02:27 NR1R RAY junk morten
22:02:09 RA3CQ Igor Evening Scott
22:02:06 EU7SA Andy Jo FB sig, but deep QSB
22:01:52 KA3QLF Scott evening everyone
22:01:42 RA3CQ Igor Jo, you are loud today. What did
you do with
your antenna? :)
22:00:58 N3OX Dan I guess there's no chance for me to
hear you Jo
on a K=3 A=15 day
22:00:46 LA3MHA Morten gm/ge, any experience with
22:00:42 JH4IFF Mitsu Aki-san, JA5DQH is calling J5C
very long
time. Maybe not my day.
22:00:32 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo loud !
22:00:17 DL8YHR Frank cq...will call
22:00:16 9H1SP Paul j5 still on 1830, ??? no copy at
the moment
22:00:13 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are fb sigs Jo
22:00:04 SP5ENA Mirek Jo (LOW) no copy here, 25 km from
SP5EWY but
in City (almost) center
21:59:07 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Frank
21:57:31 DL8YHR Frank jo..good copy today
21:57:10 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Kazu-san. Good sleep.
21:56:57 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Rys
21:56:34 SP5EWY Rys really strong Jo
21:56:27 SM7DLK Goran Dan 1819
21:56:22 JJ0MEF kazu rr will back to bed now,cu
tonight,73 all
21:56:18 YC0LOW Jo 1819, dan
21:55:56 N3OX Dan what QRG Jo?
21:55:40 JH4IFF Mitsu Maybe my problem. QRN is bad
21:55:09 SM7DLK Goran Jo, Tnx very much #214
21:54:44 EU7SA Andy I am calling you Jo
21:54:02 JH4IFF Mitsu Not good now. Maybe all JAs. Pile
up became
very small.
21:52:49 JJ0MEF kazu Mitsu how is J5C now?
21:51:39 YC0LOW Jo go ahead, Goran
21:50:57 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK I call on 19
21:50:35 YC0LOW Jo do u want to try, Goran. Would be
glad to do
it, now
21:49:49 SM7DLK Goran Jo, OK another day...
21:49:46 JH4IFF Mitsu TNX Steve.
21:49:27 VK6VZ Steve GL Mitsu!
21:49:12 YC0LOW Jo Goran, I tried to lsn for J5C on 30
21:49:09 VK6VZ Steve GM/GE to all. QRT now.
21:49:00 JH4IFF Mitsu Steve, yes I agree. After SR will
be good
for me.
21:48:35 SM7DLK Goran Jo, still QRV?
21:48:03 JH4IFF Mitsu 73 Jo. Have nice morning.
21:47:44 VK6VZ Steve Mitsu - they peaked right on
sunrise here and
were good for over 15 minutes after. Can still just here them
21:47:24 YC0LOW Jo SRI all. I was away from the
2129 sp3bq 1819.3 YC0LOW 579 with deep QSB
2103 sp3bq 1816.0 YC0LOW correct freq, sri
21:01:18 YB5AQB Bob he has good ears Jo
21:00:47 YC0LOW Jo tnx Alan.
GE21:00:23 ES6DO Neil UFB Bob, good signal , congrats ur 96
G3ZES ALAN T77C still on 16
2102 sp3bq 1916.0 YC0LOW T77C is still on this freq
2058 yc0low 1816.0 T77C r u still QRV on TB? need u
2152 ja6bjv 1818.0 YC0LOW cq
1818.0 AL7R nw I am here clg cq
1236 al7r 1818.0 YC0LOW Please move to 1818 tks
1224 yb5aqb 1819.3 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n, 599+
11:47:25 YC0LOW Jo ST=SR
11:47:12 YC0LOW Jo GE Ross-san. Tnx rprt. Heard u well this
morning 30
minutes after my ST
11:46:19 9M2AX ross GE Jo 599+10db Nothing hrd. gl
11:46:11 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Mac. I could do it because tmw is
11:45:14 JO7KMB Mac Jo, Are U gonna QRV TB tomorrow morning
11:44:27 W0FLS Dave gm George, Ed, John, Bill, Ross, Mac, all
11:44:10 YC0LOW Jo Hello Mac. Tnx rprt. It was a good opening
to EU in the
beginning 2008
11:43:39 VE1ZJ john Hi George Bill Ross
11:43:34 K3JJG Ed Hi George11:43:20 K3JJG Ed GM
Bill...welcome back!
11:43:06 JO7KMB Mac Hi Jo, I heard U this morning on TB, QSO
with some
EUs. It was 599 but now
1819.3 NIL. SRI.
20:44:50 YC0LOW Jo I gave you best RST four times, Franta :-))
20:43:50 OK2BUZ Franta sri Jo, I dont hear you, other stns
caaling you on
20:41:45 OK2BUZ Franta no try pls agn
20:41:05 YC0LOW Jo Did you get my rprt, Franta?
20:40:49 G3XGC Geoff Anyway Jo you still there 559, but 579 on
20:40:06 YC0LOW Jo Yes, nil heard from you, Geoff. SRI
20:39:30 G3XGC Geoff You not hrg me Jo thanks for try
20:38:35 OK2BUZ Franta Jo, I am calling on 24.2
20:37:26 G3XGC Geoff rr
20:37:17 G3XGC Geoff Too much QRM from LIDS on 18.3
20:36:52 YC0LOW Jo Geoff, pse call
20:36:17 G3XGC Geoff nw on 20.6
20:35:32 YC0LOW Jo Nil heard, Hidehiro-san. SRI
20:35:17 SM2LIY Per Someone QRMing on 18.2
20:35:01 AH2L Ed GA Gary, no the frame is still under
construction, tnx
for asking..
20:34:35 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo nw call u
20:34:28 YC0LOW Jo EU signals are going weaker now
20:32:48 KD9SV Gary Hi Ed, get ur loop up yet?
20:32:48 I2TAO Ore Gm. ED Tnx fer qso on top band !
20:30:16 AH2L Ed GM/GE all..not yet just lsning
20:29:53 SM2LIY Per Mess on YC0LOW QRG now
20:29:35 UA4CC Ark Jo super sigs!
20:29:05 SM2LIY Per PSe no simplex Jo
20:26:14 RA4LW Vlad real S8 right now
20:25:01 RA4LW Vlad Jo. tnx qso with ru4hp, gud contact!
20:21:48 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Hidehiro-san on 1818.3
20:20:55 JE6IGP hidehiro (YC0LOW) are u on nw ?
20:17:39 G3XGC Geoff Jo nw clg 21
20:15:50 RA4LW Vlad Да Игорь спасибо за инфу
20:15:06 SM2LIY Per Hes 599+10 here
20:15:00 RA3CQ Igor Да, Володя. Он 1818,2
20:14:45 RA3CQ Igor The antenna is bad, Jo.
20:14:30 RA4LW Vlad Hey Jo, are u still cqn right now?
20:14:23 RA3CQ Igor Thanks Per., Jo is VY strong today.
20:14:13 YC0LOW Jo Got you, Igor! It is, not so strong with 2
KW :-))
20:13:43 RA3CQ Igor Was it e real 559?
20:13:12 RA3CQ Igor TKS Jo
20:12:42 RA4LW Vlad Hi Jo!!!
20:12:38 SM2LIY Per RA3CQ
20:12:34 SM2LIY Per RA3CDQ nw
20:11:15 JE6IGP hidehiro Jo GM !
20:10:29 RA3CQ Igor Jo please try to listen 2 up
20:09:54 SM2LIY Per YC0LOW booming signal this evening
20:09:09 G3XGC Geoff Hi Jo clg on 20
20:05:07 YC0LOW Jo SRI Igor, but I don't hear you, yet
20:03:21 RA4SD Alexey Wow, YC0LOW never heard so loud
599..+5dB! Congrads,
Jo! Super pile up!
20:03:19 SP5DRH Jacek Igor You are running QRP on TOP BAND
20:01:58 DJ9VA Victor Jo I call you on 1820 only 200W
20:00:44 RA3CQ Igor I'm almost ready to give up Jo. I can not
get through
th pile with 2 kW
20:00:04 DJ6YX Tom rr Jo, now ok again, calling you up1
19:58:20 YC0LOW Jo Tom, I am qsx up-1
19:58:17 RA3CQ Igor Yes, I called Jo few times on his freq when
answered RU4UR
19:57:11 G3ZES ALAN Igor you are on Jo s freq
19:56:52 DJ6YX Tom Jo, simplex now ? split was much better`re loud
19:56:22 SP6HEQ Wieslaw I`ve to log out. GL all
19:48:33 DJ6YX Tom ge
19:48:00 SP6AEG Andy Jo, you are first time vy strong. But
pile-up over 15
dB non stop. See you !
19:46:56 RA4SD Alexey Tnx Jo!!! 1st call QSO up 1.23
19:46:11 RA3CQ Igor I was just under UA3AKO
19:45:13 YC0LOW Jo Don't hear you, yet Igor. Many big sigs.
SRI. keep
trying, pse
19:43:08 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:42 RA3CQ Igor I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:41 OK2BUZ Franta Hi Jo, I have s9 permanent local qrm
from 1816 to
20. Pls lsn for me on 15
19:36:14 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) GE Jo.
19:30:00 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Sorry for call on your QRG. Just I`m
not press
19:29:03 UA4HBW Vic big pile up Jo
19:27:50 SP6HEQ Wieslaw TU for QSO Jo. You are realy 57 on my S
19:27:21 DJ9VA Victor GE ALL!
19:25:43 UA4HBW Vic Jo vy fb sigs today!
19:25:36 YC0LOW Jo TNX rprt, Jacek
19:22:19 SP5DRH Jacek Jo 589 here very strong!
1937 sp5drh 1818.2 YC0LOW rozmawiamy z nim na czacie
1937 ha8ih 1818.4 YC0LOW up clg EU
19:37:42 RA3CQ Igor I'm calling u 1 up
19:37:41 OK2BUZ Franta Hi Jo, I have s9 permanent local qrm
from 1816 to
20. Pls lsn for me on 15
19:36:14 RA3CQ Igor (YC0LOW) GE Jo.
19:30:00 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Sorry for call on your QRG. Just I`m
not press
19:29:03 UA4HBW Vic big pile up Jo
19:27:50 SP6HEQ Wieslaw TU for QSO Jo. You are realy 57 on my S
19:27:21 DJ9VA Victor GE ALL!
19:25:43 UA4HBW Vic Jo vy fb sigs today!
19:25:36 YC0LOW Jo TNX rprt, Jacek
19:22:19 SP5DRH Jacek Jo 589 here very strong!
19:21:05 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Thank you too Copy You all time, but
from time to
time QSB
1710 ua0sww 1817.0 YC0LOW TNX for QSL !!!
NO QSO/QSL? note frm Jo
2221 yc0low 1819.3 SP3BQ ant hr is FB. pse QRO
2212 sp3bq 1819.3 YC0LOW improve your antenna !!!
2145 ja3fyc 1819.3 YC0LOW cq
22:40:49 K1GUN JD Jo here in xmit antenna then just
had bev's
22:40:05 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Paul. CUL
22:39:55 G3ZES ALAN Gm Jo
22:39:42 YC0LOW Jo Where were you when u heard me, JD?
22:39:25 N1BUG Paul 73 Jo, look for you tomorrow.
22:39:02 K1GUN JD its funny JO when i first moved to this qth i
heard you
direct path in 1997 have not heard you again..
22:37:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Jeff, If you're on tmw, I'd like to have
sked with you. TIA
22:36:52 K1ZM Jeff gm jo tks for trying 73
22:36:14 YC0LOW Jo Too long to wait for another one. 73 CUL
22:36:00 W4ZV Bill Looks like NIL here Jo but will look for
Ross if he is
22:35:53 YC0LOW Jo Alan, I must stop calling. Many tnx to all
for these LP
tries. My last NA LP 160m QSO was with Jack, VE1ZZ back in March
1997. And with Ron, PY1BVY in same month&year.
22:33:48 G3ZES ALAN Gone now Jo ?
22:32:59 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...let's hope those condx repeat a few
more times.
22:32:13 YC0LOW Jo Bill, :-)) Don't bother about ur previous
it's already processed and sounds FB, now
22:31:06 W4ZV Bill No trace here yet Jo...and I am better
prepared with my
recorder this time!
22:29:06 YC0LOW Jo Alan, tnx rprt. I am running QRO 600-700
Watts for this
LP tries. Usually, my amp is off
22:28:14 G3ZES ALAN Been Q5 for 15 mins Jo, very unusal
22:23:28 W4ZV Bill DX Atlas says 2244 for Jakarta.
22:23:09 G3ZES ALAN Back now
22:22:57 K1ZM Jeff i hrd an ei call jo just now
22:22:34 G3ZES ALAN Jo stopped CQ
22:22:27 EA6BF-1 Josep DX4WIN sezs 2245z..!
22:22:21 YC0LOW Jo I am using DX4WIN latest version, JD. It says
so 2245z
22:22:11 K1ZM Jeff please keep trying jo - listening now on 19.7
22:22:05 K1GUN JD i'm listening 1819.7
22:22:03 W4ZV Bill JD...try Jakarta.
22:18:31 N1BUG Paul I have very good path to 9V1 on 80m also
22:18:09 N1BUG Paul Jo I just hear a trace now, too weak to copy
22:17:53 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc is 579 here on 3506 - se path
22:18:31 N1BUG Paul I have very good path to 9V1 on 80m also
22:18:09 N1BUG Paul Jo I just hear a trace now, too weak to copy
22:17:53 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc is 579 here on 3506 - se path
22:21:07 K1GUN JD WOW dx atlas sezs 2206z
22:17:23 YC0LOW Jo Not, yet, JD/ My SR 2245Z
22:16:53 K1GUN JD Jo are you past your SR??
22:16:42 YC0LOW Jo No condx today :-(( Heard nothing from EU,
22:15:06 K1ZM Jeff i ma listening jo - so far nothing yet
22:14:47 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Alan
22:14:14 G3ZES ALAN 559 Jo
22:12:11 K1ZM Jeff ok 1819.7 fb
22:11:47 YC0LOW Jo Jeff. I qsy to 1819.7 I have QRM on 19.3.
