22 Juli 2012

CY9M pada Top Band, Mungkinkah?

AdvertisementSore hari kemarin (21/7), saya mendapat pesan email dari Bjorn SM0MDG tentang rencana dia dkk untuk mengaktifkan CY9M di St Paul Island, IOTA NA-094, pada pekan ini juga, 26 Juli sampai dengan 31 Juli 2012 (lihat kutipan utuh pesannya dalam Inggris, di bagian bawah).

Bjorn SM0MDG adalah mentor virtual saya untuk antena vertikal t-loaded pada band 160m setinggi tiang Spiderbeam 18m yang sejak 2008 hingga hari ini, kinerja antena buatan sendiri ini masih baik

Dua stasiun yang lokasinya dekat dengan CY9 adalah VE1ZZ (1997) dan VY2ZM (2012), berjarak sekitar 14 mil.
Saya sudah CFM keduanya.

Saya tidak yakin bisa berhasil karena pada musim ini, tidak ada kondisi common darknes antara lokasi kami. Tapi, siapa tahu ada sinyal lain dari Indonesia berhasil masuk ke sana pada saat Bjorn dkk beraksi pada 160m.

http://topbanddxdiindonesia.blogspot. com/2010/02/kondisi-propagasi-ke-na-dan-sa-yang.html



Jangan lupa kunjungi web-nya yang bagus www.cy9m.com

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Björn SM0MDG <bjorn@sm0mdg.com> wrote:

This Tuesday I am boarding my flight with destination Halifax, Nova Scotia, to be part of the 10 man team going to CY9 St Paul Island this week. I have gotten several requests from my Topband friends so I thought I hand out some brief information about our operation here.

CY9M will be active on Topband during the few dark hours we have available too us. We will use a top loaded vertical based on the 18 meter Spiderbeam pole with elevated radials.

Depending on WX we have zoomed in on two possible landing sites, one where we will have more space for antennas (Atlantic Cove) and the other will have less space but better takeoff in more directions (North Island). For RX we have prepared both for pennants and beverages and will use whats possible depending on location. We will use K3 radios and Acom 1011 amplifiers and DXE RX preamps.

A special thanks to the topbanders who contributed to offset our costs, including the support from TBDXC to help offset the costs for shipping an Acom amplifier to be used for topband.

Main operators on topband will be N2WB "Wild Bill", AB5EB Mike and me SM0MDG Björn.

Our activity on Topband will most likely commence in the evening of August 26 and we are schedule to leave St Paul August 1st, so last night will be July 31st. And as always, dates and times are dependent on weather and sea conditions.

Also worth mentioning is that we will have a dedicated 6 meter station with main operator VE3EN "Solarham" Kevin.

For more information about CY9M, please visit our website.


73 de Björn,