22:10:57 K1ZM Jeff jo i am coming to 160mnow
22:09:53 YC0LOW Jo OK, Wieslaw. Try agn tmw. Tnx es 73
22:09:06 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Thank you Jo now I`ve to log off may be
tomorrow... 73 to all
22:07:14 YC0LOW Jo Craig :-))
22:06:56 YC0LOW Jo Wieslaw, I got part ofur call, like "Q"
22:06:42 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Now you CQ NA so I stby
22:06:11K1QX Craig that's what we Army guys do for you Navy guys
22:05:34 SP6HEQ Wieslaw I called you , but no reply
22:05:24 K1GUN JD your rite craig thanks for pulling me up by
22:05:18 SP6HEQ Wieslaw 55 now Jo
22:04:43 K1QX Craig yes sp6 calling you Jo on 19.3
22:04:43 K1QX Craig yes sp6 calling you Jo on 19.3
22:03:35 K1GUN JD Jo maybe the HP^ is calling you..
22:03:34 YC0LOW Jo Gun=JD sri
22:03:30 K1QX Craig that's an SP calling Jo JD
22:03:03 K1QX Craig 19.3 JD
22:02:38 YC0LOW Jo GE Gun. using 1819.3. But will QSY
if it's
occupied by HP6. Tnx rprt
22:02:29 JE6IGP hidehiro QRNNN JO
22:01:37 YC0LOW Jo Heard u weak Hidehiro-san
22:01:13 K1GUN JD HP6 on 1819.3
22:00:33 JE6IGP hidehiro JO nw call u
22:00:20 K1GUN JD GE/GM World JO wat qrg are you using this
1:58:34 YC0LOW Jo GE Wieslaw. Tnx rprt
21:58:01 SP6HEQ Wieslaw Jo you wery weak , but readable from
tme to time
21:54:52 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Paul. Band is also noisy here :-((
21:53:23 N1BUG Paul GM Jo. Band is a little noisy today but I
will listen
for you.
21:49:19 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Aki-san
21:48:40 JH2RMU Aki YC0LOW Jo. Goodcopy hr 579.
2148 ja3fyc 1819.3 YC0LOW 579 JO
22:49:15 YC0LOW Jo RR Jeff. I will be calling NA before 2215z.
22:49:00 W4ZV Bill I'll send it to you may need to
turn up the
22:48:28 W4ZV Bill Jeff I heard Jo well enough yesterday to
make a
recording but it's poor because I was not prepared.
22:40:32 K1ZM Jeff 155 degrees
22:40:22 K1ZM Jeff i have two 2000 footers
toward Jo - one is at about 135 degrees and one at about 155
W4ZV Bill Which path are you hearing Jo on now?
22:38:54 K1ZM Jeff 9v1yc on 80m was se path bill - he is quite
loud here
22:37:41 W4ZV Bill Copied
Jo via SSE LP past 2 days Jeff but might be via NE (to EU) for
22:37:41 W4ZV Bill Copied Jo via SSE LP past 2 days Jeff but
might be via
NE (to EU) for you.
22:35:28 K1ZM Jeff ok - will keep listening for you jo
22:34:50 YC0LOW Jo 2245Z
22:34:32 K1ZM Jeff when is your sunrise jo?
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt, Jeff
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Tks rprt, Jeff
22:33:27 K1ZM Jeff jo i am hearin ur sigs here in NY but vy vy
weak 239 at
22:32:29 W4ZV Bill Now is when you peaked yesterday Jo but NIL
22:31:33 YC0LOW Jo Tks, Bill. Will continue clg NA on 20.3
22:31:29 K1ZM Jeff np4a is gone now
22:31:01 W4ZV Bill 20.3 is OK Jo
22:30:45 UA4HBW Vic cq on 33, any cpy?
22:30:44 W4ZV Bill NIL yet Jo and was hearing you at
this time yesterday.
22:30:40 YC0LOW Jo GE jeff. HNY. Tks rprt. I will find
another freq.
22:29:29 K1ZM Jeff he's BA A A C K!!
22:28:57 W4ZV Bill
...but now finished Jeff
22:28:32 K1ZM Jeff jo np4a is on 20.3 over
22:28:22 G3ZES ALAN NP4A on 20.2
22:28:06 AA1K Jon OK Jo will keep
checking....been looking for 4S7NE but no sign
22:27:29 YC0LOW Jo GE Jon.
As usual, am clg NA with 2x2 cq. Interval 30 seconds
22:26:52 G3ZES ALAN
RN3CC cq on 20
22:26:34 UA4HBW Vic w8lrl fb sigs
22:26:21 AA1K Jon just a
trace of something there at times Jo, LP
22:25:32 LA5HE Ragnar Aki-san
Somebody said on the air that MJ had problems with 160m antenna
22:24:02W4ZV Bill OK listening
Jo.22:23:33 W4ZV Bill We have the same rolling waves of
galactic noise
from SSE that I heard yesterday...hope that means good condx.
22:23:22 YC0LOW Jo Now Calling on 20.3. Interference on 19.3
22:23:17 K1ZM Jeff ross 9v1yc strong here - where are u now??
22:22:31 W4ZV Bill My sunset is now Jo...listening on 19.3 if
that is your
22:22:16 YC0LOW Jo Noise is high at the moment, Bill
22:21:31 YC0LOW Jo GE Bill. not yet calling, Bill.
22:19:18 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo are you QRV?
11:48:47 YC0LOW Jo No condx. We'll try agn tmw morning (my
local time). I
can hear very weak, but audible. Sorry, I didn't cpi your
response., this
morning. CUL es 73. Tnx
11:39:18 YC0LOW Jo Band noise is less than usual. but sometimes
up when
11:38:51 AA1K Jon gm/ge ...cq 1820.6
11:38:01 W4ZV Bill No problem...I know sunset in SE Asia is
always a
problem for storms! How is your QRN?
11:36:58 YC0LOW Jo Bill, rain is pouring here. If it worsen, I
unplugging cables :-((
11:33:57 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...let's first see if I can hear you
11:33:23 YC0LOW Jo No SSE Bev. Just SSW 220degrees
11:32:12 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...listening now. Do you have SSE Bev
or just the
SSW one?
11:30:55 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GM Bill. Trying to CQ for NA on 19.3,
11:30:03 K4CIA Bill GM Ray/Ed..stayed up til ZD7
11:28:21 NR1R RAY gm ed gm bill
11:25:18 K3JJG Ed GM/GE All
11:22:48 K4CIA Bill GM/GE all
11:15:47 VA3EF George² gm
11:02:38 DJ3TF Wolfgang
10:48:20 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) GM Jo...if you are around at 1140z
let's try
22:55:59 W4ZV Bill Jo we are on the edge of this path with only
~20 mins
of common darkness. You miight have better lick with Jon or
someone who has
earlier sunset. 73 & CU tmw.
22:52:29 YC0LOW Jo Yes, you're right about the peak Bill. Just
as you
mentioned to me before.
22:52:23 W4ZV Bill Also Jo the pitch is very low ~300 Hz. I
think I moved
the RX for a slightly higher pitch near the end hoping it would
22:51:09 W4ZV Bill Looks like the peak is as I expected...about
half way
between my SS at 2222z today and your SR.
22:50:11 W4ZV Bill This is atually a noisy day in that
direction so your
signal would be better on a quiet day.
22:49:34 W4ZV Bill This was as well as I heard you back in
December when I
had rig problems calling.
22:48:59 W4ZV Bill Jo the last half of the recording is blank
which was
when I was calling. 600' Beverage to SSE (150 deg()/
22:47:50 YC0LOW Jo Thanks, Bill. No problem. One question: what
RX antenna
do you use to receive my sig, pse, Bill?
22:46:49 W4ZV Bill The recording is not very good because I was
prepared. You may have to turn the volume way up. On the way to
you now!
22:45:00 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Scotty. Yes, Jon. Past SR here
now. Bon
22:44:00 WK3N Scotty just bits n pieces here jo.
23:00:15 AA1K Jon Jo I was hrg u on 1000-ft. Beverage at 162
degrees, 3 ft
22:43:58 AA1K Jon rrr u past SR Jo? gotta run to dinner now,
back in a few
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo (AA1K) TNX for spotting, Jon
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo (AA1K) TNX for spotting, Jon
22:43:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, paul, let's try agn tmw. hoping to work
you -and
others in the USA- this season
22:41:37 N1BUG Paul Jo, 339 to 449 here. Seemed to be a peak
2240 aa1k 1819.2 YC0LOW weak, SSE path
22:40:53 YC0LOW Jo OK Bill. I stopped clg. 5 minutes to my SR
peak. Tnx in
advance if you would send me the recordings
22:39:43 W4ZV Bill Jo I think no use to call now...can you play
if I send it? Think I got a very short clip of your
22:38:38 W4ZV Bill still hear you Jo but 449 > 339 now.
22:36:56 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Jon
22:36:41 AA1K Jon rrr weak Jo but copying OK at times
22:36:38 W4ZV Bill Think I got a recording but will have to
22:36:22 W4ZV Bill Peaked 559 at 2233z but going back down
22:34:42 YC0LOW Jo Bill, Paul, TNX rprts. My south Bev picks up
more/increasing noise. don't know where it comes from
22:33:31 N1BUG Paul Jo building here also. EU contest QRM now
but keep
22:32:16 W4ZV Bill 449 and building...listen hard
22:29:06 W4ZV Bill More noise than yesterday but think your
signal is
22:28:33 N1BUG Paul Jo mostly unreadable but sometimes a few
letters, once
your complete call and CQ.
22:27:07 W4ZV Bill Starting to "see' a little of your signa on
22:23:30 N1BUG Paul Jo, it is you! I copied your call in QSB.
singals will come up at your SR.
22:21:51 YC0LOW Jo Paul N1BUG, it's 2x2 call with 30 seconds
22:20:46 YC0LOW Jo 1819.3, Bill. Tnx info, Paul
22:20:18 N1BUG Paul Jo I am starting to hear something on 19.3.
Not sure
if it is you yet.
22:20:02 W4ZV Bill What QRG today Jo?22:16:43 YC0LOW Jo Paul
will keep calling CQ NA. Just in case. Tnx info
22:16:43 YC0LOW Jo Paul N1BUG, I will keep calling CQ NA. Just
in case.
Tnx info
22:15:01 N1BUG Paul GM Jo, listening for you. My QSOs with 9V
and 9M2 were
on days such as this with geomagnetic disturbance...
22:13:01 KD9SV Gary Jo, I dont think it would make any
level very high tonight
22:12:22 YC0LOW Jo GE Gary, tnx. pse advise clear freq
22:11:13 KD9SV Gary Jo, there is a carrier on your freq
21:21:33 YC0LOW Jo Mni tnx info, Bill. I will announce here
when I start
"calling cq NA"
21:19:06 W4ZV Bill FB Jo...sometimes the Aurora can actually
enhanced condx if the signal does not need ot cross the Au zone.
My sunset
2219 so will be listening then...expect peak ~2230z.
21:16:06 YC0LOW Jo (W4ZV) GE Bill, Yes I will.
21:14:21 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Jo will you stay for your sunrise
23:03:20 W4ZV Bill OK Jo...I will try to listen for you
23:02:43 YC0LOW Jo OK, the problem here is, during my SS, noise
is always
high. Maybe D-layer is still dominant. I will be CQing at my SS
today. Let's
see. Tnx. CU TMW es 73.
22:55:21 YC0LOW Jo Bill, just curious, how about the
opportunity to get a
hook-up at around my SS?
22:47:55 W4ZV Bill Ross you were North path with me but maybe
South is
possible before your SR today.
22:47:23 W4ZV Bill FB Jo...that should be enough in better
22:46:31 YC0LOW Jo I am using 600Watts Bill
22:44:56 W4ZV Bill Jo you were using lower power amp right? Not
just 100W?
22:44:09 K1QX Craig Jo get the flame thrower out!
22:44:03 W4ZV Bill :-) Ross you might try your South
antenna...if Jo came
via South you might also.
22:43:08 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt. Maybe I should use amp 1.5 K
output, hi. I
already stopped calling, Bill. TNX anyway.
22:41:58 W4ZV Bill You were about 229 here but I did get parts
of your
call for sure.
22:41:25 YC0LOW Jo I heard the RX9 partial sig calling me on
South Bev.
We'll try agn tmw, Bill
22:39:23 W4ZV Bill Jo I think peak was about 2230z...but very
better condx but encouraging! Do you htink you heard anything?
22:36:43 W4ZV Bill think signal going down now Jo but it was
22:35:30 W4ZV Bill Definitely you Jo but very weak.
22:32:05 W4ZV Bill Not 100% sure it's you yet but keep calling.
22:30:29 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) Maybe a chance today Jo...beginning
to hear
you I think.
2222 ua1pac 1819.3 YC0LOW
2222 ua1pac/ 1819.3 YC0LOW
2222 ua1pac/1 1819.3 YC0LOW
2149 ja5auc 1819.3 YC0LOW
20:56:32 YC0LOW Jo Noise is up , here. Will QRX. Hear nothing
nw. Will be
clg agn.
20:55:05 YC0LOW Jo Running QRO, Wolf. Usually, my amp is
20:55:00 OE3GCU Gun rr wolf but I need bigger amp :-)20:54:11
wolf never hrd JO so long and loud
2049 ja5dqh 1818.4 YC0LOW CQ DX
20:46:15 YC0LOW Jo Gun, several times I could hear your prefix.
complete call because of fast QSB, here SRI. Do u want me to call
20:45:31 OE3GCU Gun Jo could copy your CQ 559 but now nil
OE3GCU Gun (YC0LOW) pse listen for me
20:34:20 G3ZES ALAN Good copy Jo Hny
?20:31:51 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Jacek
20:31:27 YC0LOW Jo Wolf, Tnx QSO
20:31:06 YC0LOW Jo Hiro- san, SRI I can't hear u
20:27:43 SP5DRH Jacek
Jo YC0LOW 559 here with QSB
20:26:29 JE6IGP hidehiro OK ur 539 !
1307 ja6jps 1818.3 YC0LOW cq
12:56:54 9M2AX ross YC0LOW Jo cq 18.16
2244 i4avg 1819.0 YC0LOW iam QRV
2235 xw1b 1819.3 YC0LOW
2212 la6yea 1819.2 YC0LOW cq
1217 9v1pc 1814.5 YC0LOW
1223 ja6jps 1814.0 YC0LOW
12:22:05 W4ZV Bill OK FB Jo!
12:21:59 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Ed
12:21:46 YC0LOW Jo No, Bill. Running 400W
12:21:14 W4ZV Bill Jo are you normally 100W?
12:21:10 AH2L Ed Jo, ur steady 579 hr
12:19:46 YC0LOW Jo I am making some cq calls for NA on 1814
22/12/07, 150w
11:56:45 JN4MMO Andy K. YC0LOW 1814.2 CQ NA
21/12/07, 300w
2225 yc0low 1828.3 TA2RC Need u on TB.
2223 ta2rc 1828.4 YC0LOW
2214 ra4lw 1828.3 YC0LOW cq NA
22:36:56 YC0LOW Jo TNX RPRT, Paul. CUL es 73. Gg QRT for
checking my Bev
22:36:07 LA3MHA Morten I also have high qrn on tx ant today,
but vy low
qrn on my Beverage...
22:35:39 N1BUG Paul Seemed to peak about
2229z, RST 339. Jo I will be here to listen again tomorrow.
22:35:21 LA3MHA Morten oh yes Jo, I am always happy for qsl's.
22:34:59 YC0LOW Jo GE Morten, The problem is here. noise level
is too
high. Unusual
22:34:12 LA3MHA Morten GM Jo, band is open, u are 559 qsb 579
right nw.
22:33:31 YC0LOW Jo Tnx Marko.
22:33:11 OH3XR Marko 579 Jo, good sigs
22:32:51 N1BUG Paul SE Bill
22:32:46 YC0LOW Jo (N1BUG) TNX rprt Paul. We'll try agn tmw
22:32:28 W4ZV Bill Which direction there Paul?
22:32:15 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. Tnx rprt. Try agn tmw
22:31:56 N1BUG Paul Jo I am hearing you for sure. It is a bit
too weak for
a QSO but definitely you.
22:31:28 W4ZV Bill Nil here Jo.
22:30:19 YC0LOW Jo GE Paul. I am still clg there
22:29:31 N1BUG Paul GE/GE all. Jo I'm hearing something on
28.3... not sure
if it is you
22:25:55 YC0LOW Jo Clg nw on 28.3 for NA for 5 minutes before
22:23:32 W4ZV Bill (YC0LOW) OK Jo...have RX set on 28.3...just
in case I
should hear you!
2107 ua4cr 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo your sign is FB here now
2104 ja3cjo 1824.5 YC0LOW
2102 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW corr.
2102 ja3fyc 1823.5 YC0LOW cq JO
2118 ea3je 1830.0 YC0LOW TNX cq fair signal
21:04:23 S59A Drago LOW 449 to 559 here
2102 oz1lxj 1828.5 YC0LOW CQ
1349 jh3prr 1821.4 YC0LOW no taker de JH3PRR/Kobe city/H
1347 ru4an 1821.4 YC0LOW cq 559
1347 yc0low 1821.5 JH3PRR Tnx QSO.What Prefectr?
1346 jh3prr 1821.4 YC0LOW
22:35:07 YC0LOW Jo OK, now, I have new EWE. But not enough, I
guess. Will
build one Bev soon before this season ends
22:34:05 W4ZV Bill Long path normally 210 deg before sunrise
and 150 deg
after sunset.
22:33:06 W4ZV Bill Yes, your signal from 150 deg my side and
probably 210
from your side. That's why you need RX antenna to South.
22:32:16 YC0LOW Jo Bill you mentioned that u hrd me from south
rx antenna?
22:31:03 W4ZV Bill Jo via long path is even longer, but we
don't know that
exact length...I wish I know how the signal went.
22:31:03 YC0LOW Jo Andy, someday we'll be able to qso on
topband. I did
QSO E4 few yrs ago, but on 15 meters
22:29:21 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill. I remember. Got rprt from you was
a thrill
by itself. It's almost 17000 kms on TB
22:28:58 SP6AEG Andy Jo, what will be first E4 or you ?
22:27:31 SP6AEG Andy Jo, I still waiting for you to my 195
entities. hihi
22:27:21 W4ZV Bill If we are patient Jo. I hope you can hear me
next time.
Remember I heard you several years ago also.
22:27:02 K4RX Terry I have copied UA0SC several times...and of
course he
called me that morning that I could not hear him...
22:26:37 YC0LOW Jo Yeah :-((. I wonder if we could get the same
gud condx
agn, Bill?
22:25:58 W4ZV Bill It would probably be easier via LP from
Florida but
don't think that path is good in low sunspots.
22:25:16 K4RX Terry That would be quite the qso for me Bill
22:25:11 W4ZV Bill Nothing at all today Jo.
2210 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
11:42:52 9M2AX ross YC0LOW Jo CQ 21.5 499
1308 ve3do 1822.5 YC0LOW weak to 339 W5UN cqing
1305 jn4vxd 1822.5 YC0LOW CQ
2215 la3mha 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ, gm Jo, :-)
2203 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ - Gm Jo
1603 yf1oo 1821.2 YC0LOW cq cq dx
26/11/07 with 746
1423 ua9yab 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
bambu diperbaiki
20/11/07 (with 746Pro)
22:14:35 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - 569 here
22:46:32 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Craig. QRT nw. CUL es 73
22:46:27 K1QX Craig Roger. Talk to you later. I have to go cook
22:46:07 OZ1LXJ John C91KDJ that is ofcourse
22:45:51 YC0LOW Jo Having read info on website about new
product, I will
send you and Gary email to ask few things
22:45:43 K1QX Craig 559 in nh Boye
22:45:38 OZ1LXJ John C9KDJ Cqing
22:45:24 OZ1LXJ John 1822 nw
22:45:15 K1QX Craig from the website
22:45:12 OZ1CTK Boye CQ on 1834
22:44:51 K1QX Craig Bill, I hope to start mine in the next few
22:44:49 YC0LOW Jo What info, Craig? I do have his email addr
22:44:20 K1QX Craig I see you must :-)
22:43:53 K1QX Craig Jo do you have Gary's info?
22:43:26 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. tnx for company & try. Must QRT
now. CUAGN
TMW. 73 to u and all
22:41:52 YC0LOW Jo Bill, pse let me know if you already install
it. I am
thinking to order it from Craig, K1QX Radioware
22:40:54 YC0LOW Jo I'd like to have one to optimize space in my
22:40:45 W4ZV Bill Yes exactly Jo! I have one but have not
installed yet.
22:40:19 YC0LOW Jo Yes, very possible. I read a new product of
Gary, KD9SV
for that type
22:40:16 W4ZV Bill If you were only running 100W I probably
have about 11
dB power gain plus 5 dB antenna gain, so you might hear me on TX
antenna if
22:40:08 N4IS JC Bill thanks, we never know, when I worked
9V1XQ back in
1994, I heard him with my shunt feed tower and I was using 400w,
It was Jan
22:39:15 W4ZV Bill Jo it is possible to build reversible
Beverages (can
switch directions).
22:39:00 YC0LOW Jo My old Beverage must be restored befor the
22:38:35 W4ZV Bill Carlos should normally be 150 deg. My Bev is
140 deg.
22:38:29 YC0LOW Jo What I need now is good Beverage for RX, but
can only
build that to EU and North directions due to limited space.
22:38:02 W4ZV Bill Amazing for only 100W Jo. Hope we have condx
tomorrow or another day.
22:37:59 N4IS JC Bill last question 120 or 150 degree?
22:36:46 W4ZV Bill Batam SR today is 2247. I think the path
will improve
as my SS gets a little earlier and we have more darkness. If I
had a
recorder on this computer would send a file...very Q5.
22:35:58 YC0LOW Jo Bill I guess so. Anyway, agn tnx for try,
Bill. I am
glad my signal 'flew' to ur QTH. It was 100 W, Bill
22:35:45 N4IS JC thanks Bill. so I do have a chance from
22:34:56 W4ZV Bill No Carlos...low angle RX Bev and TX vert
22:34:29 W4ZV Bill He was in Batam when his SR later
than yours.
22:34:11 DL8YHR Frank you peaked 559 arround 22:20
22:34:11 N4IS JC Bill did you work YB wit the inverted V?
22:34:02 YC0LOW Jo Bill, when you worked Bob, is he in Jakarta
or in
Batam? Just curious.
22:33:25 YC0LOW Jo I believe so, Frank. Signal from EU wasn't
than it has to be.
22:33:17 W4ZV Bill I worked YB5AQB on this path last year 13
Nov at 2237
but his SR is later.
22:32:20 DL8YHR Frank Tomorrow same time..will be here..we will
make it
one day22:32:07 DL8YHR Frank Jo
22:31:49 W4ZV Bill Do you have RX antenna for SSW direction 210
22:31:17 YC0LOW Jo OK, Bill. Let's see this tmw. Pitty, I
didn't have u
for a long path TB QSO. MNI TNX, Bill
22:31:08 W4ZV Bill Signal was much better than yesterday...may
get better
as we get more common darkness on the path. My SS 2212z today ur
SR 2225z
22:29:53 W4ZV Bill I have stopped calling now.
22:29:41 W4ZV Bill I hear a DL8 calling also...think peak was
2225 and
past now. Heard as early as 2215.
22:28:47 YC0LOW Jo I could hear faint signal but not sure if
it's you,
22:27:06 YC0LOW Jo Go ahead, Bill.
22:26:33 W4ZV Bill I will call 28.2 to avoid EU callers.
22:26:29 DL8YHR Frank 559 Jo
22:26:14 N4IS JC listening 120 degree here too
22:25:51 YC0LOW Jo Can't hear u, Bill :-((
22:25:45 N4IS JC gm ge all
22:24:31 W4ZV Bill listen SSW Jo
22:21:08 YC0LOW Jo Pse call me Bill. EU pse QRX
22:20:47 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt Bill. Still hearing EU stns calling
22:20:25 W4ZV Bill 559 FB!
22:20:06 DL8YHR Frank Jo..loud now..will call
22:18:22 W4ZV Bill Jo I hear you...pls listen SSW via Long
22:16:52 DK8YY Rich LXJ .. John .. still nice listening to your
stream ..
22:15:51 YC0LOW Jo Frank, 2226Z
22:15:12 DL8YHR Frank starting to hear you Jo..when is your
22:14:58 YC0LOW Jo Paul, LA6YEA, tnx also
22:13:47 EU7SA Andy OK Jo, sorry
22:12:59 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Andy. My 80m tx antenna not well.
22:12:12 LA6YEA Paul tks Jo
22:08:54 EU7SA Andy Hi Jo, maybe we could try on 80?
22:06:44 YC0LOW Jo GE Frank and John, Band is too quiet hr.
Hear nothing
at all.
22:04:40 DL8YHR Frank Tnx Info John..
22:02:58 OZ1LXJ John Frank - Jo is Cqing nw on 28.3
21:58:09 DL8YHR Frank YB1KKK Ge..QRV 160M?
21:57:45 DL8YHR Frank yc0low qrv???
2221 oh3lx 1828.2 YC0LOW Tnx 559/559 solid QSO
2221 w4zv 1828.3 YC0LOW 559 via LP SSE
2205 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
22:02:58 OZ1LXJ John Frank - Jo is Cqing nw on 28.3
21:58:09 DL8YHR FrankYB1KKK Ge..QRV 160M?
21:57:45 DL8YHR Frank yc0low qrv???
22:36:54 YC0LOW Jo Must QRT, nw. 73 es CUL. Gud DX to all
22:35:14 YC0LOW Jo I was thinking of our sked before pulling
out cables to
avoid storms. I myself had extra sleep. CUAGN next weekend at ur
SR time,
22:34:08 K7FL Dennis Morten - still 2.5 hours to SS - too early
22:33:41 K7FL Dennis Jo - I looked for you but saw you werent
logged on -
I enjoyed the extra sleep :-)
22:33:24 LA3MHA Morten 1828.3 Dennis
22:32:36 LA3MHA Morten I don't copu NA.
22:32:26 LA3MHA Morten tnx Bill, but I use Beverage 30 degres
right nw.
22:31:48 W4ZV Bill Morten you are 449 here.
22:31:39 YC0LOW Jo GE Dennis. couldn't be QRV last night (MY
LT) there was
heavy rain and t-sorms, SRI
22:31:27 LA3MHA Morten GM Dennis!
22:30:59 K7FL Dennis Hi Morten & Jo
22:30:06 YC0LOW Jo u got it, Morten!
22:29:34 K7FL Dennis Tree - who RU calling???
22:29:18 LA3MHA Morten I think I heard 449, but a UA4 st begin
call me?
22:28:39 YC0LOW Jo Hi hi. I gave u RST three times but didn't
get reply.
22:28:09 LA3MHA Morten They calling over you.. :-(
22:27:36 LA3MHA Morten qrn from EU, they dont hear you so they
answer me.
22:25:51 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Bill. We'll try agn.
22:25:27 YC0LOW Jo Morten, did u get my rprt. ur sig is qsb, nw
22:25:21 W4ZV Bill Think a very short peak between my SS 2213z
and your SR
22:25:00 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx for try, Bill. Look fwd to wkg u on
22:24:32 YC0LOW Jo Nil, Bill :-(( sri
22:24:24 W4ZV Bill Well I don't hear you now...maybe peak 10
ago...will try another day or later in season.
22:23:10 YC0LOW Jo agn pse, Bill. QRMed
22:22:50 W4ZV Bill hear anything?
22:22:49 YC0LOW Jo Pse do so Bill. I hpe the EU can qrx
22:21:57 W4ZV Bill I will call to see if you can hear me. On
28.30 and
listen SSW if possible.
22:19:37 W4ZV Bill Still not sure it is you but pls CQ and sign
several times.
22:15:31 YC0LOW Jo Hi Bill. To be exact on 28.3, nw
22:14:54 W4ZV Bill Jo are you on 28.4 now? Hearing weak signal
via LP (SSE
from here would be SSW for you).
22:12:09 YC0LOW Jo SRI, Frank. I have interference on 18. Heard
22:11:58 LA3MHA Morten cu soon Jo, have a good day, 73.
22:10:06 DL8YHR Frank jo..pse rx 1818
22:09:22 LA3MHA Morten Frank, Jo still cq on 28.35, work hem
22:09:18 YC0LOW Jo I am 20 minutes befor SR. maybe later is
better, Morten
22:08:01 LA3MHA Morten Hi hi, I can hear your cq, qrz and ??? ,
but you
don't hear me, tnx we try later 73 Jo.
22:05:59 DL8YHR Frank cqing 1818..pse rx
22:02:19 YC0LOW Jo I am hearing someone to call but too weak to
22:01:14 LA3MHA Morten I still hear you cq Jo :-)
22:01:01 LA3MHA Morten Tnx Jo, You don't hear me, I will try
another day.
CU 73
21:59:15 YC0LOW Jo ok, Morten. tnx for try. cuagn soon
21:57:54 LA3MHA Morten qsb Jo!!
21:57:24 LA3MHA Morten I can hear your cq weak Jo, but you not
me...tnx try another day.
21:55:54 YC0LOW Jo OK, Sergey. CUL tmw. Tnx
21:55:26 UT3UA Sergey Nil here Jo, will cu next day. Thanks Jo.
21:54:01 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Morten. Pse call if you could hear me.
wasn't good today, here
21:51:57 LA3MHA Morten Jo, can u listen 1 minute for me also??
21:48:16 YC0LOW Jo Hi Segey, sri I was away. Yes, I'm clg on
21:39:18 UT3UA Sergey Jo YC0LOW, are u still on 28,5 ?
2157 es5q 1828.4 YC0LOW
1509 ua4hbw 1823.5 YC0LOW cq
15:04:00 K7FL Dennis Jo - quick peak to 469!
1457 ra0alm 1823.5 YC0LOW CQ
1441 w7iuv 1823.0 YC0LOW CQ, too weak for me....
1238 ja6jps 1823.5 YC0LOW
1225 ja3fyc 1823.5 YC0LOW cq JO
2129 oh2rf 1828.3 YC0LOW cq cq
2227 9m2ax 1828.0 YC0LOW cq
2042 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW GM Jo
2230 ea8pp 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ..FB-579..UP 1..
2155 ea8pp 1828.3 YC0LOW PSE..JO CAN U EAR ME..
2240 ha1rw 1800.0 YC0LOW where did u qsy, pse?
2237 sp2lnw 1828.3 YC0LOW I hpe U right rcvd...
2234 ok2zu 1828.4 YC0LOW qsx 28.3
2226 om6kw 1828.3 YC0LOW Jo TNX for QSO
2207 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ
1458 9v1bh 1824.5 YC0LOW
2204 ra4lw 1828.2 YC0LOW cqn
2109 ua4cr 1825.0 YC0LOW Hard QRM here ....
2102 vk6abl 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2103 vk6hd 1827.5 YC0LOW cq, GM Jo
2146 vk6abl 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2201 BA7IO 1828.4 YC0LOW
2201 BA7IO 1828.4 YC0LOW
2212 UA4CC 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, 569 hr today
2212 UA4CC 1800.0 YC0LOW Jo, 569 hr today
03/11/07 1303 9m2ax 1821.2 YC0LOW cq
2203 ua3bs 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ CQ
147 ua4cr 1828.3 YC0LOW Thanks for QSO ! **KAPAN?
2139 sv3rf 1828.3 YC0LOW CQ
2111 9m2ax 1828.1 YC0LOW cq,vy strong .
2110 ja3fyc 1821.5 YC0LOW cq Jo
2213 s52qm 1800.0 YC0LOW pse try to lsn me ur vy weak
2152 pa0cln 1828.7 YC0LOW cq
2128 yc0low 1828.3 OZ1LXJ GE John. Tnx for spotting
2126 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2147 vk6abl 1828.4 OH6MW clg YC0LOW
2138 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2113 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW corr freq
2111 vk6abl 1822.2 YC0LOW Gm Jo, lone CW signal
2206 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2115 jh4adv 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2108 oe3weu 1824.0 YC0LOW any copy on oe1weu ?
2102 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2213 rx9fm 1828.3 YC0LOW tks fb qso
2150 oz1lxj 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2237 ra6ama 1820.2 YC0LOW No copy :-((
2231 yc0low 1828.3 RA6AMA I'm, nw, cqing on this QRG
2229 ra6ama 1820.2 YC0LOW PSE CQ on freq
2153 vr2my 1828.2 YC0LOW
2206 ua3bs 1828.3 US4EX YC0LOW calling ...
2156 us4ex 1828.4 YC0LOW Jo, PSE lsn me
2153 sm3dtr 1828.4 YC0LOW cq
1215 9m2ax 3502.9 YC0LOW cq
22:02:15 RX3AGD Dima bye bye Jo..have a goooood DXing
22:01:57 RX3AGD Dima GN/GM/GE/GA to ALL's!!!
22:01:54 YC0LOW Jo Have a nice sleep, Dima. CUAGN soon
on topband.
22:01:10 RX3AGD Dima nice joke Jo...
22:01:00 RX3AGD Dima ok i have a go now..need a little
to sleep
before work.....yes Jo ..ofcourse i will to do it ..but in the
will be 'happy masochist' ...:o)
21:59:52 YC0LOW Jo Yes, I know how hard it is. But,
once you got
the bite of topband, you'll be a 'happy masochist' :-)
21:58:50 RX3AGD Dima if do it from roof to tree....just
21:58:07 RX3AGD Dima and making antenna from building
to the tree
..very hard...becourse ...need many many kilometers wires....
21:57:39 YC0LOW Jo U should try the top band. More fun,
21:57:10 RX3AGD Dima here not so many places on the
21:56:48 RX3AGD Dima i haven't antenna on 160 meters
in future...
21:56:12 RX3AGD Dima :o)
21:56:10 RX3AGD Dima LOL
21:55:55 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx for info. I mostly active on
160m band.
Yes, I am using 100Watt for our 80m QSO. It means 93 kms per 1
21:54:56 RX3AGD Dima ohh..sorri 9328 km...
21:54:41 RX3AGD Dima 9314 km between us Jo...:o)
21:52:55 RX3AGD Dima KO85ur
21:52:45 RX3AGD Dima iam using it just for WAS and
awards)...only..also i sending QSL's via buro ....and can upload
my log in for fun..:o)
21:52:31 YC0LOW Jo I will try it. Dima, pse your Grid
Square. I am
in OI33jp
21:51:19 RX3AGD Dima ahhh...but i think you need to try
better with DXCC...:o)
21:50:38 YC0LOW Jo Wow, 1KW! No, I don't use LoTW, yet
21:50:12 RX3AGD Dima Jo do you using LoTW?
21:49:30 RX3AGD Dima here is just INV V dipole not so
meters above the roof at 16-storeyed cetral part of
city...and 1KW pwr..
21:49:08 YC0LOW Jo My pleasure, Dima. CUAGN
21:48:06 RX3AGD Dima ok...i will send it via
soon...Thanks so much Jo!!!
21:47:33 YC0LOW Jo QSL via YB Buro or direct (in the
Which ever u like.
21:47:03 RX3AGD Dima buro or direct?
21:46:50 RX3AGD Dima yes Jo thnx too!! send QSL
for you?
21:46:28 RX3AGD Dima nise=noise...
21:46:24 YC0LOW Jo Tnx qso, Dima
21:46:13 RX3AGD Dima and i have Moscow
21:46:09 YC0LOW Jo It's 559
21:45:59 RX3AGD Dima but very QSB Jo....
21:45:52 RX3AGD Dima i get my 559....tks too..
21:44:12 YC0LOW Jo I copy my rprt 449 frm u, Dima. tks
21:44:08 RX3AGD Dima i was heard some 559 ...or
599...not sure
yet.. very qsb now
21:42:28 YC0LOW Jo yes I copy u okay. did u get my rst
21:41:55 RX3AGD Dima Jo any copy there?
21:39:39 RX3AGD Dima iam trying to call you now
21:39:31 RX3AGD Dima yes
21:39:19 YC0LOW Jo OK. Are u already in there?
21:38:12 RX3AGD Dima s ok?
21:38:07 RX3AGD Dima YC0LOW Jo ok...3503,9
21:37:18 YC0LOW Jo what freq, Dima?
21:35:43 RX3AGD Dima Jo GM there!! can we try making
QSO on 80 CW?
1404 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2127 g4vgo 1821.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
1201 yc0low 1824.3 JA3KZR Tnx fr QSO.
1200 ja3kzr 1824.4 YC0LOW
2208 yc0low 1833.0 VK6ABL GM, Phil. Tnx for spotting
2205 vk6abl 1833.0 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1134 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW GE Jo
1051 vk6hd 1828.2 YC0LOW cq
2226 yc0low 1833.0 I4AVG Yes i'm clg dx in here
2214 i4avg 1800.0 YC0LOW are you still on?
2222 vk6abl 1833.0 IZ1BII Correct freq
2221 vk6abl 1832.0 IZ1BII clg YC0LOW
2157 vk6hd 1827.0 YC0LOW GM JO
21:35:46 SM7BIC Len 3B7 s9 hr. Going qrt cu guys
21:35:16 SM0MDG Bjorn No good one Jo, hear U in there but cant
read you...
21:34:59 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx info. I will QRX for a few minutes.
Be back
soon before my SR. Tnx
21:34:10 SM7BIC Len nil fm OJ0 so far but they will come on
cluster when
qrv hr
21:33:41 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Bjorn.
21:33:10 SM0MDG Bjorn Jo I do cpi sporadically but no good
21:32:59 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt. Can't hear him. Yesterday, I wkd
SM7CCM and
21:32:14 SM7BIC Len wl look for oj0
21:31:57 SM7BIC Len Bjorn is copying u
21:31:29 YC0LOW Jo OK, tnx fer trying. Will try later or tmw.
now, Len
21:31:24 SM7BIC Len nil, so far, when sunrise?
21:30:28 YC0LOW Jo Do u hear any signal, Len?
21:30:04 SM7BIC Len nada Jo, qrn is s5 so sigs weaker than that
21:26:22 YC0LOW Jo ok, it's unoccupied, QSY there
21:25:51 YC0LOW Jo let me check, Len
21:25:31 SM7BIC Len Jo how abt 25.4?? got TV birdie on athr qrg
21:24:12 SM0MDG Bjorn Those russians, they are slow starters :)
21:23:25 SM7BIC Len gve me 3 mins to warm up
21:22:44 SM7BIC Len ok will lsn
21:22:31 YC0LOW Jo GE Len. I'm making noise in 28.3
245 g4pwa 1828.3 YC0LOW tnx qso jo, good sigs hr
2241 yc0low 1828.3 G4PWA Tnx qso
2217 dl1efd 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
2158 sm3ccm 1828.2 YC0LOW Good signal
2157 yc0low 1828.3 SM3CCM Gud sig, Lars. Tnx QSO
2222 vk6abl 1826.5 UA3EKG clg YC0LOW
2219 yc0low 1826.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. Tnx fer spotting
2218 vk6abl 1826.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2224 g4vgo 1833.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n 599 in E. 9M2
2221 yc0low 1825.7 9M2/G4VGO GM Bob. 5NN+ today
2219 vk6abl 1825.7 9M2/G4VGO CQ Gm Bob
1205 yd0nwo 1827.0 YC0LOW cq, GE Jo. 1204 yc0low 1826.5
Phil, tnx fer spotting
1203 vk6abl 1826.5 YC0LOW CQ, Ge Jo
perbaiki posisi UNUN dan tambahkan panjang kawat vertikal 80 cm
2234 g4vgo 1833.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ 599+ in eastern 9M2
14/9/07 (dari FT260-41 ganti UNUN FT150AK)
2157 vk6abl 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2015 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW gm jo cq 599= strong
223 9m2ax 1818.3 YC0LOW cq peak 599
1302 vk6abl 1823.1 YC0LOW
22:39:20 YC0LOW Jo OK. Will continue clg DX until my SR 2249
22:37:14 9M2AX ross rgr,Jo EU`s sig were weak qrn is high also
22:35:00 YC0LOW Jo GM Ross. Tnx rprt. But QRN is high :-(
22:33:41 9M2AX ross GM,Jo.YC0LOW 599+
2031 jn3aou 1817.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 ra4lw 1817.4 YC0LOW 559 qsb here
22:38:31 RA4LW Vlad 559hr Jo on 17,5
2232 g4vgo 1830.8 YD0NWO GM - QRN not bad today
22:30:23 9M2/G4VGO Bob GM Neil - CQ'n 30.8 now
2231 yd0nwo 1830.0 9M2/G4VGO Bob, GM , vy loud
2230 yc0low 1817.5 UA1PAC GE Alex. Difficult to cpi.SRI
2226 ua1pac 1817.5 YC0LOW Jo! Please ur CQ agn. Cpi you
2218 ua3ako 1817.5 YC0LOW Sorry, Jo very strong QRN too
2219 vk6abl 1831.0 G0JHC CQ S3 Neil
2216 yc0low 1817.5 UA3AKO GE Vic, I'm clg cq dx nw
2210 ua3ako 1817.5 YC0LOW GM Jo, PSE call CQ
2210 yc0low 1817.5 VK6ABL GM Phil. QRN is terrible hr
2209 vk6abl 1830.8 9M2/G4VGO CQ Gm Bob
2207 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
1227 yc0low 1817.5 N7UA Sri Bob, Noise is High
1220 n7ua 1817.5 YC0LOW
1201 yc0low 1817.5 9V1PC TNX QSO, PETE 1159 9v1pc 1817.5
2037 jh2fxk 1817.4 YC0LOW cq
2228 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW cq dx-499=
21:10:33 G0JHC Neil © tks Jo, will call until 22z on 1827
on/off then have
to QRT, hrd one other weak reply.
The G0JHC locator is IO83OR (QRB 11858 km, QTF 324°).
21:06:23 YC0LOW Jo You're getting stronger, Neil
21:05:53 YC0LOW Jo Tks also for 449. Couldn't hear you on my
west Bev. Gud
on my tx ant (inverted-L) hi.. Will reply soon as I receive it.
21:04:40 G0JHC Neil © some more CQs through your SR next hr.
Will QSL
direct tks new one
21:03:44 G0JHC Neil © tks for 55N better cpi on 160m dipole at
30ft Jo,
vert too much noise, no cpi on ewe, worth putting up the dipole
this week hi
21:02:29 YC0LOW Jo Neil, lost ur signal. Anyway tnx qso es rprt
20:58:52 G0JHC Neil © pse call agn qrm
2210 yc0low 1818.5 VK6ABL GM Phil.
2209 vk6abl 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2234 yc0low 1817.5 VK6ABL GM Phil.
2232 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
2023 zs6wn 1817.5 YC0LOW Jo CQn
20:24:39 YC0LOW Jo we finally made it anyway, Karel
20:24:00 ZS6WN Karel Tnx Jo, copyyou OK most of the time but
for the deep
20:23:38 ZS1REC Raoul Thanks for trying Jo, it was marginal now
picking up!closer to ur SR
20:23:33 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Karel
20:20:52 ZS1REC Raoul Tnx Karel, was tough!
20:20:09 ZS6WN Karel RR Jo
20:20:04 ZS6WN Karel good show guys, congrats!
20:19:31 YC0LOW Jo Karel, could u make call, pse?
20:18:56 YC0LOW Jo TNX, Raoul
20:14:18 ZS6WN Karel Jo's calling you back Raoul
20:14:00 ZS6WN Karel No problem Raoul // Jo I have you in my
log almost a
year ago
20:11:12 YC0LOW Jo pse do so, Raoul
20:10:41 ZS1REC Raoul Jo I will give call ok Karel?
20:06:05 ZS6WN Karel signal swing from NIL to s7 in abt a
20:05:20 YC0LOW Jo difficult to copy
20:05:09 ZS6WN Karel pkd s7 nw
20:04:28 YC0LOW Jo 2253Z
20:03:57 ZS6WN Karel whats your sr Jo?
20:03:00 ZS6WN Karel copy you 559 at times Jo
20:02:28 YC0LOW Jo band is full of static noise here. maybe
20:01:55 ZS1REC Raoul I hear you too Jo, but weak on the limit
20:01:36 ZS6WN Karel plenty QSB Jo
0:02:28 YC0LOW Jo band is full of static noise here. maybe
20:01:55 ZS1REC Raoul I hear you too Jo, but weak on the limit
20:01:36 ZS6WN Karel plenty QSB Jo
20:00:32 ZS6WN Karel clng you Jo
20:00:00 YC0LOW Jo yes I am cqing on it, Karel
19:59:59 ZS6WN Karel Its Jo but sig between s0 and s5
19:58:40 ZS6WN Karel Jo?
19:58:33 ZS6WN Karel YC0??? on 17.5
19:57:42 ZS6WN Karel and on 17.5
01/9/07 (setelah ganti bambu tiang antena) dan UNUN
2231 ua4hbw 1828.3 YC0LOW cq
237 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW S7 Jo with deep QSB 1231 yc0low
1821.4 VK6ABL
Phil, GE. test new ant. 1227 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
1227 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ Ge Jo
2228 ra4lw 1817.5 YC0LOW 569hr
2218 vk6hd 1817.5 YC0LOW cq, 599, GM
28/8/07 (setelah ganti 1/4 WL inverted-L)
20:28:36 ZS1REC Raoul ok got the answr, crossed messages!
20:28:27 YC0LOW Jo yes, I' will
20:27:55 ZS1REC Raoul Are you going to be on at ur SR, Jo?
20:27:55 YC0LOW Jo I too would like to go to bed for a while,
Raoul. Get up
agn before my sunrise. tnx chat and rprt. GL with the amp
20:26:52 ZS1REC Raoul Now I must fix the amp or go to bed.
20:26:29 ZS1REC Raoul ok, thanks for the test .you were solid
copy some
20:25:15 YC0LOW Jo sorry Raoul, band is noisy, even if in my RX
20:21:58 ZS1REC Raoul my negative bias on tubes in amp is gone,
maybe I
can fix it tonight.I can hear good enough for a qso, looks like
you do not
hear me.
20:16:12 ZS1REC Raoul You getting stronger!
20:15:05 YC0LOW Jo yes. Hopefully until next Monday, when my
amp is
completely repaired
20:14:08 ZS1REC Raoul sri too weak now.Are you running
20:11:38 YC0LOW Jo OK, Raoul. Still calling cq there
20:11:36 ZS1REC Raoul you are there, in the noise
20:11:11 ZS1REC Raoul plse call again Jo? I think your
20:10:50 ZS1REC Raoul Ok, I will repair the amp before ur SR, I
20:08:53 YC0LOW Jo GM Aki-san. tnx rprt. Hpe things are well
20:08:18 YC0LOW Jo okay, Andy. tnx rprt. maybe better at around
my time. CUL
20:08:08 JH2RMU Aki Gm all, YC0LOW Jo, 449 1821
20:07:17 SP6AEG Andy Sorry Jo, do not copy on my K9AY to 40 dgr
20:05:41 YC0LOW Jo Andy, do you hear any signal on 21, pse?
20:04:02 YC0LOW Jo sorry to hear that, Raoul. I have mine also
still in
20:03:19 ZS1REC Raoul believe it or not , my amplifier just
died!And I
hear sigs on 21!
20:01:44 YC0LOW Jo ok, I'll move to 1821. and give general dx
20:00:21 SP6AEG Andy Jo, I would like work with you on TB for
my DXCC,
still waiting for you
20:00:08 ZS1REC Raoul ok, 1821 is open now?
19:59:25 YC0LOW Jo please advise me the freq, Raoul. We could
try now
19:57:58 YC0LOW Jo I worked him couple of times on 80m in 2006.
still need
him on topband. woudn't mind a topband qso with you, too!
19:56:16 ZS1REC Raoul Ok Jo, have you wrked 3B8? I still need a
qso with
you as well!
19:55:06 YC0LOW Jo Hi Raoul, GE band is vry noisy. Could hear
3b8 but very
19:53:48 ZS1REC Raoul Hi Jo, how is the band ur side?
20:08:08 JH2RMU Aki Gm all, YC0LOW Jo, 449 1821
25 yc0low 3503.1 VK6HD GM Mike. No DX today.tnx
2220 vk6hd 3502.8 YC0LOW freq correction
2219 vk6hd 3503.1 YC0LOW cq,GM Jo
1139 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW 499
1148 9m2ax 1817.3 YC0LOW ge jo.
1144 yc0low 1831.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Vy strong today
2300 yc0low 1817.5 9M2AX GM Ross. Nw bnd is dead.73
2259 9m2ax 1817.4 YC0LOW gm jo cq.
22:50:08 YC0LOW Jo Victor, u r 8400 km away frm me. I used 100
W. It's 84
kms for every 1W. tnx
22:45:21 UA4HBW Victor lo53kk Jo, yes I got Ross now, strong
sigs here
22:43:29 YC0LOW Jo Now you got Ross, called you, Victor
22:42:20 YC0LOW Jo Victor, UA4HBW, what's your QTH Locator,
22:41:26 UA4HBW Victor only you are on the band Jo
22:40:17 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Victor. Tnx for calling me.
2239 yc0low 1817.5 UA4HBW Victor, tnx fer QSO. GE
2237 yc0low 1800.0 VK6HD tnx spot, Mike. GM
2234 ua4hbw 1817.5 YC0LOW tnx qso Jo
2233 vk6hd 1817.3 YC0LOW cq GM Jo
2047 9m2ax 1820.4 YC0LOW cq
2249 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW gm Jo
2234 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI GE Svein. Gud sig
22:58:33 YV1DIG Paul ok Jo, I'll try to be at home for your SR,
22:58:03 YC0LOW Jo well, okay Paul. I must qrt nw. tnx rprt and
chat. i'll
be on topband agn tmw at my SR. hpe we'll make it soon. 73 de Jo
22:56:31 YV1DIG Paul not with zeroes, just with 1 & 5's
22:55:24 YC0LOW Jo Paul, i haven't tried 6 mt. did u make it
with station
frm zero call area from my country?
22:52:21 YV1DIG Paul on 6 mtrs i made quite a few from your
country, but
in the low bands is another story even if the challenge is quite
22:47:49 YC0LOW Jo TNX Bjorn.
22:47:28 YC0LOW Jo as u know, from YC-land, SA is vy difficult
to get on
topband, hi..
22:47:02 SM0MDG Bjorn Thanks for QSO Jo, you are OK CPI here
22:46:29 YV1DIG Paul oops grat=great
22:46:19 YV1DIG Paul YB is a grat one for me too, same distance
SP or LP
22:45:55 YC0LOW Jo yes, I can only copy EU sigs with difficulty
22:45:24 YC0LOW Jo bould=would
22:45:19 YV1DIG Paul if the prop improves I'll try calling agn
22:45:11 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt. YV bould be a new one for me.
maybe soon,
22:44:04 YV1DIG Paul you are not strong but 70% of the tx in...
still low
QRN here and few minutes before SS
22:42:21 YC0LOW Jo sri, nil here, Paul
22:40:48 YV1DIG Paul RR
22:40:19 YC0LOW Jo pse call nw Paul
22:39:22 YC0LOW Jo wkg sm nw
22:38:12 YV1DIG Paul hear you signal, I'll call you
22:34:15 YV1DIG Paul was not me Jo, we should have a chance in
the next 30
22:26:23 YC0LOW Jo i am calling cq nw. someone is clg me
22:21:09 YV1DIG Paul Jo GM, I'm listening your freq
2213 oz1lxj 1820.7 YC0LOW
2223 oz1lxj 1821.2 YC0LOW
2207 yc0low 1821.2 LA3XI TNX 579, Svein
2201 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW gm Jo nice sign
2246 vk6abl 1821.5 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
2157 yc0low 1821.5 YC0LOW TNX dx spots
2154 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq 579 gm Jo
2150 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2259 yc0low 1821.5 S58N call corr. SRI
2258 yc0low 1821.5 S58H tnx qso es rprt
2256 s58n 1821.6 YC0LOW JO NICE SIG BAND IS OPEN
2255 s58n 1821.5 YC0LOW NW 579
2254 yc0low 1821.5 SH8N Big signal. Tnx qso
2248 yc0low 1821.5 S57L ur sig is OK
2246 s57l 1821.5 YC0LOW vy tnx for effort! gl
2243 s57l 1821.5 YC0LOW good sigs, i am too weak
2228 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW gm Jo nice sign 579
2224 9m2ax 1821.4 YC0LOW cq
2207 la3xi 1817.5 YC0LOW cq nice sign in la
2249 la3xi 1800.0 YC0LOW gm Jo surprice 599 big sign
2249 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI Glad to work u.TNX 5nn
2246 yc0low 1831.0 LA3XI Svein,GE. gud sig in summer
2253 vk6abl 1821.4 YC0LOW CQ, Gm Jo
1406 ua0sc 1821.5 YC0LOW
1409 ua0sww 1821.5 YC0LOW 569 but deaf
2217 vk6hd 3501.8 YC0LOW cq
2211 la3xi 1821.4 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
2207 ei6iz 1821.4 YC0LOW
22:16:06 EI6IZ Brendan VK BOOMING in here
22:09:12 YC0LOW Jo Glad we make it! QRN is so high in
my qth. S9!
22:09:00 EI6IZ Brendan decent coipy here on the bev
22:08:48 EI6IZ Brendan yep
22:08:21 EI6IZ Brendan Jo thnx fer now one
22:08:09 YC0LOW Jo did u get my rprt, Brendan?
22:03:27 YC0LOW Jo tnx info Brendan
22:02:39 EI6IZ Brendan yc0low you are nice sig here
2201 9m2ax 1821.4 EI6IZ calling yc0,479 gd sig
2144 9m2ax 1821.3 YC0LOW cq weak jo gm
211 vk6hd 1821.6 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2106 vk6abl 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ Gm Jo
Inverted-L diperbaiki, working FB
21:32:55 OZ1LXJ John Ah - Think its YC0LOW
21:29:16 OZ1LXJ John Who is CQing on 1817.5 ? I just cant
figure out the
2206 sm1oii 3503.0 YC0LOW
2106 jh4iff 1816.5 YC0LOW Looking for FUKUI. PSE call hi
2104 jh4iff 1816.5 YC0LOW CQing
20:59:42 JH4IFF Mitsu YC0LOW Jo , good copy on 16.5
2038 ja1hgy 1817.5 YC0LOW CQ
2158 vk6hd 1819.0 YC0LOW CQ,GM Jo
2221 vk6du 3502.0 YC0LOW cq cq
2123 ja3fyc 3503.0 YC0LOW cq
2122 ja3fyc 3500.0 YC0LOW Gm JO gud hr
2121 yc0low 3500.0 JA3FYC GM Mas-san.TNX spot
2119 ja3fyc 3513.0 YC0LOW 589 clg ja
2101 ja4fkx 3502.0 YC0LOW CQn
2144 ja9aa 3503.3 YC0LOW with ok2rz
2200 la3xi 1814.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
21:59:10 DL8LAS Andy nil here qrn and qsb
21:58:35 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - pse my rst, Eu jammed
21:57:16 G3ZES ALAN Andy
21:56:00 YC0LOW Jo Sorry to hear that. Tnx rprt, Arunas. I hear
only noise
and static crashes
21:54:48 LY2IJ Arunas Jo - little chaos on your freq. 559 here.
21:53:34 PA5A Johan rgr. u are hearable hear;
21:53:03 YC0LOW Jo Sorry, no, Johan
21:51:22 PA5A Johan any cpi Jo?
21:51:13 G3ZES ALAN Strongest you have been this year Jo
21:48:25 YC0LOW Jo flooded Jakarta
21:48:12 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, I will send you email, today, Alan.
It's still
raining in flooded
21:47:12 G3ZES ALAN On JO few calling now
21:46:26 YC0LOW Jo Tnx report, Alan! What's your email address,
21:45:36 G3ZES ALAN Good today Jo
21:44:12 YC0LOW Jo OK, Serge. My pleasure. It was difficult in
21:43:18 UR5MID Serge Jo,tnx qso
21:42:11 G3ZES ALAN Yup2
1:40:49 G3ZES ALAN you got the 5 right UR5
21:39:53 YC0LOW Jo hi noise and crashes. coudn't identify, Alan
21:37:23 G3ZES ALAN stations calling you Jo
21:35:30 YC0LOW Jo Yes, Andy. On 1814.5 clg cq
21:34:25 DL8LAS Andy YC0LOW are you qrv?
2143 ur5mid 1814.5 YC0LOW
22:32:56 YC0LOW Jo No, Josep. Nothing is heard, here, today on
22:31:52 EA6BF Josep GM Jo, copy any EU..?
22:29:10 UA4CC Arkady Jo, copi only UA6MF! hi
2230 ua6mf 1823.5 YC0LOW here also...:-( TU&73!
2229 yc0low 1823.5 UA6MF No signs of life, hi
22:26:49 YC0LOW Jo Arkady, I am on 23.5. Try to do sked with
UA6MF. Condx
is bad
22:24:41 UA4CC Arkady Jo are u on band? Freq?
2223 ua6mf 1823.5 YC0LOW try here
2223 yc0low 1800.0 UA6MF Ivan,condx not gud.QRG?
2220 ua6mf 1800.0 YC0LOW pse sked on top
2144 g3zes 1827.5 YC0LOW
2212 gm4fam 1814.5 YC0LOW clg u!
2204 la3xi 1814.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 599
2202 uy1hy 1814.5 YC0LOW pse lsn up1 big p/up
2159 ra3aj 1814.5 YC0LOW simplex
2159 rz1awt 1814.5 YC0LOW gd sig
2152 oh1ma 1814.5 YC0LOW
2139 ra3aj 1813.5 YC0LOW QRT?
2203 la6fja 1814.6 YC0LOW QRM II0BH took the QRG
2202 ua4rz 1814.9 II0BH
2142 ra4lw 1814.6 YC0LOW Jo still cqn
2131 ua4rz 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2122 ra4lw 1814.5 YC0LOW 559hr
2100 vk6hd 1814.3 YC0LOW
2156 sp6heq 1814.0 YC0LOW take att. for SP6 & OK2
2127 dl5wg 1814.6 YC0LOW cq cq
0:52:04 YC0LOW Jo Tnx, Danny. Heard ur QSO with VU7.
20:50:44 ON7NQ Danny very faintly here too Jo...not worth
20:49:01 YC0LOW Jo GE all. Signals are very weak, today. Heard
faint calls
but couldn't identify. Tnx reports
20:46:08 F5VKM Mike YC0LOW - No copy here either Jo :(
20:43:49 UU2JQ Rustam YC0LOW Jo, no copy here
2041 g3zes 1814.5 YC0LOW
20:21:31 OZ1LXJ John 1814.5 yc0low
21:02:06 G3ZES ALAN Jo in noise here today
20:58:08 OZ1LXJ John yc0low 1817.5
20:32:32 YC0LOW Jo Wolf tnx also for 569. all sigs are about
the same
20:31:31 DF2PY wolf Thanks for 559 Jo ! Big EU pile !
20:14:22 G3ZES ALAN 559 Jo
2012 g3zes 1814.5 YC0LOW
2126 jg3hbo 1813.5 YC0LOW tnx559 cu
2114 ru4an 1813.5 YC0LOW cq up1
2053 ja3tja 1813.5 YC0LOW QSX 1814.5
2033 yo2ldc 1813.0 YC0LOW 559 in deep QSB
2030 ja3fyc 1813.0 YC0LOW cq up1,Jo 569
2104 sv1aoz 1813.5 YC0LOW UP
2042 ra3dox 1813.5 YC0LOW CQ CQ.
2108 i4ewh 1813.5 YC0LOW strong - pse split!
2106 ja3fyc 1813.5 YC0LOW
2103 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2043 ik4wma 1813.5 YC0LOW fine sig here Jo
2031 ja3fyc 1813.5 YC0LOW 589
20:58:09 F5VKM Mike YC0LOW - Jo - I hear you with QRM/QSB !! -
Happy New
Year !!
20:50:52 S50U Dan Jo YC0LOW are real 599 here ...
2059 i4ewh 1818.5 YC0LOW calling "f"
2057 i4ikw 1818.5 YC0LOW pse lsn eu ur 449...
2049 ja3fyc 1818.5 YC0LOW cq cq
2131 ik4wma 1818.5 YC0LOW gud cpy time to time
2130 ja1hgy 1818.5 YC0LOW CQ agn
2051 ik4wma 1818.4 YC0LOW Jo PSE lsn for Europe
2026 ja3fyc 1818.5 YC0LOW
21:02:37 UA6LV Vlad Jo good signal here - lsn EU
2124 ur0mc 1824.5 YC0LOW loud,but no cpy me
2056 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW
Tiang jauh miring krn angin
2125 ja4ahv 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ JO HNY
2117 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW cq cq
2114 jq3due 1824.6 YC0LOW CQ
2057 ja1hgy 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2153 vk6abl 1824.5 OM3CGN clg YC0LOW
21:59:31 YC0LOW Jo I give up. SRI. EU sigs are getting
lsn for a while until my SR. tnx
21:57:11 F5VKM Mike From 90deg here too John ...
21:55:58 YC0LOW Jo sorry folks, still high qrn in here
21:55:35 OZ1LXJ John TNX Marko
21:55:14 OZ1LXJ John Yes - strongest in 90°, hmm, might
have bad
termination. But f/B seems ok on others eastern DX sigs.
21:53:32 OH3XR Marko from 90 deg
21:52:33 OZ1LXJ John Anybody in Eu noticed if Jo also
arrives from
300° ? Do I have faulty Bev ?
21:51:58 F5VKM Mike Good idea ROb !
21:51:39 F5VKM Mike I heard an SM5 calling CQ over Jo
.... but no
one else John ???
21:51:29 GM3YTS Rob Jo maybe it's better if u listen up
21:50:52 YC0LOW Jo lever=level
21:50:40 YC0LOW Jo I have high QRN lever. My Bev seemed
out of
order due to heavy rain last nite, local time. I will lsn
21:49:57 G3PQA John GE Mike, its the stn clg cq on top
of Jo
21:49:23 F5VKM Mike GE John ... what freq is the jammer
on John
21:48:35 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Rob
21:48:32 G3PQA John GE Rob (and all), I wish we had an
amateur DF
net to find location of these jammers. Jammer weak on NE bev so
guess he is
from south EU somewhere.
21:48:24 SM5BFJ Leif Jo, SM5Z is calling ....
21:48:15 JH4IFF Mitsu Of course I know it. He was on
1818 about 30
minutes ago.
21:48:03 GM3YTS Rob Ur 569 here JO
21:47:52 F5VKM Mike Jo - Ok, no problems .... I have
plenty of
time ! HNY !!
21:47:21 YC0LOW Jo Sorry to hear you didn't hear my
rprt, I
perhaps next time soon, Mike VKM
21:47:18 K1GUN JD wats wrong wid NP4A sig.. sounds like
a 1920
xmitter chirpy chirpy...
21:47:16 OH3XR Marko yb5aqb/1 19,5 working g4
21:46:27 F5VKM Mike Faroe Islands Mitsu ....
21:45:39 F5VKM Mike Sorry Jo, I called but then lost
you in
therest of the EU pile up, I've not called again since as I
cannot get in to
hear you due to the EU QRM at the moment :(
21:45:17 JH4IFF Mitsu Where is OY3QN? Please let me
21:44:47 YC0LOW Jo Oh, alright, Mike. I heard you call
me and I
gave you my RST. I thought you had given me the rprt too. It was
deep QSB
21:44:12 F5VKM Mike And an SM5 calling CQ DX over the
top of you
now Jo :(
21:43:16 K1GUN JD Theres a PA0 calling now Jo..
21:41:43 F5VKM Mike Jo -LOW - I've not worked you ????
else maybe ???? I heard F5C?? calling you ???
21:41:39 OH3XR Marko good sigs Jo
21:40:37 K1GUN JD RR
21:40:08 YC0LOW Jo 1824.5 JD, GE
21:39:36 K1GUN JD Yo Jo wats ur qrg??
21:38:05 YC0LOW Jo Mike, you're already in my log for
exchange. Tnx rprt es qso
21:21:07 F5VKM Mike Jo - LOW - 539 now with QSB/QRM and EU
pileup :)
2108 f5vkm 1824.5 YC0LOW 559 QSB/QRM
2106 oh3xr 1824.5 YC0LOW
2111 yc0low 1800.0 VK6HD HNY, Mike. TNX
2111 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW 569
2110 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW cq, HNY Jo
2151 oz2tf 1824.4 YC0LOW
2134 oz1lxj 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
2201 pa5a 1824.6 YC0LOW still on? small peak hr
2152 la3xi 1824.4 YC0LOW nice sign hny Jo
2150 ja6olz 1824.5 YC0LOW tnx qso
2134 ra6ax 1824.4 YC0LOW cq
2118 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW 589 cq no takers
2115 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW
2113 ja3fyc 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
tersambar petir, antena rubuh, Desember 2006
20:02:59 YC0LOW Jo what QRG, Miro?
20:02:54 OM5RW Miro Igor on what freq is Jo?
20:01:15 OM5RW Miro Jo can we try somewhere?
19:59:42 UT7QF Igor Jo pse lsn many station calling
you!I`m also!
19:56:46 YC0LOW Jo GE Igor. Sorry, nil here
19:56:15 UT7QF Igor Jo copy me ?
2142 i4ewh 3520.0 YC0LOW pse try 160 at ur sunrise
2150 yc0low 3520.0 US4EX tnx QSO Oleg
2145 yc0low 3520.0 US4EX do u hear my call?
2140 us4ex 3520.0 YC0LOW PSE lsn me
antara 15/11 - 20/11 ke Bali, IBEX
2106 ja0rug 3509.8 YC0LOW cq
1455 vk6du 3505.5 YC0LOW cq cq
1448 ve7bv 3505.5 YC0LOW 579 but not hearing wc
1446 n7ua 3505.5 YC0LOW cq
1440 k6ta 3505.3 YC0LOW CQ
12:00:53 9M2AX ross ONLY .sig from YC0LOW .20.9 599 and
hrd vk3zl
339 qso with DU9.
2101 ra3cq 1824.0 YC0LOW Don't go away!
2059 yc0low 1824.0 UA4AAY wrk 80m nw.Hi QRN on TB
2057 on4axu 1824.0 UA4AAY CQ DX :(
2056 ua6aay 1824.0 YC0LOW PSE LSTN ME
2055 jh1gnu 3502.7 YC0LOW Jo
2151 yb0dpo 1822.5 YC0LOW GM (Selamat Pagi) OM Jo
2150 yb5aqb 1822.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX - GL!
2147 vk6abl 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ DX
2148 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW GM Jo - Band not good
21:57:48 ES5QX Juhan ge Jo. 449 hr
2148 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 339
21:46:37 UT7QF Igor GM Jo! Good ears your signal on
1923 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW cq cq
1231 vq9la 1821.0 YC0LOW 559 B4 SS
11:25:24 JN4MMO Andy GE/GM All. YC0LOW 1821.1 CQ
2115 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq YB
2206 la6yea 1820.9 YC0LOW nice signal on
2039 yc0low 1822.0 JH2FXK Shigeru-san, tnx fer qso
2038 jh2fxk 1822.0 YC0LOW
1843 oh2m 1822.6 YC0LOW 559
2028 9v1pc 1822.5 YC0LOW
1935 f9lx 1821.0 YC0LOW
1914 yc0low 1821.0 UA3TCJ tnx qso & spot, Andrei
1906 ua3tcj 1820.9 YC0LOW CQ
1139 9v1pc 1821.0 YC0LOW
High lat. AU warning
22:17:21 DF9OX Andre r... so stby on 22.8
22:16:33 YC0LOW Jo Yes, he is. but unheard now. Maybe
he is QRX
for a while.
22:14:47 DF9OX Andre Jo, traces.... is Bob also on?
22:13:36 DF9OX Andre In fact, for topband lengths of
the others
are not optimal. On 80m better. I am really waiting for switching
22:13:19 YC0LOW Jo Svein LA3XI always hear me better on
TB than my
YB/YC colleagues. Great ears.
22:11:33 DF9OX Andre no, I am not LA3XI
22:11:12 YC0LOW Jo Alright. It's great, Andre. You
should be able
to hear almost every body transmits in the planet Topband, hi
22:10:36 DF9OX Andre its the B1
22:10:08 DF9OX Andre Jo, on the "from above" picture
right, North
is up.
22:09:04 YC0LOW Jo So, direction to me is going to the
right side
of picture?
22:08:33 DF9OX Andre mmm, no peaks today. u are
consisting with
traces, but no 559 like yesterday here, til now
22:07:08 DF9OX Andre (its terminated on the fly. there
is a 470Ohm
resistor screwed open against ground. no box, nothing...)
22:07:01 YC0LOW Jo OK, understood. Single direction.
22:06:07 DF9OX Andre terminated, so only one direction,
22:05:13 YC0LOW Jo What do u mean with
'Uni-directional', Andre?
22:05:08 DF9OX Andre Hope switching and feeding all
will be ok in
a week
22:03:55 DF9OX Andre Yes
22:03:25 YC0LOW Jo Yes, its length is 270m, am I right?
22:01:23 DF9OX Andre tnx Jo. But only bev wrking is
90deg. to u in
22:00:39 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, constant traces, but max
339 til now
22:00:06 YC0LOW Jo Andre, it's very impressive Beverage
21:53:33 DF9OX Andre weak traces now.... lsn hr with
90deg bev:
21:49:40 DF9OX Andre Tnx! Jo
21:48:57 YC0LOW Jo qsy to 22.8
21:45:55 DF9OX Andre sp3 on 22.3... pse 22.8 Jo
21:45:04 DF9OX Andre r
21:43:57 YC0LOW Jo sorry folks, out of shack for a
while. nw,
cq-ing on 22.5. GE
21:31:14 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, but not a trace today hr
now. Ru on
21:23:44 UA4HBW Victor hello Jo, cpy u 449
21:46:42 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Andre. Read it happily.
21:46:28 DF9OX Andre mom, phone agn...
21:45:58 DF9OX Andre Jo, hrd u 559 earlier!
21:45:25 YC0LOW Jo GE Andre, just come back to shack
21:44:27 YB5AQB Bob don't think so Andre, not hrg him
now (usually
21:42:10 DF9OX Andre LOW Jo, are u still on 22.5?
21:40:25 DF9OX Andre think so, will be on hr next 55min
21:38:58 YB5AQB Bob saw a trace but path not stabel
yet, still
early Andre
21:37:54 DF9OX Andre Bob: hrd u, called u, but GOne
agn. But
parked, I am a GO-fan... :-)...
21:34:23 DF9OX Andre btw. on 270m beverage 90deg
21:33:40 DF9OX Andre and audible nw, but 229
21:32:50 DF9OX Andre There u are Bob! smart on
21:32:42 YB5AQB Bob Will be here and CQ until SR 22:36Z
on 27.6
21:31:58 DF9OX Andre Bob, nada nw from Jo. maybe off.
Parked nw on
21:30:09 SM5DQC Osten Bob Also no copy here!
21:30:04 DF9OX Andre Bob, back. still traces from Jo
21:28:52 G3WPH Mike Bob - no copy here
21:26:13 YB5AQB Bob OK now on 27.6 CQ
21:25:27 G3WPH Mike Bob UK8DAN CQin on 28.42 nw
21:25:11 DF9OX Andre gr, phone,... mom
21:24:50 DF9OX Andre Jo 559!
21:23:09 YB5AQB Bob I will CQ 28.5 now
21:22:26 DF9OX Andre and hear him, 339
21:21:46 DF9OX Andre nice! I see him! first time the
last weeks!
21:21:11 G3WPH Mike John - still around?
21:20:58 DF9OX Andre Tnx Osten.... Bob QSY to 22.5 nw
21:19:59 YB5AQB Bob Jo CQ'n 22.5 Andre u hr him?
2214 la3xi 1824.5 ZS1REC cq yc0low nice sign
2136 vk6vz 1822.6 YC0LOW cq dx
20:50:35 SM5DQC Osten Len YC0LOW was at 2244 UTC but it
was 27th
20:49:52 SM7BIC Len Yes, but Bob has bn very strong
here. Having
SM7TE 1 km away calling the 5R8 hi
20:48:11 SM5DQC Osten Len I have worked AQB and LOW,
usually LOW
much stronger
20:47:03 SM7BIC Len OK, trying to stay up
20:46:12 YB5AQB Bob will be back in about an hour, lsn
for Jo til
then Len, BBL to try, it's early
2042 la3xi 1822.5 YC0LOW cq dx 589 gm Jo
2157 vk6vz 1822.5 YC0LOW jo - cq dx
2109 sm2cew 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2038 ja3fyc 1821.5 YC0LOW cq cq
20:37:50 YC0LOW Jo Mni tnx rprt, Kazu-san. GM to you!
20:37:39 JH2RMU Aki Where do you hear 80 Or
20:35:58 JJ0MEF kazu GM Jo 559-569 nw,
11:22:43 JJ0MEF kazu Jo did u copied? nw 339 weaker
1117 jh2fxk 1821.8 YC0LOW cq
11:13:08 JJ0MEF kazu Jo you are 559 nw
2205 yc1kkk 1824.5 YC0LOW cq dx GM Jo, previously at
2201 la3xi 1824.5 YC0LOW gm Jo 579
1409 k6oy 3504.0 YC0LOW CQ
1223 ru0ai 1822.0 YC0LOW
1208 ja7ni 1822.0 YC0LOW cq
2242 la3xi 1822.5 YC0LOW fine sign gm Jo
2023 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW cq cq
2149 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW clg cq dx GM Jo
2149 yc0low 1821.0 LA3XI TNX rprt, Svein. GE
2148 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW still nice sign Jo
2024 ja1hgy 1821.0 YC0LOW TNX QSO
2012 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW gm jo fine 579
2008 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
2013 vk6hd 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ, gm Jo
2033 ja0rug 3503.8 YC0LOW
1244 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
1154 vk6abl 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2200 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2055 ja6bjv 1821.0 YC0LOW
1219 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW GE Jo cqdx qsb in Bandung
2154 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2129 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW Jo on the morning shift CQ
2027 ja3fyc 1821.0 YC0LOW
22:25:54 UA4HBW Victor Jo u are 449 and Bob u are 339,
bad condx
21:36:53 ES5QX Juhan Solid 559 now
21:36:45 YC0LOW Jo Yes, it's still noisy hr. noise S9.
Perhaps, a
bit later.
21:35:45 ES5QX Juhan Seems too weak for a QSO
21:34:14 YC0LOW Jo GE Juhan.Tnx rprt and spotting.
21:32:35 PA3FQA Dick The band is very noisy here Doug,
don't hear
21:31:57 ES5QX Juhan Hi Jo, nice copy here now!
2117 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 239
18:00:10 YC0LOW Jo some other day, David. CUL 73 es TNX
17:58:23 ZL1GQ David ok tnx jo
17:57:02 YC0LOW Jo Nil here. Sri
17:55:35 ZL1GQ David I am clg you .
17:53:00 YC0LOW Jo GM David.Tnx rprt . Band is so noisy
17:44:42 ZL1GQ David I hr you jo but vy weak in ZL
2124 ok7xx 1821.0 YC0LOW Johan qsb
2108 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX-GM from Batam
1115 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GE
2207 yc0low 1821.0 LA3XI tnx QSO, Svein. GE
2200 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gn Jo 579
2201 yb5aqb 1832.0 VE1ZZ
2200 vk6hd 1832.0 VE1ZZ
2159 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
1119 9m2ax 1820.7 YC0LOW cq dx
2255 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo is clg cq dx, GM.
2132 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n, GM
1142 vk3zl 1821.0 YC0LOW calling cq.
12:09:15 YC0LOW Jo Pitty I cannot beat the noise, here,
12:08:16 W5IZ Al Jo you are 449 here now, WOW!
12:04:27 W5IZ Al K5BG GM Bob, hows DX?
12:02:21 9M2AX ross Jo,nw calling u..
12:00:55 YC0LOW Jo I heard weak signal but cannot
identify it,Ross
11:58:43 9M2AX ross Jo, al is calling u.
11:45:44 YC0LOW Jo Tnx rprt, Al. I'll making noise
there until
11:44:20 W5IZ Al See ur trace, Jo...perhaps sigs will
build since
9M and VK loud here
11:43:32 VK3ZL Bob My Pleasure Jo..
11:43:15 YC0LOW Jo tnx for spotting, Bob
11:41:33 YC0LOW Jo I am still calling CQ on it, now
11:40:59 W5IZ Al Jo, I will QSX 1821 through sunrise in
25 min
11:40:44 YC0LOW Jo No, Al. I believe we'll make it,
some day
11:39:30 W5IZ Al Breaks my heart Jo...have 4W but YB
11:39:16 YC0LOW Jo Will QSY calling CQ on 1821
11:39:00 YC0LOW Jo nil, noise level is S7, Al
11:38:41 VK3ZL Bob So were you but last call you have
11:38:24 W5IZ Al Anything Jo?
11:38:14 YC0LOW Jo Nothing is heard, Al. Sorry
11:37:58 W5IZ Al Bob, you were LOUD!!
11:37:33 VK3ZL Bob Hi Al nice signal here
11:37:18 W5IZ Al Calling now
11:37:03 YC0LOW Jo listening now
11:36:27 YC0LOW Jo OK, Al, will listen for u
11:35:26 W5IZ Al YC0LOW I call CQ 1824.5 Jo
11:30:57 9M2AX ross yc0low still calling cq on
1.820.8,pse try.
11:28:51 W5IZ Al For some reason YC/YB blck hole from
11:26:50 9M2AX ross ur sig was same as yc0low strong.
gm 73.
11:25:44 W5IZ Al Thanks Ross, great sigs on quiet band
2240 yc1kkk 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo cq dx, GM
2158 vk6hd 1820.8 YC0LOW cq dx,band quiet, QRN down
22:51:47 VQ9LA Larry YC0LOW only thing heard on VQ9 so
2214 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 569
2238 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW GM Jo 579
2231 yb5aqb 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
22:24:13 CT1EEB Jose I can tell theres a signal in 27.3
but Jo is
a bit more readable in 21
22:23:30 YB5AQB Bob Can't hear LA3XI here either, not
good today
22:22:50 YB5AQB Bob Hi JJose, he is normally stronger
than me to
EU, still on 27.3 clg CQ til SR here
22:21:54 CT1EEB Jose Well Bob I can barely hear Jo
YC0LOW in 1821
22:08:29 YB5AQB Bob TX5 not hrd, EA8 and EY7 not heard,
a really
great morning!
21:49:07 YB5AQB Bob 27.3 CQ'n til SR at 22:50Z
2213 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx 569
2128 yb5aqb 1821.1 YC0LOW CQ'n - GM Jo
2126 py2ro 1818.5 YC0LOW could we try? 73
2117 es5q 1821.0 YC0LOW 339 QRN PEAKS S5
2101 ja6bjv 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2029 jh2fxk 1821.0 YC0LOW cq
20:00:39 ZS6WN Karel Vy weak Mitsu. Also Jo on 21 vy
1955 ua9yab 1821.0 YC0LOW cqing
1113 ve3do 1825.8 YC0LOW weak sr hr was 1048
1106 vk6hd 1825.8 YC0LOW cq dx
2221 vk6hd 1833.0 YC0LOW GM Jo
1059 vk3zl 1828.5 YC0LOW calling cq
2248 la3xi 1821.0 YC0LOW cq dx still 579
23:03:56 SM5DQC Osten gm jo bcnu!
23:03:36 YC0LOW Jo Tnx for qso and rprt to all. CU TMW.73
23:02:01 SM5DQC Osten Jo Here it's 01.01 Monday morning, hi
23:01:29 YC0LOW Jo now SR hr
23:01:11 SM5DQC Osten john Jo fading out totally here
23:01:08 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Jon ZJ, hope to make it
with u. will
be my genuine LP
23:00:12 VE1ZJ john YC0LOW I hrd u on 1821 (The VE1ZJ
locator is
FN96VE (QRB 15414 km, QTF 346°)).
22:59:53 SM5DQC Osten john must be close to SR at
YC0LOW, weaker
here now, was 579 last CQ
22:57:54 SM5DQC Osten John Yes, he is
22:57:27 VE1ZJ john he 339 hr Osten was 449 QSB now. Is
LOW on
22:56:29 SM5DQC Osten John YC0LOW wkng G3YRO
22:56:26 VE1ZJ john I hear him 339 ie LOW
22:55:57 G3PQA John yes
22:54:47 VE1ZJ john G3PQA is low wkg G3YRO?
22:50:57 VE1ZJ john Mike 589 on 80
22:49:34 SM5DQC Osten YC0LOW CQing 1821 but no answers
22:48:21 SM5DQC Osten Jo Your CQ now was up to 579
22:48:05 G3PQA John Tks John ZJ, Jo LOW excellent
signal. Bob AQB
559, yes Steve, condx good ,away from Auroral zone anyway.
22:47:36 YC0LOW Jo tnx Osten, glad to make it. almost
peak of my
22:46:42 SM5DQC Osten Jo You are getting stronger now
22:44:19 SM5DQC Osten Jo Thanks QSO!! SM6CLU calling
you now
22:43:32 VK6VZ Steve John - ur were louder on 160 than
on 80!!!!
22:40:22 G3PQA John fb Steve! YC1KKK on 25.5 clg CQ
22:40:18 SM5DQC Osten Jo Will call you when GI3
22:37:33 YC0LOW Jo ok, Osten. sure we'll make it soon.
Nw on 21
22:36:55 SM5DQC Osten Jo Wkd VK6ABL -he answered my CQ
22:36:01 SM5DQC Osten Jo Wks VK6ABL - will try with you
22:30:12 YC0LOW Jo vy weak, Osten
22:29:42 YC0LOW Jo yes, i think so. we used the same
freq for
calling, earlier
22:29:20 SM5DQC Osten Jo I'm calling CQ now on 1823
22:29:02 SM5DQC Osten Jo Someone was on 1821.5 giving
me 449,
probably PY2DO..
22:28:07 YC0LOW Jo no, Osten. we'll try agn
22:27:21 SM5DQC Osten No, but I think we wkd at
22:26:44 YC0LOW Jo now listening on 22. is it u?
22:25:50 SM5DQC Osten Jo On 1821.5 at 2153z
22:25:09 SM5DQC Osten Jo Did you copy me OK earlier?
22:24:54 YC0LOW Jo cq/sm5dqc yes, Osten
22:24:00 SM5DQC Osten Steve You are very strong here!!!
22:23:03 SM5DQC Osten Jo Are you here?
21:55:39 SM5DQC Osten sorry... can't type
21:55:24 SM5DQC Osten Should be Jo - dorry...
21:54:49 SM5DQC Osten Jon Tnx - I hop you got my
callsign OK, very
heavy QRN here!
21:22:16 YB5AQB Bob CQ 31.5 from now until SR in Batam
2258 ve1zj 1821.0 YC0LOW 449 at 2253Z qsb nw
2251 g3pqa 1816.0 YB5AQB Hi Bob, 559 a few mins ago
2247 sm5dqc 1821.0 YC0LOW CQ
2237 yb0dpo 1821.0 YC0LOW Jo CQing
2144 la3xi 1821.5 YC0LOW cq dx gm Jo 579
2140 yb5aqb 1821.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n GM
2127 yc0low 1824.0 YC1KKK clg cq
2215 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW GM Jo
2205 yb5aqb 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
2242 la3xi 1826.5 YC0LOW cq dx gm jo 559
2240 yb5aqb 1822.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n
2205 vk6hd 1822.5 YC0LOW cq
2211 yb5aqb 1825.7 YC0LOW CQ'n GM Jo
2210 yb0dpo 1824.3 YC0LOW Cq ,,, GM Jo :)
2207 vk6hd 1824.3 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2242 ua3tcj 1825.3 YC0LOW
2234 oh3xr 1825.6 YC0LOW cq
2147 yc1kkk 1825.5 YC0LOW cq dx 599 gm Jo
2135 zs6wn 1825.5 YC0LOW now here
2136 yc0low 1825.5 YC0LOW moved hr, nw. sri
2129 zs6wn 1824.5 YC0LOW cq same qrg zs1rec
16 Agustus 2006
2221 vk6hd 1825.1 YC0LOW cq dx
2205 yb5aqb 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ - GM Jo
13 Agustus 2006
2247 vk6vz 1824.5 YCOLOW cq dx
22:46:59 VK6VZ Steve Hi Jo - 579 on 1824.5 - will put you on
the cluster
2228 vk6hd 1824.4 YC0LOW cq, GM Jo
2211 yb5aqb 1824.5 YC0LOW Jo CQ DX
2143 yc0low 1824.5 VK6LC Tnx QSO, Keith
12 Agustus 2006
2211 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq gm 599
2105 vk3zl 1824.5 YC1LOW calling cq
11 Agustus 2006
2218 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW cq
10 Agustus 2006
2229 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW
9 Agustus 2006
2223 oh2rf 1824.5 YC0LOW 449
2209 vk6hd 1824.1 YC0LOW cq
8 Agustus 2006
perbaikan tiang bambu. naik menjadi 23.9m
7 Agustus 2006
2220 yb5aqb 1830.0 YC0LOW CQ'n - GM Jo
2211 yc0low 1824.5 YB5AQB Bob clg cq
1137 yb0dpo 1824.5 YC0LOW CQing
1129 yb5aqb 1824.4 YC0LOW Jo CQ'n
3 Agustus 2006
1222 vk6abl 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ
2 Agustus 2006
2236 vk6hd 1824.5 YC0LOW CQ, GM Jo
2135 vk3zl 1824.5 YC0LOW clng cq
29 Juli 2006
2245 oh3sr 1824.5 YC0LOW
2239 vk6hd 1825.0 YC0LOW CQ SA es DX
23 Juli 2006
2236 yc0low 1820.5 YB1AME clg cq
2212 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW still nice sign cq
2121 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq sa es dx fine jo 579
22 Juli 2006
2124 yb5aqb 1832.0 YC0LOW Jo CQ SA
1117 jh2fxk 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
19 Juli 2006
2208 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq dx 579
17 Juli 2006
22:39:31 YC0LOW Jo tnx info. couldn't cpi others well. maybe next month will be btr
22:38:05 G3ZES ALAN Best ive heard you, few calling
22:37:18 YC0LOW Jo Hi Alan, tnx for spotting. I have high noise hr. GE
22:34:44 G3ZES ALAN Gm / Ge All. Good copy Jo
2220 g3zes 1826.0 YC0LOW
16 Juli 2006
1125 jh2fxk 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
15Juli 2006
2205 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW oh yes rcvd it at mi Bru
2148 yc0low 1800.0 EA8AK GE Fer. do u get my card?
2140 ea8ak 1800.0 YC0LOW GM Johan, nothing heard to
2131 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice sign jo 579
2129 ua3tcj 1825.9 YC0LOW gud sigs but no copy EU
2108 sm5crv 1825.9 YC0LOW CQ
10 Juli 2006
2206 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq nice signal
5Juli 2006
2223 ua4hbw 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
24 Juni 2006
2253 vk6hd 1826.2 YC0LOW cq
2157 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW cq sa es dx 579
23 Juni 2006
2211 la3xi 1819.3 YB0ZEE clg la3xi sorry no tx
2210 la3xi 1819.3 YBOZEE 559 cq
2204 yc0low 1819.3 YB0ZEE calling dx
2159 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice 579
17 Juni 2006
2229 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO 2249Z
2228 py2ro 1826.1 YC0LOW pse ur SR???
2228 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO hpe to make it someday.73
2226 py2ro 1826.0 YC0LOW never mind Ill catch u, 73
2224 yc0low 1826.0 PY2RO difficult cpi, hr. next time
2223 py2ro 1831.6 SM5EDX 73 John, nice signal!
2215 py2ro 1826.0 YC0LOW booming keep trying
2210 py2nq 1826.0 PY2RO calling YC0LOW
2155 la3xi 1826.1 PY2RO cq 579 nice sign
2136 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOWcq sa es dx 599
11Juni 2006
1854 yc0low 1824.0 UA6LV VI9 isn't there :-(
1852 ua6lv 1824.0 YC0LOW FB sgnl also ! Where is VI9
1851 yc0low 1824.0 UA6LV tnx beautiful sig!
1845 ua6lv 1824.0 YC0LOW CQ building here
1821 vk3io 1824.0 YC0LOW cq dx
10 Juni 2006
2251 yc0low 1826.0 LA3XI mni tnx rprts, Svein
2246 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW comming up 599
2233 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice 569
3 Juni 2006
2247 py3sb 1828.0 YC0LOW sri
2227 vk6hd 1828.0 YC0LOW cq
2221 yc0low 1828.0 YC0LOW clg s. america/dx
2 Juni 2006
2215 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice signal
1 Juni 2006
2218 la3xi 1826.0 YC0LOW nice signal
31 Mei 2006
2235 vk6hd 1826.0 YC0LOW cq
28 Mei 2006
11:36:21 VK3ZL Bob sorry Jo....
11:36:05 VK3ZL Bob You are 459 here Bob
25 Mei 2006
2103 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx info, Svein.
2055 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq dx nice signal Jo
2048 rn4acq 1813.0 YC0LOW .strong QRM in EU
2044 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America/DX
24 Mei 2006
2130 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI Tnx rprt, Svein! GE
2127 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW nice signals cq dx
2123 py1bvy 1833.0 YC0LOW at 21.03utc better 549. Vy
2111 yc0low 1813.0 PY1BVY Hello, Ron!
2056 py1bvy 1813.0 YC0LOW I coping u Johan
2048 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America/DX
21 mei 2006
2247 ua4hbw 1822.0 VK6VZ
2247 yc0low 1813.0 RW3XX tnx Fanil, got ur rprt OK,559
2245 ea3aky 1824.0 CN2WW
2245 rw3xx 1813.0 YC0LOW tnx, but QRM in EU
2243 yc0low 1813.0 CX3CE r u clg in there?
2239 ua4hbw 1813.0 YC0LOW good sigs!
2240 vk6vz 1823.0 LA3XI Svein - big signal!!
2237 cx3ce 1813.0 YC0LOW hr vy noise pse go 1826 tnx
2235 rv1cc 1813.0 YC0LOW Jo , tks fer new one!!! Will
2222 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx, svein. peaking 599
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America & DX
2143 zp6cw 1825.0 PY5XH cq cq
2137 dj9va 1854.7 UA1CDZ
2126 yc0low 1821.0 YB1AME clg cq
22:49:11 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The UA4HBW locator is LO53KK (QRB 8445 km, QTF 329°).
22:43:49 UA4HBW Victor ok Jo, now u are louder abt 579
22:43:01 YC0LOW Jo Likewise , Vic! TNX sorry for QSB.
22:39:45 UA4HBW Victor Hello Jo! tnx for qso!
2222 yc0low 1813.0 LA3XI tnx, svein. peaking 5
2126 yb1ame on 1821
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America &DX
2219 Yb1ame qsy ke 1820
2209 la3xi 1813.0 YC0LOW cq 599
2158 yc0low 1813.0 YC0LOW clg S America & DX
2236 vk6hd 1824.2 YB1AME cq
2235 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2237 vk6hd 1813.1 YC0LOW cq
29/4/06 -> good antena performance!
1354 ja3fyc 1814.0 YC0LOW 579
1351 yc0low 1814.0 RA0ALM call corr
1349 ra0alm 1814.0 YC0LOW sri call ntx qso Vic de ra0alm
1348 yc0low 1814.0 RA0LM tnx topband qso, Vic
1347 ra0alm 1814.0 YB0LOW 549 cq
1337 yb5aqb 1814.0 YB0LOW Jo CQ'n
27/4/06, back on the air!
2228 vk6hd 1814.2 YC0LOW cq
24/4/06 s/d 26/4/06 antena rubuh kena angin
2203 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
2225 yc0low 1819.5 YB1A yb1a
2222 vk6hd 1827.1 LA3XI tnx Svein
2221 ua3agw 1813.5 YC0LOW yes condx is poor, Mike is onl
2218 yc0low 1800.0 UA3AGW nothing hrd on 15,back to 13.5
2215 ua3agw 1800.0 YC0LOW pse try 1815.0
2214 vk6hd 1832.0 YC0LOW GM Jo
2213 yc0low 1832.0 VK6HD gm mike
2212 vk6hd 1832.0 G3ZES GM Alan
2222 g3zes 1832.0 VK6HD Gm Mike
2209 vk6hd 1821.4 OH9RJ cq dx
2203 vk6hd 1813.5 YC0LOW cq
19 Apr 2006 (UTC)
2206 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 oz1lxj 1814.5 YC0LOW Still CQing
2251 ik4wma 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2258 g3pqa 1814.0 YC0LOW Poor condx.. Ross only 449
2214 vk6vz 1850.1 YC0KCI 59 CQing ssb - big sig
22:12:40 VK6VZ Steve G'day all - - have a listen for YC0MFS and YC0KCI on 1850.1 SSB - big signals here!
2238 yc0low 1850.0 YC0MFS
2239 ua9yab 1814.0 YC0LOW
22:53:23 ES5QX Juhan Jo YC0LOW, GM. You were good 459 here. RU contest splatter made copy impossible at times.
09/04/2006 Low Band Chat:
23:06:52 CT1EEB Jose U are not as strong as Jo, but I can hear you OK Bob
23:06:08 CT1EEB Jose Ok Bob Iam calling you now
23:05:06 YB5AQB Bob Jose I am 1818.4 lsn up 1 now, SR two min ago
23:04:42 CT1EEB Jose So I will be looking for you tomorrow again.
23:04:25 CT1EEB Jose CU agn tomorrow Jo, I will be happy to work Java in 160m., I have worked Sumatra before...
23:03:32 YC0LOW Jo CUAN TMW Jose, and all. Thanks for the thrills! 73
23:03:31 CT1EEB Jose 300 Watt is Ok for all bands, but for 160m. I find it difficult to work with less than a Killowat, Hi !
23:02:59 K3JJG Ed GE/GM All
23:02:58 CT1EEB Jose Iam using a 3CX1500A7 here Jo, but Iam stillrepiring the Linear amp.
23:02:04 YC0LOW Jo Jose, it'll be fine . I am using 100W for the last 2 months for a try. I have the working linear with paur of 3-500Z
23:00:21 CT1EEB Jose I have 300 watt now, next week I will have my 1.5 Kwatt back, Hi !
22:59:56 CT1EEB Jose I hear you strong Jo, but the Erupoeans keep calling
22:59:24 YC0LOW Jo My SR is over, now, Jose. Try agn tmw
22:55:48 YC0LOW Jo nil, Jose. only whispers
22:51:19 YC0LOW Jo okay, wil lsn
22:50:50 CT1EEB Jose try to listen for me Jo
22:49:26 YC0LOW Jo tnx rprt Jose
22:48:19 CT1EEB Jose JO YC0LOW u have a good signal in CT1 today!
22:44:31 YB5AQB Bob OZ popped up, otherwise just alphabet soup
22:44:17 ES5QX Juhan YC0LOW, where you?
22:43:49 YC0LOW Jo cq on 1814
22:41:02 ES5QX Juhan A mess it is. You strong, mni clg
22:36:33 YB5AQB Bob hrg only a mess, no calls resolved Juhan, QSB also faster now
22:35:49 VK6VZ Steve Hi Bob condix really strange - Oz1LXJ 599 further down the band!
22:35:42 ES5QX Juhan YB5AQB 589 with pileup
22:34:58 YB5AQB Bob not hrg u either Steve ;-)
22:33:55 VK6VZ Steve GM all. CQing on 1832
22:33:32 YB5AQB Bob not hrg Mike 'HD at all
22:26:28 SERVER message (YC0LOW) The ES5QX locator is KO38JJ (QRB 10032 km, QTF 329°).
22:25:01 YB5AQB Bob if more than one calling no chance with these conditions
22:19:57 YB5AQB Bob burble burble burble, DJ3, burble burble, QSB a mess
22:14:24 YB5AQB Bob hi noise here, S4 on RX S6/7 on TX but sigs peaking 449 once and a while
22:13:29 YC0LOW Jo ok, Bob. Make ur day. Band is okay, noise floor is S7 here,
22:12:32 YB5AQB Bob he up and down here Jo, finally got his call and 449
22:12:01 YC0LOW Jo i hrd him (TCJ) well, Bob.
22:09:37 YB5AQB Bob TCJ in and out, 449 on peaks, nobody else hrd
09/04/2006, K9USA dx cluster
2247 es5q 1814.0 YC0LOW
2245 oz1lxj 1814.0 YC0LOW CQ
2241 yc0low 1818.3 OZ1LXJ in qso w/ YB5AQB, vy strong
12/04/2006, K9USA dx cluster
2242 la6yea 1817.5 YB1A Tks new one 160m
2240 ve1zz 1817.5 YB1A 449
2229 ea8ak 1814.5 YB0A tnx AYUNG, my qsl mgr W3HNK,
2228 yc0low 1817.5 YB1A
2228 g4ptj 1826.0 R45G
2226 ea8ak 1814.5 YC0LOW clg cq cq 579
2219 es5q 1826.1 R45G
2217 yc0low 1814.5 EA8AK tnx qso, Fernando
2216 vk6hd 1818.4 9H1ZA CQ SA es DX
2214 vk6hd 1818.4 9H1ZA 459 thru QRN, GM Vlad
2202 g4ptj 1818.5 9H1ZA cq
2200 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
19 Apr 2006 (UTC)
2206 vk6hd 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
2243 oz1lxj 1814.5 YC0LOW Still CQing
2251 ik4wma 1814.5 YC0LOW cq
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